19 research outputs found

    Co-benefits and trade-offs between biodiversity, carbon storage and water flow regulation

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    The trade-offs between biodiversity, carbon storage and water flow regulation were analysed in a biosphere reserve area. With the aim of proposing criteria for conservation plans that would include ecosystem services and biodiversity, a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based approach was designed to estimate and map the value of the biodiversity and ecosystem services. The actual protected areas, namely, coastal ecosystems and Cantabrian evergreen-oak forests, were found to be important for the overall biodiversity and included some important portions of the other services. The non-protected natural forests, such as the mixed-oak, beech and riparian forests, are biodiversity hotspots, and they contribute to the carbon storage and water flow regulation services. Thus, even though these areas are small, their inclusion in conservation proposals should be considered. The pine and eucalyptus plantations contribute to ecosystem services but have negative effects on biodiversity and cause environmental problems. In contrast to the plantations of fast-growing species, the increase in broadleaf plantations will exhibit a positive trend due to the benefits they provide. Our study highlights that the inclusion of ecosystem services in conservation planning has a great potential to provide opportunities for biodiversity protection; however, strategies of conservation based only on specific ecosystem services may be detrimental to the biodiversity and may cause other environmental problems

    Phytoplankton community composition in relation to environmental variability in the Urdaibai estuary (SE Bay of Biscay): Microscopy and eDNA metabarcoding

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    Phytoplankton monitoring is essential for the global understanding of aquatic ecosystems. The present research studies the phytoplankton community of the Urdaibai estuary, combining microscopy and eDNA metabarcoding for the first time in the area. The main aims were to describe the phytoplankton community composition in relation to the environmental conditions of the estuary, and to compare the two methods used. Diatoms Minutocellus polymorphus and Chaetoceros tenuissimus dominated the outer estuary, being replaced by Teleaulax acuta (cryptophyte), Kryptoperidinium foliaceum (dinoflagellate) and Cyclotella spp. (diatom) towards the inner area. This change was mainly prompted by salinity and nutrients. Metabarcoding revealed the presence of 223 species that were not observed by microscopy in previous studies in the estuary. However, several characteristic species (e.g., K. foliaceum) were only detected with microscopy. Additionally, microscopy covered the limitations of eDNA metabarcoding concerning quantification. Thus, to give a full insight, a combination of techniques is recommended.This research was supported in part through computational resources provided by IMBBC (Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture) of the HCMR (Hellenic Centre of Marine Research). Funding for establishing the IMBBC HPC has been received by the MARBIGEN (EU Regpot) project, LifeWatchGreece RI and the CMBR (Center for the study and sustainable exploitation of Marine Biological Resources) RI. In addition, this study was partially supported by the project PPG17/67 funded by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and J. Bilbao was funded by a grant from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU – PIF 18/306). This paper is contribution number 1181 from AZTI (Marine Research Division)

    Data on the Amphidinium Carterae Dn241EHU Isolation and Morphological and Molecular Characterization

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    We present the data corresponding to the isolation and morphological and molecular characterization of a strain of Amphidinium carterae, isolated in Mallorca Island waters and now deposited in the microalgae culture collection of the Plant Biology and Ecology Department of the University of the Basque Country under the reference Dn241Ehu. The morphological characterization was made using two different techniques of microscopy and the molecular characterization by using the 28S rDNA sequences of D1 and D2 domains. This strain has been used for a culture study in an indoor LED-lighted pilot-scale raceway to determine its production of carotenoids and fatty acids, "Long-term culture of the marine dinoflagellate microalga Amphidinium carterae in an indoor LED-lighted raceway photobioreactor: Production of carotenoids and fatty acids." (Molina-Miras et al., 2018) [1]. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTQ2014-55888-C3-02), the European Regional Development Fund Program, and the projects PPG17/67 from the UPV/EHU and IT1040-16 from the Basque Government

