47 research outputs found

    Secondary traits related to kernel setting in transgenic maize hybrids at low and high plant densities and their potential use in breeding programs

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    Maize (Zea mays. L) traditional breeding presents limitations when selection is performed by adaptation to suboptimalconditions. One strategy to achieve greater efficiency in these environments is to include measurements ofsecondary traits related to the main grain yield component, i.e. kernel number per plant (KNP), which is associatedto other three secondary traits: plant growth rate during the critical period (PGRcp) for kernel setting, biomasspartitioning index to the ear during this period (PIcp) and the efficiency of the ear to set kernels or reproductiveefficiency (RE). Phenotypic variations in these KNP related traits were evaluated considering: i) plant densities,and ii) simple and staked transgenic maize hybrids. The objective of this study was to identify the contribution ofthese secondary traits to KNP in six modern single-cross transgenic hybrids: the simple and staked transgenic versionsof DK747 and DK190 (Bt: 747MG and 190MG; RR: 747RR and 190RR; and Bt-RR: 747MGRR and 190MGRR)cultivated at low and high plant densities. For this purpose, KNP and secondary traits were recorded at the individualplant level and the data set was analyzed using multivariate analysis techniques. At low plant density, PGRcpwas the critical trait for kernel setting in all hybrids but PIcp or RE also contributed to KNP of the DK747 groupand the D190 group, respectively. At high plant density, a differential contribution of secondary traits to KNP wasrecorded among hybrids. For DK747MG and DK190MG, RE mainly determined KNP, but for the DK747RR andDK747MGRR higher PIcp had a positive impact on KNP. These results highlight the importance of including secondarytraits associated to KNP in breeding programs

    The efficacy and safety of duloxetine in a multidrug regimen for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

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    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the efficacy and safety of duloxetine hydrochloride in the treatment of patients affected by chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). METHODS Thirty-eight CP/CPPS patients completed the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) and International Index of Erectile Function-Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) questionnaires, uroflowmetry, and evaluation of psychologic status using Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) and Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D). Patients were randomly assigned to 2 treatments groups. Treatment in group 1 consisted of a simultaneous oral administration of tamsulosin (0.4 mg/d, 60 mg/d), saw palmetto (320 mg/d), and duloxetine (60 mg/d). Treatment in group 2 consisted of tamsulosin (0.4 mg/d) and saw palmetto (320 mg/d). NIH-CPSI and IIEF-5 questionnaires, uroflowmetry, and evaluation of the psychological status were repeated at 16 weeks of follow-up. RESULTS At 16 weeks, a significant improvement in NIH-CPSI pain subscore, NIH-CPSI quality of life subscore, and NIH-CPSI total score were observed in group 1 patients compared with those in group 2 (P <.01, respectively), together with a significant improvement in HAM-A and HAM-D scores (P <.01, respectively). Patients in group 2 showed a significant improvement in NIH-CPSI total score, in the urinary symptoms subscore, and in the HAM-A total score. No significant differences were observed in IIEF-5 scores in the 2 groups. Maximum flow rate significantly increased in both groups. In group 1, 20% of patients stopped the study due to adverse effects. CONCLUSION The use of duloxetine in a multimodal treatment with an alpha-blocker medication and a saw palmetto extract allowed better results in controlling clinical symptoms, psychologic status and quality of life patients affected by CP/CPPS


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    Interdisciplinary and open discussion spaces between public and private research have been produced over the years and today they are presented in different ways and instances. However, the possibility of creating a "safe" space for discussion, for the professional and academic development of professionals related to science and technology, with the possibility of generating work and collaboration links, led us in 2013 a group of researchers with a look beyond the conjuncture to work in a framework of collaborative action and public-private exchange.Los espacios interdisciplinarios y de discusión abiertas entre la investigación pública y privada se han producido a lo largo de los años y hoy en día se presentan de diferente manera e instancias. Sin embargo, la posibilidad de crear un espacio “seguro” de discusión, para el desarrollo profesional y académico de profesionales relacionados con la ciencia y la tecnología, con la posibilidad de generar vínculos de trabajo y colaboración, nos llevó a que en el año 2013 un grupo de investigadores con una mirada más allá de la coyuntura se pusieran a trabajar en un marco de acción colaborativa y de intercambio publico privado

    Artistas sobre outras obras

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    A cidade marca-nos ou nós marcamos a cidade? Qual o enunciado, quem o enuncia? Os 17 artigos selecionados pera este número 16 da Revista Estúdio estabelecem relações com o espaço urbano, recordando as aproximações críticas da etno-metodologia (Perec, 1999) e da proposta da deriva como pré-ocupação revolucionária do espaço modernista (Debord, 1955; 1958; Jacques, 2003). As pessoas ligam-se no entrecruzar das ruas, caminhos, percursos, mudanças, deslocações. Entre as pessoas e os objetos estão possibilidades que, quando repetidas, se transformam em estilos de vida. Entre uns e outros o consenso, para fraturar, questionar. Para interrogar os caminhos, é preciso conhecê-los, e para os conhecer é preciso desconhecê-los: só depois vem a proposta, a inovação, a invenção. Inventa-se um Homem pelo seu caminho. As matérias fazem-se de pensamento, sabem os artistas. É com estas matérias que ocupamos os nossos Estúdios. Onde está este Estúdio? Nas tuas mãos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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