8 research outputs found

    Utjecaj brze polimerizacije na apsorpciju vode i topljivost bulk-fill kompozita

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine the impact of rapid high-intensity polymerization on water sorption and solubility of a new generation of bulk-fill composite materials. Materials and methods: Five materials were tested: a conventional composite Filtek Z250 (3M, St. Paul, USA) and four bulk-fill composites, Filtek One Bulk Fill (3M), Tetric PowerFill (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein), Tetric PowerFlow (Ivoclar Vivadent), SDR Plus (Dentsply, Konstanz, Germany). Composite specimens with a 9-mm diameter and a 2-mm height (n = 6) were polymerized with a high-intensity curing unit (Bluephase® PowerCure, Ivoclar Vivadent). The control group was polymerized for a total of 40 s on both sides (1193 mW / cm 2 ) and 3s group for 3 s on one side (3053 mW/cm2 ). Water sorption and solubility were measured by ISO 4049 method up to 30 days of immersion. The results were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc correction. Different polymerization protocols for the same material were compared by t-test (p < 0.05). Results: The 3s polymerization protocol increased the solubility of all materials. Filtek One Bulk Fill showed the highest water sorption and solubility values, and Tetric PowerFlow proved to be a stable material with low values of tested parameters. During immersion, a saturation of specimens was achieved in low-viscosity bulk-fill composites within two weeks, while in other materials it was not achieved within 30 days, or more, following the immersion. Conclusions: Rapid polymerization caused an increase in solubility, which could affect the biocompatibility of the investigated materials not intended for the 3s curing. SDR Plus and Filtek One Bulk Fill should not be polymerized with rapid high-intensity curing due to increased solubility that exceeds ISO 4049:2009 limits.Svrha: Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je ispitati utjecaj brze polimerizacije visokoga intenziteta na ap-sorpciju vode i topljivost nove generacije bulk-fill kompozitnih materijala. Materijal i postupci: Is-pitano je pet materijala: konvencionalni kompozit Filtek Z250 (3M, St. Paul, SAD) i četiri bulk-fill kompozita – Filtek One Bulk Fill (3M), Tetric PowerFill (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenštajn), Tetric PowerFlow (Ivoclar Vivadent) i SDR Plus (Dentsply, Konstanz, Njemačka). Kompozitni uzorci promjera 9 mm i visine 2 mm (n = 6) polimerizirani su svjetlom visokoga intenziteta (Bluephase® PowerCure, Ivoclar Vivadent). Kontrolna skupina uzoraka polimerizirana je obostrano tijekom ukupno 40 sekun-da (1193 mW/cm2 ), a trosekundna jednostrano 3 sekunde (3053 mW/cm2 ). Apsorpcija vode i toplji-vost mjereni su metodom ISO 4049 do 30. dana imerzije. Rezultati su statistički obrađeni s pomoću jednosmjerne ANOVA-e uz Tukeyevu post-hoc korekciju. Različiti protokoli polimerizacije za isti ma-terijal uspoređeni su t-testom (p < 0,05). Rezultati: Trosekundni protokol polimerizacije povisio je to-pljivost svih materijala. Filtek One Bulk Fill pokazao je značajno najviše vrijednosti u apsorpciji vode i topljivosti, a Tetric PowerFlow pokazao se stabilnim materijalom s niskim vrijednostima ispitanih pa-rametara. Tijekom imerzije je saturacija uzoraka niskoviskoznih bulk-fill kompozita postignuta nakon dva tjedna, a kod ostalih materijala nije postignuta unutar 30 ili više dana imerzije uzoraka. Zaklju-čak: Brza polimerizacija prouzročila je povećanje topljivosti što bi moglo utjecati na biokompatibil-nost ispitanih materijala koji nisu namijenjeni trosekundnoj polimerizaciji. SDR Plus i Filtek One Bulk Fill ne bi se smjeli polimerizirati brzom polimerizacijom visokoga intenziteta zbog povećane topljivosti koja premašuje ograničenja standarda ISO 4049:2009