    Sustainable Development, Ecological Complexity, and Environmental Values

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    Sustainable Development, Ecological Complexity, and Environmental Values contributes to expanding the idea of sustainability by integrating different thematic issues related to sustainable development in its threefold consideration (economic, social, and environmental) with regard to the case of the Basque Country. On the global scale, changes have clearly accelerated; ecological and social sustainability are two facets of the same changing reality. First, social sustainability depends on ecological sustainability. If we continue degrading nature's capacity to produce the ecosystems' services (water filtration, climate stabilization, etc) and resources (food, materials), both individuals and nations will be affected by growing pressures and increasing conflicts, as well as by threats to public health and personal safety. Second, ecological sustainability depends on social sustainability, a socially unjust and unfair system wiht an ever-increasing population that is not able to have its needs met will necessarily lead to environmental collapse. In addition, human behavior and the social dynamic often lie at the heart of social and ecological problems. It must be, therefore, assumed that there will not be sustainable development if sustainable societies do not first exist. A sustainable society has the challenge of developing human capital. In this book, these global questions are treated as they relate to specific place and context, the Basque Country and its modern institutions.This book was published with generous financial support from the Basque Government.Introduction—Ignacio Ayestarán and Miren Onaindia ? 1. An Evaluation of Ecosystem Services as a Base for the Sustainable Management of a Region by Miren Onaindia and Gloria Rodríguez-Loinaz ? 2. An Evaluation of Millennium Ecosystems from the Basque Country by Igone Palacios, Izaskun Casada-Arzuaga, Iosu Madariaga, and Xabier Arana ? 3. Climate Change: Activities of the EOLO Group at the University of the Basque Country by Agustín Ezcurra, Jon Sáenz, and Gabriel Ibarra-Berastegi ? 4. The Environmental Value of the Karstic Landscape of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve: The Asnarre Promontory (Bizkaia) by Arantza Aranburu, Laura Damas-Mollá, Patxi García-Garmilla, Iñaki Yusta, M. Arriolabengoa, Peru Iridoy, and Eneko Iriarte ? 5. Recent Environmental Transformation of the Bilbao Estuary: Natural and Anthropogenic Processes by Alejandro Cearreta, Maria Jesús Irabien, and Eduardo Leorri ? 6. The Landscape of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country: The Evolution of Forest Systems by Lorena Peña and Ibone Amezaga ? 7. Critical Theories of Sustainable Development by Eguzki Urteaga ? 8. Bases for the Transition toward a Sustainable Economy by Roberto Bermejo, David Hoyos, and Eneko Garmendia ? 9. Environmental Values, the Epistemology of Complex Problems, and Postnormal Science in the Face of Global Change by Ignacio Ayestáran ? 10. Science, Gender, and Sustainable Development by Teresa Nuño Angós ? 11. Environmental Education as Training: A Case Study at the University of the Basque Country by Araitz Uskola Ibarluzea ? 12. Social Values and Sustainable Practices among Basque Inshore Fishermen by Pío Pérez Aldasoro ? 13. Sustainable Development and the Values of Well-Being and Globalization by Eduardo Rubio Ardanaz, Juan Antonio Rubio-Ardanaz, and Xiao Fang ? Index ? List of Contributor

    Mapping and assessment of forest ecosystems and their services - Applications and guidance for decision making in the framework of MAES

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    The aim of this report is to illustrate by means of a series of case studies the implementation of mapping and assessment of forest ecosystem services in different contexts and geographical levels. Methodological aspects, data issues, approaches, limitations, gaps and further steps for improvement are analysed for providing good practices and decision making guidance. The EU initiative on Mapping and Assessment of the state of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES), with the support of all Member States, contributes to improve the knowledge on ecosystem services. MAES is one of the building-block initiatives supporting the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020.JRC.H.3-Forest Resources and Climat

    Hiri-hondakinak kudeatzeko political Bizkaian

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    Hiri-hondakinak kudeatzeko politika Bizkaian, ¿Bizkaiko Uri Hondakinak Kudeatzeko II. Plan Integrala 2005-2016¿ onartzen duen 10/2005 Foru Arauan, 2005eko abenduaren 16koan zehazten da. Dokumentu honek, hondakinen kudeaketa iraunkorra proposatzen du, kudeaketa-eredu integralean oinarrituta eta kudeatzeko aukeren hierarkia malgutasunez ezarrita. Xede nagusia aurrezaintza izango da; eta gainerako helburuak, honako hauexek, hurrenez hurren: berrerabilpena, berziklapen materiala ¿konpostgintza barne-, balorizazio energetikoa eta, azkenik, balorizatu ezin den zatiaren isurketa segurua. Helburu orokorra hauxe da: hiri-hondakinen etorkizuneko kudeaketak kalitate oneko zerbitzua eskaintzea herritarrei, kostua ahalik eta homogeneoena izatea Bizkaiko Lurralde Historiko osoan eta ingurumena ahalik eta gehien babestea, indarrean dagoen legeriako eskakizunak eta garapen iraunkorraren printzipioak betetzeko. 2016rako helburu estrategiko nagusia hondakin gordinen edo lehen mailako hondakinen isurketaren desagerpena da. Horretarako, Bizkaian sortzen diren hiri-hondakin guztiak tratatu beharko dira isuri aurretik

    The Relevance of Local Participatory Scenario Planning for Ecosystem Management Policies in the Basque Country, Northern Spain

