20 research outputs found

    Problematic use or addiction? A scoping review on conceptual and operational definitions of negative social networking sites use in adolescents

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to assess the conceptual and operational descriptions of negative social networking site (SNS) use in adolescents. A search was conducted among four databases, following the guidelines set forth in the PRISMA-ScR. The search resulted in 1503 articles, of which 112 met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that the negative use of SNS has been conceptualised from two approaches: (1) the component model of addiction and (2) a cognitive-behavioural problematic use paradigm. Thirty-seven instruments assessing this problem were found, with the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale and its adaptations being the most widely used ones. These instruments dimensions were vaguely defined and often overlapped with one another. In conclusion, no standardised theoretical framework exists to assess negative SNS use in adolescents. This lack of a theoretical definition makes it difficult to compare results among studies and determine the true extent of the problem.Open Access funding provided by University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

    Safety.Net: A Pilot Study on a Multi-Risk Internet Prevention Program

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    Many programs exist to prevent bullying and cyberbullying. Nevertheless, despite evidence of the numerous overlapping risks of the Internet, programs that jointly and adequately address large sets of risks are not presently described in the scientific literature. This study’s main objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Safety.net program in a pilot sample. This program prevents eight Internet risks: cyberbullying, sexting, online grooming, cyber dating abuse, problematic Internet use, nomophobia, Internet gaming disorder, and online gambling disorder. The Safety.net program comprises 16 sessions and 4 modules (digital skills, relational risks, dysfunctional risks, and change of attitudes and cognitions). Each session lasts one hour, but the program has a networked instructional design to recall previous content in later sessions. For its assessment, a pre/post-test repeated measures design with a control group and an intervention group was used. The study sample was 165 adolescents between 11 and 14 years old (M = 12.11, SD = 0.89). The intervention group demonstrated improvements compared to the control group concerning online grooming, problematic Internet use, Internet gaming disorder, and nomophobia. These results suggest that the Safety.net program is effective in preventing the increase of most of the assessed risks and that it reduces some of them with a small number of sessions.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain (RTI2018-094212-B-I00) and the International University of la Rioja (Project “Ciberpsicología (Trienio 2017–2020)”)

    Problematic online gambling among adolescents: A systematic review about prevalence and related measurement issues

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    .Background and aims Despite its illegality among adolescents, online gambling is a common practice, which puts their mental health and well-being at serious risk. This systematic review summarises international scientific literature from the last 20 years on problematic online gambling among adolescents (11–21 years old) to determine its prevalence and to analyse related measurement issues. Methods The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed and a protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO, IC: CRD42020162932). Five academic databases were consulted, which resulted in an initial sample of 658 papers. Results Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. All studies were cross-sectional and targeted students from elementary school, secondary school or university. Most followed a convenience sampling procedure. The primary measurement instruments used were the DSM-IV-MR-J and SOGS-RA. Between 0.77% and 57.5% of adolescents present some degree of problematic online gambling (problem, pathological or disordered) depending on the instruments used, the study samples and the timeframe analysed. Between 0.89% and 1% of adolescents exhibited an online gambling disorder. Discussion and conclusion There is a great heterogeneity in the methodology of the reviewed studies (samples, measurement instruments, cut-off points and criteria applied). The limited number of studies and the limited generalizability of their results suggest the need for further research and for development of specific instruments to assess different levels of problematic online gambling in representative samples of adolescents based on clinical ‘gold standard’ criteria and more accurate cut-off points.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, RTI2018-094212-B-I00: (CIBER-AACC), and by the International University of La Rioja, Project “Cyberpsychology (Triennium 2017–2020)”

    Loot box engagement: A scoping review of primary studies on prevalence and association with problematic gaming and gambling

