24,684 research outputs found

    Asymptotically exact trial wave functions for yrast states of rotating Bose gases

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    We revisit the composite fermion (CF) construction of the lowest angular momentum yrast states of rotating Bose gases with weak short range interaction. For angular momenta at and below the single vortex, L≤NL \leq N, the overlaps between these trial wave functions and the corresponding exact solutions {\it increase} with increasing system size and appear to approach unity in the thermodynamic limit. In the special case L=NL=N, this remarkable behaviour was previously observed numerically. Here we present methods to address this point analytically, and find strongly suggestive evidence in favour of similar behaviour for all L≤NL \leq N. While not constituting a fully conclusive proof of the converging overlaps, our results do demonstrate a striking similarity between the analytic structure of the exact ground state wave functions at L≤NL \leq N, and that of their CF counterparts. Results are given for two different projection methods commonly used in the CF approach

    The incidence and position of melanocytic nevi for the purposes of forensic image comparison

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    Expert witness opinion based on the comparison of images has been accepted by UK courts as admissible evidence in relation to issues of identity. Within images of the hand are a multiplicity of anatomical features of different aetiology, incidence and distribution patterns and this includes melanocytic nevi, referred to more colloquially as moles and/or birthmarks. The hand is not a common place for these isolated features to develop and so their presence in this anatomical region has the potential to be useful for issues of identity. The results of this study show that approximately 9 % of individuals in a sample of 476 hands, displayed at least one nevus on the back of their hand and, contrary to the literature, the incidence was found to be greater in females (15 % of female cohort) than males (7 % of male cohort). Almost a third of all nevi identified on the dorsum of the hand were abnormal or dysplastic. The most frequent location for these aggregations of melanocytes was in the central region of the dorsum of the hand or at the base of the index finger. The relevance of nevi identified in the image of a perpetrator’s hand and also on that of a suspect/accused is discussed in relation to the issue of whether the images have originated from the same individual

    Development of a portable precision landing system

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    A portable, tactical approach guidance (PTAG) system, based on a novel, X-band, precision approach concept, was developed and flight tested as a part of NASA's Rotorcraft All-Weather Operations Research Program. The system is based on state-of-the-art X-band technology and digital processing techniques. The PTAG airborne hardware consists of an X-band receiver and a small microprocessor installed in conjunction with the aircraft instrument landing system (ILS) receiver. The microprocessor analyzes the X-band, PTAG pulses and outputs ILS compatible localizer and glide slope signals. The ground stations are inexpensive, portable units, each weighing less than 85 lb, including battery, that can be quickly deployed at a landing site. Results from the flight test program show that PTAG has a significant potential for providing tactical aircraft with low cost, portable, precision instrument approach capability

    Edge State Tunneling in a Split Hall Bar Model

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    In this paper we introduce and study the correlation functions of a chiral one-dimensional electron model intended to qualitatively represent narrow Hall bars separated into left and right sections by a penetrable barrier. The model has two parameters representing respectively interactions between top and bottom edges of the Hall bar and interactions between the edges on opposite sides of the barrier. We show that the scaling dimensions of tunneling processes depend on the relative strengths of the interactions, with repulsive interactions across the Hall bar tending to make breaks in the barrier irrelevant. The model can be solved analytically and is characterized by a difference between the dynamics of even and odd Fourier components. We address its experimental relevance by comparing its predictions with those of a more geometrically realistic model that must be solved numerically.Comment: 13 pages, including 4 figures,final version as publishe

    Area products for stationary black hole horizons

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    Area products for multi-horizon stationary black holes often have intriguing properties, and are often (though not always) independent of the mass of the black hole itself (depending only on various charges, angular momenta, and moduli). Such products are often formulated in terms of the areas of inner (Cauchy) horizons and outer (event) horizons, and sometimes include the effects of unphysical "virtual" horizons. But the conjectured mass-independence sometimes fails. Specifically, for the Schwarzschild-de Sitter [Kottler] black hole in (3+1) dimensions it is shown by explicit exact calculation that the product of event horizon area and cosmological horizon area is not mass independent. (Including the effect of the third "virtual" horizon does not improve the situation.) Similarly, in the Reissner-Nordstrom-anti-de Sitter black hole in (3+1) dimensions the product of inner (Cauchy) horizon area and event horizon area is calculated (perturbatively), and is shown to be not mass independent. That is, the mass-independence of the product of physical horizon areas is not generic. In spherical symmetry, whenever the quasi-local mass m(r) is a Laurent polynomial in aerial radius, r=sqrt{A/4\pi}, there are significantly more complicated mass-independent quantities, the elementary symmetric polynomials built up from the complete set of horizon radii (physical and virtual). Sometimes it is possible to eliminate the unphysical virtual horizons, constructing combinations of physical horizon areas that are mass independent, but they tend to be considerably more complicated than the simple products and related constructions currently being mooted in the literature.Comment: V1: 16 pages; V2: 9 pages (now formatted in PRD style). Minor change in title. Extra introduction, background, discussion. Several additional references; other references updated. Minor typos fixed. This version accepted for publication in PRD; V3: Minor typos fixed. Published versio

    The Influence of Formulation, Buffering, pH and Divalent Cations on the Activity of Endothall on Hydrilla.

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    Endothall has been used as an aquatic herbicide for more than 40 years and provides very effective weed control of many weeds. Early research regarding the mechanism-of-action of endothall contradicts the symptomology normally associated with the product. Recent studies suggest endothall is a respiratory toxin but the mechanism-of-action remains unknown. To further elucidate the activity of endothall, several endothall formulations were evaluated for their effects on ion leakage, oxygen consumption and photosynthetic oxygen evolution from hydrilla shoot tips. The influence of pH, buffering and divalent cations was also evaluated. (PDF contains 6 pages.

    Development and flight test of a helicopter, X-band, portable precision landing system concept

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    A beacon landing system (BLS) is being developed and flight tested as a part of NASA's Rotorcraft All-Weather Operations Research Program. The system is based on state-of-of-the-art X-band radar technology and digital processing techniques. The bLS airborne hardware consists of an X-band receiver and a small micropreocessor, installed in conjunction wht the aircraft instrument landing system (ILS) receiver. The microprocessor analyzes the X-band, BLS pulses and outputs ILS-compatible localizer and glide slope signals. Range information is obtained using an on-board weather/mapping radar in conjunction with the BLS. The ground station is an inexpensive, portable unit; it weighs less than 70 lb and can be quickly deployed at a landing site. Results from the flight-test program show that the BLS has a significant potential for providing rotorcaraft with low-cost, precision instrument approach capability in remote areas
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