18 research outputs found

    Cultura organizacional y gesti贸n del talento humano en la Facultad de educaci贸n de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos -2016

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    En la presente investigaci贸n se estudia determinar de qu茅 manera se relaciona la cultura organizacional con la gesti贸n del talento humano en la Facultad de educaci贸n de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos -2016. La muestra estuvo constituida por 219 sujetos, el muestro empleado es de tipo probabil铆stico, estratificado y a quienes se les aplic贸 dos cuestionarios para medir las variables investigadas cultura organizacional y gesti贸n del talento humano. Los resultados fueron analizados en el nivel descriptivo a trav茅s de tablas estad铆sticas, rangos, niveles, frecuencias y porcentajes y en el nivel inferencial se ha hecho uso de la estad铆stica param茅trica y como tal se ha utilizado r de Pearson a un nivel de 0,05, dado que los datos presentan distribuci贸n normal. Los resultados indican que la cultura organizacional y el talento humano se expresan predominantemente en un nivel medio. Asimismo, se demuestra que existe correlaci贸n directa, moderada y significativa entre cultura organizacional y la gesti贸n del talento humano.In this research, it is studied to determine how the organizational culture is related to the management of human talent in the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos -2016. The sample consisted of 219 subjects, the sample employed is probabilistic, stratified and to whom two questionnaires were applied to measure the variables investigated, organizational culture and human talent management. The results were analyzed at the descriptive level through statistical tables, ranges, levels, frequencies and percentages and at the inferential level, parametric statistics have been used and as such Pearson's r has been used at a level of 0.05, given that the data have a normal distribution. The results indicate that organizational culture and human talent are predominantly expressed at a medium level. Likewise, it is shown that there is a direct, moderate and significant correlation between organizational culture and human talent management

    Competencias profesionales de docentes y su relaci贸n con el uso de estrategias metacognitivas en estudiantes de la E.A.P.E.F. de la Facultad de Educaci贸n de la UNMSM, en el a帽o 2013

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorPublicaci贸n a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDetermina y analiza el nivel de influencia de las competencias profesionales en el uso de estrategias metacognitivas de los docentes de la Escuela Acad茅mico Profesional de Educaci贸n F铆sica de la Facultad de Educaci贸n en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos en el 2013. La poblaci贸n est谩 conformada por cuarenta (40) docentes. La t茅cnica b谩sica de recolecci贸n de datos que se utiliza en el estudio es la observaci贸n indirecta que permite la captaci贸n de la realidad que afrontan los docentes. Para la recopilaci贸n de datos se aplica dos cuestionarios una para acopiar informaci贸n respecto a la opini贸n de los docentes sobre las Competencia profesionales de la Escuela Acad茅mico Profesional de Educaci贸n F铆sica. Concluye que existe influencia significativa de las competencias profesional en el uso de estrategias metacognitivas de los docentes de la Escuela Acad茅mico Profesional de Educaci贸n F铆sica de la Facultad de Educaci贸n en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos en el 2013.Tesi

    Formaci贸n continua : 驴hacia d贸nde vamos?

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    Investigaci贸n Educativa, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 85-96En nuestros contextos, la formaci贸n continua de los docentes es prioritaria para responder a las necesidades de mejora de la calidad de la educaci贸n. En esta perspectiva; a pesar de los condicionamientos de car谩cter socioecon贸mico que ha creado la aplicaci贸n del neoliberalismo en nuestro pa铆s; se plantea como prioridad buscar con una nueva visi贸n el desarrollo social, cultural y econ贸mico, a partir de las reflexiones, consensos y redefiniciones de la profesi贸n docente y su funci贸n social, y en general de la educaci贸n y sociedad que necesitamos. Una concepci贸n sobre el maestro debe distinguir una triple dimensi贸n: intelectual, pedagogo y ciudadano, las cuales se ejercen en la pr谩ctica de forma conjunta y ejerciendo una influencia rec铆proca entre s铆. El maestro como intelectual se debe presentar como un comprometido por la reproducci贸n y desarrollo de la cultura, ciencia, arte y humanidades, y todo tipo de manifestaci贸n cultural y la problem谩tica que las rodea. Esto le permitir谩 al maestro ejercer su dimensi贸n como pedagogo, estudiando e investigando los fen贸menos educativos y pedag贸gicos, en los diversos contextos que afronta, reflexionando y comprendiendo los aportes de la ciencia y tecnolog铆a, realizando apreciaciones cr铆ticas que le permitan aportar y replantear sus pr谩cticas docentes. Asimismo, el maestro como ciudadano se debe presentar como un actor social activo y comprometido con la defensa de la educaci贸n p煤blica, expresando una s贸lida formaci贸n de su conciencia ciudadana y una visi贸n de formador de futuros protagonistas de la vida pol铆tica nacional. En este sentido el maestro, en la escuela y en la sociedad debe ser un l铆der y ejemplo motivador para que los estudiantes se preocupen por los problemas sociales, el bien com煤n y los valores necesarios para mejorar la calidad de vida en la sociedad. En este contexto y perspectivas, son los gobiernos y los gremios docentes los que deben priorizar la formaci贸n docente y la lucha pedag贸gica, con el prop贸sito de contribuir con mejores prop贸sitos educacionales, con una verdadera autonom铆a escolar alejada de las visiones privatizadoras, con una comunidad educativa m谩s reflexiva y comprometida con los temas educativos, con nuevos planteamientos pedag贸gicos de instituciones representativas, con formaciones continuas de calidad basadas en reflexiones e investigaciones permanentes, y en el gran conocimiento del contexto y de las especificidades de los estudiantes