    The use of anglicism in the Croatian daily newspaper

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    In this thesis the emphasis is on the appearance and use of anglicisms in the Croatian daily newspaper Novi list. The study aimed to determine if the number of anglicisms increased in the last ten years, which category of newspaper articles has the highest number of anglicisms and which are the most common types and word classes of anglicisms. This thesis begins with a theoretical background, the history, types, integration, and usage of anglicisms, followed by the research on the corpus. For this research, newspapers from years 2012, 2017 and 2022 were considered and four issues per year were read and analyzed. The analysis involved reading the issues and writing down all possible anglicisms along with the number of the page and the genre of the articles they were found in. This type of analysis was helpful when sorting anglicisms into various categories to further analyze them. The findings suggest that although the number of anglicisms found is not significant, the use of anglicisms has increased from 2012 to 2022. In this thesis, the results were also compared with similar research done in other languages

    Evaluation of bulk-fill composites in clinically relevant conditions of polymerisation

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    Svrha rada bila je analizirati savojnu čvrstoću (FS) i modul elastičnosti (FM) bulk-fill kompozitnih materijala s naglaskom na klinički relevantne uvjete polimerizacije. Rezultati uzoraka debljine 4 mm uspoređeni su s rezultatima uzoraka debljine 2 mm pripremljenim prema ISO-standardu. Spomenuta svojstva ispitana su i u slučaju ubrzanog starenja materijala. Ispitano je pet bulk-fill kompozitnih materijala, od čega su dva posebno namijenjena za kratkotrajnu polimerizaciju visokim intenzitetom svjetlosti. Izrađeni su uzorci oblika kvadra u dimenzijama: 16 x 2 x 4 mm i 16 x 2 x 2 mm. Rabljena su tri polimerizacijska protokola: (I) ISO: 2-mm uzorci polimerizirani 6 x 20 s (1.000 mW/cm2, obostrano); (II) 10s: 4-mm uzorci polimerizirani 3 x 10 s (1.073 mW/cm2, jednostrano); (III) 3s: 4-mm uzorci polimerizirani 3 x 3 s (2.589 mW/cm2, jednostrano). Definirana su tri vremena mjerenja, odnosno mehanička su svojstva testirana nakon: jednog dana, termocikliranja (10.000 ciklusa) i termocikliranja (10.000 ciklusa) nakon kojeg je slijedilo 7 dana u apsolutnom alkoholu. FS izmjerena je testom naprezanja u tri točke (Inspekt Duo 5kN-M, Hegewald&Peschke, Nossen, Njemačka), dok je FM izračunat. FM bio je značajno viši kod uzoraka polimeriziranih prema ISO-protokolu nego kod uzoraka debljine 4 mm. Razlike vrijednosti savojne čvrstoće za sve polimerizacijske protokole izjednačene su nakon termocikliranja i uranjanja u apsolutni alkohol. Svi testirani materijali zadovoljili su zahtjev ISO 4049 savojne čvrstoće (80 MPa) za sve metode polimerizacije i sve uvjete starenja. Kratkotrajnom polimerizacijom postignute su gotovo optimalne vrijednosti savojne čvrstoće materijala kao one pripremljene ISO-protokolom.The purpose of this study was to analyse the flexural strength (FS) and flexural modulus (FM) of bulk-fill composite materials, with an emphasis on clinically relevant polymerisation conditions. Specimens 4-mm-thick were compared with 2-mm-thick specimens prepared according to the ISO standard. Said properties were also tested under the accelerated ageing conditions. Five bulk-fill composite materials were tested, two of which are specifically designed for rapid polymerisation with high light intensity. Cuboid-shaped specimens were made, measuring: 16 x 2 x 4 mm and 16 x 2 x 2 mm. Three polymerisation protocols were used: (I) ISO: 2-mm-thick specimens polymerised 6 x 20s (1,000 mW/cm2, double-sided); (II) 10s: 4-mm-thick specimens polymerised 3 x 10s (1,073 mW/cm2, one-sided); (III) 3s: 4-mm-thick specimens polymerised 3 x 3s (2,589 mW/cm2, one-sided). Three measurement times were defined, that is, the mechanical properties were tested after: one day; thermocycling (10,000 cycles); and thermocycling (10,000 cycles) followed by 7 days in absolute alcohol. The FS was measured by a three-point bending test (Inspekt Duo 5kN-M, Hegewald&Peschke, Nossen, Germany), while the FM was calculated. The FM was significantly higher in specimens polymerised according to the ISO protocol than in 4-mm-thick specimens. The differences in flexural strength values for all polymerisation protocols were equalised after thermocycling and immersion in absolute alcohol. All tested materials met the ISO 4049 flexural strength requirement (80 MPa) for all polymerisation methods and ageing conditions. Rapid polymerisation achieved almost optimal values of the FS of tested materials, similar to those prepared under the ISO protocol

