15 research outputs found


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    A serious challenge which is faced by teachers is educating character and bringing norms being practiced by the society into the classrooom, and English teacher is no exception. The challenge makes IndonesianEducation is very dynamic as everything dealing with normsis always thethe concern and developed by scholars, parents as well as the government. Some scholars propose to foster English teachers as models of practicing norms, while some others think to integrate norms into teaching materials. The second thought invites curriousity on how the writer of English textbook supports the recent concern on norms, and the research on it becomes very important to do. Therefore the research dealing with several reading passages in the English Textbook was done. The design was descriptive qualitative which aimed at investigating whether the writer of English textbook integrates norms in reading passages he/ she wrote. The data was norms, while the data sources were reading passages in the 2015-English Textbook developed by The Ministry of Education and Culture. The result describes that norms of trust, discipline, respect to others and self-confidence were found in reading passages. It can be then concluded that the writer of English textbook integratesnorms in the text he/ she writes. The results of the research implies not only the seriousness of scholars, parents and government in fostering character education, but also the support and care of textbook writer in succeeding the education.It is therefore suggested to teachers, scholars as well as book writer to always concern with the society’s need in developing education, especially in sharing the existed and practiced norms

    Recognizing The Meta-Function Of News Item

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    Language is a means of communication which has two main systems, i.e. system of form and meaning. The meanings realized by language are textual and contextual meaning. Therefore, language cannot be separated from its context of use. This study investigates how context of situation influences the use of language, more specifically, in the perspective of language meta-function concept. The language that is used in news items, like daily newspaper also has certain characteristic which is influenced by the author (the writer) and the socio- political situation of the society. The objective of the research is to describe how ideational meaning is realized in the Jakarta Post headline news on the fuel increasing issue. The research is a text analysis by using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) theory which cover (1) the classification imbedded in the phase sequences, (2) the sequences of events in the phases, (3) The sequences of events of the Jakarta Post Headline News on fuel price- increasing issue in April 2012, which are specifically concerned with the process and (4) how people and thing are attributed in the text


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    The objective of this study was to analyze the principal's academic supervision and teacher's work motivation toward the performance state elementary school teachers in Undaan District, Kudus Regency. This research is correlational research with a quantitative approach. The independent variables determined were the principal's academic supervision and teacher's work motivation, while the dependent variable observed was teacher performance. The study was conducted in 33 state elementary schools in Undaan district, Kudus Regency with a sample of 181 respondents. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis was performed statistically using descriptive statistical analysis, prerequisite analysis, and final analysis for hypothesis testing. The results of the study found that (1) the principal's academic supervision has a significant effect of 10.10% toward the performance state elementary school teachers in Undaan District, Kudus Regency; (2) the teacher's work motivation has a significant effect of 37.40% toward the performance state elementary school teachers in Undaan District, Kudus Regency; and (3) the principal's academic supervision and teacher's work motivation has a significant effect of 38.40% toward the performance state elementary school teachers in Undaan District, Kudus Regency


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    Globalization can lead to language contact or connectedness. As a result, code-mixing has become a common phenomenon in various age categories, especially from teenagers to adults in the captions of K-pop fans on Twitter. Based on that issue, this research aims to find the codes, identify the types of code mixing, and analyze the functions of code mixing used in K-Pop Fans’ captions on Twitter. This research belongs to a qualitative study. There were captions of K-Pop fans on Twitter aged 17 – 25 and 26 – 40 from January to March 2023. The results of this research were; first, the code used to combine language in K-pop fans captions on Twitter from January to March 2023 in each age category are Indonesian, English, Korean, and Japanese. Second, Insertion is the most common type of code mixing used in each age category. Third, the most common function of code mixing that K-pop fans used in each age category is expressing ideas easily. Based on the results, the researcher suggested that when teaching sociolinguistics, teachers can provide examples related to technology applications or themes that are trending in society, such as the phenomenon of code-mixing on Twitter. So, students can think critically to understand the subject and enjoy how it is presented as it relates to the immediate environment.Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Code Mixing, K-Pop Fans, Twitter

    The Mastery of Writing Texts of The Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School in Kudus of the 2011/2012, Taught by Using Authentic Texts and Texts Available on Students' Textbooks

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    The teaching of English in Indonesia has been bounded up with genre, meaning that text-based materials are the core of the development of the teaching and learning process. The teaching atmosphere make teachers to think of the use of authentic texts as they can support teaching and learning process as genuine model of texts. Theoretically, experts agree with the importance of the use of authentic texts in the teaching and learning activity with the reason that authentic texts perform real expression in the real socio cultural context.This research was done on the basis of the above discussion with the statement of the problem whether there is significant difference between the mastery on writing texts of the eleventh grade students of Senior High Schools in Kudus in the academic year 2011/2012, taught by using authentic texts and texts available on the students’ textbook. The purpose of this research is to find out the significant difference between the mastery on writing texts of the eleventh grade students of Senior High Schools in Kudus in the academic year 2011/2012, taught by using authentic texts and texts available on the students’ textbook. The output of this research is hoped to give theoretical and empirical contribution to the teaching of English at Senior High School, especially on the teaching of writing Texts. . This research was done in the framework of experimental design. The dependent variable of the research was the students’ mastery on writing texts and the independent variable was the use of authentic texts and texts avalaible in students’ textbook. This research was managed to the eleventh grade students of SMAN 2 Bae Kudus, MAN I Kudus, SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus, and MA Al-Hidayah Getassrabi Kudus in the academic Year 2011/2012. The finding shows that the mastery of writing text of the eleventh grade students of Senior High School in Kudus in the academic year 2011/2012 who were taught by using authentic text is categorized very good. The students who were taught by using authentic texts were noticed to be very enthusiastic and motivated to study. Therefore, the use of authentic texts in the teaching of writing to the students of senior high school is highly recomended

