371 research outputs found


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    The competition in the carica fruit processing industry is increasing, so that efforts are needed to increase production efficiency through good production planning and control (PPC). CV XYZ is one of the carica fruit processing companies which has PPC problems. PPC activities done intuitively and not systematically causing a decision in PPC is ineffective and production process is inefficient. Those problems can be resolved by developing a PPC model in accordance with CV XYZ’s business process. So, this research objective was to develop a PPC model at CV XYZ. The model consisted of four sub-models which were related to each other. The first sub-model was Sub-model of Demand Forecasting and the second sub-model was Sub-model of Carica Fruit Availability Forecasting. Those two sub-models used the Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA). The third sub-model was Sub-model of Production and Packaging Planning using Integer Linear Programming (ILP). The fourth sub-model was Sub-model of Carica Fruit Inventory Control using Material Requirement Planning (MRP). PPC model can clarify the PPC system at CV XYZ and produce optimal plans. PPC model improves efficiency of total production cost up to 39.86% and total inventory cost up to 27.56%. Keywords: carica industry, model, optimal, production planning and contro

    Analisis Tingkat Utilisasi Gudang (Studi Kasus di Gudang Perum Bulog)

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    Warehouse provides a large share to support the performance of a company engaged in logistics. Perum Bulog is Indonesia state-own enterprise whose has a national network and warehouse units in almost all regions in Indonesia from Aceh to Papua. The purpose of this study was to analyze the warehouse utilization rates, the potential benefits of warehouse rentals, and the level of the difference of warehouse utilization in surplus and deficit areas. The results showed that from four regional division sampling found that the largest utilization is in the North Sumatra area at 68.81%. Other regional division utilizations are West Java (57.68%), South Sulawesi (30.46%), and West Kalimantan (43.83%). There is a difference level of utilization between the surplus warehouse area and the deficit area, which indicates a difference in the supply and demand patterns. The calculation between the surplus group and the deficit group done to determine the gap magnitude that occur within the two groups. The potential benefits from the warehouse rentals produce when the warehouse experiences a low utilization rate are 4.757 billion Rupiah

    Sustainability Analysis for Gayo Coffee Supply Chain

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    Sustainable supply chain is a development of the conventional supply chains that discuses trade-off among economic, social and environmental dimensions in order to achieve better responsiveness in terms of quality, quantity and time-delivery in the supply chain structure. The objective of this research was to determine the Gayo coffee supply chain sustainability. The research was conducted at Bener Meriah and Aceh Tengah Districts, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Key actors in the supply chain considered were farmers, collectors, agro-industry and exporter. Sustainability dimensions considered in this research were the economic, social, environmental and material resources. The performance of each aspect was analyzed by using Multi-dimensional scaling and leverage analysis. The result of the research showed that the composite of Gayo coffee supply chain sustainability index was 33.53 which mean less sustainable level. Therefore it is recommended to reengineering the Gayo coffee supply chain by considering all of the four sustainability dimensions above

    Pesan Dakwah dalam Talkshow Mario Teguh Golden Ways (MTGW) di Metro TV

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    Penelitian yang penulis teliti dalam tesis ini, “Pesan Dakwah dalam Talkshow Mario Teguh Golden Ways di Metro Tv”. Setidaknya mempunyai tujuan utama yakni, untuk mengetahui dan mendiskripsikan tentang pesan-pesan dakwah yang terdapat dalam talkshow Mario Teguh Golden Ways (MTGW) di Metro Tv. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis semiotika. Dalam penelitiannya penulis menganalisis terhadap data-data yang ada, selanjutnya didiskripsikan dengan kalimat dan disimpulkan berupa laporan data. Peneliti menggunakan tehnik analisis semiotika model Roland Barthes dengan menggunakan model dua tahap signifikasi, yaitu tahap denotatif dan tahap konotatif. Data yang digunakan berupa segmen-sesion (jalannya acara) dalam 5 (lima) episode yang menggambarkan jalannya acara talkshow Mario Teguh Golden Ways (MTGW) di Metro Tv yang memiliki representatif pesan-pesan dakwah, baik dari tanda-tanda yang tampak (manifest content) dan yang tidak tampak atau tersembunyi (latent content). Data penelitian ini dihimpun melalui dokumen berupa rekaman video dalam format file video, yang diunduh dari situs internet, yaitu di situs www.youtube.com dan www. Salam super.com. Peneliti mengambil 5 episode sebagai sampelnya, yaitu: episode becoming a star, episode lalu perhatikan apa yang terjadi, episode from Batam with love, episode memperbaiki rizki, dan episode bisniss from the start. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, isi pesan dari tayangan talkshow Mario Teguh Golden Ways (MTGW) terdapat pesan-pesan dakwah Islam. Faktanya secara deskriptif terdapat tanda/simbol (audio visual), baik dari tanda-tanda yang tampak (manifest content) dan yang tidak tampak atau tersembunyi (latent content) ditemukan pesan-pesan dakwah yang penggunaan rujukan dasarnya dari ajaran Islam yaitu Alquran dan Hadist. Pesan tersebut antara lain; pesan dakwah tentang keimanan kepada Allah Swt. (tauhid), pesan tentang motivasi dan etos kerja Islam, dan pesan tentang penciptaan suasana damai (perdamaian)

