142 research outputs found

    Dochodowość starostw goniądzkiego i knyszyńskiego w epoce staropolskiej (XVI-XVIII w.)

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    The purpose of the article is to present the profitability of the Goniadz and Knyszyn starosties from the 16th to 18th centuries. The text highlights differences in the level and structure of monetary income of the examined royal estates. The profitability of the estates was influenced by the changing size of settlement units or natural disasters. The pivotal moment in the history of the leases was the economic crisis associated with the wars of the mid-17th century. This crisis led to the impoverishment of the population, subsequent migration, and a reduction in the fees paid. By the mid-18th century, the financial situation had improved, largely due to the cessation of destructive armed conflicts, allowing the royal estates to become more prosperous.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja dochodowości starostwa goniądzkiego i knyszyńskiego od XVI do XVIII stulecia. W tekście zwrócono uwagę na różnice w poziomie oraz strukturze wpływów pieniężnych badanych królewszczyzn. Intratność dóbr była zależna od zmieniającej się liczebności jednostek osadniczych, czy klęsk elementarnych. Momentem przełomowym w dziejach dzierżaw okazał się kryzys gospodarczy, związany z wojnami połowy XVII w. Przełożył się on na zubożenie ludności, a w konsekwencji jej migracje i obniżenie wnoszonych opłat. Do połowy XVIII w. sytuacja finansowa uległa poprawie. W dużej mierze wynikało to z zakończenia niszczycielskich konfliktów zbrojnych, co pozwoliło na zwiększenie zamożności królewszczyzn

    Sztuka melorecytacji. Studia nad genezą muzyki rap

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    The article focus on problematic associated with beggining of rap music. Studying oldest songs from genre showing, that in most instances, people rapping for fun or to encourage other in participation in it. Author probe not only first rap songs and rap artists, but also music extraction, which arise from inspiration some type of music, like blues, funk, or jazz. Analise few singles from 70. and 80. trying answer on question, why some tracks were so popular. By specyfic of subject, text vicariously keeping on city culture of New York, previous century in United States

    Sex, Age, Education, Marital Status, Number of Children, and Employment – the Impact of Extralegal Factors on Sentencing Disparities

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    Countries that have judicial discretion in their legal system usually struggle with sentencing disparities. This is no different in Poland. The current study examined whether extralegal factors such as age, sex, education, marital status, number of children, and having a job impact sentencing disparities. We examined court files from 13 district courts in Poland for two offenses: drug possession and drunk driving. Our findings show that sex, age, and number of children have no or little effect on outcomes, whilst marital status and employment status have small to medium effects on sentencing. The clearest result pattern to emerge from our analyses is that defendants with tertiary education are treated more leniently than those with primary or lower secondary education.Peer reviewe

    Determining Curie temperature of (Ga,Mn)As samples based on electrical transport measurements: low Curie temperature case

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    In this paper we show that the widely accepted method of the determination of Curie temperature (TC) in (Ga,Mn)As samples, based on the position of the peak in the temperature derivative of the resistivity,completely fails in the case of non-metallic and low-TC unannealed samples. In this case we propose an alternative method, also based on electric transport measurements, which exploits temperature dependence of the second derivative of the resistivity upon magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Znaczenie prognostyczne VEGF i jego receptorów w raku endometrium typu endometrioidalnego

