2,522 research outputs found

    Correlations in the Spatial Power Spectrum Inferred from Angular Clustering: Methods and Application to APM

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    We reconsider the inference of spatial power spectra from angular clustering data and show how to include correlations in both the angular correlation function and the spatial power spectrum. Inclusion of the full covariance matrices loosens the constraints on large-scale structure inferred from the APM survey by over a factor of two. We present a new inversion technique based on singular value decomposition that allows one to propagate the covariance matrix on the angular correlation function through to that of the spatial power spectrum and to reconstruct smooth power spectra without underestimating the errors. Within a parameter space of the CDM shape Gamma and the amplitude sigma_8, we find that the angular correlations in the APM survey constrain Gamma to be 0.19-0.37 at 68% confidence when fit to scales larger than k=0.2h Mpc^-1. A downturn in power at k<0.04h Mpc^-1 is significant at only 1-sigma. These results are optimistic as we include only Gaussian statistical errors and neglect any boundary effects.Comment: 37 pages, LaTex, 9 figures. Submitted to Ap

    The Galaxy Angular Correlation Functions and Power Spectrum from the Two Micron All Sky Survey

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    We calculate the angular correlation function of galaxies in the Two Micron All Sky Survey. We minimize the possible contamination by stars, dust, seeing and sky brightness by studying their cross correlation with galaxy density, and limiting the galaxy sample accordingly. We measure the correlation function at scales between 1-18 arcdegs using a half million galaxies. We find a best fit power law to the correlation function has a slope of 0.76 and an amplitude of 0.11. However, there are statistically significant oscillations around this power law. The largest oscillation occurs at about 0.8 degrees, corresponding to 2.8 h^{-1} Mpc at the median redshift of our survey, as expected in halo occupation distribution descriptions of galaxy clustering. We invert the angular correlation function using Singular Value Decomposition to measure the three-dimensional power spectrum and find that it too is in good agreement with previous measurements. A dip seen in the power spectrum at small wavenumber k is statistically consistent with CDM-type power spectra. A fit of CDM-type power spectra to k < 0.2 h Mpc^{-1} give constraints of \Gamma_{eff}=0.116 and \sigma_8=0.96. This suggest a K_s-band linear bias of 1.1+/-0.2. This \Gamma_{eff} is different from the WMAP CMB derived value. On small scales the power-law shape of our power spectrum is shallower than that derived for the SDSS. These facts together imply a biasing of these different galaxies that might be nonlinear, that might be either waveband or luminosity dependent, and that might have a nonlocal origin.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, to be published in ApJ January 20th, revision included two new figures, version with high resolution figures can be found here http::ww

    The Redshift Distribution of FIRST Radio Sources at 1 mJy

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    We present spectra for a sample of radio sources from the FIRST survey, and use them to define the form of the redshift distribution of radio sources at mJy levels.We targeted 365 sources and obtained 46 redshifts (13 per cent of the sample). We find that our sample is complete in redshift measurement to R 18.6\sim 18.6, corresponding to z0.2z\sim 0.2. Early-type galaxies represent the largest subset (45 per cent) of the sample and have redshifts 0.15\la z \la 0.5 ; late-type galaxies make up 15 per cent of the sample and have redshifts 0.05\la z \la 0.2; starbursting galaxies are a small fraction (6\sim 6 per cent), and are very nearby (z\la 0.05). Some 9 per cent of the population have Seyfert1/quasar-type spectra, all at z\ga 0.8, and there are 4 per cent are Seyfert2 type galaxies at intermediate redshifts (z0.2z\sim 0.2). Using our measurements and data from the Phoenix survey, we obtain an estimate for N(z)N(z) at S1.4GHz1S_{1.4 \rm {GHz}}\ge 1 mJy and compare this with model predictions. At variance with previous conclusions, we find that the population of starbursting objects makes up \la 5 per cent of the radio population at S 1\sim 1 mJy.Comment: 20 pages, sumbitted to MNRA