    Method and Approach Mapping of Fair and Balanced Risk and Value-added Distribution in Supply Chains: A Review and Future Agenda

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    This paper proposes a fair and balanced risk and value-added distribution as a novel approach for collaborative supply chain. The objective of this article is to analyze the existing methods and approaches for risk management, value-adding, risk and revenue sharing to develop a new framework for balancing risk and value-adding in collaborative supply chains. The authors reviewed and synthesized 162 scientific articles which were published between 2001 and 2017 and. The reviewed articles were categorized into supply chain management and performance, risk management, value-added, fair risk and value-added distribution and supply chain negotiation. The potentials identified for future research were the importance of decision-making and sustainability for effectiveness of supply chain risk management. Most previous authors have applied an approach of revenue and risk-- sharing with both decentralized and centralized supply chains to achieve the fair risk and value-added distribution. The dominant methods we found in literature were game theory and complex mathematical formulation. Most literature focused on operation research techniques. We identified a lack of discussion of the intelligent system approach and a potential for future exploration. This paper guide future research and application agenda of fair risk and value-added distribution in supply chain collaboration. We developed a new framework for a fair and balanced risk and value-added distribution model. For a future agenda, we point towards the development of a systematic intelligent system applying soft-computing techniques and knowledge transfer for maintaining sustainable supply chains.Keywords Supply chain collaboration, Fair risk and value-added distribution, Revenue sharing, Risk management, Risk sharin

    A Literature Review on The Design of Intelligent Supply Chain for Natural Fibre Agroindustry

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    Natural fibre is an environmentally friendly raw material that has a great potential to develop, and is abundantly available in nature [1]. Currently, the growth of natural fibre processing industries in the world has been increasingly important [2]. Processing of abundant natural fibre in both upstream and downstream productions requires effective and collaborative supply chain management in terms of information sharing. Thus, an intelligent system would be implemented in supply chain management from upstream to downstream. Based on review of 46 scientific papers discussing on types of natural fibre, process, technology, and methods, as well as application areas of natural fibre in downstream industries. According to review on different aspects in 55 scientific papers, there were 5 aspects mapped, i.e. supply chain analytic, value chain, performance, collaboration, big data, and decision support system. A concept of 4.0 industry underlies utilization of opportunities for application of supply chain analytic [3]. Upcoming research opportunities include mediating relationship in supply chain network by utilizing Internet of things (IoT) and Big data (BD), in a collaborative relationship to use information sharing. The most possibly contributing research is the development of collaboration between supply chain and genetic algorithm [4]. Integration between production and inventory planning becomes an approach that utilizes Particle swarm optimization (PSO) by developing production planning [5], and production and inventory planning [6]. There is a research opportunity in the design of intelligent supply chain for natural fibre agroindustry by implementing IoT and BD as a tool in supply chain analytic, collaboration through Collaboration prediction forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) that occurs between stakeholders with the aim of improving agroindustry supply chain performance in production integration material and inventory, and performance measurement by integrating the Value chain operation reference (VCOR) model developed in supply chain analytic


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    Jumlah informasi yang diberikan oleh kebanyakan praktisi profesi kesehatan kurang bisa dalam memberikan intruksi kepada pasien. Hal ini disebabkan kegagalan para professional kesehatan di RS. Roemani dalam memberikan informasi yang lengkap. Ini disebabkan karena kurang di sadari pentingnya komunikasi terapeutik dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien. Komunikasi terapeutik yang baik terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu prainteraksi, orientasi, kerja dan terminasi akan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pasien yang merupakan salah satu ukuran untuk menilai kualitas pelayanan keperawatan. Tujuan secara umum penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pelaksanaan komunikasi terapeutik perawat dengan kepuasan pasien di ruang Usman RS. Roemani Semarang. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur menggunakan kuesioner yang telah di uji validitas dan reliabilitasnya dan di uji menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson’s product moment. Penelitian dilaksanakan di ruang Usman RS. Roemani Semarang dari bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2008 dengan desain penelitian explanatory reseach dengan pendekatan cross sectional terhadap 57 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel quota sampling. Berdasar hasil uji statistik diperoleh nilai r = 0.550 dan p = 0.0001. data ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan tersebut signifikan pada signifikansi 0.01. nilai r sebesar 0.550 berarti kekuatan hubungan tersebut sedang atau moderat. Pola hubungan linier positif yang berarti semakin pelaksanaan komunikasi terapeutik maka pasien akan semakin puas. Saran : Bagi perawat hendaknya memperkenalkan diri dengan menyebutkan nama, bagi rumah sakit hendaknya meningkatkan kualitas SDM melalui pelatihan terkait komunikasi terapeutik perawat dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya hendaknya melakukan penelitian dengan teknik observasi
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