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    Sixteen primary empirical studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. All studies used cross-sectional designs, and most used convenience samples. Twelve study samples were comprised exclusively of gamers, and two were comprised of gamers and/or gamblers. Only six studies included adolescents. The annual prevalence rate of loot box purchases was higher for adult gamers than for adolescents (22.7%-44.2% and 20%-33.9%, respectively), but in studies with general population samples, the opposite was true (24.9% for players aged 13-14 versus 7.8% for adults). In general, the studies suggested a significant positive relationship between engagement with loot boxes and problematic gaming and gambling, but this may be related to the type of engagement (open/purchase/sell), and the characteristics of the study participants (male/female, adolescents/adults, gamers/gamers-gamblers/general population). Conclusions This scoping review summarizes the results of recent empirical studies on engagement with loot boxes and discusses how methodological issues may affect their results and interpretation. Recommendations for future research are also provided.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, RTI2018-094212-B-I00: (CIBERAACC), and by the International University of La Rioja, Project "Cyberpsychology" (2017-2020) and Project "DOMIN-US" (2020-2022). There was no additional external funding received for this study. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Profiles of Problematic Internet Use and Its Impact on Adolescents' Health-Related Quality of Life

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    The internet has been a breakthrough for adolescents in many ways, but its use can also become dysfunctional and problematic, leading to consequences for personal well-being. The main objective is to analyze profiles related to problematic internet use and its relationship with health-related quality of life (HRQoL). An analytical and cross-sectional study was carried out in a region of northern Spain. The sample comprised 12,285 participants. Sampling was random and representative. Mean age and standard deviation was 14.69 +/- 1.73 (11-18 years). The Spanish versions of the Problematic and Generalized Internet Use Scale (GPIUS2) and of the Health-Related Quality of Life (KIDSCREEN-27) were used. Four profiles were detected (non-problematic use, mood regulator, problematic internet use, and severe problematic use). The prevalence of these last two profiles was 18.5% and 4.9%, respectively. Problematic internet use correlated negatively and significantly with HRQoL. The severe problematic use profile presented a significant decrease in all dimensions of HRQoL. Analyses were carried out to extract a cut-off point for GPIUS2 (52 points). The results and practical implications are discussed.This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, RTI2018-094212-B-I00: (CIBER-AACC); and by the International University of la Rioja, Project "Cyberpsychology (Trienio 2017-20)"

    Loot boxes in Spanish adolescents and young adults: Relationship with internet gaming disorder and online gambling disorder

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    [EN] In recent years, the video game industry has introduced the possibility of buying virtual random goods (e.g., loot boxes) in electronic games using money through microtransactions, which are becoming more widespread and potentially akin to gambling. Although previous research has linked loot boxes with problematic gaming and gambling behaviors, there are very few studies that relate them to the clinical indicators of these problems. The overall goal of this study is to ascertain the prevalence of loot box purchasing behavior and its association with Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and Online Gambling Disorder (OGD). A secondary objective is to develop and analyze the psychometric properties of the Problematic Use of Loot Boxes Questionnaire (PU-LB). A crosssectional study was conducted among 6633 participants (4236 males, 63.9%, and 4123 minors, 62.2%) with an average age of 16.73 +/- 3.40 in a range of 11-30 years. The Spanish versions of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF) and the Online Gambling Disorder Questionnaire (OGD-Q) were used. A total of 2013 (30.4%) participants reported purchasing a loot box in the last 12 months (28.9% among minors). A person who had purchased a loot box in the last 12 months had a prevalence rate (PR) of 3.66 [95% CI 2.66, 5.05] of presenting an IGD, and a PR = 4.85 [IC 95% 2.58, 9.12] of presenting an OGD. The PU-LB exhibited adequate reliability and validity indicators and was positively and significantly related to loot box expenditure, IGDS9-SF, and OGD-Q scores. The results are further discussed, and practical implications and future lines of research proposed.This study has been funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation [RTI2018-094212-B-I00: (CIBER-AACC)] and by the International University of La Rioja in its Own Research Plan [Grupo Ciberpsicologia triennium 2017-2020 and biennium 2020-2022]. Open Access funding provided by University of Basque Country UPV/EHU

    Spanish validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short Form (IGDS9-SF): prevalence and relationship with online gambling and quality of life