    The use of anglicism in the Croatian daily newspaper

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    In this thesis the emphasis is on the appearance and use of anglicisms in the Croatian daily newspaper Novi list. The study aimed to determine if the number of anglicisms increased in the last ten years, which category of newspaper articles has the highest number of anglicisms and which are the most common types and word classes of anglicisms. This thesis begins with a theoretical background, the history, types, integration, and usage of anglicisms, followed by the research on the corpus. For this research, newspapers from years 2012, 2017 and 2022 were considered and four issues per year were read and analyzed. The analysis involved reading the issues and writing down all possible anglicisms along with the number of the page and the genre of the articles they were found in. This type of analysis was helpful when sorting anglicisms into various categories to further analyze them. The findings suggest that although the number of anglicisms found is not significant, the use of anglicisms has increased from 2012 to 2022. In this thesis, the results were also compared with similar research done in other languages

    Translating Scientific Texts from Croatian into English

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    This B.A. thesis consists of the introductory part that gives an insight into the methodology of the thesis, while the main body consists of three scientific texts in Croatian and their translation into English, as well as an analysis of each text. The thesis will address the difficulties encountered while translating three scientific texts from Croatian into English. The first text deals with depression in women (particularly women in Croatia) who are in the process of medically assisted reproduction. The second text focuses on the socio-political context of Latin American novels about dictators, their customs and the history of Latin America. The third text is about the rights of children with disabilities and the implementation of their rights. All of the translations are followed by an analysis using a method that focuses on 12 points of analysis. These points are genre, source, audience, the purpose of writing, authenticity, style, level of formality, layout, content, cohesion, sentence patterns and terminology of the subject. All the analyses are followed by commentary about the source text and translated text as well as the issues found while translating. The thesis ends with a conclusion that gives a synthesis of work and stresses the importance of translating. All the bibliography used is referenced on the last page of this B.A. thesis

    Evaluation of bulk-fill composites in clinically relevant conditions of polymerisation

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    Svrha rada bila je analizirati savojnu čvrstoću (FS) i modul elastičnosti (FM) bulk-fill kompozitnih materijala s naglaskom na klinički relevantne uvjete polimerizacije. Rezultati uzoraka debljine 4 mm uspoređeni su s rezultatima uzoraka debljine 2 mm pripremljenim prema ISO-standardu. Spomenuta svojstva ispitana su i u slučaju ubrzanog starenja materijala. Ispitano je pet bulk-fill kompozitnih materijala, od čega su dva posebno namijenjena za kratkotrajnu polimerizaciju visokim intenzitetom svjetlosti. Izrađeni su uzorci oblika kvadra u dimenzijama: 16 x 2 x 4 mm i 16 x 2 x 2 mm. Rabljena su tri polimerizacijska protokola: (I) ISO: 2-mm uzorci polimerizirani 6 x 20 s (1.000 mW/cm2, obostrano); (II) 10s: 4-mm uzorci polimerizirani 3 x 10 s (1.073 mW/cm2, jednostrano); (III) 3s: 4-mm uzorci polimerizirani 3 x 3 s (2.589 mW/cm2, jednostrano). Definirana su tri vremena mjerenja, odnosno mehanička su svojstva testirana nakon: jednog dana, termocikliranja (10.000 ciklusa) i termocikliranja (10.000 ciklusa) nakon kojeg je slijedilo 7 dana u apsolutnom alkoholu. FS izmjerena je testom naprezanja u tri točke (Inspekt Duo 5kN-M, Hegewald&Peschke, Nossen, Njemačka), dok je FM izračunat. FM bio je značajno viši kod uzoraka polimeriziranih prema ISO-protokolu nego kod uzoraka debljine 4 mm. Razlike vrijednosti savojne čvrstoće za sve polimerizacijske protokole izjednačene su nakon termocikliranja i uranjanja u apsolutni alkohol. Svi testirani materijali zadovoljili su zahtjev ISO 4049 savojne čvrstoće (80 MPa) za sve metode polimerizacije i sve uvjete starenja. Kratkotrajnom polimerizacijom postignute su gotovo optimalne vrijednosti savojne čvrstoće materijala kao one pripremljene ISO-protokolom.The purpose of this study was to analyse the flexural strength (FS) and flexural modulus (FM) of bulk-fill composite materials, with an emphasis on clinically relevant polymerisation conditions. Specimens 4-mm-thick were compared with 2-mm-thick specimens prepared according to the ISO standard. Said properties were also tested under the accelerated ageing conditions. Five bulk-fill composite materials were tested, two of which are specifically designed for rapid polymerisation with high light intensity. Cuboid-shaped specimens were made, measuring: 16 x 2 x 4 mm and 16 x 2 x 2 mm. Three polymerisation protocols were used: (I) ISO: 2-mm-thick specimens polymerised 6 x 20s (1,000 mW/cm2, double-sided); (II) 10s: 4-mm-thick specimens polymerised 3 x 10s (1,073 mW/cm2, one-sided); (III) 3s: 4-mm-thick specimens polymerised 3 x 3s (2,589 mW/cm2, one-sided). Three measurement times were defined, that is, the mechanical properties were tested after: one day; thermocycling (10,000 cycles); and thermocycling (10,000 cycles) followed by 7 days in absolute alcohol. The FS was measured by a three-point bending test (Inspekt Duo 5kN-M, Hegewald&Peschke, Nossen, Germany), while the FM was calculated. The FM was significantly higher in specimens polymerised according to the ISO protocol than in 4-mm-thick specimens. The differences in flexural strength values for all polymerisation protocols were equalised after thermocycling and immersion in absolute alcohol. All tested materials met the ISO 4049 flexural strength requirement (80 MPa) for all polymerisation methods and ageing conditions. Rapid polymerisation achieved almost optimal values of the FS of tested materials, similar to those prepared under the ISO protocol

