48 research outputs found

    Understanding differences in North Atlantic poleward ocean heat transport and its variability in global climate models

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    The ocean heat transport from the North Atlantic to the Barents Sea impacts the sea ice extent and the energy budget of the Arctic. The analyzed climate models from the fifth (CMIP5) and sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project show large intermodel differences in the ocean heat transport with biases of several Terawatts at the Iceland-Scotland Ridge and Barents Sea Opening (BSO). While both model generations show a large spread in mean volume transports, in CMIP6 temperatures are more homogeneous and realistic, yielding heat transports closer to observations. On all time scales, changes in heat transport reflect changes in volume transport, while temperature changes affect the heat transport variability on longer time scales, especially at the BSO. The temporal variability of heat and volume transports is linked to wind forcing south of Iceland and along the Norwegian coast in all models but has different magnitudes.publishedVersio

    Suppressed eddy driving during southward excursions of the North Atlantic jet on synoptic to seasonal time scales

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    Jet streams shape midlatitude weather and climate. The North Atlantic jet is mainly eddy‐driven, with frequent north–south excursions on synoptic time scales arising from eddy forcings and feedbacks. There are, however, special periods during which the underlying dynamics appear to change—for example, winter 2009/2010, when the jet was persistently southward‐shifted, extremely zonal, and more thermally driven. This study shows evidence that the southern jet configuration exhibits altered dynamical behavior involving a shift in the balance of thermal and eddy‐driving processes, independent of timescale. Specifically, southern jets exhibit weaker eddy feedbacks and are associated with enhanced heating in the tropical Pacific. During winter 2009/2010, a remarkably frequent (66 days out of the 90‐day winter season) and persistent southern jet shaped the unusual seasonal signature. These results bridge the synoptic and climate perspectives of jet variability, with potential to help understand and reduce biases in regional climate variability as simulated by models.publishedVersio

    Mechanisms of regional winter sea-ice variability in a warming arctic

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    The Arctic winter sea ice cover is in retreat overlaid by large internal variability. Changes to sea ice are driven by exchange of heat, momentum, and freshwater within and between the ocean and the atmosphere. Using a combination of observations and output from the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble, we analyze and contrast present and future drivers of the regional winter sea ice cover. Consistent with observations and previous studies, we find that for the recent decades ocean heat transport though the Barents Sea and Bering Strait is a major source of sea ice variability in the Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the Arctic, respectively. Future projections show a gradually expanding footprint of Pacific and Atlantic inflows highlighting the importance of future Atlantification and Pacification of the Arctic Ocean. While the dominant hemispheric modes of winter atmospheric circulation are only weakly connected to the sea ice, we find distinct local atmospheric circulation patterns associated with present and future regional sea ice variability in the Atlantic and Pacific sectors, consistent with heat and moisture transport from lower latitudes. Even if the total freshwater input from rivers is projected to increase substantially, its influence on simulated sea ice is small in the context of internal variability.publishedVersio

    The link between eddy-driven jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector

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    This study reconciles two perspectives on wintertime atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic–European sector: the zonal‐mean framework comprising three preferred locations of the eddy‐driven jet (southern, central, northern), and the weather regime framework comprising four classical North Atlantic‐European regimes (Atlantic ridge AR, zonal ZO, European/Scandinavian blocking BL, Greenland anticyclone GA). A k‐means clustering algorithm is used to characterize the two‐dimensional variability of the eddy‐driven jet stream, defined by the lower tropospheric zonal wind in the ERA‐Interim reanalysis. The first three clusters capture the central jet and northern jet, along with a new mixed‐jet configuration; a fourth cluster is needed to recover the southern jet. The mixed cluster represents a split or strongly tilted jet, neither of which is well described in the zonal‐mean framework, and has a persistence of about one week, similar to the other clusters. Connections between the preferred jet locations and weather regimes are corroborated – southern to GA, central to ZO, and northern to AR. In addition, the new mixed cluster is found to be linked to European/Scandinavian blocking, whose relation to the eddy‐driven jet was previously unclear.publishedVersio

    Reconstructing winter climate anomalies in the Euro-Atlantic sector using circulation patterns

