295 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Spain’s Sovereign Debt Risk Premium

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    This research hopes to answer a few questions. Do macroeconomic variables, specifically unemployment, government debt, and growth levels drive Spain’s SDRP? Of what magnitude is that influence? What impact did the Great Recession have on the variables’ magnitude of influence? This research will use time series analysis to answer these questions

    Opening the Policy Window to Mobilize Action Against Corruption in the Health Sector; Comment on “We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems”

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    Corruption in the health sector has been a “dirty secret” in the health policy and international development community, but recent global activities point to a day when it will no longer be neglected as a key determinant of health. To further explore next steps forward, this commentary applies the Kingdon’s multiple-streams framework (MSF) to assess what opportunities are available to mobilize the global agenda to combat health corruption. Based on this analysis, it appears that Kingdon’s problem, policy, and political streams are coalescing to create a policy window opportunity that can be leveraged based on recent developments in the global health and international development community around corruption. This includes the recent formation of the Global Network on Anti-Corruption, Transparency and Accountability (GNACTA) led by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Fund, and the United Nations Development Programme in 2019. It also includes bridging shared goals of addressing corruption in order to make progress towards health-specific goals in the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and for achieving universal health coverage

    Off-Label Promotion Reform: A Legislative Proposal Addressing Vulnerable Patient Drug Access and Limiting Inappropriate Pharmaceutical Marketing

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    Off-label promotion occurs when pharmaceutical manufacturers engage in promotion of unapproved or off-label uses of their drugs. These off label uses may lack adequate clinical data to substantiate marketing claims, have led to corporate investigations and penalties, and can endanger public health. However there is adequate evidence to suggest that off-label uses are entirely appropriate for some vulnerable patient populations, and that physicians have accepted such uses as standard. Historically, U.S. law has prohibited direct off-label promotion to physicians and patients. However, failed government guidance, industry-based litigation, and the diminished capacity of regulators to police illegal practices have had dire consequences for patient safety and the prevention of healthcare fraud and abuse. Worse still, because of these policies, vulnerable disease patients and their physicians are often unaware of appropriate off-label treatments, and the lack of information places these patients at risk. To address these concerns, we propose the creation of a targeted and regulated off-label promotion system that enables vulnerable patient populations to access life-saving treatments and simultaneously creates clear incentives to avoid inappropriate off-label promotion. This federal legislation would create FDA-targeted exemptions of off-label prohibitions for vulnerable patient populations, if certain requirements of enrollment, risk management, and pharmacovigilance are met. Any proposed off-label promotion would also be pre-reviewed by the FDA to ensure that the program was safe and properly monitored. To create incentives for appropriate off-label marketing and avoid the problem of repeat corporate offenders, additional penalties would be available without preempting other causes of action. This system of carrots and sticks would increase drug access for vulnerable patient populations while discouraging illegal marketing that could threaten patient safety and public health

    The disease of corruption: views on how to fight corruption to advance 21st century global health goals

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    Corruption has been described as a disease. When corruption infiltrates global health, it can be particularly devastating, threatening hard gained improvements in human and economic development, international security, and population health. Yet, the multifaceted and complex nature of global health corruption makes it extremely difficult to tackle, despite its enormous costs, which have been estimated in the billions of dollars. In this forum article, we asked anti-corruption experts to identify key priority areas that urgently need global attention in order to advance the fight against global health corruption. The views shared by this multidisciplinary group of contributors reveal several fundamental challenges and allow us to explore potential solutions to address the unique risks posed by health-related corruption. Collectively, these perspectives also provide a roadmap that can be used in support of global health anti-corruption efforts in the post-2015 development agenda

    Springbrook: Challenges in developing a long-term, rainforest wireless sensor network

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    We describe the design, development and learnings from the first phase of a rainforest ecological sensor network at Springbrook - part of a World Heritage precinct in South East Queensland. This first phase is part of a major initiative to develop the capability to provide reliable, long-term monitoring of rainforest ecosystems. We focus in particular on our analysis around energy and communication challenges which need to be solved to allow for reliable, long-term deployments in these types of environments

    Digital Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: A Perfect Storm of Rapid Evolution and Stagnant Regulation Comment on “Trouble Spots in Online Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Promotion: A Content Analysis of FDA Warning Letters”

