12 research outputs found

    Modulation of radial blood flow during Braille character discrimination task

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    Purpose: Human hands are excellent in performing sensory and motor function. We have hypothesized that blood flow of the hand is dynamically regulated by sympathetic outflow during concentrated finger perception. To identify this hypothesis, we measured radial blood flow (RBF), radial vascular conductance (RVC), heart rate (HR), and arterial blood pressure (AP) during Braille reading performed under the blind condition in nine healthy subjects. The subjects were instructed to read a flat plate with raised letters (Braille reading) for 30 s by the forefinger, and to touch a blank plate as control for the Braille discrimination procedure. Results: HR and AP slightly increased during Braille reading but remained unchanged during the touching of the blank plate. RBF and RVC were reduced during the Braille character discrimination task (decreased by -46% and -49%, respectively). Furthermore, the changes in RBF and RVC were much greater during the Braille character discrimination task than during the touching of the blank plate (decreased by -20% and -20%, respectively). Conclusions: These results have suggested that the distribution of blood flow to the hand is modulated via sympathetic nerve activity during concentrated finger perception

    Deep in the brain: Changes in subcortical function immediately preceding a migraine attack

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    © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The neural mechanism responsible for migraine remains unclear. While the role of an external trigger in migraine initiation remains vigorously debated, it is generally assumed that migraineurs display altered brain function between attacks. This idea stems from relatively few brain imaging studies with even fewer studies exploring changes in the 24 h period immediately prior to a migraine attack. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we measured infra-slow oscillatory activity, regional homogeneity, and connectivity strengths of resting activity in migraineurs directly before (n = 8), after (n = 11), and between migraine attacks (n = 26) and in healthy control subjects (n = 78). Comparisons between controls and each migraine group and between migraine groups were made for each of these measures. Directly prior to a migraine, increased infra-slow oscillatory activity occurred in brainstem and hypothalamic regions that also display altered activity during a migraine itself, that is, the spinal trigeminal nucleus, dorsal pons, and hypothalamus. Furthermore, these midbrain and hypothalamic sites displayed increased connectivity strengths and regional homogeneity directly prior to a migraine. Remarkably, these resting oscillatory and connectivity changes did not occur directly after or between migraine attacks and were significantly different to control subjects. These data provide evidence of altered brainstem and hypothalamic function in the period immediately before a migraine and raise the prospect that such changes contribute to the expression of a migraine attack

    Fluctuating regional brainstem diffusion imaging measures of microstructure across the migraine cycle

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    © 2019 Marciszewski et al. The neural mechanisms responsible for the initiation and expression of migraines remain unknown. Although there is growing evidence of changes in brainstem anatomy and function between attacks, very little is known about brainstem function and structure in the period immediately prior to a migraine. The aim of this investigation is to use brainstem-specific analyses of diffusion weighted images to determine whether the brainstem pain processing regions display altered structure in individuals with migraine across the migraine cycle, and in particular immediately prior to a migraine. Diffusion tensor images (29 controls, 36 migraineurs) were used to assess brainstem anatomy in migraineurs compared with controls. We found that during the interictal phase, migraineurs displayed greater mean diffusivity (MD) in the region of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (SpV), dorsomedial pons (dmPons)/dorsolateral pons (dlPons), and midbrain periaqueductal gray matter (PAG)/cuneiform nucleus (CNF). Remarkably, the MD returned to controls levels during the 24-h period immediately prior to a migraine, only to increase again within the three following days. Additionally, fractional anisotropy (FA) was significantly elevated in the region of the medial lemniscus/ventral trigeminal thalamic tract in migraineurs compared with controls over the entire migraine cycle. These data show that regional brainstem anatomy changes over the migraine cycle, with specific anatomical changes occurring in the 24-h period prior to onset. These changes may contribute to the activation of the ascending trigeminal pathway by either an increase in basal traffic or by sensitizing the trigeminal nuclei to external triggers, with activation ultimately resulting in perception of head pain during a migraine attack

    Altered regional cerebral blood flow and hypothalamic connectivity immediately prior to a migraine headache

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    © International Headache Society 2020. Background: There is evidence of altered resting hypothalamic activity patterns and connectivity prior to a migraine, however it remains unknown if these changes are driven by changes in overall hypothalamic activity levels. If they are, it would corroborate the idea that changes in hypothalamic function result in alteration in brainstem pain processing sensitivity, which either triggers a migraine headache itself or allows an external trigger to initiate a migraine headache. We hypothesise that hypothalamic activity increases immediately prior to a migraine headache and this is accompanied by altered functional connectivity to pain processing sites in the brainstem. Methods: In 34 migraineurs and 26 healthy controls, we collected a series comprising 108 pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling images and 180 gradient-echo echo planar resting-state functional magnetic resonance volumes to measure resting regional cerebral blood flow and functional connectivity respectively. Images were pre-processed and analysed using custom SPM12 and Matlab software. Results: Our results reflect that immediately prior to a migraine headache, resting regional cerebral blood flow decreases in the lateral hypothalamus. In addition, resting functional connectivity strength decreased between the lateral hypothalamus and important regions of the pain processing pathway, such as the midbrain periaqueductal gray, dorsal pons, rostral ventromedial medulla and cingulate cortex, only during this critical period before a migraine headache. Conclusion: These data suggest altered hypothalamic function and connectivity in the period immediately prior to a migraine headache and supports the hypothesis that the hypothalamus is involved in migraine initiation