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    Online gaming is a very common form of leisure among adolescents and young people, although its excessive and/or compulsive use is associated with psychological impairments in a minority of gamers. The latest (fifth) edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5, Section III) tentatively introduced Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD). Since then, a number of evaluation tools using the DSM-5 criteria have been developed, including the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short Form (IGDS9-SF). The main objective of this study was to translate and adapt the IGDS9-SF into Spanish, as well as to obtain indicators relating to its validity and reliability. The Spanish version of four scales were administered: IGDS9-SF, Mobile Phone-Related Experiences Questionnaire (CERM), Online Gambling Disorder Questionnaire (OGD-Q), and KIDSCREEN-27. The sample comprised 535 Vocational Training students (mean age 18.35 years; SD±2.13; 78.5% males) who reported playing video games in the past 12 months. Confirmatory factor analysis yielded a one-dimensional model with a good fit while the reliability indicators were satisfactory. Findings indicated that 1.9% of gamers were classified with IGD (meeting five or more criteria for more than 12 months). Additionally, another 1.9% were considered gamers ‘at-risk’ because they endorsed four criteria. Positive and significant relationships were found between the IGDS9-SF, the CERM, and the OGD-Q. Participants classified with IGD had poorer health-related quality of life. In conclusion, the Spanish IGDS9-SF is a valid and reliable instrument to assess IGD according to the DSM-5

    A Social-Emotional Learning Program for Suicide Prevention through Animal-Assisted Intervention

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    The aim of the study was to carry out a pilot implementation and evaluation of the OverCome-AAI program, a pioneering program for the prevention of suicidal behavior through animal-assisted interventions for young people with high risk factors for suicidal behavior. The study sample consisted of 30 adolescents (11 boys and 19 girls) aged between 14 and 17 years (Mean age = 15.50, SD = 1.60) from the Basque Country (Northern Spain). After the intervention, subjects presented reductions in suicidal ideation, suicide plans, and non-suicidal self-harm, as well as a greater predisposition to seek help. A reduction in the intensity of mental pain was also found, although no differences were observed in indicators of hopelessness and depression. The preliminary results obtained in this pilot study suggest that the OverCome-AAI program may be effective in reducing suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-harm in young people in residential care who present high risk factors for suicide.This research was funded by the call for research grants at the UPV/EHU 2017, grant number (US18/05), Agintzari Sociedad Cooperativa de Iniciativa Social, and by the call for research grants at the Basque Government, grant number (IT892-16)

    Associations between Coping Strategies and Cyberhate Involvement: Evidence from Adolescents across Three World Regions

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    Cyberhate represents a risk to adolescents’ development and peaceful coexistence in democratic societies. Yet, not much is known about the relationship between adolescents’ ability to cope with cyberhate and their cyberhate involvement. To fill current gaps in the literature and inform the development of media education programs, the present study investigated various coping strategies in a hypothetical cyberhate scenario as correlates for being cyberhate victims, perpetrators, and both victim–perpetrators. The sample consisted of 6829 adolescents aged 12–18 years old (Mage = 14.93, SD = 1.64; girls: 50.4%, boys: 48.9%, and 0.7% did not indicate their gender) from Asia, Europe, and North America. Results showed that adolescents who endorsed distal advice or endorsed technical coping showed a lower likelihood to be victims, perpetrators, or victim–perpetrators. In contrast, if adolescents felt helpless or endorsed retaliation to cope with cyberhate, they showed higher odds of being involved in cyberhate as victims, perpetrators, or victim–perpetrators. Finally, adolescents who endorsed close support as a coping strategy showed a lower likelihood to be victim–perpetrators, and adolescents who endorsed assertive coping showed higher odds of being victims. In conclusion, the results confirm the importance of addressing adolescents’ ability to deal with cyberhate to develop more tailored prevention approaches. More specifically, such initiatives should focus on adolescents who feel helpless or feel inclined to retaliate. In addition, adolescents should be educated to practice distal advice and technical coping when experiencing cyberhate. Implications for the design and instruction of evidence-based cyberhate prevention (e.g., online educational games, virtual learning environments) will be discussedSupport of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Potsdam

    Bullying & Cyberbullying: prevalence in the las stage of primary school and connections with personal and family variables