    Catalog of quasars from the Kilo-Degree Survey Data Release 3

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    We present a catalog of quasars selected from broad-band photometric ugri data of the Kilo-Degree Survey Data Release 3 (KiDS DR3). The QSOs are identified by the random forest (RF) supervised machine learning model, trained on SDSS DR14 spectroscopic data. We first cleaned the input KiDS data from entries with excessively noisy, missing or otherwise problematic measurements. Applying a feature importance analysis, we then tune the algorithm and identify in the KiDS multiband catalog the 17 most useful features for the classification, namely magnitudes, colors, magnitude ratios, and the stellarity index. We used the t-SNE algorithm to map the multi-dimensional photometric data onto 2D planes and compare the coverage of the training and inference sets. We limited the inference set to r<22 to avoid extrapolation beyond the feature space covered by training, as the SDSS spectroscopic sample is considerably shallower than KiDS. This gives 3.4 million objects in the final inference sample, from which the random forest identified 190,000 quasar candidates. Accuracy of 97%, purity of 91%, and completeness of 87%, as derived from a test set extracted from SDSS and not used in the training, are confirmed by comparison with external spectroscopic and photometric QSO catalogs overlapping with the KiDS footprint. The robustness of our results is strengthened by number counts of the quasar candidates in the r band, as well as by their mid-infrared colors available from WISE. An analysis of parallaxes and proper motions of our QSO candidates found also in Gaia DR2 suggests that a probability cut of p(QSO)>0.8 is optimal for purity, whereas p(QSO)>0.7 is preferable for better completeness. Our study presents the first comprehensive quasar selection from deep high-quality KiDS data and will serve as the basis for versatile studies of the QSO population detected by this survey.Comment: Data available from the KiDS website at http://kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl/DR3/quasarcatalog.php and the source code from https://github.com/snakoneczny/kids-quasar

    Large-scale structure and matter in the universe

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    This paper summarizes the physical mechanisms that encode the type and quantity of cosmological matter in the properties of large-scale structure, and reviews the application of such tests to current datasets. The key lengths of the horizon size at matter-radiation equality and at last scattering determine the total matter density and its ratio to the relativistic density; acoustic oscillations can diagnose whether the matter is collisionless, and small-scale structure or its absence can limit the mass of any dark-matter relic particle. The most stringent constraints come from combining data on present-day galaxy clustering with data on CMB anisotropies. Such an analysis breaks the degeneracies inherent in either dataset alone, and proves that the universe is very close to flat. The matter content is accurately consistent with pure Cold Dark Matter, with about 25% of the critical density, and fluctuations that are scalar-only, adiabatic and scale-invariant. It is demonstrated that these conclusions cannot be evaded by adjusting either the equation of state of the vacuum, or the total relativistic density.Comment: 17 Pages. Review paper from the January 2003 Royal Society Discussion Meeting, "The search for dark matter and dark energy in the universe

    Radio Sources in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. I. Radio Source Populations

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    We present the first results from a study of the radio continuum properties of galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, based on thirty 2dF fields covering a total area of about 100 square degrees. About 1.5% of galaxies with b(J) < 19.4 mag are detected as radio continuum sources in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). Of these, roughly 40% are star-forming galaxies and 60% are active galaxies (mostly low-power radio galaxies and a few Seyferts). The combination of 2dFGRS and NVSS will eventually yield a homogeneous set of around 4000 radio-galaxy spectra, which will be a powerful tool for studying the distriibution and evolution of both AGN and starburst galaxies out to redshift z=0.3.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Cumulant Correlators from the APM