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    The efficacy of Euro-Atlantic circulation regimes for estimating wintertime climate anomalies (precipitation and surface temperature) over Europe is assessed. A comparison of seasonal climate reconstructions from two different regime frameworks (cluster analysis of the low-level zonal flow, and traditional blocking indices) is presented and contrasted with seasonal reconstructions using the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The reconstructions are quantitatively evaluated using correlations and the coefficient of efficiency, accounting for misfit in phase and amplitude. The skill of the various classifications in reconstructing seasonal anomalies depends on the variable and region of interest. The jet and blocking regimes are found to capture more spatial structure in seasonal precipitation anomalies over Europe than the NAO, with the jet framework showing generally better skill relative to the blocking indices. The reconstructions of temperature anomalies have lower skill than those for precipitation, with the best results for temperature obtained by the NAO for high-latitude and by the blocking framework for southern Europe. All methods underestimate the magnitude of seasonal anomalies due to the large variability in precipitation and temperature within each classification pattern.publishedVersio

    Dynamical drivers of Greenland blocking in climate models

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    Blocking over Greenland is known to lead to strong surface impacts, such as ice sheet melting, and a change in its future frequency can have important consequences. However, as previous studies demonstrated, climate models underestimate the blocking frequency for the historical period. Even though some improvements have recently been made, the reasons for the model biases are still unclear. This study investigates whether models with realistic Greenland blocking frequency in winter have a correct representation of its dynamical drivers, most importantly, cyclonic wave breaking (CWB). Because blocking is a rare event and its representation is model-dependent, we use a multi-model large ensemble. We focus on two models that show typical Greenland blocking features, namely a ridge over Greenland and an equatorward-shifted jet over the North Atlantic. ECHAM6.3-LR has the best representation of CWB of the models investigated but only the second best representation of Greenland blocking frequency, which is underestimated by a factor of 2. While MIROC5 has the most realistic Greenland blocking frequency, it also has the largest (negative) CWB frequency bias, suggesting that another mechanism leads to blocking in this model. Composites over Greenland blocking days show that the present and future experiments of each model are very similar to each other in both amplitude and pattern and that there is no significant change in Greenland blocking frequency in the future. However, these projected changes in blocking frequency are highly uncertain as long as the mechanisms leading to blocking formation and maintenance in models remain poorly understood.publishedVersio

    Control of Barents Sea wintertime cyclone variability by large-scale atmospheric flow

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    Extratropical cyclones transport heat and moisture into the Arctic, which can promote surface warming and sea ice melt. We investigate wintertime cyclone variability in the Barents Sea region to understand what controls the impacts, frequency, and path of cyclones at high latitudes. Large‐scale atmospheric conditions are found to be key, with the strongest surface warming from cyclones originating south of 60°N in the North Atlantic and steered northeastward by the upper‐level flow. Atmospheric conditions also control cyclone variability in the Barents proper: Months with many cyclones are characterized by an absence of high‐latitude blocking and enhanced local baroclinicity, due to the presence of strong upper‐level winds and a southwest‐northeast tilted jet stream more than changes in sea ice. This study confirms that Arctic cyclones exhibit large interannual variability, and accounting for this variability reveals that trends in Barents cyclone frequency are not robust over the 1979–2018 period.publishedVersio

    Rapid response of the Norwegian Atlantic Slope Current to wind forcing

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    Under embargo until: 2023-07-11We explore drivers of variability in the Norwegian Atlantic Slope Current, which carries relatively warm Atlantic Water toward the Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean, using Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) satellite altimetry data and TOPAZ4 ocean reanalysis data. Previous studies have pointed to a variety of causes, on a variety of time scales. We use data with daily resolution to investigate day-to-day changes in ocean transport across three sections crossing the shelf-slope of Norway (Svinøy, Gimsøy, and the Barents Sea Opening). The highest (lowest) extremes in transport at all sections develop over two days as a cyclonic (anticyclonic) atmospheric pressure system approaches from the southwest, piling up (extracting) water at the coast of Norway. The actual peak is reached when the pressure system passes the site of measurement, and the transport then relaxes for the next two days as the system continues northward along the coast. Other sources of short-term variability, such as propagating continental shelf waves and baroclinic instability, are unlikely to yield covariability over large separations. Monthly variability in the current can also be explained by passing weather systems since their numbers and intensity vary greatly from month to month. Many studies of longer-term variability, especially in the Barents Sea Opening, have pointed to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) as the main cause of variability. Our results show that passing weather systems offer a better explanation of month-to-month variability.publishedVersio