78 research outputs found

    Sportintervention nach Mammakarzinom: eine Studie zur Lebensqualität und zu kognitiven und körperlichen Funktionen

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    Die Inzidenz vom Mammakarzinom hat durch die Verbesserung der diagnostischen Möglichkeiten vor allem in den frühen Stadien zugenommen. Durch das zunehmende Verständnis des Mammakarzinoms als Systemerkrankung und durch die Entwicklung moderner Systemtherapien – zytostatische, endokrine wie immunologische Therapie-ansätze – ist die Überlebensrate der Patientinnen in den letzten Jahren deutlich gestiegen. Durch die zunehmende Effektivität der Therapien hat sich das Nebenwirkungsprofil verändert. Trotz einer Vielzahl von Supportivtherapien leiden betroffene Frauen oft noch Jahre nach der Erkrankung unter den Nebenwirkungen, die zu einer deutlichen Minderung der Lebensqualität führen. Um dem entgegen zu wirken hat sich eine große Anzahl von Arbeitsgruppen mit der Hypothese beschäftigt, inwiefern die Steigerung der körperlichen Aktivität eine Verbesserung der Lebensqualität auf diesen Ebenen bewirken kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Durchführbarkeit und die Compliance bei einem regelmäßigen, längerfristigen Aktivitätstrainingsprogramm und dessen Einfluss auf körperliche und kognitive Parameter sowie auf die Lebensqualität bei Frauen nach Mammakarzinom oder dessen Vorstufen untersucht. Die Studie konnte zeigen, dass die Compliance an einer Sport- und Bewegungsintervention über einen längeren Zeitraum teilzunehmen bei Mammakarzinompatientinnen in der Nachsorge hoch ist. Die Intervention führte zu einer Senkung des HbA1c -Wertes und somit ist davon auszugehen, dass körperliche Aktivität einen günstigen Einfluss auf den Glukosemetabolismus hat. Auf der kognitiven Ebene konnte eine Verbesserung der Konzentrationsfähigkeit und auf der körperlichen Ebene eine Steigerung der individuellen Leistungsfähigkeit erzielt werden

    A balança comercial farmacêutica na Europa

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Negócios InternacionaisA Indústria Farmacêutica é uma das indústrias com maior influência nas economias europeias. Com a pandemia que afetou todo o mundo em 2020 esta indústria ganhou especial destaque, principalmente pelo seu contributo económico em tempo de crise. Desde o primeiro passo que consiste na investigação de um novo medicamento ou vacina, ao desenvolvimento deste, à entrada do mesmo no mercado e à sua comercialização esta indústria tem processos extremamente complexos e demorados, que requerem investimentos que nem sempre garantem sucesso. Deste modo, e considerando a questão económica envolvente, o estudo da Indústria Farmacêutica como um interveniente na economia internacional europeia tornou-se uma questão de estudo pertinente. O objetivo desta proposta é analisar a Balança Comercial Farmacêutica Europeia, dando uma nota especial ao contexto português, assim como os seus determinantes. As conclusões retiradas deste estudo permitiram concluir o forte impacto que esta balança tem na economia de um país, assim como os indicadores económicos que mais influenciam esta. De um grupo inicial de nove indicadores, de que faziam parte o PIB, Taxa de Inflação, Desemprego, Emprego na Indústria Farmacêutica, Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Despesas na Saúde, Taxa de Mortalidade, Causas de Morte e Esperança Média de Vida, apenas três se revelaram como significativos relativamente à Balança Comercial Farmacêutica.The Pharmaceutical Industry is one of the industries with bigger influence in European economy. During the worldwide pandemic we lived in 2020, this industry gained special highlights due to the economical contribution during times of crisis. From the early stages of the research for a new medicine or vaccine, to its development, to how to enter the market and commercialization all are extremely complex processes that take a lot of time and investment without the guarantee of success. For all the above and considering the economic issue, the study of the Pharmaceutical Industry as part of the international european economy became an important subject to analyse. The purpose of this study is to analyse the Pharmaceutical European Trade Balance, with a small note to the Portuguese context, as well as its determinants. The conclusions of the study allowed to conclude the strong impact of this balance in a country’s economy and the economic indicators that most influence this balance. From a group of nine indicators, GDP, Inflation Rate, Unemployment, Employment in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Research and Development, Healthcare Expenditure, Mortality Rate, Causes of Death and Life Expectancy, only three came as relevant and significant in terms with the Pharmaceutical Trade Balance

    Avaliação e promoção da qualidade dos cuidados prestados em creche familiar: primeiros resultados de um estudo de investigação/acção

