990 research outputs found

    Transparency on scientific instruments

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    Scientists and commercial scientific instrument makers have a shared incentive against discloseing an instrument maker's contributions to research. Stricter rules to encourage reporting of such collaboration would help to improve transparency and reproducibility

    Apolarity, Hessian and Macaulay polynomials

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    A result by Macaulay states that an Artinian graded Gorenstein ring R of socle dimension one and socle degree b can be realized as the apolar ring of a homogeneous polynomial f of degree b. If R is the Jacobian ring of a smooth hypersurface g=0, then b is just equal to the degree of the Hessian polynomial of g. In this paper we investigate the relationship between f and the Hessian polynomial of g.Comment: 12 pages. Improved exposition, minor correction

    Spatial Light Modulators for the Manipulation of Individual Atoms

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    We propose a novel dipole trapping scheme using spatial light modulators (SLM) for the manipulation of individual atoms. The scheme uses a high numerical aperture microscope to map the intensity distribution of a SLM onto a cloud of cold atoms. The regions of high intensity act as optical dipole force traps. With a SLM fast enough to modify the trapping potential in real time, this technique is well suited for the controlled addressing and manipulation of arbitrarily selected atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Characterization of carbon nanotube–thermotropic nematic liquid crystal composites

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    Dispersions of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in liquid crystals (LCs) have attracted attention due to their unique properties and possible applications in photonics and electronics. However, these are hard to stabilize, and the loading level in the equilibrium state in LC hosts is small. A practical way to monitor the quality and CNT incorporation in such equilibrium dispersions is required. Here, we compare different methods for characterising equilibrium CNT–LC composite materials

    Vitamin D2-Enriched Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Improves Memory in Both Wild Type and APPswe/PS1dE9 Transgenic Mice

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    Vitamin D deficiency is widespread, affecting over 30% of adult Australians, and increasing up to 80% for at-risk groups including the elderly (age>65). The role for Vitamin D in development of the central nervous system is supported by the association between Vitamin D deficiency and incidence of neurological and psychiatric disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD). A reported positive relationship between Vitamin D status and cognitive performance suggests that restoring Vitamin D status might provide a cognitive benefit to those with Vitamin D deficiency. Mushrooms are a rich source of ergosterol, which can be converted to Vitamin D2 by treatment with UV light, presenting a new and convenient dietary source of Vitamin D2. We hypothesised that Vitamin D2-enriched mushrooms (VDM) could prevent the cognitive and pathological abnormalities associated with dementia. Two month old wild type (B6C3) and AD transgenic (APPSwe/PS1dE9) mice were fed a diet either deficient in Vitamin D2 or a diet which was supplemented with VDM, containing 1±0.2 μg/kg (∼54 IU/kg) vitamin D2, for 7 months. Effects of the dietary intervention on memory were assessed pre- and post-feeding. Brain sections were evaluated for amyloid β (Aβ) plaque loads and inflammation biomarkers using immuno-histochemical methods. Plasma vitamin D metabolites, Aβ40, Aβ42, calcium, protein and cholesterol were measured using biochemical assays. Compared with mice on the control diet, VDM-fed wild type and AD transgenic mice displayed improved learning and memory, had significantly reduced amyloid plaque load and glial fibrillary acidic protein, and elevated interleukin-10 in the brain. The results suggest that VDM might provide a dietary source of Vitamin D2 and other bioactives for preventing memory-impairment in dementia. This study supports the need for a randomised clinical trial to determine whether or not VDM consumption can benefit cognitive performance in the wider population

    Comprehensive analysis of common mitochondrial DNA variants and colorectal cancer risk.

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    Several lines of evidence implicate mitochondrial dysfunction in the development of cancer. To test the hypothesis that common mtDNA variation influences the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), we genotyped 132 tagging mtDNA variants in a sample of 2854 CRC cases and 2822 controls. The variants examined capture approximately 80% of mtDNA common variation (excluding the hypervariable D-loop). We first tested for single marker associations; the strongest association detected was with A5657G (P=0.06). Overall the distribution of association P-values was consistent with a null distribution. Next, we classified individuals into the nine common European haplogroups and compared their distribution in cases and controls. This analysis also provided no evidence of an association between mitochondrial variation and CRC risk. In conclusion, our results provide little evidence that mitochondrial genetic background plays a role in modifying an individual's risk of developing CRC

    Comparisons among ten models of acoustic backscattering used in aquatic ecosystem research

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (2015); 3742, doi:10.1121/1.4937607.Analytical and numerical scatteringmodels with accompanying digital representations are used increasingly to predict acoustic backscatter by fish and zooplankton in research and ecosystem monitoring applications. Ten such models were applied to targets with simple geometric shapes and parameterized (e.g., size and material properties) to represent biological organisms such as zooplankton and fish, and their predictions of acoustic backscatter were compared to those from exact or approximate analytical models, i.e., benchmarks. These comparisons were made for a sphere, spherical shell, prolate spheroid, and finite cylinder, each with homogeneous composition. For each shape, four target boundary conditions were considered: rigid-fixed, pressure-release, gas-filled, and weakly scattering. Target strength (dB re 1 m2) was calculated as a function of insonifying frequency (f = 12 to 400 kHz) and angle of incidence (θ = 0° to 90°). In general, the numerical models (i.e., boundary- and finite-element) matched the benchmarks over the full range of simulation parameters. While inherent errors associated with the approximate analytical models were illustrated, so were the advantages as they are computationally efficient and in certain cases, outperformed the numerical models under conditions where the numerical models did not convergeThis work was supported by the NOAA Fisheries Advanced Sampling Technologies Working Group, the Office of Naval Research, and the National Oceanic Partnership Program. Josiah S. Renfree
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