17 research outputs found

    Unlocking the Contradictory Outcomes of Presenteeism through a Temporal Model: Effort Exertion as a Mediator

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    The effects of presenteeism, that is, working while ill or exhausted, are unclear, as previous research has yielded contradictory results. The aim of this study is thus twofold: clarify the differential effects of short versus long-term presenteeism and corroborate the mediating effect of effort exertion on the relationship between presenteeism and work-related outcomes. We adopt a three-wave panel design and measure all the variables at three different points (initially, after one week and after one year) to understand the effects of presenteeism over time. Our sample consists of 361 Chinese employees working in diverse industries in Taiwan. We analyze the panel data using structural equation modeling and bootstrapping. Our results reveal that presenteeism is positively associated with increased effort, work engagement, and job performance after one week. By contrast, presenteeism is negatively associated with job performance and work engagement though positively associated with emotional exhaustion after one-year. Our research contributes to clarify paradoxical results regarding presenteeism's consequences, as well as corroborating that effort exertion mediates the relationship between presenteeism and work outcomes. We also identify practical implications for organizations managing employees working remotely, a more common reality with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ensuing lockdowns and digitalization which has started to become the norm for a significant proportion of working sectors. Finally, we suggest recommendations for future research on presenteeism.

    The Consultans' Fair: An active-learning pedagogical methodology for large groups

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    This study provides empirical evidence on the contribution that active-learning methodologies have on developing students' competencies and improving their satisfaction in large classroom settings. The study examines two group-based methodologies: i) 'You-Be-the-Consultant' (a case study project in which participants analyze an organizational challenge and suggest strategic solutions); and ii) the 'Consultants' Fair' (an active-learning methodology to pool the group project). ..

    When Trust in the Leader Matters: The Moderated-Mediation Model of Team Performance and Trust

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    This study contributes to the sport and team literature by exploring the conditions in which trust in a leader translates into trust in a team and subsequent team performance. Findings from 709 athletes in 74 basketball teams demonstrated that trust in the coach represents a critical antecedent of team trust, especially when the team's past performance has been poor. We also found a combined effect of the level and consensus in trust on team performance. Practical implications suggest that a coach needs to ensure that every player, rather than some or even the majority of individual team members, trusts him/her and the tea

    Team Performance in Cross Cultural Project Teams: The Moderated Mediation role of Consensus, Heterogeneity, Faultlines and Trust

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    Purpose To test the conditional effect of team composition on team performance, specifically, how collective team orientation, group consensus, faultline configurations and trust among team members explain team project objective performance in cross-cultural contexts. Design/methodology/approach Employing path analytical framework and bootstrap methods, we analyze data from a sample of 73 cross-cultural project teams. We assess the impact of group functioning on overall objective performance through dispersion and faultline measures aggregated at the team level. Relying on ordinary least square regression, we estimate the direct and indirect effects of the moderated mediation model. Findings This study demonstrates that the indirect effect of collective team orientation on performance through team trust is moderated by team member consensus, diversity heterogeneity, and faultlines strength. By contrast, high dispersion among members, heterogeneous team configurations and strong team faultlines lead to low levels of trust and team performance. Research limitations/implications Although we integrated the different measures of group consensus and diversity configurations to provide a more accurate picture at the team level, some other limits such as team members' countries-of-origin and the cultural effects of collective team orientation should be taken into further consideration. Moreover, the specific context of the study (MBA and upper undergraduate student work projects) may also have undermined external validity and limited the generalization of our findings. Practical implications From a practical standpoint, these results may help practitioners understand how the emergence of trust contributes to performance. It will also help them comprehend the importance of managing teams while bearing in mind the cross-cultural contexts in which they operate. Social implication In order to foster team consensus and overcome the effects of group members' cross-cultural dissimilarities as well as team faultlines, organizations should invest in improving members' dedication, cooperation, and trust before looking to achieve significant results, specially in heterogeneous teams and cross-cultural contexts. Originality/value This study advances organizational group research by showing the combined effect of team configurations and collective team orientation to overall team performance and by exploring significant constructs such as team consensus, team trust, and diversity fault line strength to examine their possible moderated mediation role in the process

    Teamwork in Healthcare Management

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    Groups are pervasive in healthcare institutions and take on a variety of shapes. This paper uses a typology that allows us to understand the distinctive characteristics of team operations, based on interdependence and interactive dimensions. It looks at factors that influence team effectiveness in organizational settings. We review different frameworks that shed light in explaining the conditions that lead to group effectiveness. From the classical input-process-output (IPO) model to the input-mediator-output-input (IMOI) model of team effectiveness; the taxonomy of team process and emergent estates, as well as the teams understood as complex adaptive systems and also studied from the multiteam system perspective. We also report the need for more robust research designs to contribute to the field’s further advancement. There is consensus among scholars demanding further conceptual frameworks, as well as powerful research designs that capture process-oriented theory and research on team effectiveness. Some future directions and recommendations are suggested