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    Abstract Background: Angiogenesis is of crucial importance for endometrial tumor growth and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is the key mediator of angiogenesis. Objective: The purpose of our study was to assess the prognostic value of VEGF and its receptors in relation to endometrioid endometrial carcinomas. Material and methods: In this study, we conducted an immunohistochemical evaluation of VEGF and VEGFRs expression in 84 tissue samples obtained from endometrioid endometrial cancer patients undergoing curative surgical treatment. Results: Out of 84 cancers, strong positive expression of VEGF was seen in 35 (42%) tumors. The overall strong positive rates were 33% for VEGFR-1 and for 15% for VEGFR-2. There was a significant correlation between clinical stage and VEGF and VEGFR-1 overexpression (p=0.027 and p=0.004, respectively). Additionally, there was a significant correlation between histological grade and VEGF and VEGFR-1 overexpression (pStreszczenie Wstęp: Angiogeneza ma istotne znaczenie we wzroście raka endometrium. Naczyniowo-śródbłonkowy czynnik wzrostu (VEGF) jest kluczowym mediatorem angiogenezy. Cel pracy: W pracy oceniono wartość prognostyczną VEGF i jego receptorów w endometrioidalnym raku endometrium. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono immunohistochemiczną ocenę ekspresji VEGF i VEGFR w 84 preparatach uzyskanych od chorych leczonych operacyjnie. Wyniki: Wśród 84 raków intensywnie dodatnią ekspresję VEGF obserwowano w 35 (42%) przypadków. Intensywnie dodatnią ekspresję VEGFR-1 stwierdzono w 33% a VEGFR-2 w 15% przypadków. Wykazano istotny statystycznie związek pomiędzy stopniem zaawansowania klinicznego a nadekspresją VEGF i VEGFR-1 (p=0,027 i p=0,004 ). Ponadto, stwierdzono znamienny statystycznie związek pomiędzy nadekspresją VEGF i VEGFR-1 a zróżnicowaniem histologicznym (

    Prostate cancer screening in Switzerland: a literature review and consensus statement from the Swiss Society of Urology

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    Over a decade ago, the United States Preventive Services Taskforce (USPSTF) recommended against prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening for prostate cancer in all men, which considerably influenced prostate cancer screening policies worldwide after that. Consequently, the world has seen increasing numbers of advanced stages and prostate cancer deaths, which later led the USPSTF to withdraw its initial statement. Meanwhile, the European Union has elaborated a directive to address the problem of implementing prostate cancer screening in “Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan”. In Switzerland, concerned urologists formed an open Swiss Prostate Cancer Screening Group to improve the early detection of prostate cancer. On the 20th of September 2023, during the annual general assembly of the Swiss Society of Urology (SGU/SSU) in Lausanne, members positively voted for a stepwise approach to evaluate the feasibility of implementing organised prostate cancer screening programs in Switzerland. The following article will summarise the events and scientific advances in the last decade during which evidence and promising additional modalities to complement PSA-based prostate cancer screening have emerged. It also aims to provide an overview of contemporary strategies and their potential harms and benefits

    TNF-α protects from exacerbated myocarditis and cardiac death by suppressing expansion of activated heart-reactive CD4+ T cells

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) represents a classical proinflammatory cytokine and its increased levels positively correlate with the severity of many cardiovascular diseases. Surprisingly, some heart failure patients receiving high doses of anti- TNF-α antibodies showed serious health worsening. This work aimed to examine the role of TNF-α signalling on the development and progression of myocarditis and heart-specific autoimmunity. METHODS AND RESULTS Mice with genetic deletion of TNF-α (Tnf+/- and Tnf-/-) and littermate controls (Tnf+/+) were used to study myocarditis in the inducible and the transgenic T cell receptor (TCR-M) models. Tnf+/- and Tnf-/- mice immunized with α-myosin heavy chain peptide (αMyHC) showed reduced myocarditis incidence but the susceptible animals developed extensive inflammation in the heart. In the TCR-M model, defective TNF-α production was associated with increased mortality at a young age due to cardiomyopathy and cardiac fibrosis. We could confirm that TNF-α as well as the secretome of antigen-activated heart-reactive effector CD4+ T (Teff) cells effectively activated the adhesive properties of cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (cMVECs). Our data suggested that TNF-α produced by endothelial in addition to Teff cells promoted leucocyte adhesion to activated cMVECs. Analysis of CD4+ T lymphocytes from both models of myocarditis showed a strongly increased fraction of Teff cells in hearts, spleens, and in the blood of Tnf+/- and Tnf-/- mice. Indeed, antigen-activated Tnf-/- Teff cells showed prolonged long-term survival and TNF-α cytokine-induced cell death of heart-reactive Teff. CONCLUSIONS TNF-α signalling promotes myocarditis development by activating cardiac endothelial cells. However, in the case of established disease, TNF-α protects from exacerbating cardiac inflammation by inducing activation-induced cell death of heart-reactive Teff. These data might explain the lack of success of standard anti-TNF-α therapy in heart failure patients and open perspectives for T cell-targeted approaches