    Aging-Dependent Changes in Mechanical Properties of the New Generation of Bulk-Fill Composites

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    This study evaluated the behavior of a new generation of bulk-fill resin composites after prolonged exposure to an aqueous environment and accelerated aging in ethanol. Six bulk-fill materials were tested (Tetric PowerFill, Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative, Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill, Fill-Up!, Tetric PowerFlow, SDR Plus Bulk Fill Flowable) and compared to two conventional reference materials (Tetric EvoCeram and Tetric EvoFlow). Flexural strength, modulus, and Weibull parameters were examined at three time points: 1 day, 30 days, and 30 days followed by ethanol immersion. Degree of conversion after 30 days, water sorption, and solubility up to 90 days were also investigated. Filtek One Bulk Fill had the highest flexural strength and modulus among the tested materials, followed by Tetric PowerFill and SDR plus. Flexural strength and modulus of high-viscosity bulk-fill materials showed higher stability after accelerated aging in ethanol compared to their low-viscosity counterparts and reference materials. After 30 days, the degree of conversion was above 80% for all tested materials. Dual-cure material Fill-Up! was the best-cured material. The water sorption was highest for Fill-Up!, Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative, and Tetric EvoFlow, while solubility was highest for Tetric EvoCeram. After aging in water and ethanol, new generation high-viscosity bulk-fill materials showed better mechanical properties than low-viscosity bulk-fill and conventional composites under extended light curing conditions

    Psychological Stress and Hand Eczema in Physicians and Dentists: A Comparison Based on Surgical Work

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    Background: This research looks at the connection between psychological stress and the prevalence of hand eczema (HE) among physicians and dentists (surgeons, non-surgeons). Methods: This cross-sectional field study involved 185 participants: physicians (surgeons, non-surgeons), dentists (surgeons, non-surgeons) and controls. Hand lesions were examined using the Osnabrueck Hand Eczema Severity Index (OHSI), and participants answered the Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Patch tests were performed using commercial contact allergens. Results: The estimated prevalence of HE (self-reported) was 43.9% (physicians 44.6%; dentists 43.2%). HE was significantly more reported by surgeons than controls (p < 0.004; V = 0.288). Degrees of perceived stress (PSS) did not differ significantly between the groups, though physicians non-surgeons most exhibited high stress (50%), and physicians surgeons most exhibited low stress (22.5%). High stress was associated with 2.5 higher odds for self-reported HE (p = 0.008). Low stress was greater among physicians/dentists who did not report eczema (41.0% vs. 24.6%); moderate stress was more common among those who reported eczema (72.3% vs. 51.8%; p = 0.038; V = 0.210). Conclusions: Since high stress levels may negatively influence physicians’/dentists’ work and quality of life, measures to decrease stress could be introduced into the treatment of healthcare workers who are prone to it