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    416 p.Informazioaren eta komunikazioaren teknologiak azken urteetan izan duen gorakada dela eta gaztetxoenek egiten duten erabilera kaltegarriaren ondorioz, aurrez aurreko eskola-jazarpena (bullying) bitarteko elektronikoen bidezko jazarpenera (cyberbullying) hedatu da. Ikerketa honen helburuak bullying eta cyberbullyingaren prebalentzia eta nortasun ezaugarri eta testuinguru familiarrekiko loturak aztertzea izan dira. Ikerketaren lagina lehen hezkuntzako bosgarren eta seigarren mailako 1.993 ikaslek osatu dute. Parte-hartzaileek 9 eta 13 urte bitarte zituzten, % 50,2 mutila da, eta % 48,8, neska. Ikerketa gauzatzeko zeharkako diseinu eta metodologia deskriptibo eta konparatiboa erabili dira. Parte-hartzaileek fidagarritasun- eta baliozkotasun-berme psikometrikoak betetzen dituzten tresnak bete dituzte. Emaitzek ondorengoa ezagutzera eman dute: (1) aurrez aurreko bullyingean laginaren % 13,2 biktima-huts larriek, %1,6 erasotzaile-huts larriek, %2 biktima-erasotzaile larriek osatzen dutela, eta cyberbullyingean % 2,9 ziberbiktima-huts larria, % 0,3, zibererasotzaile-huts larria eta % 0,2, ziberbiktima-erasotzaile larria dela; (2) Bullyingean sarrien ematen diren jokaerak ahozko erasoak eta eraso fisikoak dira urrenez urren; cyberbullyingean maiztasun handienez ematen direnak mezu iraingarriak eta beldurtzeko asmoz egindako deiak dira; (3) bullyingean biktima-erasotzaile diren mutilen ehunekoa altuagoa da, mutilek bullying eta cyberbullying eraso jokaera kopuru gehiago pairatu eta burutu dituzte; (4) bullying biktima-erasotzaileen ehunekoa altuagoa da bosgarren mailan eta cyberbullyingari dagokionez, seigarren mailan ziberbiktima-hutsen, zibererasotzaile-hutsen, ziberbiktima-erasotzaileen eta ziberbehatzaileen ehunekoa esanguratsuki altuagoa da; bosgarren mailan jasandako zein behatutako aurrez-aurreko jokaera kopurua handiagoa da, jasandako cyberbullying jokaera kopurua handiagoa da seigarren mailan;(5) bullying zein cyberbullyingean jasandako jokaera kopurua handiagoa da ikastetxe publikoetan; (6) bullying biktima eta erasotzaile diren neska eta mutilek, ziberbiktima diren neska-mutilek eta neska zibererasotzaileek osasun-arazo eta arazo psikosomatiko gehiago dituzte eta eskola estres, familiako estres eta estres orokor maila altuagoak dituzte, zibererasoak egiten dituzten mutilek, berriz, eskolako estres handia ageri dute; (7) biktimek eta ziberbiktimek arazo barnerakoi, kanporakoi zein arazo emozional orokor gehiago pairatzen dituzte; erasotzaileek eta zibererasotzaileek arazo kanporakoi eta arazo emozional eta jarrerazko gehiago pairatzen dituzte; (8) bullying erasotzaile zein biktima diren neska-mutilen gurasoek guraso-estres maila altuagoa dute; ziberbikima eta zibererasotzaile diren mutilen gurasoek guraso izatearen rolak ordainsari baxua duela adierazten dute; (9) biktima eta erasotzaile diren nesken eta ziberbiktima eta zibererasotzaile diren mutilen gurasoek puntuazio maila baxuagoa dute guraso konpetentzian; (10) praktika autoritarioak mutil zein nesketan biktimizazioarekin erlazionatzen dira, eta mutiletan erasoarekin; praktika permisiboak, biktimizazio, eraso eta zibererasoarekin lotuta agertzen dira mutiletan eta zibererasoarekin nesketan. Emaitzek erakusten dutenez, hezkuntza-ziklo honi egokitutako bullying zein cyberbullying prebentzio zein interbentzio planak sortzea beharrezkoa da, biktima eta erasotzaileen ezaugarri pertsonalak kontuan hartuz eta familiaren parte-hartzea bultzatuz