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    The adoption and use of digital forms of direct-to-consumer advertising (also known as “eDTCA”) is on the rise. At the same time, the universe of eDTCA is expanding, as technology on Internet-based platforms continues to evolve, from static websites, to social media, and nearly ubiquitous use of mobile devices. However, little is known about how this unique form of pharmaceutical marketing impacts consumer behavior, public health, and overall healthcare utilization. The study by Kim analyzing US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notices of violations (NOVs) and warning letters regarding online promotional activities takes us in the right direction, but study results raise as many questions as it does answers. Chief among these are unanswered concerns about the unique regulatory challenges posed by the “disruptive” qualities of eDTCA, and whether regulators have sufficient resources and oversight powers to proactively address potential violations. Further, the globalization of eDTCA via borderless Internet-based technologies raises larger concerns about the potential global impact of this form of health marketing unique to only the United States and New Zealand. Collectively, these challenges make it unlikely that regulatory science will be able to keep apace with the continued rapid evolution of eDTCA unless more creative policy solutions are explored

    Approximation properties for noncommutative Lp-spaces associated with lattices in Lie groups

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    In 2010, Lafforgue and de la Salle gave examples of noncommutative Lp-spaces without the operator space approximation property (OAP) and, hence, without the completely bounded approximation property (CBAP). To this purpose, they introduced the property of completely bounded approximation by Schur multipliers on Sp and proved that for p 4 the groups SL(n,Z), with n \geq 3, do not have it. Since for 1 < p < \infty the property of completely bounded approximation by Schur multipliers on Sp is weaker than the approximation property of Haagerup and Kraus (AP), these groups were also the first examples of exact groups without the AP. Recently, Haagerup and the author proved that also the group Sp(2,R) does not have the AP, without using the property of completely bounded approximation by Schur multipliers on Sp. In this paper, we prove that Sp(2,R) does not have the property of completely bounded approximation by Schur multipliers on Sp for p 12. It follows that a large class of noncommutative Lp-spaces does not have the OAP or CBAP.Comment: Version 2, 20 pages. Minor corrections, builds on results from arXiv:1201.125

    SkyMapper Southern Survey: First Data Release (DR1)

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    We present the first data release (DR1) of the SkyMapper Southern Survey, a hemispheric survey carried out with the SkyMapper Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia. Here, we present the survey strategy, data processing, catalogue construction and database schema. The DR1 dataset includes over 66,000 images from the Shallow Survey component, covering an area of 17,200 deg2^2 in all six SkyMapper passbands uvgrizuvgriz, while the full area covered by any passband exceeds 20,000 deg2^2. The catalogues contain over 285 million unique astrophysical objects, complete to roughly 18 mag in all bands. We compare our grizgriz point-source photometry with PanSTARRS1 DR1 and note an RMS scatter of 2%. The internal reproducibility of SkyMapper photometry is on the order of 1%. Astrometric precision is better than 0.2 arcsec based on comparison with Gaia DR1. We describe the end-user database, through which data are presented to the world community, and provide some illustrative science queries.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures, 10 tables, PASA, accepte

    Continuity properties of measurable group cohomology

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    A version of group cohomology for locally compact groups and Polish modules has previously been developed using a bar resolution restricted to measurable cochains. That theory was shown to enjoy analogs of most of the standard algebraic properties of group cohomology, but various analytic features of those cohomology groups were only partially understood. This paper re-examines some of those issues. At its heart is a simple dimension-shifting argument which enables one to `regularize' measurable cocycles, leading to some simplifications in the description of the cohomology groups. A range of consequences are then derived from this argument. First, we prove that for target modules that are Fr\'echet spaces, the cohomology groups agree with those defined using continuous cocycles, and hence they vanish in positive degrees when the acting group is compact. Using this, we then show that for Fr\'echet, discrete or toral modules the cohomology groups are continuous under forming inverse limits of compact base groups, and also under forming direct limits of discrete target modules. Lastly, these results together enable us to establish various circumstances under which the measurable-cochains cohomology groups coincide with others defined using sheaves on a semi-simplicial space associated to the underlying group, or sheaves on a classifying space for that group. We also prove in some cases that the natural quotient topologies on the measurable-cochains cohomology groups are Hausdorff.Comment: 52 pages. [Nov 22, 2011:] Major re-write with Calvin C. Moore as new co-author. Results from previous version strengthened and several new results added. [Nov 25, 2012:] Final version now available at springerlink.co
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