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    As part of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in Biscay, Basque Country, we described scenarios for Biscay through 2050 in an integrated and participatory way by downscaling the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) global scenarios, analyzed how ecosystem services and human well-being might change in a range of plausible futures, identified management strategies for the territory through a backcasting process, and explored the relevance of scenarios to policy making. Our intention was to strengthen the link to policy making and to achieve a real implementation of our research results in ecosystem management policies. We also aimed to provide more insights on how large-scale scenario developments can be translated to the local level. In doing so, we emphasized specific local characteristics and used highly participatory methods focusing on novel elements, such as organizing back-to-back workshops, creating coherent scenarios across scales, using visual elements to present exploratory scenarios, and combining exploratory scenarios with normative backcasting using a World Café methodology. The outcome scenarios and management proposals are relevant for decision making and planning processes at local scale and at the same time, they are comparable to other assessment scenarios. This local participatory scenario process and tool for landscape planning is already having a policy impact thanks to the involvement of public administration technicians and policy makers. In the recently renewed strategic policy plan for sustainability of the county, this assessment is considered a high priority. Therefore, for the next steps of the assessment, detailed guidelines for ecosystem management policies are planned

    Naturaleza y bienestar en Bizkaia. La evaluación de los servicios de los ecosistemas, investigación aplicada a la gestión

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    Índice: - Prólogo (Salvatore Aricò). - Presentación (Miren Onaindia, Iosu Madariaga, Igone Palacios y Xabier Arana). - Mensajes claves. - Proyecto Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de Bizkaia: introducción, objetivos y conceptos generales. - ¿Cuáles son los servicios que nos proporcionan los ecosistemas de Bizkaia? - ¿Cómo se distribuyen los servicios de los ecosistemas en el territorio? - ¿Cuál es la tendencia descrita por los servicios de los ecosistemas de Bizkaia en las últimas décadas? - Casos de estudio: Cinturón Verde del Bilbao Metropolitano, Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai, Cuenca del río Lea y Parque Natural de Urkiola. - ¿Es posible reducir la dependencia del territorio de servicios de los ecosistemas externos? - ¿Cómo nos gustaría que fuese Bizkaia en el 2050? - ¿Cuáles son nuestras opciones de respuesta y las decisiones que se pueden tomar? - Catálogo de servicios de los ecosistemas de Bizkaia. - Publicaciones vinculadas a la Evaluación de Bizkaia. - Webs vinculadas a la Evaluación de Bizkaia. - Glosario

    Natura eta ongizatea Bizkaian. Ekosistemen zerbitzuen ebaluazioa, ikerketa kudeaketan

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    Aurkibidea: - Hitzaurrea (Salvatore Aricò). - Aurkezpena (Miren Onaindia, Iosu Madariaga, Igone Palacios eta Xabier Arana). - Mezu gakoak. - Milurteko Ekosistemen Ebaluazioa Bizkaian proiektua: sarrera, helburuak eta kontzeptu orokorrak. - Zer zerbitzu ematen dizkigute Bizkaiko ekosistemek? - Nola banatzen dira lurraldean ekosistemen zerbitzuak? - Zer joera izan dute Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuek azken hamarkadetan? - Azterketa-kasuak: Bilboaldeko ingurune berdea, Urdaibai Biosfera Erreserba, Lea ibaiaren arroa eta Urkiolako Parke Naturala. - Murriztu daiteke lurraldeak kanpo-ekosistemen zerbitzuekiko duen mendekotasuna? - Nolakoa nahi genuke izatea Bizkaia 2050. urtean? - Zer erantzun-aukera ditugu eta zer erabaki har ditzakegu? - Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuen katalogoa. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten argitalpenak. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten webguneak. - Glosarioa

    Naturaleza y bienestar en Bizkaia. La evaluación de los servicios de los ecosistemas, investigación aplicada a la gestión

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    Índice: - Prólogo (Salvatore Aricò). - Presentación (Miren Onaindia, Iosu Madariaga, Igone Palacios y Xabier Arana). - Mensajes claves. - Proyecto Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de Bizkaia: introducción, objetivos y conceptos generales. - ¿Cuáles son los servicios que nos proporcionan los ecosistemas de Bizkaia? - ¿Cómo se distribuyen los servicios de los ecosistemas en el territorio? - ¿Cuál es la tendencia descrita por los servicios de los ecosistemas de Bizkaia en las últimas décadas? - Casos de estudio: Cinturón Verde del Bilbao Metropolitano, Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai, Cuenca del río Lea y Parque Natural de Urkiola. - ¿Es posible reducir la dependencia del territorio de servicios de los ecosistemas externos? - ¿Cómo nos gustaría que fuese Bizkaia en el 2050? - ¿Cuáles son nuestras opciones de respuesta y las decisiones que se pueden tomar? - Catálogo de servicios de los ecosistemas de Bizkaia. - Publicaciones vinculadas a la Evaluación de Bizkaia. - Webs vinculadas a la Evaluación de Bizkaia. - Glosario