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    This work presents a set of new statistics, the cumulant correlators, aimed at high precision analysis of the galaxy distribution. They form a symmetric matrix, QNMQ_{NM}, related to moment correlators the same way as cumulants are related to the moments of the distribution. They encode more information than the usual cumulants, SNS_N's, and their extraction from data is similar to the calculation of the two-point correlation function. Perturbation theory (PT), its generalization, the extended perturbation theory (EPT), and the hierarchical assumption (HA) have simple predictions for these statistics. As an example, the factorial moment correlators measured by Szapudi, Dalton, Efstathiou & Szalay (1996) in the APM catalog are reanalyzed using this technique. While the previous analysis assumed hierarchical structure constants, this method can directly investigate the validity of HA, along with PT, and EPT. The results in agreement with previous findings indicate that, at the small scales used for this analysis, the APM data supports HA. When all non-linear corrections are taken into account it is a good approximation at the 20 percent level. It appears that PT, and a natural generalization of EPT for cumulant correlators does not provide such a good fit for the APM at small scales. Once the validity the HA is approximately established, cumulant correlators can separate the amplitudes of different tree-types in the hierarchy up to fifth order. As an example, the weights for the fourth order tree topologies are calculated including all non-linear corrections.Comment: 9 pages+.ps figure, final version accepted for publication in Apj Letter

    Correlation Function of Superclusters of Galaxies

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    We present a study of the two-point correlation function of superclusters of galaxies. The largest catalogs are used. The results show negligible correlation less than 0.1-0.2 for separations up to 500-600 h^{-1} Mpc. Small correlations are obtained using various estimates and samples. Seemingly there are no structures of superclusters of galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. To appear in 1998 ApJ, 506, No. 2 (Oct 20

    Coccidiose hos kvæg: En oversigt over coccidiearter, patogenese, epidemiologi og forebyggelse specielt i økologiske besætninger

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    Coccidiose hos kalve forårsages af arter af de encellede parasitter, Eimeria, der findes vidt udbredt i alle verdensdele, og som giver anledning til diarré og utrivelighed hos især unge og modtagelige dyr. Hos kvæg findes 12 forskellige Eimeria arter, der adskiller sig fra hinanden med hensyn til morfologi, livscyklus og patogenitet. Infektion med Eimeria kan diagnosticeres ved forskellige la-boratoriemetoder, hvorved bl.a. antallet og arten af coccidier forsøges fastslået. Således skabes grundlag for bestemmelse af hvilke forebyggende tiltag, der eventuelt bør iværksættes. Ved under-søgelse af 258 kalve fra 25 danske økologiske malkekvægsbesætninger fandt vi Eimeria-arter i alle (100%) besætninger og i 88% af kalvene. De fleste kalve udskilte meget lavgradige mængder af coccidier i gødningen, medens nogle havde særdeles høje coccidieudskillelser. Coccidiose er en multifaktoriel sygdom, og sværhedsgraderne af sygdommen varierer derfor fra subkliniske tilfælde til nogle med løs, pastøs fæces af en enkelt dags varighed eller profus diarré med dysenteri, tenesmus og evt. mors. De kliniske symptomer tillægges traditionelt tilstedeværelsen af coccidiearterne Eimeria zuernii og E. bovis. Kalvens modtagelighed for coccidiose afhænger bl.a. af råmælksforsyning og immunitet, ernæringsstatus, stress, og evt. forekomst af andre sygdomme (f.eks. samtidige helminth- eller virusinfektioner). Endelig har også miljøet betydning for udvikling af coccidiose, herunder opstaldningstæthed, klima og hygiejne. Total udryddelse af coccidier er ikke muligt pga. parasittens ubikvitære forekomst og resistens i miljøet, men kalven kan styrkes ved sikring af tilstrækkelige råmælksmængder og ved opretholdelse af høj hygiejne i kælvningsboksen, samt efterfølgende opstaldningsforhold. Aktiv immunisering (vaccination) har endnu ikke vist sig effektiv i større målestok. Der foreligger ikke yderligere retningslinier for forebyggelse i perspektiv af de økologiske regler. Kalve, der har klinisk coccidiose, bør isoleres fra de øvrige kalve og gives væsketerapi for at opretholde væskebalancen. Den bedste behandling er imidlertid forebyggelse - med fokus på belægningsgrad og høj hygiejne inklusive rigeligt med tør strøelse