198 research outputs found

    Is there a close association between "soils" and "vegetation"? : A case study from central western New South Wales

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    The assumption that ‘soils’ and ‘vegetation’ are closely associated was tested by describing soils and vegetation along a Travelling Stock Reserve west of Grenfell, New South Wales (lat 33° 55’S, long 147° 45’E). The transect was selected on the basis of (a) minimising the effects of non-soil factors (human interference, climate and relief) on vegetation and (b) the presence of various soil and vegetation types as indicated by previous mapping. ‘Soils’ were considered at three levels: soil landscapes (a broad mapping unit widely used in central western NSW), soil types (according to a range of classifications) and soil properties (depth, pH, etc.). ‘Vegetation’ was considered in three ways: vegetation type (in various classifications), density/floristic indices (density of woody species, abundance of native species, etc.) and presence/absence of individual species. Sites along the transect were grouped according to soil landscapes or soil types and compared to vegetation types or indices recorded at the sites. Various measures indicated low associations between vegetation types and soil landscapes or soil types. Except for infrequent occurrences of a soil type or landscape, any one soil type or landscape was commonly associated with a number of vegetation types and any one vegetation type was associated with a number of soil landscapes or soil types. However, significant associations between some vegetation indices, mainly density or numbers of woody species, and some soil landscapes and soil types were evident. Although many species were relatively ubiquitous, some groups of species that were restricted to one or two soil types were identified. Canonical Correspondence Analysis provided some suggestions as to which properties (e.g. texture) of these soils were associated with the presence of particular species

    Is treadmill walking with virtual reality an acceptable and plausible training modality for stroke survivors?

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    Introduction and Objectives: For many stroke survivors recovering independent walking is an important objective, however, although most survivors recover some walking ability it is often insufficient to meet the challenges of community walking[1]. Treadmill walking, through forced use of the paretic side, has some evidence as an intervention but lacks transfer to community walking[2]. With the rationale of providing a more realistic, variable walking experience, the addition of virtual reality (VR) to treadmills is a recent, promising, development. This aim of this study, therefore, was to investigate the credibility and acceptability of treadmill training with VR among stroke survivors. Methods: This was a feasibility study testing the validity of treadmill training with and without VR through comparison with overground walking. User acceptability was assessed through independent interviews. Six ambulant stroke survivors (aged 56.5±10.6years, 116±93.3months post stroke) were recruited from local stroke clubs. They attended an introductory session for baseline measurements (over ground gait biomechanics, functional mobility and cognition) and familiarisation with the treadmill VR system (MOTEKMedical, Netherlands) including wearing a harness. They then participated in two training sessions, one week apart, each session included treadmill walking without VR (TW) and treadmill walking with VR (TWVR) e.g. road and forest paths visualisations. The final session included a second measurement of gait biomechanics which provided the data for statistical comparison. Each individual was independently interviewed before and after their participation. Results: In general minor, non-significant, differences were observed for TM, TMVR and overground walking. There was, however, a consistent, and statistically significant (p= 0.032) finding of greater hip flexion for TWVR, see table for details. Universally, participants found the experience acceptable and enjoyable, although “challenging”. Conclusion: This feasibility study found treadmill walking (with and without VR) to be similar enough to overground walking to justify it as a training modality for chronic stroke survivors who had already attained some independence in walking. One possible difference, greater hip flexion during treadmill walking, may be a product of harness wearing, and/or relate to the setup of the visualisations. Participants found the experience of treadmill walking acceptable. Although they preferred walking with the visualisations there were few biomechanical differences to simple treadmill walking. Further exploration of individual variability, however, should be undertaken as this may be a factor in ranslating gains from treadmill training to community walking. In conclusion, similarities between overground and treadmill walking (with and without VR) support its use as a training modality in stroke rehabilitation. No great advantage was evident from the use of visualisation other than participant’s preference, however these findings require further testing

    Homogenising the upper continental crust : the Si isotope evolution of the crust recorded by ancient glacial diamictites

