119 research outputs found

    The collection of Lepidoptera type specimens deposited in the of Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Spain

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    Col·lecció d’exemplars tipus de l’ordre Lepidoptera dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Espanya S’ha revisat i documentat la col·lecció d’espècimens dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. La col·lecció està constituïda per 1.128 exemplars tipus, amb un total de 168 tàxons. Cal destacar que la gran majoria d’exemplars revisats i documentats pertanyen a la col·lecció d’Ignasi de Sagarra. En aquest treball es facilita tota la informació disponible relacionada amb els espècimens revisats, incloent-hi per a cada taxó: l’espècie o subespècie, la situació taxonòmica actual i l’original (només si ha estat canviada), la citació original del material tipus, la transcripció exacta de les etiquetes originals i l’estat de conservació dels exemplars. A més es comenten les diferències existents entre la descripció original i l’etiqueta i els canvis taxonòmics que s’han produït en l’espècie. S’inclou la bibliografia corresponent a l’apartat de referències.The Lepidoptera type specimens in the collection of the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona were reorganized and catalogued. The revised collection -the vast majority of which belonged to Ignasi de Sagarra- now consists of 1,128 type specimens, corresponding to 168 taxa. This study provides all the available information relating to each of the revised specimens, including the current taxonomic status, the original name if different, the original reference for the type material, the exact transcription of the original label, and the conservation status of the specimen. Differences between the original description of species and their labels, as well as any taxonomical changes that have occurred, are also discussed. The corresponding bibliography is included in the references. If a taxonomic change has occurred since the description of taxa, the references discussing such changes are given.Colección de ejemplares tipo del orden Lepidoptera depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona, España Se ha revisado y documentado la colección de especímenes depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona. La colección está constituida por 1.128 ejemplares tipo, con un total de 168 taxones. Hay que destacar que la gran mayoría de ejemplares revisados y documentados pertenecen a la colección de Ignasi de Sagarra. En este trabajo se facilita toda la información disponible relacionada con los especímenes revisados incluyendo, para cada taxón: la especie o subespecie, la situación taxonómica actual y la original (solo si ha sido cambiada), la cita original del material tipo, la transcripción exacta de las etiquetas originales y el estado de conservación de los ejemplares. Además se comentan las diferencias existentes entre la descripción original y la etiqueta y los cambios taxonómicos que se han producido en la especie. Se incluye la bibliografía correspondiente en el apartado de referencias

    Two species coagulation approach to consensus by group level interactions

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    We explore the self-organization dynamics of a set of entities by considering the interactions that affect the different subgroups conforming the whole. To this end, we employ the widespread example of coagulation kinetics, and characterize which interaction types lead to consensus formation and which do not, as well as the corresponding different macroscopic patterns. The crucial technical point is extending the usual one species coagulation dynamics to the two species one. This is achieved by means of introducing explicitly solvable kernels which have a clear physical meaning. The corresponding solutions are calculated in the long time limit, in which consensus may or may not be reached. The lack of consensus is characterized by means of scaling limits of the solutions. The possible applications of our results to some topics in which consensus reaching is fundamental, like collective animal motion and opinion spreading dynamics, are also outlined

    El tèxtil a Mollet. Orígens i singularitats

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    Introducció a les Jornades de la Indústria tèxtil a Mollet on es repassa el procés d’industrialització del país amb l’evolució de la indústria tèxtil i els can· vis que va aportar a la societat en els seus inicis, així com les diverses etapes fins a la situació actual

    Kinetic Limit for Wave Propagation in a Random Medium

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    We study crystal dynamics in the harmonic approximation. The atomic masses are weakly disordered, in the sense that their deviation from uniformity is of order epsilon^(1/2). The dispersion relation is assumed to be a Morse function and to suppress crossed recollisions. We then prove that in the limit epsilon to 0 the disorder averaged Wigner function on the kinetic scale, time and space of order epsilon^(-1), is governed by a linear Boltzmann equation.Comment: 71 pages, 3 figure

    Semiclassical measures and the Schroedinger flow on Riemannian manifolds

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    In this article we study limits of Wigner distributions (the so-called semiclassical measures) corresponding to sequences of solutions to the semiclassical Schroedinger equation at times scales αh\alpha_{h} tending to infinity as the semiclassical parameter hh tends to zero (when αh=1/h\alpha _{h}=1/h this is equivalent to consider solutions to the non-semiclassical Schreodinger equation). Some general results are presented, among which a weak version of Egorov's theorem that holds in this setting. A complete characterization is given for the Euclidean space and Zoll manifolds (that is, manifolds with periodic geodesic flow) via averaging formulae relating the semiclassical measures corresponding to the evolution to those of the initial states. The case of the flat torus is also addressed; it is shown that non-classical behavior may occur when energy concentrates on resonant frequencies. Moreover, we present an example showing that the semiclassical measures associated to a sequence of states no longer determines those of their evolutions. Finally, some results concerning the equation with a potential are presented.Comment: 18 pages; Theorems 1,2 extendend to deal with arbitrary time-scales; references adde

    Effects Of Quantum Mechanics On The Deflagration Threshold In The Molecular Magnet Mn12 Acetate

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    We report experimental studies of the stability of a Mn12-Ac crystal against magnetic avalanches as a function of the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field, as well as a function of temperature. Strong evidence for quantum effects associated with this phenomenon is seen in the (Hz,Hx) metastability diagram. The data provide further support to the theory of magnetic deflagration

    Endogenous testosterone is associated with lower amygdala reactivity to angry faces and reduced aggressive behavior in healthy young women

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    Testosterone and cortisol have been proposed to influence aggressive behavior by altering the neural processing of facial threat signals. However, this has not been investigated in direct social interactions. Here, we explored the joint impact of testosterone, cortisol, and brain reactivity to anger expressions on women's reactive aggression in the Social Threat Aggression Paradigm (STAP). The STAP is a competitive reaction time task in which the purported opponent displays either an angry or a neutral facial expression at the beginning of each trial and delivers increasingly loud sound blasts to the participants, successfully provoking them. Strikingly, salivary testosterone at scan-time was negatively related to both aggression and basolateral amygdala (BLA) reactivity to angry faces, whereas cortisol had no effect. When the opponent looked angry, BLA-orbitofrontal coupling was reduced, and BLA reactivity was positively related to aggression. The latter relationship was fully mediated by bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG) activation. Our results thus support previous neurobiological models of aggression, and extend them by demonstrating that fast amygdala responses to threat modulate STG activity in order to favor aggressive retaliation. Furthermore, our study agrees with recent evidence underscoring a fear-reducing and strategically prosocial effect of testosterone on human social behavior