117 research outputs found

    Wskaźniki bibliometryczne w ocenie aktywności publikacyjnej pracowników naukowych

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    The assessment of the scientific potential of institutions can be made by using a variety of numerical indicators. In order to determine the scientific level of Polish institutions one should apply the indicators and methods used for assessing international learning. To this end, researchers frequently use comparisons of publishing activity, frequency of citation and bibliometric indicators aimed at illustrating more qualitative than quantitative status of science. The paper presents the most commonly used measures of publishing activity evaluation (the number of publications, the number of citations, the Impact Factor, the Hirsch Index). It also discusses the pros and cons of the Hirsch Index as a method of evaluation of scientific achievements of both individuals and institutions. In addition, the authors have made reference to a system based on the Impact Factor

    Archaean megacrystic plagioclase units and the tectonic setting of greenstones

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    Large (up to 20 cm), equidimensional, commonly euhedral, plagioclase megacrysts of highly calcic composition (An sub 80-90) occur commonly in all Archean cratons in one or more of three distinct associations: (1) as cumulate crystal segregations of anorthosite or as megacrysts in basaltic dikes, sills, and flows in greenstone belts that vary in metamorphic grade from greenschist to granulite. Throughout 100's of thousands of square kilometers of northwestern Ontario and Manitoba the plagioclase megacrysts occur in pillowed and massive flows, sills, dikes, large inclusions in dikes, and intrusive anorthositic complexes with areas of up to a few 100 sq km and spanning a period of at least 100 m.y. in the 2.7 to 2.8 b.y. time frame; (2) as basaltic dike swarms in stable cratonic areas forming parallel to subparallel patterns over hundreds of thousands of square kilometers intruding both granitic gneisses and supracrustal belts including greenstones. These swams include the Ameralik-Saglek system at 3.1 to 3.4 b.y., the Matachewan system at 2.5 to 2.6 b.y., and the Beartooth-Bighorn system at 2.2 to 2.3 b.y.; and, (3) as anorthositic complexes associated with marbles and quartzites (Sittampundi, India and Messina, South Africa) in granulite grade terrains. Initial attempts to correlate tectonic settings of similar modern crystbearing units with their Archean counterparts were only partially successful

    The Petrogenetic significance of Plagioclase megacrysts in Archean rocks

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    The petrogenetic significance of plagioclase megacryst-bearing Archean rocks was considered. It was suggested that these developed in mid-to upper-crustal magma chambers that were repeatedly replenished. Crystallization of megacrysts from a primitive liquid that evolves to an Fe-rich tholeiite (with LREE enrichment) is nearly isothermal and is an equilibrium process. Cumulates probably form near the margins of the chambers and liquids with megacrysts are periodically extracted and can appear as volcanics. Some flows and intrusives are found in arc-like settings in greenstone belts. Megacrystic dikes represent large volumes of melt and dike swarms such as the Metachawan swarm of Ontario suggest multiple sources of similar compositions. A complex series of melt ponding and migration are probable and involve large amounts of liquid

    Tectonic implications of Archean anorthosite occurrences

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    The occurrences of megacrystic anorthosite and basalt in a variety of geologic settings were reviewed and it was found that these rock types occur in a variety of tectonic settings. Anorthosites and megacrystic basalts are petrogenetically related and are found in oceanic volcanic crust, cratons, and shelf environments. Although megacrystic basalts are most common in Archean terranes, similar occurrences are observed in rocks of early Proterozoic age, and even in young terranes such as the Galapagos hotspot. Based on inferences from experimental petrology, all of the occurrences are apparently associated with similar parental melts that are relatively Fe-rich tholeiites. The megacrystic rocks exhibit a two- (or more)-stage development of plagioclase, with the megacrysts having relatively uniform composition produced under nearly isothermal and isochemical conditions over substantial periods of time. The anorthosites appear to have intruded various crustal levels from very deep to very shallow. The petrogenetic indicators, however, suggest that conditions of formation of the Precambrian examples were different from Phanerozoic occurrences


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    Towards RNAi based therapy of liver diseases : diversity and complexity of shRNA and miRNA processing and functions

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a genetic disorder characterized by high levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and increasing the risk of cardio vascular diseases. FH and many other liver diseases can possibly be treated with RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi is a natural process of regulation of gene expression by binding of small RNA molecules to complementary sequences in the mRNA of a gene and hence inducing its degradation or translational repression. In this thesis, we aimed at developing a safe and robust RNAi-based therapy for FH by inhibiting Apolipoprotein B100 (ApoB). ApoB is a primary component of the low density lipoprotein (LDL), a lipoprotein that transports __bad__ cholesterol LDL-C. We have shown that RNAi therapy using AAV-delivered artificial miRNA is a promising approach for treatment of FH and possibly other liver diseases. Our mechanistic studies revealed differences in shRNA and miRNA processing and functioning in vivo. Finally, our findings have significant impact on understanding and overcoming toxicity and off-targeting related problems of RNAi based gene therapy in the liver using AAV vectors.uniQure Biopharma, Macrogen, Leiden UniversityUBL - phd migration 201

