29 research outputs found

    Finanční analýza společnosti Stock Plzeň, a.s.

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    Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do tří částí - úvodu, teoretické a praktické části, které na sebe svojí témetikou navazují. První oddíl obsahuje základní informace a cíle. Druhý oddíl spolu s jednotlivými podkapitolami je zaměřen na teoretické vysvětlenní pojmů a ukazatelů finanční analýzi, které budou aplikovány prakticky na společnost Stock a.s. Poslední oddíl je věnován představení společnosti, její historii, struktuře, produkci a následné aplikaci jednotlivých ukazatelů z teoretické části přímo na konkrétní firmu, která je porovnána s odvětvím potravinářského průmyslu

    Mapping the needs of current and potential clients of parent centers in the city district Prague 13

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    The theoretical part of diploma thesis deals with the family, it's support by the State and other institutions, an analysis of childcare facilities - maternity centers, kindergartens, mini-kindergartens, nurseries, etc. Further analysis is directed to describe the purpose, operation and financing of the parent centers. Practical part of thesis deals with the analysis in the form of questionnaire survey of current and potential clients of parent centers in order to determine the availability, amenities, services, etc. of childcare facilities at Prague 13 in order to make recommendations for the further development of parent center Prokůpek

    In vitro Mechanism of Action of Quinoxaline Derivate VN-034 on the Respiratory System

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Mgr. Iva Machová Consultant: PharmDr. Jana Pourová, Ph.D. Title of Thesis: In vitro mechanism of action of quinoxaline derivate VN-034 on the respiratory system Abstract: The aim of this thesis was to investigate the mechanism of relaxation effect of quinoxaline derivative VN-034 in vitro, and to evaluate the potential of the substance to act as a β-agonist or M-antagonist. The classical in vitro method of isolated trachea was applied. In our experimental work VN-034 did not behave as a competitive β-agonist, however propranolol had an influence on its effect. On β-receptors, detailed mechanism of action could not be determined. On M-receptors, the substance behaved as a competitive antagonist

    In vitro Mechanism of Action of Quinoxaline Derivate VN-034 on the Respiratory System

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Mgr. Iva Machová Consultant: PharmDr. Jana Pourová, Ph.D. Title of Thesis: In vitro mechanism of action of quinoxaline derivate VN-034 on the respiratory system Abstract: The aim of this thesis was to investigate the mechanism of relaxation effect of quinoxaline derivative VN-034 in vitro, and to evaluate the potential of the substance to act as a β-agonist or M-antagonist. The classical in vitro method of isolated trachea was applied. In our experimental work VN-034 did not behave as a competitive β-agonist, however propranolol had an influence on its effect. On β-receptors, detailed mechanism of action could not be determined. On M-receptors, the substance behaved as a competitive antagonist

    The Species Composition on Agricultural Terraces in NW Part of Slovakia

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    The article contributes to a deeper understanding of agricultural terraces in NW Slovakia. The agricultural terraces found in 12 mountain ranges were characterised in detail on 32 localities. The slope parts of the studied terraces are on average only 2.3 m wide and current and former agricultural areas between them are on average 11 m wide. Furthermore, seventy phytosociological relevés were made on the terraces. Overall, 360 species of vascular plants were found in the relevés, 66 of which appeared regularly The localities were evaluated by DCA analysis. The main factor infuencing the species composition appears to be the geological composition of the bedrock and, probably the altitude as well. High coverage of the herb layer (median value 95%), low coverage of the shrub layer (median value 5%) and the absence or a very low coverage of the tree layer is typical for these terraces

    The motor performance progression of future undergraduate students of physical education [Vývoj motorické výkonnosti u uchazečů o vysokoškolské studium tělesné výchovy]

