368 research outputs found

    Evaluation of unique identifiers used as keys to match identical publications in Pure and SciVal:a case study from health science

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    Unique identifiers (UID) are seen as an effective key to match identical publications across databases or identify duplicates in a database. The objective of the present study is to investigate how well UIDs work as match keys in the integration between Pure and SciVal, based on a case with publications from the health sciences. We evaluate the matching process based on information about coverage, precision, and characteristics of publications matched versus not matched with UIDs as the match keys. We analyze this information to detect errors, if any, in the matching process. As an example we also briefly discuss how publication sets formed by using UIDs as the match keys may affect the bibliometric indicators number of publications, number of citations, and the average number of citations per publication.  The objective is addressed in a literature review and a case study. The literature review shows that only a few studies evaluate how well UIDs work as a match key. From the literature we identify four error types: Duplicate digital object identifiers (DOI), incorrect DOIs in reference lists and databases, DOIs not registered by the database where a bibliometric analysis is performed, and erroneous optical or special character recognition. The case study explores the use of UIDs in the integration between the databases Pure and SciVal. Specifically journal publications in English are matched between the two databases. We find all error types except erroneous optical or special character recognition in our publication sets. In particular the duplicate DOIs constitute a problem for the calculation of bibliometric indicators as both keeping the duplicates to improve the reliability of citation counts and deleting them to improve the reliability of publication counts will distort the calculation of average number of citations per publication. The use of UIDs as a match key in citation linking is implemented in many settings, and the availability of UIDs may become critical for the inclusion of a publication or a database in a bibliometric analysis

    Applying the Leiden Manifesto principles in practice:commonalities and differences in interpretation

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    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.0px 'Times New Roman'} The Leiden Manifesto (LM) is changing how we think about and use metrics [1]. Bibliometric evaluation is explained as a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, allowing the use of different metrics, disciplinary knowledge and research performance strategies. Both bibliometricians and consumers of bibliometrics are encouraged to communicate and use the LM principles to acknowledge what they know and do not know, what is measured and what is not measured, thus legitimizing the use of the metrics. However, in our previous study, we observed that it is unclear how the LM principles should be interpreted [2, 3]. We suspect that subjective interpretations of the principles do not correlate. To investigate the reliability and validity of the LM, the present study presents a systematic review of bibliometric reports that apply the LM principles. Reports are retrieved from the LM blog [4], Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Each principle and its interpretation is coded in NVivo, whereafter we explore the degree of agreement in the interpretations across the reports. We find that for some principles, e.g. principle 1, the interpretations are well aligned. For other principles, e.g. principle 3, the interpretations differ but may be seen as complementary. We also observe that interpretations can overlap and thus the redundancy of the principles needs to be further investigated, e.g. principle 3 and 6. We conclude that at least for some of the LM principles, the reliability appears weak as the range of interpretations are wide, however complementary. Furthermore, some of the interpretations are applied for more principles, which may point to weak validity. Further research on the reliability and the validity of the LM will be essential to establish guidance in implementing the LM in practice. </p

    Verdistyring, budsjetter og organisasjonsstruktur i nordnorske smÄ- og mellomstore bedrifter. En kvantitativ studie av styringspakken

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    SAMMENDRAG Utforming og bruk av styringssystemer i organisasjoner er et sentralt tema innenfor fagomrĂ„det Ăžkonomistyring, og det har over tid pĂ„gĂ„tt en debatt rundt konseptet om styringspakker. Malmi og Brown (2008) presenterte gjennom artikkelen ”Management control systems as a package- Opportunities, challenges and research directions”, et bredt generisk rammeverk som gjĂžr det mulig Ă„ forske empirisk pĂ„ hele styringspakker. Jeg har imidlertid begrenset min forskning til tre av delsystemene som inngĂ„r i styringspakkens hovedmekanismer, og studiens problemstilling er: ”Hvilke sammenhenger er det mellom verdistyring, budsjetter og organisasjonsstruktur i nordnorske bedrifter?” For Ă„ svare pĂ„ problemstillingen valgte jeg gjennom en kvantitativ tilnĂŠrming Ă„ sende en nettbasert spĂžrreundersĂžkelse til alle nordnorske bedrifter med mellom 1 og 250 ansatte. Data ble samlet inn i mars 2017, og spĂžrreundersĂžkelsen ble sendt ut til 7966 bedrifter basert pĂ„ fastsatte kriterier. For Ă„ belyse sammenhengene mellom styringssystemene, i lys av de kontekstuelle faktorene stĂžrrelse og usikkerhet i omgivelser, var det fĂžrst og fremst nĂždvendig Ă„ undersĂžke hvilken budsjettpraksis som eksisterer i de nordnorske bedriftene. Sentrale funn i studien er at den nordnorske styringspakken fortrinnsvis bestĂ„r av en kombinasjon av produktdifferensiering, tradisjonell budsjettpraksis og en viss grad av desentralisering. StĂžrrelse og usikkerhet i omgivelser har betydning for hvorvidt de nordnorske bedriftene bruker budsjetter, og bedriftene sĂžker fortrinnsvis forutsigbarhet i sin Ăžkonomistyring. Jeg finner stĂžtte for enkelte sammenhenger mellom bedriftenes styringssystemer, mens andre sammenhenger er fravĂŠrende, noe som tyder pĂ„ at de nordnorske bedriftene i trĂ„d med Malmi og Brown (2008) har ulike styringspakker som ikke nĂždvendigvis har en optimal tilpasning til hverandre, slik som tilpasning omtales i betingelsesteorien. Studien viser fremfor alt at det er behov for mer forskning pĂ„ sammenhenger og koblinger mellom styringssystemene i rammeverket til Malmi og Brown (2008)