    Business Intelligence as Decision Support in Organizations: A Systematic Review of the Itinerary

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    The large amount of data handled by organizations has made the task of analyzing that data and generating information more complex, given this problem we opt for the use of Business Intelligence (BI), since through various techniques valuable information can be generated, which will serve as support in the Toma of Ecisiones.  The main objective of the research focuses on determining the state of the art about Business Intelligence as a support for Decision Making in Organizations.  For the present research, a systematic literature review (RSL) of publications carried out from2017 to 2021 was carried out. 8  sources of  information  were used to obtain the articles, including: Scopus, ARDI, Web of Science, Taylor & Francis  Online, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online Library, Google Scholar and ACM Digital Library. Finally, after applying various exclusion criteria, 70 articles were selected for the present work. The results obtained in the research show us various aspects related to the development of articles on Business Intelligence, as well as statistical data found in the development of these

    Graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy and academic performance of students at Universidad Cat贸lica campus Sapientiae

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    Indexado en ScopusThe purpose of this research was to determine the degree of relationship between graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy on academic performance. The sample consisted of 54 students from the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University Sedes Sapientiae. For this purpose, the quasi-experimental approach was used and the results were processed with the SPSS version 12 statistical package. After the application of workshops for learning the graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy, the evaluation of the levels of academic performance and a survey on the personal appreciation of each of them were carried out. The study concluded in the positive perception of the aforementioned techniques and their tangible effect on academic performance. The statistical study finally confirmed the close and positive relationship between the variables under study.The purpose of this research was to determine the degree of relationship between graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy on academic performance. The sample consisted of 54 students from the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University Sedes Sapientiae. For this purpose, the quasi-experimental approach was used and the results were processed with the SPSS version 12 statisti-cal package. After the application of workshops for learning the graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy, the evaluation of the levels of academic performance and a survey on the personal appreciation of each of them were carried out. The study concluded in the positive perception of the aforementioned techniques and their tangible effect on academic performance. The statistical study finally confirmed the close and positive relationship between the variables under study.Revisi贸n por pare

    Modelo de evaluaci贸n por competencias y nivel de satisfacci贸n en estudiantes del sexto grado de educaci贸n primaria del distrito de La Victoria - Lima

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    Publicaci贸n a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEl documento digital no refiere asesorEstudia el nivel de satisfacci贸n e insatisfacci贸n frente al proceso de evaluaci贸n y tipo de calificaci贸n por competencias en un grupo de escolares del sexto grado de educaci贸n primaria del distrito de La Victoria, Lima. Con tal finalidad construimos un instrumento ad hoc para el presente trabajo, estableciendo su correspondiente validez y fiabilidad. Dicho instrumento tiene la forma de una escala tipo Likert, denominado Escala del Nivel de Satisfacci贸n frente al proceso de Evaluaci贸n y Tipo de Calificaci贸n, que fue aplicado a setenta escolares de sexto grado de educaci贸n primaria. Los resultados indican que el nivel de satisfacci贸n frente a la evaluaci贸n y tipo de calificaci贸n es ligeramente superior al t茅rmino medio de la valoraci贸n satisfacci贸n/insatisfacci贸n, y la calificaci贸n en letras genera dudas y desconfianza sobre la nota exacta obtenida. Asimismo, no se hall贸 diferencias significativas entre las edades de 11 a 14 a帽os en los niveles de satisfacci贸n frente al proceso de evaluaci贸n y tipo de calificaci贸n.Tesi

    Las t茅cnicas gr谩fico-esquem谩ticas como estrategia metacognitiva y desempe帽o acad茅mico de los estudiantes de la Universidad Cat贸lica sede Sapientiae

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the degree of relationship between graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy on academic performance. The sample consisted of 54 students from the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University Sedes Sapientiae. For this purpose, the quasi-experimental approach was used and the results were processed with the SPSS version 12 statistical package. After the application of workshops for learning the graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy, the evaluation of the levels of academic performance and a survey on the personal appreciation of each of them were carried out. The study concluded in the positive perception of the aforementioned techniques and their tangible effect on academic performance. The statistical study finally confirmed the close and positive relationship between the variables under study.The purpose of this research was to determine the degree of relationship between graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy on academic performance. The sample consisted of 54 students from the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University Sedes Sapientiae. For this purpose, the quasi-experimental approach was used and the results were processed with the SPSS version 12 statisti-cal package. After the application of workshops for learning the graphic-schematic techniques as a metacognitive strategy, the evaluation of the levels of academic performance and a survey on the personal appreciation of each of them were carried out. The study concluded in the positive perception of the aforementioned techniques and their tangible effect on academic performance. The statistical study finally confirmed the close and positive relationship between the variables under study