    Introduction to critical discourse analysis

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    In the perspective of language metafunction study, people use language to negotiate meaning which is influenced by the situation in their daily life. It also applies to the writer of newspaper when writing any segments of texts like headline news. It can be perceived that the writers write the news item by representing the functions of language in daily life. In this perspective, language is structured to make three kinds of meanings simultaneously, i.e. experiential or ideational, interpersonal, and textual.The objectives of the research are (1) To find out the sequences of meanings of the Jakarta Post headline news on the fuel increasing issue in April 2012, (2) To find out the sequences of events inthe Jakarta Post headline news on the fuel increasing issue in April 2012, (3) To find out the elements within clauses inthe Jakarta Post headline news on the fuel increasing issue in April 2012, and (4) To describe how people and things are classified, described and identified within the elements inthe Jakarta Post headline news on the fuel increasing issue in April 2012. The research is a text analysis by using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) theory. The data source of this research is the Jakarta Post headline news on the fuel increasing issue in April 2012, written during April 2012. The data of this research is the ideational meanings which were realized through texts of the head line news on the fuel prices rising issue. Referring to the analysis, the points of conclusion are (1) the classification imbedded in the phase sequences of the Jakarta Post headline news on fuel price-increasing issue in April 2012 are facts, comments, and quotations. (2) the sequences of events in the phases are found to be influenced by the collected information, covered by the author, which is used to support the idea for public consumption. The news item contains some events which are related to socio, political and economical situation in Indonesia especially concerning the issue of fuel price rising. (3) The sequences of events of the Jakarta Post Headline News on fuel price-increasing issue in April 2012, which are specifically concerned with the process is found to be realized in 228 figures of doing, 48 figures of saying, 33 figures of sensing, and 30 figures of being, and that (4)it is found that in expanding the meaning attributed to people and things, the author of the news item texts applies v classification to express categorical distinctions, description to express quality and qualifier, and identification to express possessive relation, facet and measure. It is suggested that English students need to understand that language cannot be separated from society since language is a means of communication which is used by people to negotiate meaning. Therefore, the concept of Systemic Functional Linguistic is important to learn because it has an overview about functional language.Lecturer is suggested to make the English students aware about the important of understanding the concept of text and its practical use. News item is a real and factual sample of text which can be used by lecturer as a media of teaching. The research can be further developed into the other analysis on language metafunction. Researcher can keep in pace with the development of language use in society by analyzing actively the dynamic development of social, political and economical condition by considering what is published in newspaper and other kinds of news item


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    The purpose of this study is 1) to know effect of academic supervision on the professional competencies of elementary school teacher, 2) to know the effect of classroom action research training on the professional competencies of elementary school teachers, 3) to know effect of academic supervision and classrooom action research training on the professional competencies of elementary school teacher. The subject of this study werw all elementary school teachers in all subdistrict of Undaan Kudus regency. This study uses a quantitative contribution method with regression analysis techniques. Respondents were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection research using questionaire. The validity of data uses construct validity bay way of experiential juggment. Data analysis was perfomed using regression analysis techniques in the form of simple and multiple regression. The results of study showed that academic supervision had an effect on techer professional competence of 32,0 %. Whereas classroom action research training has an effect on  teacher professional competence of 39,1%. Academic supervision and classroom action research training together have an effect on teacher professional competence of 46,6%


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the feasibility of developing a picture book based on local wisdom of Demak. Feasibility is seen from the anatomy aspects of the book, the components of the book content, the intrinsic elements of the book as well as the responses of students and teachers. This research is a quantitative descriptive study. The results showed the feasibility of the book from expert validation obtained a score of 157, mean 4.62 with a percentage of 92% very good category. The results of the student response analysis obtained a score of 4383, a mean of 4.96 with a percentage of 99.2% very good category. The results of the teacher's response obtained a score of 176, the average was 4.51 with a percentage of 90.3% in the very good category. It can be concluded that the picture book based on local wisdom of Demak is suitable to be used for understanding the healthy lifestyle of students

    Using Critical Pedagogy to Criticize Methods of TEFL

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    Proceedings The 5th International Seminar 2011 "Teacher Education in the Era of World Englishes", Salatiga, November 21-22, 2011, p. 151-154The purpose of writing this teaching experience- based paper is to share the writer's experience in using Critical Pedagogy to criticize methods of TEFI. in his TEFL Class. Students of TEFL class, at the end of the program, should be able to choose methods which are appropriate for their English teachings. In the era of world English, English language and its culture should be taught within the framework of the culture of the society where English is taught. It means that the teaching of English is not merely the teaching of a foreign language, but also the process of developing the nation character. Critical Pedagogy views, that there are discrimination and marginalization (in terms of race, social class or gender) in all social systems. Educational systems, on the other hand, are reflections of social systems within which they operate. The use of critical pedagogy to criticize methods of TEFL can open students' minds and help them to make a choice of methods dealing with the system of education. It implies an understanding that the choice of methods is not only a matter of selecting the appropriate one for the class, but also a work of understanding the social syste