    Jeśli nie praca w bibliotece, to gdzie? Przegląd ofert studiów podyplomowych

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    This article presents several offers of post-graduate studies offered by Polish universities.  They are as follows: public relations, editing, copyright law, EU projects’ management.  Those programs are aimed at librarians and professionals dealing in scientific information who are in the process of  continuing education or those wanting to change their current profession.W artykule przedstawiono wybrane kierunki studiów podyplomowych oferowanych przez uczelnie w Polsce: public relations, edytorstwo, prawo autorskie, zarządzanie projektami Unii Europejskiej. Wymienione kierunki kształcenia są propozycją dla pracowników informacji naukowej i bibliotekarzy, którzy pragną się dokształcić lub zmienić zawód

    Evaluation of alterations in tumor tissue of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) in computed tomography following treatment with imatinib

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the alterations in the neoplastic tissue of GIST following Imatinib treatment. Material/Methods: CT studies of 14 patients with inoperable primary tumors and 56 patients with metastatic and recurrent disease after chemotherapy were analyzed retrospectively. The following alterations in features of primary and secondary tumors were analyzed: dimension, degree and type of contrast enhancement, outlines of lesions, presence of intratumoral bleeding, presence of calcifications. Results: In the analyzed group of primary, metastatic and recurrent tumors after treatment with Imatinib in most cases a decrease in size and contrast enhancement were observed; the outlines of lesions became well circumscribed. Following the treatment, the number of tumors enhancing inhomogeneously decreased. In primary tumors the percentage of calcifications increased, whereas in metastatic tumors calcifications were observed only after treatment. There was no bleeding found within primary tumors after treatment. In metastatic disease, increased percentage of tumors with transient intratumoral bleeding was observed. There were also some unconventional CT images following treatment, such as: cystic transformation of lesions, enlargement of lesions, appearing of new lesions suggesting progression of the disease, stationary dimensions of lesions during local progression of the disease, simultaneous decrease and increase in size of metastatic lesions or appearance of new ones. Conclusions: Right from the start of Imatinib therapy in inoperable and disseminated GIST patients, specific CT images, not seen during conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy, were observed

    Wskaźniki bibliometryczne w ocenie aktywności publikacyjnej pracowników naukowych

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    The assessment of the scientific potential of institutions can be made by using a variety of numerical indicators. In order to determine the scientific level of Polish institutions one should apply the indicators and methods used for assessing international learning. To this end, researchers frequently use comparisons of publishing activity, frequency of citation and bibliometric indicators aimed at illustrating more qualitative than quantitative status of science. The paper presents the most commonly used measures of publishing activity evaluation (the number of publications, the number of citations, the Impact Factor, the Hirsch Index). It also discusses the pros and cons of the Hirsch Index as a method of evaluation of scientific achievements of both individuals and institutions. In addition, the authors have made reference to a system based on the Impact Factor

    As novas técnicas de gestão empresarial e suas consequências negativas no âmbito das relações de trabalho

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    Orientador: Wilson Ramos FilhoMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoO período subsequente à Segunda Guerra Mundial fez com que o capitalismo triunfasse como sistema predominante em quase todas as nações do mundo. Diante desse panorama, as empresas tiveram que realizar mudanças, provocadas pelo aumento de competitividade e pela necessidade de sempre garantir maior lucratividade. As relações de trabalho sofreram notáveis alterações nos últimos trinta anos. Técnicas como o just in time e lean production, advindas do taylorismo, foram utilizadas para incrementar a produção e aumentar as taxas de lucro das empresas. Partindo de premissas como satisfação pessoal e a necessidade de polivalência nas atividades profissionais, um perfil pioneiro de empregado surgiu, tendo como característica principal a flexibilidade, uma novidade em relação ao empregado tradicionalmente concebido pelo fordismo. As consequências dessa busca incessante pelo lucro através de novos métodos de gestão e de produção, característicos da fase pós-taylorista, são as mais diversas, refletindo tanto na ordem pessoal do trabalhador quanto na sociedade, como é o caso da dualização salarial. Diante das incongruências apresentadas pelo sistema jurídico, o sistema econômico se utiliza da sociedade como instrumento para a consecução dos objetivos capitalistas, e para isso lança mão até mesmo das normas presentes no ordenamento jurídico, de modo que as consequências negativas não servem como freio para a busca do lucro pelo lucro. O Direito do Trabalho deve figurar, portanto, não como o sistema que legitima o modo de produção capitalista, mas como ator de forma efetiva na busca da justiça social em questões laborais, combatendo as práticas empresariais prejudiciais ao trabalhador a fim de que se possa alcançar o bem estar laboral, com condições adequadas de trabalho e de tutela jurídica à classe que depende do trabalh