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    Neste artigo apresentam-se os resultados do projecto de investigação/acção Promoção da qualidade dos cuidados prestados em amas e creche familiar (resposta enquadrada pelo Decreto-Lei n.º158/84). É um estudo exploratório, de carácter longitudinal, que teve como principais objectivos: (1) avaliar a qualidade da resposta creche familiar em duas instituições do Distrito de Lisboa; (2) analisar se variáveis como a idade, nível de escolaridade e tempo de experiência das amas, o rácio TE/ama e a idade das crianças estavam associadas à qualidade de cuidados prestada; (3) sistematizar os passos de um programa de promoção da qualidade baseado numa metodologia de consultoria; e (4) determinar os efeitos do programa de consultoria na promoção da qualidade. Participaram neste projecto 10 amas enquadradas na creche familiar de um centro infantil do Centro Distrital de Segurança Social de Lisboa, 21 amas de centros infantis da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa e os Técnicos de Enquadramento responsáveis pelo apoio técnico. A Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition (FCCERS-R) de Harms, Cryer e Clifford (2007), traduzida pela equipa de investigação, foi o principal instrumento utilizado. A recolha de dados decorreu em três momentos: (1) avaliação inicial; (2) reunião de consultoria; e (3) avaliação final.Os resultados encontrados mostram que a qualidade dos cuidados prestados pelas amas é adequada/mínima, com excepção dos itens relacionados com a interacção ama-criança onde a qualidade é boa, sendo a subescala actividades aquela onde foram encontrados valores mais baixos. Não foram encontradas associações significativas entre a qualidade e o tempo experiência das amas. Relativamente às restantes variáveis – idade das amas, rácio TE/ama e idade das crianças – encontraram-se algumas associações com a qualidade global e em algumas das subescalas da FCCERS-R. Foram encontradas diferenças entre os dados da 1ª e da 2ª observação que parecem poder associar-se ao processo de consultoria implementado.Abstract: We present the results of a research/action project on Quality improvement of family child care (Public Law 158/84). This exploratory and longitudinal research had three main goals: (1) to evaluate family child care quality in two different public agencies in Lisbon county; (2) to analyze if age, school level and professional experience of family child care providers (FCCP), ratio support professional/FCCP and children’s age, were related to quality; (3) to implement a consultation process; and (4) to determine the effects of the consultation. 10 FCCP were supported by a public agency in Lisbon region and 21 by another public agency in the city of Lisbon. Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition (FCCERS-R) de Harms, Cryer e Clifford (2007) was used and data was collect in three different moments: (1) first evaluation; (2) consultation meeting, and (3) final evaluation. Results show that quality is adequate/minimum. Best results were found in interaction subscale and poor results were found in activity subscale. There were no significant associations between quality and experience of family care providers. Age of family day care, ratio support professional/provider and age of the children in day care were associated with global results and results in some of FCCERS-R sub-scales. We also found significant differences between the first and final evaluations that may be explained by the consultation process.Resumé : On présente les résultats d’un Project de recherche/intervention sur la Promotion de la qualité des services en crèche familiale (Loi n.º158/84). C’est une étude exploratoire, longitudinal ayant les objectifs de : (1) évaluer la qualité des services dans deux institutions de la région de Lisbonne ; (2) analyser l’association entre les variables âge, scolarité et niveau d’études et expérience professionnelle des assistantes maternelles agrées (AMA), le ratio professionnel/AMA et l’âge des enfants avec la qualité du service ; (3) systématiser les étapes d’un programme de supervision ; et (4) analyser les effets du programme sur la qualité des services d’accueil à domicile. Les assistantes maternelles étaient encadrées par des professionnels de deux services: Sécurité Sociale de la région de Lisbonne (10) et Santa Casa da Misericórdia dans la ville de Lisbonne (21).La qualité a été évaluée avec la Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition (FCCERS-R) de Harms, Cryer e Clifford (2007). Cette recherche eu trois phases: (1) évaluation initiale; (2) réunion de supervision ; et (3) ) évaluation finale. Les résultats montre que la qualité est adéquate/minimale. Les itens concernant l’interaction de l’AMA avec les enfants ont les meilleurs résultats mais en ce qui concerne les activités proposées les résultats sont très inferieurs. On ne trouve aucune association entre la qualité et expérience professionnelle. Par contre, on trouve quelques associations statistiquement signifiantes entre la qualité globale et quelques échelles de FCCERS-R et l’âge des enfants, âge des AMA et ratio professionnel/AMA. On retrouve aussi des différences statistiquement signifiantes entre l’évaluation initiale et finale qui peuvent être dues au processus de supervision

    Comparative study of silicone-hydrogel contact lenses surfaces before and after wear using atomic force microscopy

