362 research outputs found

    Growth response and survival of F1 hybrid fry of Heterobranchus longifilis and Clarias gariepinus reared in glass aquaria and plastic basins

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    The growth response of F1 hybrid fry of female Heterobranchus longifilis and male Clarias gariepinus were investigated under laboratory conditions in glass aquaria glass tanks and plastic basins. The larvae were produced artificially after inducement with Ovarptim. The hatching percentage was very high. Weekly mean length and weight were monitored for 6 weeks. The average length increase was higher in aquaria glass tanks than in plastic basins. However, there were depressed and irregular weight increases in both types of rearing troughs while significant weight increase (P<0.05) was recorded at week 6 in the plastic basin. Generally, the growth rate and survival in both containers were not significantly differen

    A level-crossing approach to waiting times in M/M/C queues with priorities.

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    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kependudukan Berbasis Client Server

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    Desa Blatatatin merupakan instansi pemerintahan yang mengurus administrasi kependudukan sebagai bentuk pelayanan terhadap masyarakat dan memenuhi urusan desa. Pelayanan administrasi kependudukan Desa Blatatatin seperti pembuatan surat keterangan masih menggunakan Microsoft Word dan pembuatan laporan penduduk masih menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Pengolahan data seperti ini memiliki banyak kelemahan seperti&nbsp; kurang efektif dan efisien karena membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk pembuatan surat keterangan dan pencarian data penduduk, kurang akuratnya data pada surat keterangan, pembuatan laporan yang lamban karena penyimpanan data yang kurang terorganisir dengan baik. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada maka penulis mengambil judul “Perancangan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan Berbasis Client Server (Studi Kasus : Desa Blatatatin). Dengan adanya aplikasi sistem informasi yang dibangun&nbsp; dapat mempermudah pegawai Desa Blatatatin dalam mengolah&nbsp; data penduduk

    Fast nuclear staining of head hair roots as a screening method for successful STR analysis in forensics

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    The success rate of STR profiling of hairs found at a crime scene is quite low and negative results of hair analysis are frequently reported. To increase the success rate of DNA analysis of hairs in forensics, nuclei in hair roots can be counted after staining the hair root with DAPI. Two staining methods were tested: a longer method with two 1 h incubations in respectively a DAPI-and a wash-solution, and a fast, direct staining of the hair root on microscope slides. The two staining methods were not significantly different. The results of the STR analysis for both procedures showed that 20 nuclei are necessary to obtain at least partial STR profiles. When more than 50 nuclei were counted, full STR profiles were always obtained. In 96% of the cases where no nuclei were detected, no STR profile could be obtained. However, 4% of the DAPI-negative hair roots resulted in at least partial STR profiles. Therefore, each forensic case has to be evaluated separately in function of the importance of the evidential value of the found hair. The fast staining method was applied in 36 forensic cases on 279 hairs in total. A fast screening method using DAPI can be used to increase the success rate of hair analysis in forensics


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    Kemiringan lahan merupakan faktor  pembatas pada suatu lahan dalam melakukan usahatani jagung. Perbedaan kemiringan  yang terjadi pada setiap  lahan mempengaruhi proses pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman jagung yang pada akhirnya mempengaruhi pendapatan petani, karena kemiringan  merupakan salah satu penentu terhadap usahatani jagung dan selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi pendapatan.Pendapatan dari usahatani jagung, memberikan arahan mengenai kelayakan ekonomi dalam memanfaatkan komoditas jagung yang diusahakan pada lahan yang miring. Karena kombinasi antara kemiringan lahan dan kelayakan ekonomi akan menentukan potensi pemanfaatan dari tanaman jagung yang akan diusahakan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1) mengetahui  pendapatan petani dalam melakukan usahatani jagung di berbagai kemiringan lahan, 2)  menentukan batas kemiringan lahan yang baik atau layak untuk usahatani jagung. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Timbuseng Kecamatan Pattallassang Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, dengan menggunakan metode survei dan penanaman jagung di lapangan. Tahapan penelitian terdiri atas: (1) pengamatan tanah di lapangan dilakukan pada titik-titik pengamatan, penentuan titik pengamatan berdasarkan lahan bekas penanaman jagung, (2) pengamatan pada setiap tingkat kemiringan lahan (mulai dari 3 sampai 8 persen sampai lebih dari 25 persen), (3) penanaman jagung dilakukan pada berbagai kemiringan  lahan (4) pengamatan produksi jagung dilakukan secara ubinan (2,5 x 2,5 meter) kemudian dikonversi dalam satuan hektar, (5) analisis ekonomi dilakukan untuk mengetahui pendapatan dari usahatani jagung dan tingkat kelayakan dianalisis dengan menggunakan R/C rasio.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kelerengan yang terdapat di lokasi penelitian bervariasi, mulai dari 3 persen sampai lebih dari 25 persen,  dan memberikan hasil atau produktivitas dan pendapatan yang berbeda-beda.  Secara umum pendapatan yang diperoleh pada lahan yang miring yaitu sebesar Rp. 11.438.375, dan masih layak untuk dilakukan usaha tani jagung (R/C rasio 1,78). Pada setiap kemiringan lahan memberikan pendapatan yang bervariasi, dimana pada kemiringan 3 sampai 8 persen pendapatan rata-rata yang diperoleh sebesar Rp. 10.366.000, kemudian 8 sampai 15 persen sebesar Rp. 13.678.000, 15 sampai 25 persen sebesar Rp. 11.631.000 dan pada kemiringan lebih dari 25 persen sebesar Rp. 10.174.333.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu; 1). pendapatan petani dari usahatani jagung pada berbagai kemiringan lahan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 11.438.375.  2). Batas kemiringan lahan yang terbaik atau layak untuk usahatani jagung yaitu pada kemiringan 08 – 15 persen (pendapatan Rp. 13.678.000 dengan R/C rasio 1,79). Kata Kunci:  pendapatan , usahatani jagung, dan kemiringan lahan  

