376 research outputs found

    Fuel Optimization in Multiple Diesel Driven Generator Power Plants

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    This paper presents two fuel optimization approaches for independent power producer (IPP) power plants consisting of multiple diesel driven generator sets (DGs). The optimization approaches utilize assumed information about the fuel consumption characteristics of each DG in an effort to demonstrate the potential benefits of acquiring such information. Reasonable variations in fuel consumption characteristics are based on measurements of a DG during restricted air filter flow operation. The two approaches are: (i) a gradient search approach capable of finding the optimal power generation for each DG in a fixed selection of DGs accommodating a given plant power reference and (ii) a genetic algorithm approach further capable of determining the optimal selection of DGs to operate in an IPP power plant. Both approaches show notable potential benefits, in terms of fuel savings, compared to current market-leading solutions

    Fuel Optimization in Multiple Diesel Driven Generator Power Plants

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    This paper presents two fuel optimization approaches for independent power producer (IPP) power plants consisting of multiple diesel driven generator sets (DGs). The optimization approaches utilize assumed information about the fuel consumption characteristics of each DG in an effort to demonstrate the potential benefits of acquiring such information. Reasonable variations in fuel consumption characteristics are based on measurements of a DG during restricted air filter flow operation. The two approaches are: (i) a gradient search approach capable of finding the optimal power generation for each DG in a fixed selection of DGs accommodating a given plant power reference and (ii) a genetic algorithm approach further capable of determining the optimal selection of DGs to operate in an IPP power plant. Both approaches show notable potential benefits, in terms of fuel savings, compared to current market-leading solutions

    Origin of the photoemission final-state effects in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 by very-low-energy electron diffraction

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    Very-low-energy electron diffraction with a support of full-potential band calculations is used to achieve the energy positions, K// dispersions, lifetimes and Fourier compositions of the photoemission final states in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 at low excitation energies. Highly structured final states explain the dramatic matrix element effects in photoemission. Intense c(2x2) diffraction reveals a significant extrinsic contribution to the shadow Fermi surface. The final-state diffraction effects can be utilized to tune the photoemission experiment on specific valence states or Fermi surface replicas.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett; major revision

    Photoionisation loading of large Sr+ ion clouds with ultrafast pulses

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    This paper reports on photoionisation loading based on ultrafast pulses of singly-ionised strontium ions in a linear Paul trap. We take advantage of an autoionising resonance of Sr neutral atoms to form Sr+ by two-photon absorption of femtosecond pulses at a wavelength of 431nm. We compare this technique to electron-bombardment ionisation and observe several advantages of photoionisation. It actually allows the loading of a pure Sr+ ion cloud in a low radio-frequency voltage amplitude regime. In these conditions up to 4x10^4 laser-cooled Sr+ ions were trapped

    On Physical Equivalence between Nonlinear Gravity Theories

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    We argue that in a nonlinear gravity theory, which according to well-known results is dynamically equivalent to a self-gravitating scalar field in General Relativity, the true physical variables are exactly those which describe the equivalent general-relativistic model (these variables are known as Einstein frame). Whenever such variables cannot be defined, there are strong indications that the original theory is unphysical. We explicitly show how to map, in the presence of matter, the Jordan frame to the Einstein one and backwards. We study energetics for asymptotically flat solutions. This is based on the second-order dynamics obtained, without changing the metric, by the use of a Helmholtz Lagrangian. We prove for a large class of these Lagrangians that the ADM energy is positive for solutions close to flat space. The proof of this Positive Energy Theorem relies on the existence of the Einstein frame, since in the (Helmholtz--)Jordan frame the Dominant Energy Condition does not hold and the field variables are unrelated to the total energy of the system.Comment: 37 pp., TO-JLL-P 3/93 Dec 199

    Bianchi type I space and the stability of inflationary Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space

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    Stability analysis of the Bianchi type I universe in pure gravity theory is studied in details. We first derive the non-redundant field equation of the system by introducing the generalized Bianchi type I metric. This non-redundant equation reduces to the Friedmann equation in the isotropic limit. It is shown further that any unstable mode of the isotropic perturbation with respect to a de Sitter background is also unstable with respect to anisotropic perturbations. Implications to the choice of physical theories are discussed in details in this paper.Comment: 5 pages, some comment adde

    Linear Paul trap design for an optical clock with Coulomb crystals

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    We report on the design of a segmented linear Paul trap for optical clock applications using trapped ion Coulomb crystals. For an optical clock with an improved short-term stability and a fractional frequency uncertainty of 10^-18, we propose 115In+ ions sympathetically cooled by 172Yb+. We discuss the systematic frequency shifts of such a frequency standard. In particular, we elaborate on high precision calculations of the electric radiofrequency field of the ion trap using the finite element method. These calculations are used to find a scalable design with minimized excess micromotion of the ions at a level at which the corresponding second- order Doppler shift contributes less than 10^-18 to the relative uncertainty of the frequency standard

    On Higher Order Gravities, Their Analogy to GR, and Dimensional Dependent Version of Duff's Trace Anomaly Relation

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    An almost brief, though lengthy, review introduction about the long history of higher order gravities and their applications, as employed in the literature, is provided. We review the analogous procedure between higher order gravities and GR, as described in our previous works, in order to highlight its important achievements. Amongst which are presentation of an easy classification of higher order Lagrangians and its employment as a \emph{criteria} in order to distinguish correct metric theories of gravity. For example, it does not permit the inclusion of only one of the second order Lagrangians in \emph{isolation}. But, it does allow the inclusion of the cosmological term. We also discuss on the compatibility of our procedure and the Mach idea. We derive a dimensional dependent version of Duff's trace anomaly relation, which in \emph{four}-dimension is the same as the usual Duff relation. The Lanczos Lagrangian satisfies this new constraint in \emph{any} dimension. The square of the Weyl tensor identically satisfies it independent of dimension, however, this Lagrangian satisfies the previous relation only in three and four dimensions.Comment: 30 pages, added reference

    A reassessment of Kelmayisaurus petrolicus, a large theropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of China

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    The Early Cretaceous fossil record of large−bodied theropods from Asia is poor, hindering comparison of Asian predatory dinosaur faunas with those from other continents. One of the few large Asian theropod specimens from this interval is a partial skull (maxilla and dentary) from the Lianmugin Formation (?Valanginian–Albian), the holotype of Kelmayisaurus petrolicus. Most authors have either considered this specimen as an indeterminate basal tetanuran or a nomen dubium. Weredescribe K. petrolicus and note that it possesses a single autapomorphy (a deep accessory groove on the lateral surface of the anterior dentary), as well as a unique combination of characters that differentiates it from other theropods, affirming its validity. A phylogenetic analysis recovers K. petrolicus as a basal carcharodontosaurid, which is supported by various features: very deep interdental plates (a carcharodontosaurid synapomorphy), fused interdental plates (present in carchardontosaurids and a limited number of other theropods), and the absence of diagnostic features of other clades of large−bodied theropods such as abelisaurids, megalosauroids, and coelurosaurs. As such, Kelmayisaurus is the second known carcharodontosaurid from Asia, and further evidence that this clade represented a global radiation of large−bodied predators during the Early–mid Cretaceous