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze surface changes of three silicone-hydrogel contact lenses after daily wear. The lenses used in this study were balafilcon A, lotrafilcon B (both surface-treated), and galyfilcon A (non surface-treated). Methods: To understand how and where proteins, lipids, and other contaminants change contact lenses, surface roughness was assessed through Atomic Force Microscopy Tapping ModeTM. Roughness parameters were Mean Surface roughness (Ra), Mean-square-roughness (Rq), and Maximum roughness (Rmax). The surface topography of unworn and worn lenses was also mapped in great detail. Results: Contact lenses roughness parameters exhibited different values before and after wear and the surface appearance also changed. After wear, balafilcon A and galyfilcon A showed a significant increase on surface roughness parameters, being this increase more accentuated to galyfilcon A. In lotrafilcon B materials no significant changes were observed with wear. Conclusions: The present study suggests that surface treatment of silicone-hydrogel contact lenses can play a role in the prevention of a significant increase in roughness, and contribute to the better clinical tolerance of these lenses.University of PortoIBM

    The effect of lens wear on refractive index of conventional hydrogel and silicone-hydrogel contact lenses: a comparative study

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    Purpose: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the ability of four silicone-hydrogel contact lenses (galyfilcon A, balafilcon A, lotrafilcon A and lotrafilcon B) to retain their equilibrium water content before and after wear, through measurements of refractive index and compare with that of a conventional disposable hydrogel contact lens (etafilcon A). Methods: The refractive indices of 115 contact lenses were measured using an automated refractometer (CLR 12-70, Index Instruments, Cambridge, U.K.) before and after a schedule of daily wear by 58 patients for 30 days in the case of silicone-hydrogel lenses and 15 days for the conventional contact lenses. Results: In the silicone-hydrogel contact lenses the changes on the refractive indices were not statistically significant, however after being worn the refractive index of the conventional etalfilcon A hydrogel contact lens increased significantly ( p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results presented here show that after being worn the silicone-hydrogel contact lens, show more capacity to retain or to reach their initial equilibrium water content than conventional hydrogel contact lenses. This suggests that the silicone-hydrogel contact lenses are less susceptible to spoilation over time maintaining its biocompatibility and contributing to the clinical success of lens performance.Vision and Johnson & Johnson.Bausch & Lom

    The effect of silicone-hydrogel and conventional hydrogel contact lenses wear on the tear film: a comparison between de lenses

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of one conventional hydrogel and four silicone-hydrogel contact lenses of 6-months daily wear on the quantity and stability of the tear film. The tests were performed with a group of patients with no previous contact lenses experience before and after wear on 96 eyes. Methods: The contact lenses tested were: 19 Galyfilcon A (Acuvue® Advance™), 15 Balafilcon A (PureVision™), 20 Lotrafilcon A (Focus® Night & Day™), 14 Lotrafilcon B (O2Optix™) and 28 Etalfilcon A (Acuvue®). Each silicone-hydrogel contact lens was used for 1 month and the conventional hydrogel for 15 days. Every patient used a different lens in each eye. Tear film stability was monitored by tear Break-up-time (BUT) and Non Invasive Break Up Time (NiBUT) and tear volume was measured by the Total Tear Meniscus Height and the Red Phenol Test. Results: The following tables summarize the difference between the measurements obtained in the first and in the last day of wear of each contact lens brand and the results were analyzed comparing the conventional hydrogel and the siliconehydrogel contact lenses (Table 1, 2, and 3), the lenses belonging to the first generation of silicone-hydrogel contact lenses (table 4) and the lenses belonging to the second generation of silicone-hydrogel (Table 5). The significance (p value) of 0.05 is considered statistically significant. Conclusions: Although there are some differences between the lenses, there are no statistically significant differences between the lenses and measurements obtained before and after contact lenses wear on the tear film tests.Objectivo: Avaliar o efeito de 6 meses de uso diário de uma lente de contacto de hidrogel convencional e quatro lentes de contacto de silicone-hidrogel na qualidade e estabilidade do filme lacrimal. Os testes foram realizados num grupo de pacientes (96 olhos) sem experiência prévia de uso de lentes de contacto, antes e depois do período de uso das lentes. Material e Métodos: As lentes de contacto estudadas foram: 19 Galyfilcon A (Acuvue® Advance™), 15 Balafilcon A (PureVision™), 20 Lotrafilcon A (Focus® Night & Day™), 14 Lotrafilcon B (O2Optix™) e 28 Etalfilcon A (Acuvue®). Cada lente de silicone-hidrogel foi usada durante 1 mês e a lente de hidrogel convencional durante 15 dias. Todos os pacientes usaram uma lente diferente em cada olho. A estabilidade do filme lacrimal foi avaliada pelo teste de ruptura lacrimal (BUT) e pelo teste de ruptura lacrimal não invasivo (NIBUT). O volume lacrimal foi medido pala altura total do menisco lacrimal e pelo teste vermelho fenol (Red Phenol Test) Resultados: Nas tabelas seguintes apresenta-se a diferença entre as medidas obtidas no 1º e último dia de uso para cada marca de lente de contacto e os resultados foram analisados comparando a lente de contacto hidrogel convencional com as lentes de silicone-hidrogel (Tabela 1, 2 e 3), as lentes pertencentes à 1ª geração de lentes de silicone-hidrogel (Tabela 4) e as lentes que pertencem à 2ª geração das lentes de silicone-hidrogel (Tabela 5). O valor da significância (p) é considerada estatisticamente significativa quando ≤0.05. Conclusões: Embora existam algumas diferenças entre as lentes de contacto estudadas, não há diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os valores obtidos nos testes de avaliação do filme lacrimal antes e depois do uso das lentes de contacto

