157 research outputs found
Fungal aneurism of the right posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)
In this case-report, the Authors show the case of a sudden death occurred in a 38-year-old woman submitted to
surgical excision of a right acoustic neurinoma. At the autopsy, was detected a cerebral hemorrhage with
multifocal localization by a ruptured rare fungal aneurysm of the Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Arthery (PICA).
The PCR analysis, carried out on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue, identified the Aspergillus Penicillioides
as the involved pathogen.
We discuss the main points of infectious aneurysms, being a potential neurosurgical complication
Prevalence of chronic diseases by immigrant status and disparities in chronic disease management in immigrants: a population-based cohort study, Valore Project
For chronic conditions, disparities can take effect cumulatively at various times as the disease progresses, even when care is provided. The aim of this study was to quantify the prevalence of diabetes, congestive heart failure (CHF) and coronary heart disease (CHD) in adults by citizenship, and to compare the performance of primary care services in managing these chronic conditions, again by citizenship.
This is a population-based retrospective cohort study on 1,948,622 people aged 16 years or more residing in Italy. A multilevel regression model was applied to analyze adherence to care processes using explanatory variables at both patient and district level.
The age-adjusted prevalence of diabetes was found higher among immigrants from high migratory pressure countries (HMPC) than among Italians, while the age-adjusted prevalence of cardiovascular disease was higher for Italians than for HMPC immigrants or those from highly-developed countries (HDC). Our results indicate lower levels in all quality management indicators for citizens from HMPC than for Italians, for all the chronic conditions considered. Patients from HDC did not differ from Italian in their adherence to disease management schemes.
This study revealed a different prevalence of chronic diseases by citizenship, implying a different burden of primary care by citizenship. Our findings show that more effort is needed to guarantee migrant-sensitive primary health care
La Banca d' Italia verso la terza fase dell'Unione monetaria europea: necessitĂ di alcune modifiche istituzionali
L'autonomia dell banca centrale riveste un ruolo cruciale per il conseguimento della stabilità dei prezzi. A tale obiettivo, però, risulta essere strumentale anche quello della vigilanza bancaria. La presenza dei due obiettivi impone che la banca centrale sia al riparo da eventuali pressioni esterne rispetto ad entrambi.Questo lavoro avanza alcune ipotesi sulle scelte legislative ch epotrebbero essere attuate, al fine di rafforzare l'indipendenza della nostra bancacentrale e, in definitiva, la sua azione
Verso l'unione monetaria europea: i problemi e le modifiche necessarie nel sistema bancario italiano.
Il lavoro evidenzia i principali punti di debolezza del sistema bancario italiano, sui quali è necessario intervenire, per ridare vitalità ad un settore che rischia l'emarginazione da parte dei nostri partners europei. Il recupero dell'efficienza e della redditività diviene, secondo le linee individuate, l'obietivo primario che le banche italiane devono perseguire
Perchè un abanca centrale undipendente?
Il presente lavoro analizza le ragioni politiche ed economiche a sostegno dell'indipendenza della banca centrale, per giungere poi all'individuazione degli indicatori sia politici che economici di tale indipendenza
StabilitĂ monetaria e stabilitĂ bancaria: due obiettivi per una banca centrale indipendente
It is a common opinion that the Central Bank, when entrusted with supervision functions, might suffer from some loss of credibility because of th epotential weakening og the monetary action. in this paper we want to counterclaim that this loss of credibility does not depende on the concurrence of different responsibilities but, rather, on the way these responsibilities are characterised. In fact, if the supervision is explicited in terms of preventive measures and remedies, but leaves the Central Bank free of deciding on normative and operative aspects, the worries that the concurrence of the two responsibilities will eventually rebound on the monetary stability are noi justified
Indipendenza della Banca Centrale e politica monetaria. Note sul dibattito intorno al “divorzio” fra Banca d’Italia e Tesoro
The paper examines the debate and policies which led to the “divorce” between the Bank of Italy and Italian Treasury in 1981
Indipendenza della banca centrale e politica monetaria:note sul dibattito intorno al "divorzio" fra Banca d'Italia e Tesoro.
During the Seventies many events deeply modify the concept ogf the role of money and Central Banks within the econimic system.
In italy, a severe economic crisis and the changing international Macroeconomic context dermine a rapid evolution of the goal and instruments of monetary bas become compulsory previsions, until the Bank of Italy and the Tresury agree on a "divorce" in 1981.
The paper aims at reconstructing the scientific debate which preceded that event, in the light of wider macroeconomic debate on the credibility role of monetary authorities and their indipendence from the political power
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