503 research outputs found

    Ice-shelf fracture due to viscoelastic flexure stress induced by fill/drain cycles of supraglacial lakes

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    AbstractUsing a previously derived treatment of viscoelastic flexure of floating ice shelves, we simulated multiple years of evolution of a single, axisymmetric supraglacial lake when it is subjected to annual fill/drain cycles. Our viscoelastic treatment follows the assumptions of the well-known thin-beam and thin-plate analysis but, crucially, also covers power-law creep rheology. As the ice-shelf surface does not completely return to its un-flexed position after a 1-year fill/drain cycle, the lake basin deepens with each successive cycle. This deepening process is significantly amplified when lake-bottom ablation is taken into account. We evaluate the timescale over which a typical lake reaches a sufficient depth such that ice-shelf fracture can occur well beyond the lake itself in response to lake filling/drainage. We show that, although this is unlikely during one fill/drain cycle, fracture is possible after multiple years assuming surface meltwater availability is unlimited. This extended zone of potential fracture implies that flexural stresses in response to a single lake filling/drainage event can cause neighbouring lakes to drain, which, in turn, can cause lakes farther afield to drain. Such self-stimulating behaviour may have accounted for the sudden, widespread appearance of a fracture system that drove the Larsen B Ice Shelf to break-up in 2002.Alison Banwell acknowledges the support of an Antarctic Science International Bursary from Antarctic Science Ltd. and a Bowring Junior Research Fellowship from St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Cambridge University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S095410201500029

    Optimal measurement of ice-sheet deformation from surface-marker arrays

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    Surface strain rate is best observed by fitting a strain-rate ellipsoid to the measured movement of a stake network or other collection of surface features, using a least squares procedure. Error of the resulting fit varies as 1/(L delta t square root of N), where L is the stake separation, delta is the time period between initial and final stake survey, and n is the number of stakes in the network. This relation suggests that if n is sufficiently high, the traditional practice of revisiting stake-network sites on successive field seasons may be replaced by a less costly single year operation. A demonstration using Ross Ice Shelf data shows that reasonably accurate measurements are obtained from 12 stakes after only 4 days of deformation. It is possible for the least squares procedure to aid airborne photogrammetric surveys because reducing the time interval between survey and re-survey permits better surface feature recognition

    A model of viscoelastic ice-shelf flexure

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    AbstractWe develop a formal thin-plate treatment of the viscoelastic flexure of floating ice shelves as an initial step in treating various problems relevant to ice-shelf response to sudden changes of surface loads and applied bending moments (e.g. draining supraglacial lakes, iceberg calving, surface and basal crevassing). Our analysis is based on the assumption that total deformation is the sum of elastic and viscous (or power-law creep) deformations (i.e. akin to a Maxwell model of viscoelasticity, having a spring and dashpot in series). The treatment follows the assumptions of well-known thin-plate approximation, but is presented in a manner familiar to glaciologists and with Glen’s flow law. We present an analysis of the viscoelastic evolution of an ice shelf subject to a filling and draining supraglacial lake. This demonstration is motivated by the proposition that flexure in response to the filling/drainage of meltwater features on the Larsen B ice shelf, Antarctica, contributed to the fragmentation process that accompanied its collapse in 2002.Olga Sergienko acknowledges the support of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the US (NOAA) grant NA13OAR431009. Alison Banwell acknowledges the support of a Bowring Junior Research Fellowship from St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, and a bursary from Antarctic Science Ltd.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the International Glaciological Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.3189/2015JoG14J16

    Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on a floating ice tongue, Petermann Glacier, Greenland

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    ABSTRACTSupraglacial lakes are known to trigger Antarctic ice-shelf instability and break-up. However, to date, no study has focused on lakes on Greenland's floating termini. Here, we apply lake boundary/area and depth algorithms to Landsat 8 imagery to analyse the inter- and intraseasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes across Petermann Glacier's (81°N) floating tongue from 2014 to 2016, while also comparing these lakes to those on the grounded ice. Lakes start to fill in June and quickly peak in total number, volume and area in late June/early July in response to increases in air temperatures. However, through July and August, total lake number, volume and area all decline, despite sustained high temperatures. These observations may be explained by the transportation of meltwater into the ocean by a river, and by lake drainage events on the floating tongue. Further, as mean lake depth remains relatively constant during this time, we suggest that a large proportion of the lakes that drain, do so completely, likely by rapid hydrofracture. The mean areas of lakes on the tongue are only ~20% of those on the grounded ice and exhibit lower variability in maximum and mean depth, differences likely attributable to the contrasting formation processes of lakes in each environment.</jats:p