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    BACKGROUND: In our opinion, the complex interactions between social change, growing inactivity and obesity, and further negative processes also contribute to changes in the motor performance level of future undergraduates. Therefore, long term changes to motor performance need to be considered in order to be a mirror of today's life style of the above mentioned population. OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this study was to describe a long term trend in two chosen motor presumptions in the population entering university physical education study. METHODS: The sample comprised 2,012 males and 1,705 females aged Mdn = 19 years. The subjects were future undergraduate students. The measurements took place by means of entrance exams in the time period from 1991 to 2001 and in the year 2006. Their swimming performance was assessed by means of a 100 m swim test and their dash performance by means of a 100 m dash. RESULTS: In all four cases (two motor tests, two genders) our analysis indicated non zero trends of performance (all the verified between years differences were significant; p < 0.001). Polynomial functions constantly show an initial convex followed by a concave composition (change taking place during the 1998–1999 period) in cases of the dash and swimming (male only) performance. The female swimming performance trend increases throughout the whole period. The concavity of the polynomial functions denotes the possibility of increasing performance, which mostly decreased during the period 1993–2001 (for the dash) and 1996–1999 (for swimming). CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of our findings we had to reject our research hypothesis and submit evidence of change to both swimming and dash performance in a specific population. We found out positive (female) and mostly positive (male) trends of swimming performance in the observed time period. No purely positive nor purely negative trend of dash performance was found. After the increase during the initial 3 years of observation; the level of dash performance mostly decreased. However, the last measurement in 2006 indicates some tendency of increasing performance as well as concavity of polynomial functions (trend function) at the end of the observed time period. [VÝCHODISKA: Komplex sociálních změn, vzrůstající inaktivity a obezity a dalších negativních faktorů se dle našeho názoru přirozeně projevuje také ve změnách úrovně motorické výkonnosti budoucích vysokoškolských studentů. Dlouhodobý trend motorické výkonnosti proto považujeme za vhodný obraz současného životního stylu uvažované populace. CÍLE: Hlavním cílem této práce bylo popsat dlouhodobý trend dvou vybraných motorických předpokladů u populace uchazečů o vysokoškolské studium TV. METODIKA: Soubor tvořilo 2 012 mužů a 1 705 žen (uchazečů o vysokoškolské studium TV) ve věku Mdn = 19 let. Úroveň plavecké a sprinterské výkonnosti byla zjišťována dvěma motorickými testy (plavání 100 m a běh 100 m) u příležitosti přijímacího řízení v letech 1991 až 2001 a v roce 2006. VÝSLEDKY: Ve čtyřech případech (dva motorické testy, dvě pohlaví) analýza ukazuje na nenulový trend výkonnosti (ve všech případech byl alespoň jeden meziroční rozdíl signifikantní na p = 0,05). V případě sprinterské a plavecké (pouze muži) výkonnosti vykazují polynomické funkce trendu v počátku konvexní, později konkávní průběh (změna průběhu v letech 1998–1999). Trend plavecké výkonnosti žen je rostoucí v celé periodě. Konkávnost polynomické funkce naznačuje možnost opětovného nárůstu výkonnosti, jež byla v období 1993–2001 (sprint) a 1996–1999 (plavání) převážně klesající. ZÁVĚRY: Na základě našich zjištění zamítáme výzkumnou hypotézu a konstatujeme tak existenci významných změn v úrovni plavecké a sprinterské výkonnosti v průběhu sledované periody. Byl zjištěn pozitivní (ženy) a převážně pozitivní (muži) trend plavecké výkonnosti. Naopak sprinterská výkonnost nevykazuje čistě pozitivní či negativní tendenci. Po nárůstu výkonnosti v úvodních třech pozorovaných letech tato výkonnost převážně klesá. Přesto poslední měření v roce 2006 naznačuje možnou tendenci opětovného růstu sprinterské výkonnosti, podobně jako konkávnost trendové funkce v tomto období.

    The Species Composition on Agricultural Terraces in NW Part of Slovakia

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    Effect of caffeine on maximal oxygen uptake in wheelchair rugby players: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study

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    Background: The positive effects of caffeine supplementation on strength-power and endurance performance in healthy athletes have been demonstrated in many studies. A possible mechanism for its ergogenic effect relates to its influence on the central nervous system. Post-traumatic complications in cervical spinal cord injury affect almost all body systems including the nervous system. For this reason, we expect that caffeine will have a different effect of performance in the group of athletes with spinal cord injuries. Objective: To examine the effects of caffeine supplementation on maximal aerobic power in elite wheelchair rugby players. Methods: Seven elite male wheelchair rugby players with complete cervical-level SCI (C4-Th1) were recruited (mean age: 28&#x202F;&plusmn;&#x202F;5.42&#x202F;years; mean body mass index: 26&#x202F;&plusmn;&#x202F;2.84&#x202F;kg/m2). The effect of caffeine was assessed by an incremental arm ergometer test until volitional exhaustion. The maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max/kg), maximum power (W max/kg), peak heart rate (HR peak), and intensity of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured. Participants performed the test twice with a two-week washout period. One hour before each exercise test subjects ingested a capsule of placebo or caffeine (3&#x202F;mg per kg of body weight). The tests were applied in a double-blind, randomized, repeated-measures, and cross-over design. Wheelchair rugby players were chosen because of the expected high homogeneity of participants - in terms of the type and degree of disability, gender, and age of the players. Results: The monitored parameters were not significantly influenced by caffeine intervention as compared to placebo: VO2max/kg (p&#x202F;=&#x202F;.40), W max/kg (p&#x202F;=&#x202F;.34), HR peak (p&#x202F;=&#x202F;.50) and RPE (p&#x202F;=&#x202F;.50). Conclusions: The current findings suggest that a caffeine dose of 3&#x202F;mg/kg body mass does not improve oxygen uptake and maximal power in elite wheelchair rugby players

    The Role of Cysteine Residues in Catalysis of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase from <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>

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    <div><p><i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> (MTb), the causative agent of tuberculosis, can persist in macrophages for decades, maintaining its basic metabolic activities. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Pck; EC is a key player in central carbon metabolism regulation. In replicating MTb, Pck is associated with gluconeogenesis, but in non-replicating MTb, it also catalyzes the reverse anaplerotic reaction. Here, we explored the role of selected cysteine residues in function of MTb Pck under different redox conditions. Using mass spectrometry analysis we confirmed formation of S–S bridge between cysteines C391 and C397 localized in the C-terminal subdomain. Molecular dynamics simulations of C391-C397 bridged model indicated local conformation changes needed for formation of the disulfide. Further, we used circular dichroism and Raman spectroscopy to analyze the influence of C391 and C397 mutations on Pck secondary and tertiary structures, and on enzyme activity and specificity. We demonstrate the regulatory role of C391 and C397 that form the S–S bridge and in the reduced form stabilize Pck tertiary structure and conformation for gluconeogenic and anaplerotic reactions.</p></div