    Automatic detection of spermatozoa for laser capture microdissection

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    In sexual assault crimes, differential extraction of spermatozoa from vaginal swab smears is often ineffective, especially when only a few spermatozoa are present in an overwhelming amount of epithelial cells. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) enables the precise separation of spermatozoa and epithelial cells. However, standard sperm-staining techniques are non-specific and rely on sperm morphology for identification. Moreover, manual screening of the microscope slides is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Here, we describe an automated screening method to detect spermatozoa stained with Sperm HY-LITER (TM). Different ratios of spermatozoa and epithelial cells were used to assess the automatic detection method. In addition, real postcoital samples were also screened. Detected spermatozoa were isolated using LCM and DNA analysis was performed. Robust DNA profiles without allelic dropout could be obtained from as little as 30 spermatozoa recovered from postcoital samples, showing that the staining had no significant influence on DNA recovery

    My-Forensic-Loci-queries (MyFLq) framework for analysis of forensic STR data generated by massive parallel sequencing

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    Forensic scientists are currently investigating how to transition from capillary electrophoresis (CE) to massive parallel sequencing (MPS) for analysis of forensic DNA profiles. MPS offers several advantages over CE such as virtually unlimited multiplexy of loci, combining both short tandem repeat (STR) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci, small amplicons without constraints of size separation, more discrimination power, deep mixture resolution and sample multiplexing. We present our bioinformatic framework My-Forensic-Loci-queries (MyFLq) for analysis of MPS forensic data. For allele calling, the framework uses a MySQL reference allele database with automatically determined regions of interest (ROIs) by a generic maximal flanking algorithm which makes it possible to use any STR or SNP forensic locus. Python scripts were designed to automatically make allele calls starting from raw MPS data. We also present a method to assess the usefulness and overall performance of a forensic locus with respect to MPS, as well as methods to estimate whether an unknown allele, which sequence is not present in the MySQL database, is in fact a new allele or a sequencing error. The MyFLq framework was applied to an Illumina MiSeq dataset of a forensic Illumina amplicon library, generated from multilocus STR polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on both single contributor samples and multiple person DNA mixtures. Although the multilocus PCR was not yet optimized for MPS in terms of amplicon length or locus selection, the results show excellent results for most loci. The results show a high signal-to-noise ratio, correct allele calls, and a low limit of detection for minor DNA contributors in mixed DNA samples. Technically, forensic MPS affords great promise for routine implementation in forensic genomics. The method is also applicable to adjacent disciplines such as mitochondrial DNA research

    New insights into name category-related effects: is the Age of Acquisition a possible factor?

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: Electrophysiological, hemodynamic and neuropsychological studies have provided evidence of dissociation in the way words belonging to different semantic categories (e.g., animals, tools, actions) are represented in the brain. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a word&apos;s semantic domain may affect the amplitude and latency of ERP components, independently of any other factor. Methods: EEGs were recorded from 16 volunteers engaged in a lexical decision task (word/nonword discrimination) involving 100 words (flora and fauna names). This task allowed us to evaluate differences in processing between words belonging to different categories (fauna vs. flora) independently of task demands. All stimuli were balanced in terms of length, frequency of occurrence, familiarity and imageability. Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) was performed on ERP difference waves of interest. Results: Our findings showed that the two categories were discriminated as early as 200 ms poststimulus, with larger responses to flora names over the left occipito-temporal areas, namely BA3
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