41 research outputs found

    Investigations into the complexity and polymorphism of HLA-D loci in South Africa

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    The HLA complex is the most polymorphic genetic system known in man. The frequency of the HLA class II antigens have been well studied in Caucasoids but little data is available concerning HLA antigen frequencies in Negroes. In this thesis the class II antigens, excluding HLA-DP, were studied in South African (SA) Negroes (Xhosa), Cape Coloureds ( a group of mixed racial origin) and SA Caucasoids using serological, cellular ( HTC typing) and Southern blot techniques. The results obtained for the SA Negroes were compared with those previously found in Nigerians and American Negroes. Marked differences in HLA distribution occurred between these groups, which in part may be explained by Khoisan admixture in the SA Negroes. In addition, striking frequency differences were observed between the three SA populations. For example, in the Xhosa the HLA-DR1, DR4, DR7, DRw8, DQw2, DQw3, Dw1 and Dw3 specificities were found at a significantly lower frequency, whereas HLA-DR3, DRw6 and Dw' RSH' were found at a significantly higher frequency compared with the SA Caucasoids. The frequency in the Cape Coloureds was intermediate between those of the Xhosa and Caucasoids. In the SA Negroes and Cape Coloureds, several new specificities were detected such as HLA-DRw18, DR2 LUM(CT), DRwl2x6, DRw8x14, Dw' RSH', Dw' JOH' and Dw' BME'. The HLA-DR and DQ haplotypes in significant linkage disequilibrium were similar in the three groups. However, several haplotypes with unusual DR and DQ combinations such as HLA-DRw17,DQw7; DR9, DQw2 and DR4, DQw5 were present in the SA Negroes and Cape Coloured families. Al though some of these unusual haplotypes could be explained in terms of recombination between the common haplotypes, none could be typed using a panel of well defined homozygous typing cells, suggesting that the response observed in mixed lymphocyte culture arises from separate molecular determinants. The data on HLA class II antigen frequencies presented in this thesis is essential for future studies on HLA and disease associations and for establishing population relationships. Knowledge of new HLA class II antigens in the various population groups is also important in renal transplantation as matching for HLA-DR antigens is known to improve graft survival

    One-Antigen Mismatched Related versus HLA-Matched Unrelated Donor Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Adults with Acute Leukemia: Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research Results in the Era of Molecular HLA Typing

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    Approximately 13% of patients lacking an HLA-identical sibling have a one-antigenā€“mismatched related donor (MMRD). Historically, outcomes from the use of a one-antigen MMRD were considered equivalent to those from the use of a matched unrelated donor (UD). Recent improvements in UD stem cell transplantation (SCT) resulting from better molecular HLA matching justifies investigating whether UD should be preferred over MMRD in adult patients with acute leukemia. Here, we compared the outcomes of MMRD (n = 89) and HLA-A, -B, -C, and -DRB1 alleleā€“matched UD (n = 700) SCT reported to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research between 1995 and 2005. The patients underwent transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia or acute lymphoblastic leukemia in first or second complete remission. Donor type was not associated with hematologic recovery. Univariate and multivariate comparisons of MMRD versus HLA-matched UD transplants showed no statistically significant differences in overall survival, disease-free survival, treatment-related mortality, relapse, or 100-day grade III-IV acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). MMRD SCT was associated with a lower rate of chronic GVHD at 1 year (35% vs 47%; P = .03), which was confirmed by multivariate analysis (relative risk, 0.58; 95% confidence interval, 0.39-0.85; P < .01). According to our data, HLA-matched UD and MMRD SCT are associated with comparable survival. Given that less chronic GVHD was observed in the MMRD transplantations, this option, when available, remains the first choice in patients with acute leukemia without an HLA-identical sibling in need of allogeneic SCT

    Phenotype Frequencies of Autosomal Minor Histocompatibility Antigens Display Significant Differences among Populations

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    Minor histocompatibility (H) antigens are allogeneic target molecules having significant roles in alloimmune responses after human leukocyte antigenā€“matched solid organ and stem cell transplantation (SCT). Minor H antigens are instrumental in the processes of transplant rejection, graft-versus-host disease, and in the curative graft-versus-tumor effect of SCT. The latter characteristic enabled the current application of selected minor H antigens in clinical immunotherapeutic SCT protocols. No information exists on the global phenotypic distribution of the currently identified minor H antigens. Therefore, an estimation of their overall impact in human leukocyte antigenā€“matched solid organ and SCT in the major ethnic populations is still lacking. For the first time, a worldwide phenotype frequency analysis of ten autosomal minor H antigens was executed by 31 laboratories and comprised 2,685 randomly selected individuals from six major ethnic populations. Significant differences in minor H antigen frequencies were observed between the ethnic populations, some of which appeared to be geographically correlated

    Impact of selection of cord blood units from the United States and swiss registries on the cost of banking operations

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    Over the last 2 decades, cord blood (CB) has become an important source of blood stem cells. Clinical experience has shown that CB is a viable source for blood stem cells in the field of unrelated hematopoietic blood stem cell transplantation

    Rapid induction of single donor chimerism after double umbilical cord blood transplantation preceded by reduced intensity conditioning: Results of the HOVON 106 phase II study

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    Double umbilical cord blood transplantation is increasingly applied in the treatment of adult patients with high-risk hematological malignancies and has been associated with improved engraftment as compared to that provided by single unit cord blood transplantation. The mechanism of improved engraftment is, however, still incompletely understood as only one unit survives. In this multicenter phase II study we evaluated engraftment, early chimerism, recovery of different cell lineages and transplant outcome in 53 patients who underwent double cord blood transplantation preceded by a reduced intensity conditioning regimen. Primary graft failure occurred in one patient. Engraftment was observed in 92% of patients with a median time to neutrophil recovery of 36 days (range, 15-102). Ultimate single donor chimerism was established in 94% of patients. Unit predominance occurred by day 11 after transplantation and early CD4+ T-cell chimerism predicted for unit survival. Total nucleated cell viability was also associated with unit survival. With a median follow up of 35 months (range, 10-51), the cumulative incidence of relapse and non-relapse mortality rate at 2 years were 39% and 19%, respectively. Progression- free survival and overall survival rates at 2 years were 42% (95% confidence interval, 28-56) and 57% (95% confidence interval, 43-70), respectively. Double umbilical cord blood transplantation preceded by a reduced intensity conditioning regimen using cyclophosphamide/fludarabine/4 Gy total body irradiation results in