29 research outputs found

    Microfabrication technology for large LEKID arrays : from NIKA2 to future applications

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    The Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors (LEKID)demonstrated full maturity in the NIKA (New IRAM KID Arrays)instrument. These results allow directly comparing LEKID performance with other competing technologies (TES, doped silicon) in the mm and sub-mm range. A continuing effort is ongoing to improve the microfabrication technologies and concepts in order to satisfy the requirements of new instruments. More precisely, future satellites dedicated to CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) studies will require the same focal plane technology to cover, at least, the frequency range of 60 to 600 GHz. Aluminium LEKID developed for NIKA have so far demonstrated, under real telescope conditions, performance approaching photon-noise limitation in the band 120-300 GHz. By implementing superconducting bi-layers we recently demonstrated LEKID arrays working in the range 80-120 GHz and with sensitivities approaching the goals for CMB missions. NIKA itself (350 pixels) is followed by a more ambitious project requiring several thousands (3000-5000) pixels. NIKA2 has been installed in October 2015 at the IRAM 30-m telescope. We will describe in detail the technological improvements that allowed a relatively harmless 10-fold up-scaling in pixels count without degrading the initial sensitivity. In particular we will briefly describe a solution to simplify the difficult fabrication step linked to the slot-line propagation mode in coplanar waveguide

    An Embedded Processor-based Front End Architecture for the Daq System of a Kinetic Inductance Detector

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    Abstract Detecting cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropies calls for extreme precision measurement of photon energy in the range of 70 to 900 GHz. Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) are able to reduce the effects of the radiative noise. In this paper we describe the Front-End electronics architecture we adopted for the Data Acquisition System of a Kinetic Inductance Detector


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    Il lavoro qui presentato, che nasce dalla collaborazione tra l’LNTS (Laboratorio Nuove Tecnologie e Strumenti) dell’INGV e il Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, descrive lo strumento realizzato per fornire il pettine di frequenze atto ad eccitare un sistema sperimentale per otto risuonatori KID. In tale sistema il pettine di frequenze verrà traslato nella banda di frequenza dei KIDs (nell’ordine dei GHz) per poterne effettuare l’eccitazione e quindi riportato nella banda iniziale per effettuarne l’acquisizione e l’analisi

    ITGA1 (integrin, alpha 1)

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    The α1 integrin subunit (SU) belongs to a large family of α and β subunits that are noncovalently linked to constitute αβ transmembrane units. To date, 18 α and 8 β subunits are known to form 24 αβ units (Takada et al., 2007; Barczyk et al., 2010) which are involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix attachment and can drive inside-out and outside-in cell signaling (Shattil et al., 2010). Integrins are known to participate in different cell processes including cell shape, differentiation, migration, survival and proliferation (Giancotti, 1997; Vachon, 2011; Beauséjour et al., 2012). The &alpha ;1 SU was discovered in 1986 as the Very Late Antigen 1 (VLA1) and is highly expressed in activated lymphocytes in the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (Hemler et al., 1986). In fibroblasts, α1 is known to activate the RAS/ERK proliferative pathway and has a pro-invasive function in certain cancers. In megakaryocyte differentiation α1 is silenced by DNA methylation but not histone modification (Cheli et al., 2007). Different transcription factors involved in cancer progression can bind to the ITGA1 promoter. Integrin α1 transcriptional regulation remains to be further defined


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    Experimental cosmology

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