    Pyramidal Atoms: Berylliumlike Hollow States

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    Based on the idea that four excited electrons arrange themselves around the nucleus in the corners of a pyramid in order to minimize their mutual repulsion, we present an analytical model of quadruply excited states. The model shows excellent comparison with ab initio results and provides a clear physical picture of the intrinsic motion of the four electrons. The model is used to predict configuration-mixing fractions and spectra of these highly correlated states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Big Changes in How Students are Tested

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    For the past decade, school accountability has relied on tests for which the essential format has remained unchanged. Educators are familiar with the yearly testing routine: schools are given curriculum frameworks, teachers use the frameworks to guide instruction, students take one big test at year’s end which relies heavily upon multiple-choice bubble items, and then school leaders wait anxiously to find out whether enough of their students scored at or above proficiency to meet state standards. All this will change with the adoption of Common Core standards. Testing and accountability aren’t going away. Instead, they are developing and expanding in ways that aim to address many of the present shortcomings of state testing routines. Most importantly, these new tests will be computer-based. As such, they will potentially shorten testing time, increase tests’ precision, and provide immediate feedback to students and teachers

    DMI Report 21-17 Including a dynamic Greenland Ice Sheet in the EC-Earth global climate model

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    Recent observations have indicated rapidly increasing mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet. To explore the interactions and feedbacks of the ice sheets in the climate system, it is important to develop coupled climate-ice sheet models. The integration of an ice sheet model in a global model is challenging, and, currently, relatively few climate models include a two-way coupling to a dynamical ice sheet model. In this work package, we have continued developing the coupled ice sheet-climate model system comprising the global climate model EC-Earth and the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) for Greenland. The new model system, EC-Earth3-GrIS, is upgraded to include the recent model versions, EC-Earth3 and PISM version 1.2. In addition, a new module has been developed to handle the exchange of information between the ice sheet model and EC-Earth using the OASIS3- MCT software interface. The new module reads output from the ice sheet model and exchanges the fields with the relevant EC-Earth components. The ice sheet mask and topography are provided to the atmosphere and land surface components. The heat and freshwater fluxes from basal melt and ice discharge are provided to the ocean module via the runoff-mapper that routes surface runoff into the ocean. The new module also prepares the forcing fields for the ice sheet model, i.e., subsurface temperature and surface mass balance. These fields are calculated in EC- Earth3 using a land ice surface parameterization, developed explicitly for the Greenland ice sheet. The parameterization contains a responsive snow and ice albedo scheme and includes land ice characteristics in the calculation of heat and energy transfer at the surface. Experiments with and without the land ice surface parameterization have been carried out for preindustrial and present-day conditions to assess the influence of the surface parameterization on the calculated surface mass balance. The results show that the ice sheet responds stronger and more realistically to forcing changes when the new surface parameterization is used. Besides the model development, the results from experiments with the first model version, EC- Earth-PISM, have been analyzed. These results stress that a decent surface scheme with a responsive snow albedo scheme is necessary for investigating mass balance changes of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Overall, our results indicate that the feedbacks induced by the interactive ice sheet have a significant influence on Arctic climate change under warming conditions. In warm scenarios where the CO2 level is raised to four times the preindustrial level, the coupled model has a colder Arctic surface, a fresher ocean, and more sea-ice in winter