    Breakup of the Larsen B Ice Shelf triggered by chain reaction drainage of supraglacial lakes

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    The explosive disintegration of the Larsen B Ice Shelf poses two unresolved questions: What process (1) set a horizontal fracture spacing sufficiently small to pre-dispose the subsequent ice-shelf fragments to capsize, and (2) synchronized the widespread drainage of >2750 supraglacial meltwater lakes observed in the days prior to break-up? We answer both questions through analysis of the ice shelf’s elastic-flexure response to the supraglacial lakes on the ice shelf prior to break-up. By expanding the previously articulated role of lakes beyond mere water-reservoirs supporting hydrofracture, we show that lake-induced flexural stresses produce a fracture network with appropriate horizontal spacing to induce capsize-driven break-up. The analysis of flexural stresses suggests that drainage of a single lake can cause neighboring lakes to drain, which, in turn, cause farther removed lakes to drain. Such self-stimulating behavior can account for the sudden, widespread appearance of a fracture system capable of driving explosive break-up.This research is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant GEOP/ANT – 0944248 awarded to D.R.M and grants ANT-0838811 and ARC-0934534 awarded to O.V.S.This is the accepted manuscript. An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2014 American Geophysical Union

    Tidal Modulation of Ice-shelf Flow: a Viscous Model of the Ross Ice Shelf

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    Three stations near the calving front of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, recorded GPS data through a full spring-neap tidal cycle in November 2005. The data revealed a diurnal horizontal motion that varied both along and transverse to the long-term average velocity direction, similar to tidal signals observed in other ice shelves and ice streams. Based on its periodicity, it was hypothesized that the signal represents a flow response of the Ross Ice Shelf to the diurnal tides of the Ross Sea. To assess the influence of the tide on the ice-shelf motion, two hypotheses were developed. The first addressed the direct response of the ice shelf to tidal forcing, such as forces due to sea-surface slopes or forces due to sub-ice-shelf currents. The second involved the indirect response of ice-shelf flow to the tidal signals observed in the ice streams that source the ice shelf. A finite-element model, based on viscous creep flow, was developed to test these hypotheses, but succeeded only in falsifying both hypotheses, i.e. showing that direct tidal effects produce too small a response, and indirect tidal effects produce a response that is not smooth in time. This nullification suggests that a combination of viscous and elastic deformation is required to explain the observations

    Data report for the Siple Coast (Antarctica) project

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    This report presents data collected during three field seasons of glaciological studies in the Antarctica and describes the methods employed. The region investigated covers the mouths of Ice Streams B and C (the Siple Coast) and Crary Ice Rise on the Ross Ice Shelf. Measurements included in the report are as follows: surface velocity and deformation from repeated satellite geoceiver positions; surface topography from optical levelling; radar sounding of ice thickness; accumulation rates; near-surface densities and temperature profiles; and mapping from aerial photography

    On the numerical computation of temperature in an ice sheet

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    Blocking a wave: Frequency band gaps in ice shelves with periodic crevasses

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    We assess how the propagation of high-frequency elastic-flexural waves through an ice shelf is modified by the presence of spatially periodic crevasses. Analysis of the normal modes supported by the ice shelf with and without crevasses reveals that a periodic crevasse distribution qualitatively changes the mechanical response. The normal modes of an ice shelf free of crevasses are evenly distributed as a function of frequency. In contrast, the normal modes of a crevasse-ridden ice shelf are distributed unevenly. There are "band gaps", frequency ranges over which no eigenmodes exist. A model ice shelf that is 50 km in lateral extent and 300 m thick with crevasses spaced 500 m apart has a band gap from 0.2 to 0.38 Hz. This is a frequency range relevant for ocean wave/ice-shelf interactions. When the outermost edge of the crevassed ice shelf is oscillated at a frequency within the band gap, the ice shelf responds very differently from a crevasse-free ice shelf. The flexural motion of the crevassed ice shelf is confined to a small region near the outermost edge of the ice shelf and effectively "blocked" from reaching the interior.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Annals of Glaciolog
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