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    This work was supported by PhD funding to MM by the University of St Andrews School of Earth and Environmental Sciences and the Handsel scheme, as well as by NERC grant NE/R002134/1 to PS and NSF grant EAR-1321954 to RR and RG.Twenty-four composite samples of the fine-grained matrix of glacial diamictites deposited from the Mesoarchaean to Palaeozoic have been analysed for their silicon isotope composition and used to establish, for the first time, the long-term secular Si isotope record of the compositional evolution of upper continental crust (UCC). Diamictites with Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic Nd model ages show greater silicon isotope heterogeneity than those with younger model ages (irrespective of depositional age). We attribute the anomalously light Si isotope compositions of some diamictites with Archaean model ages to the presence of glacially milled banded iron formation (BIF), substantiated by the high iron content and Ge/Si in these samples. We infer that relatively heavy Si isotope signatures in some Palaeoproterozoic diamictites (all of which have Archaean Nd model ages) are due to contribution from tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs), evidenced by the abundance of TTG clasts. By the Neoproterozoic (with model ages ranging from 2.3 to 1.8 Ga), diamictite Si isotope compositions exhibit a range comparable to modern UCC. This reduced variability through time is interpreted as reflecting the decreasing importance of BIF and TTG in post-Archaean continental crust. The secular evolution of Si isotopes in the diamictites offers an independent test of models for the emergence of stable cratons and the onset of horizontal mobile-lid tectonism. The early Archaean UCC was heterogeneous and incorporated significant amounts of isotopically light BIF, but following the late Archaean stabilisation of cratons, coupled with the oxygenation of the atmosphere that led to the reduced neoformation of BIF and diminishing quantities of TTGs, the UCC became increasingly homogeneous. This homogenisation likely occurred via reworking of preexisting crust, as evidenced by Archaean Nd model ages recorded in younger diamictites.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Silicon isotopes in an Archaean migmatite confirm seawater silicification of TTG sources

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    Funding: This work was made possible by PhD funding to MM by the University of St Andrews School of Earth and Environmental Sciences and the Handsel scheme, in addition to NERC grant NE/R002134/1 to PS.Unraveling ancient melting processes is key to understanding how the earliest, tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG)-dominated continental crust formed from partial melting of amphibolite. Application of silicon isotope analysis to ancient crust reveals that Archaean TTGs exhibit consistently high Si isotope values (δ30Si) compared to modern granitoids, attributed to seawater-derived silica introduced by either (a) partial melting of variably silicified basalts or (b) assimilation of authigenic silica-rich marine lithologies in the melt source. However, both mechanisms can introduce highly variable δ30Si, conflicting with the strikingly consistent δ30Si compositions of Archaean TTGs. This study investigates an alternative model, whereby the distinct mineralogy and chemistry of TTG melt sources impart a distinct silicon isotope composition to the melt, compared with “modern” granitoids. We measured δ30Si in component parts (melanosome and leucosome) of an Archaean (2.7 Ga) mafic migmatite and coeval amphibolites and mafic granulites from the Kapuskasing uplift, Canada, to explore how Si isotopes fractionate during incipient TTG melt formation. Our data reveal leucosome (i.e., melt) exhibits consistently high δ30Si values compared to a relatively isotopically lighter melanosome (i.e., residuum). We also derive inter-mineral silicon isotope fractionation factors for mineral separates that agree well with those of ab initio estimates for the same minerals and show that the magnitude of equilibrium fractionation between TTG source rock and melt replicates that in Phanerozoic granitoids. We conclude the effects of magmatic differentiation on δ30Si have remained consistent throughout Earth history, meaning that Archaean TTGs must require a source isotopically heavier than unaltered basalt, as reflected by our amphibolites and mafic migmatite components. The consistently heavy δ30Si of seawater through Earth history, and the high SiO2 content of amphibolites relative to coeval leucosome-free granulites in our study area, imply seawater silicification is the source of the observed high δ30Si. Thus, the consistently heavy Si isotope compositions measured in Archaean melt products define a unique aspect of ancient crust formation: that of the silicification of TTG source rock, implying the intrinsic involvement of a primeval hydrosphere.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Human cytomegalovirus miR-UL112-1 promotes the down-regulation of viral immediate early-gene expression during latency to prevent T-cell recognition of latently infected cells.

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    Human cytomegalovirus, a member of the herpesvirus family, can cause significant morbidity and mortality in immune compromised patients resulting from either primary lytic infection or reactivation from latency. Latent infection is associated with a restricted viral transcription programme compared to lytic infection which consists of defined protein coding RNAs but also includes a number of virally encoded microRNAs (miRNAs). One of these, miR-UL112-1, is known to target the major lytic IE72 transcript but, to date, a functional role for miR-UL112-1 during latent infection has not been shown. To address this, we have analysed latent infection in myeloid cells using a virus in which the target site for miR-UL112-1 in the 3' UTR of IE72 was removed such that any IE72 RNA present during latent infection would no longer be subject to regulation by miR-UL112-1 through the RNAi pathway. Our data show that removal of the miR-UL112-1 target site in IE72 results in increased levels of IE72 RNA in experimentally latent primary monocytes. Furthermore, this resulted in induction of immediate early (IE) gene expression that is detectable by IE-specific cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs); no such CTL recognition of monocytes latently infected with wild-type virus was observed. We also recapitulated these findings in the more tractable THP-1 cell line model of latency. These observations argue that an important role for miR-UL112-1 during latency is to ensure tight control of lytic viral immediate early (IE) gene expression thereby preventing recognition of latently infected cells by the host's potent pre-existing anti-viral CTL response.Medical Research Council (Grant ID: G:0701279); National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research CentreThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Microbiology Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/jgv.0.00054
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