4 research outputs found

    Assessing and explaining local e-government maturity in the Iberoamerican community

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    This paper assesses local e-government maturity in the Iberoamerican community. Sixty Andorran, Argentinian, Brazilian, Chilean, Colombian, Costa Rican, Mexican, Portuguese, Spanish, and Uruguayan cities were considered in this study. A demographic criterion was adopted to define the municipalities observed within those countries and a three-dimensional model was used to evaluate each municipal website. Then, we conclude that local e-government still has a substantial room for improvement in the region and that population density is relevant to explain local e-government maturity, albeit only in its intrinsic Information and Participation dimensions.publishe

    Evaluating local e-government maturity in selected Iberoamerican countries

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    This paper describes an exploratory study aiming to assess e-government maturity of municipalities in selected Iberoamerican countries: Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Portugal and Spain. A geographical criterion was adopted to select the countries, and a demographic criterion was adopted to define the municipalities observed within those countries. Moreover, a three-dimensional maturity model was used to categorize and evaluate each municipal website. Then, we conclude that local e-government still has a substantial room for improvement in the community, or at least in the studied countries, and that population density seems to be associated with the preliminary results for local e-government maturity

    Inclusão escolar de alunos portadores de Transtorno do Espectro Autista na educação infantil: uma revisão sistemática: School inclusion of students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in early childhood education: a systematic review

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    Este artigo debate o problema da inclusão escolar de crianças com transtorno do espectro autista (TEA). Para estabelecer o debate, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico e referencial para uma revisão sistemática do tema. O objetivo é clarificar os conceitos de inclusão escolar e TEA para debater como é feito o processo educacional de crianças com TEA. Sendo assim, a partir da pesquisa científica de descritores como “inclusão escolar”, “transtorno do espectro autista”, foi observado, pelos diversos autores trabalhados, que ainda há muito o que se debater e trabalhar para que ocorra a inclusão escolar de crianças com TEA. Apesar das muitas tentativas, erros e acertos, o tema ainda é pouco trabalhado e divulgado, visto que há poucos profissionais capacitados na área