4,072 research outputs found

    Scottish appeals and the proposed Supreme Court

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    Mode identification in rapidly rotating stars

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    Context: Recent calculations of pulsation modes in rapidly rotating polytropic models and models based on the Self-Consistent Field method have shown that the frequency spectrum of low degree pulsation modes can be described by an empirical formula similar to Tassoul's asymptotic formula, provided that the underlying rotation profile is not too differential. Aims: Given the simplicity of this asymptotic formula, we investigate whether it can provide a means by which to identify pulsation modes in rapidly rotating stars. Methods: We develop a new mode identification scheme which consists in scanning a multidimensional parameter space for the formula coefficients which yield the best-fitting asymptotic spectra. This mode identification scheme is then tested on artificial spectra based on the asymptotic formula, on random frequencies and on spectra based on full numerical eigenmode calculations for which the mode identification is known beforehand. We also investigate the effects of adding random frequencies to mimic the effects of chaotic modes which are also expected to show up in such stars. Results: In the absence of chaotic modes, it is possible to accurately find a correct mode identification for most of the observed frequencies provided these frequencies are sufficiently close to their asymptotic values. The addition of random frequencies can very quickly become problematic and hinder correct mode identification. Modifying the mode identification scheme to reject the worst fitting modes can bring some improvement but the results still remain poorer than in the case without chaotic modes

    Genetic variation of Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium album L. (Amaranthaceae) suggests multiple independent introductions into Iran

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    Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium album L. (Amaranthaceae) are weedy plants that cause severe ecological and economic damage. In this study, we collected DNA from three different countries and assessed genetic diversity using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Our analysis shows both weed species have low genetic diversity within a population and high genetic diversity among populations, as well as a low value of gene flow among the populations. UPGMA clustering and principal coordinate analysis indicate four distinct groups for A. retroflexus L. and C. album L. exist. We detected significant isolation-by-distance for A. retroflexus L. and no significant correlation for C. album L. These conclusions are based data from 13 ISSR primers where the average percentage of polymorphism produced was 98.46 % for A. retroflexus L. and 74.81% for C. album L.. These data suggest that each population was independently introduced to the location from which it was sampled and these noxious weeds come armed with considerable genetic variability giving them the opportunity to manifest myriad traits that could be used to avoid management practices. Our results, albeit not definitive about this issue, do not support the native status of C. album L. in Iran

    Disagreements Within the US Food and Drug Administration Regarding Approval of Novel Therapeutic Agents, 2011-2015

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    Thirty days after a novel therapeutic agent, a new molecular entity, or original biologic is approved, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must publicly disclose its approval package, including scientific reviews completed by FDA disciplines (eg, pharmacology, statistical, and medical reviewers) and any available assessments by agency leadership.1 Although reports of internal disagreement have surfaced,2 it is unclear how often such disagreements occur. Disagreements document differing points of view or engaged discussion and may, thus, capture important scientific debates or signal challenging decisions within the agency. We sought to determine the frequency of disagreements within the FDA regarding approval of novel therapeutic agents

    Learning to belong: Navigating liminal spaces between disciplinary and teaching identities

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    The continuous professional learning of academics as university teachers is a national imperative in South Africa. At our university, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Higher Education) was introduced in 2015 with the aim to professionalise university teaching through a formal qualification. Students (i.e., candidates) must transition in two ways: firstly, from being disciplinary specialists to being students again; and secondly, into the community of scholarly teaching in higher education. This article examines the liminality experienced by candidates as they navigate the programme and learn to belong to a new scholarly teaching community. Drawing on empirical data collected from graduates and programme coordinators, the authors track candidates’ shifting identities and showcase how, though initially turbulent and unsettling, the process of learning to belong to a new teaching identity can be rewarding and enriching. The authors conclude by discussing the conditions required to enable candidates to acquire a strong university-teacher identity

    Technical Design Report for PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC)

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    This document presents the technical layout and the envisaged performance of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC) for the PANDA target spectrometer. The EMC has been designed to meet the physics goals of the PANDA experiment. The performance figures are based on extensive prototype tests and radiation hardness studies. The document shows that the EMC is ready for construction up to the front-end electronics interface

    Pulsation modes in rapidly rotating stellar models based on the Self-Consistent Field method

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    Context: New observational means such as the space missions CoRoT and Kepler and ground-based networks are and will be collecting stellar pulsation data with unprecedented accuracy. A significant fraction of the stars in which pulsations are observed are rotating rapidly. Aims: Our aim is to characterise pulsation modes in rapidly rotating stellar models so as to be able to interpret asteroseismic data from such stars. Methods: The pulsation code developed in Ligni\`eres et al. (2006) and Reese et al. (2006) is applied to stellar models based on the self-consistent field (SCF) method (Jackson et al. 2004, 2005, MacGregor et al. 2007). Results: Pulsation modes in SCF models follow a similar behaviour to those in uniformly rotating polytropic models, provided that the rotation profile is not too differential. Pulsation modes fall into different categories, the three main ones being island, chaotic, and whispering gallery modes, which are rotating counterparts to modes with low, medium, and high l-|m| values, respectively. The frequencies of the island modes follow an asymptotic pattern quite similar to what was found for polytropic models. Extending this asymptotic formula to higher azimuthal orders reveals more subtle behaviour as a function of m and provides a first estimate of the average advection of pulsation modes by rotation. Further calculations based on a variational principle confirm this estimate and provide rotation kernels that could be used in inversion methods. When the rotation profile becomes highly differential, it becomes more and more difficult to find island and whispering gallery modes at low azimuthal orders. At high azimuthal orders, whispering gallery modes, and in some cases island modes, reappear.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A VEL3 histone deacetylase complex establishes a maternal epigenetic state controlling progeny seed dormancy

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    Mother plants play an important role in the control of dormancy and dispersal characters of their progeny. In Arabidopsis seed dormancy is imposed by the embryo-surrounding tissues of the endosperm and seed coat. Here we show that VERNALIZATION5/VIN3-LIKE 3 (VEL3) maintains maternal control over progeny seed dormancy. Acting early in endosperm development, it establishes an epigenetic state that primes the depth of primary seed dormancy that will be reached later during seed maturation. VEL3 relocates MSI1 to the nucleolus and associates with other components of the histone deacetylase complex (HDAC). Furthermore VEL3 preferentially associates with pericentromeric chromatin and is required for deacetylation and H3K27me3 deposition in the central cell. Interestingly, the epigenetic state established by the maternal VEL3 is retained in mature seeds, and controls seed dormancy in part through the repression of programmed cell death-associated gene ORE1. Our data demonstrates a novel mechanism by which maternal control of progeny seed physiology persists post-shedding, maintaining parental control of seed behaviour

    Technical Design Report for the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector

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    This document illustrates the technical layout and the expected performance of the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) of the PANDA experiment. The MVD will detect charged particles as close as possible to the interaction zone. Design criteria and the optimisation process as well as the technical solutions chosen are discussed and the results of this process are subjected to extensive Monte Carlo physics studies. The route towards realisation of the detector is outlined

    Technical Design Report for the PANDA Solenoid and Dipole Spectrometer Magnets

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    This document is the Technical Design Report covering the two large spectrometer magnets of the PANDA detector set-up. It shows the conceptual design of the magnets and their anticipated performance. It precedes the tender and procurement of the magnets and, hence, is subject to possible modifications arising during this process
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