    El absentismo laboral en el sector manufacturero: Una aproximación cualitativa

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    The aim of this paper is to study absenteeism in the manufacturing sector. Based on framework borrow from the management literature, we run a qualitative analysis on four distinct organizations. The case studies were carefully selected, two with a high percentage of absenteeism and two with a lower rate. In-depth interviews were conducted with managers or directors of human resource departments with the aim of understanding the policies and practices they use to control this absenteeism. The results were explained using two distinct conceptual models: Motivation for Attendance (Nicholson, 1977) and the Typology of Absence cultures (Nicholson y Johns, 1985). Our findings show that these companies only manage absenteeism partially in addressing its causes. They only use control and punishment measures which serve to manage the phenomenon over the short term but which are shown to be ineffective in reducing absentee rates over the long term. Furthermore, we also find that the organizations do not adequately assess blue-collar worker absenteeism which showed the higher rates. Our discussion is based on these findings, identifying the different key variables that determine absenteeism. We also propose incorporating a holistic approach to better understand and manage this organizational phenomenon. Lastly, some recommendations for practice are also provided.El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el absentismo laboral en el sector manufacturero. La revisión de la literatura del management nos ha proporcionado el marco para el análisis cualitativo de cuatro empresas manufactureras. Los estudios de caso se han seleccionado cuidadosamente; dos poseen un índice alto de absentismo y los otros dos un índice menor. Se han realizado entrevistas en profundidad a gerentes o directores del departamento de recursos humanos, para indagar cómo explican sus ratios de absentismo y qué políticas utilizan para controlarlo. Los resultados de las entrevistas se han contrastado a la luz de dos modelos conceptuales: la Motivación para la asistencia (Nicholson, 1977) y la Tipología de culturas absentistas (Nicholson y Johns, 1985). Los resultados obtenidos indican que estas empresas gestionan de manera parcial o casi nula las causas del absentismo que padecen. Tienden a imponer solo medidas de control y sanción, que si bien pueden tener un impacto a corto plazo, son muy ineficaces en la disminución de las tasas de absentismo a largo plazo. Por otro lado también se ha detectado que las empresas no acostumbran a prestar atención al colectivo de los operarios de producción, que poseen los índices de absentismo más altos. Las conclusiones contemplan las distintas variables que explican la conducta absentista del empleado y confirman que la gestión del absentismo está lejos de incorporar un enfoque integral. Finalmente, también se aportan algunas recomendaciones para la práctica

    The differential effect of team members' trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion

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    This study examines team performance as affected by various trusting relationships: Trust between team members and the team's trust in their direct manager and in top management. Data for the study were collected from a survey of 690 professional elite athletes (belonging to 59 different sports clubs) playing in the regular, top professional Spanish leagues. The model was tested at the team level. Findings reveal that team member trust with respect to the different foci has both a direct and indirect effect on team performance, and that team player trust and cohesion play a mediating role. This study illustrates the dynamic relationship within teams, and, as such, trust among teammates mediates the relationship between trust in the coach as well as team cohesion in determining team performance. The implications for managing teams in other contexts are also evaluated

    La validesa del model triaxial de la confiança organitzativa com a predictor de l'efectivitat

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    En el treball de recerca que presentem per obtenir el grau de doctor s'ha investigat la relació entre la confiança i l'efectivitat organitzativa dins del context dels esports interactius professionals. L'interès creixent de la bibliografia sobre la confiança mostra el reconeixement de la importància que se li atorga com a factor que incrementa l'èxit organitzatiu. Malgrat aquest interès creixent, encara hi ha pocs estudis empírics que mostrin en el nivell d'anàlisi de l'equip, les relacions entre la confiança organitzativa i els resultats de l'efectivitat. L'objectiu d'aquesta recerca és investigar empíricament fins a quin punt les percepcions de la confiança dels jugadors (entre els membres de l'equip, la seva relació amb l'entrenador principal i amb el club en conjunt) poden predir l'actuació futura de l'equip. A més, també s'ha considerat el possible efecte moderador de l'estil de direcció de l'entrenador (lideratge transaccional o transformacional), juntament amb la cohesió del grup i les polítiques organitzatives. En aquest treball empíric s'analitzaran els resultats del treball de camp realitzat, entre març i abril de l'any 2005, a 700 atletes pertanyents a 59 equips professionals de les primeres lligues esportives espanyoles de bàsquet (ACB), handbol (ASOBAL), hoquei sobre patins (OK-Liga) i futbol sala (Liga de Honor). S'ha utilitzat una combinació d'ANOVA i d'anàlisi de regressió per tal de comprovar les relacions proposades en el model de recerca. Els resultats obtinguts mostren evidències que un grup de variables exerceix un efecte mediador entre els resultats actuals i futurs de l'equip

    When Trust in the Leader Matters: The Moderated-Mediation Model of Team Performance and Trust

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    This study contributes to the sport and team literature by exploring the conditions in which trust in a leader translates into trust in a team and subsequent team performance. Findings from 709 athletes in 74 basketball teams demonstrated that trust in the coach represents a critical antecedent of team trust, especially when the team's past performance has been poor. We also found a combined effect of the level and consensus in trust on team performance. Practical implications suggest that a coach needs to ensure that every player, rather than some or even the majority of individual team members, trusts him/her and the tea

    The Consultans' Fair: An active-learning pedagogical methodology for large groups

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    This study provides empirical evidence on the contribution that active-learning methodologies have on developing students' competencies and improving their satisfaction in large classroom settings. The study examines two group-based methodologies: i) 'You-Be-the-Consultant' (a case study project in which participants analyze an organizational challenge and suggest strategic solutions); and ii) the 'Consultants' Fair' (an active-learning methodology to pool the group project). ..