    Effectiveness of the introduction of Proprioceptive Training in the exercise programs for Knee Osteoarthritis

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    Trabalho apresentado em EULAR Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, 11-14 de junho 2014, Paris, FrançaN/

    Identification of drivers of mycobacterial resistance to peptidoglycan synthesis inhibitors

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    Beta-lactams have been excluded from tuberculosis therapy due to the intrinsic resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) to this antibiotic class, usually attributed to a potent beta-lactamase, BlaC, and to an unusually complex cell wall. In this pathogen, the peptidoglycan is cross-linked by penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and L,D-transpeptidases, the latter resistant to inhibition by most beta-lactams. However, recent studies have shown encouraging results of beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations in clinical strains. Additional research on the mechanisms of action and resistance to these antibiotics and other inhibitors of peptidoglycan synthesis, such as the glycopeptides, is crucial to ascertain their place in alternative regimens against drug-resistant strains. Within this scope, we applied selective pressure to generate mutants resistant to amoxicillin, meropenem or vancomycin in Mtb H37Rv or Mycolicibacterium smegmatis (Msm) mc2-155. These were phenotypically characterized, and whole-genome sequencing was performed. Mutations in promising targets or orthologue genes were inspected in Mtb clinical strains to establish potential associations between altered susceptibility to beta-lactams and the presence of key genomic signatures. The obtained isolates had substantial increases in the minimum inhibitory concentration of the selection antibiotic, and beta-lactam cross-resistance was detected in Mtb. Mutations in L,D-transpeptidases and major PBPs, canonical targets, or BlaC were not found. The transcriptional regulator PhoP (Rv0757) emerged as a common denominator for Mtb resistance to both amoxicillin and meropenem, while Rv2864c, a lipoprotein with PBP activity, appears to be specifically involved in decreased susceptibility to the carbapenem. Nonetheless, the mutational pattern detected in meropenem-resistant mutants was different from the yielded by amoxicillin-or vancomycin-selected isolates, suggesting that distinct pathways may participate in increased resistance to peptidoglycan inhibitors, including at the level of beta-lactam subclasses. Cross-resistance between beta-lactams and antimycobacterials was mostly unnoticed, and Msm meropenem-resistant mutants from parental strains with previous resistance to isoniazid or ethambutol were isolated at a lower frequency. Although cell-associated nitrocefin hydrolysis was increased in some of the isolates, our findings suggest that traditional assumptions of Mtb resistance relying largely in beta-lactamase activity and impaired access of hydrophilic molecules through lipid-rich outer layers should be challenged. Moreover, the therapeutical potential of the identified Mtb targets should be explored.This work was supported by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), Switzerland, through Research Grant 2018, and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, through research project PTDC/BIA-MIC/31233/2017, awarded to MJC. FO (SFRH/BD/136853/2018) and CS (2021.05446.BD) are recipients of PhD fellowships from FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cellulose-Based Solid Electrolyte Membranes Through Microwave Assisted Regeneration and Application in Electrochromic Displays

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    European Commission under project NewFun (ERC-StG-2014, GA 640598) and BET-EU (H2020-TWINN-2015, GA 692373). FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Program and the National Funds through the FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the Project No. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007688, project PapEl, reference PTDC/CTM-NAN/5172/2014 and project CHIHC, reference PTDC/NAN-MAT/32558/2017.One of the most current trends in applied electrochemistry is the development of solid ionic conductors with electrical, mechanical, and optical properties tailored for a specific functional application. Moreover, particular interest exists in materials with low environmental impact and low cost where matters such as sustainability and recyclability are considered. In this study, these concerns were considered by developing a solid-state electrolyte based on regenerated cellulose that meets the requirements for application in electrochromic devices. This soft-matter electrolyte exhibits particularly high room temperature ionic conductivity in the range of 6.5 mS cm–1 and Young’s modulus in the range 3.7 GPa. Optimized electrolyte membranes were applied to inorganic optically active films resulting in all-solid-state electrochromic devices with performances reaching a practical level, retaining its optical modulation characteristics after hundreds of cycles.publishersversionpublishe
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