542 research outputs found

    The Place of the Mihanović Psalter in the Fourteenth-Century Revisions of the Church Slavonic Psalter

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    Modern scholarship on the textual history of Church Slavonic biblical translation recognizes two distinct revisions of the Church Slavonic Psalter from the early fourteenth century, Redaction III (sometimes called the ‘Athonite’ redaction) and Redaction IV, known only in the Norov psalter manuscript. Although they are both attested from the same period and in manuscripts of similar Bulgarian provenance, these two redactions are in some respects systematically different in their linguistic character, their approach to translational issues and their Greek textual basis. In the light of A.A. Turilov’s observation that the Mihanović Psalter, possibly the earliest witness to Redaction III, is written in the same hand as the greater part of the Norov Psalter, this paper examines the textual antecedents of the two redactions and the importance of the Mihanović Psalter as a link between them

    The Textual Tradition of the Oxford Serbian Psalter MS e Mus.184

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    Author Institution: Oxford Universit

    Effect of internal erosion on the mechanical behaviour of soils

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2017The effect of internal erosion on the mechanical behaviour of soils was investigated experimentally, using sodium chloride grains as an analogue for erodible soil grains. With this technique, the loss of controlled quantities of finer particles could be simulated under more realistic hydro-mechanical conditions than in previous research, but within practical experimental time scales. Two experimental programs were undertaken. The first looked at general changes in volume and shear strength using a large diameter oedometer adapted to perform a punch test following salt dissolution. The second program investigated particular changes in volume and shear strength following salt dissolution using an adapted direct shear box Previous studies have shown shear strength reductions following the loss of finer particles representing as little as 5 % of the total mass of the original soil. Findings here show shear strength can be largely unaffected if the erodible finer fraction (F) makes up less than a transition value (Ft) of approximately 10 – 15 % by mass of the original soil. This threshold represents F above which the coarser fabric is looser than at its minimum void ratio. As F increases further, finer particles increasingly hinder the coarser particles from achieving their densest packing, such that the coarser fabric remaining after finer particle loss is in a looser state than the original fabric, the remaining fabric reaching its maximum void ratio at a critical finer fraction (Fc) of approximately 25 – 35 %. For F < Fc, finer particle loss results in limited collapse of the coarser fabric and it was found that the state of this initial coarser fabric determines the shear behaviour of the soil following the loss of finer particles. The shear behaviour of initially dense specimens with F < Ft remained similar to that of a dense soil following finer particle loss, whereas shear behaviour of initially dense specimens with Ft < F < Fc approached that of a loose soil as F increased. Soils with higher internal filter ratios (D15c/D85f) were found to have higher values of Ft and Fc. Soils with F > Fc, settled and weakened significantly following finer particle loss, reflecting the load-bearing role finer particles play in this case. This load bearing nature of the finer particles in soils with F > Fc decreases the risk of internal erosion.CK201

    Alfabetska suspenzija u glagoljskim i ćirilskim rukopisima

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    This article deals with a type of abbreviation, here termed ‘alphabetic suspension’, which relies on the fact that the names of letters in the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets were meaningful words, which could therefore be shortened, when they occurred in continuous text, to their initials. It reviews the evidence for alphabetic suspension in the sources available to the author, and concludes that it would be useful if the temporal and local distribution of alphabetic suspension in the Glagolitic and Cyrillic traditions could be established in more detail, because its use serves to distinguish individual scribes and could help to date manuscripts, to identify scribal schools and to cast light on their activities.ALFABETSKA SUSPENZIJA U GLAGOLJSKIM I ĆIRILSKIM RUKOPISIMA Članak govori o specifi čnom tipu kraćenja koji se ovdje označava izrazom “alfabetska suspenzija”, a temelji se na činjenici da su nazivi slova i u glagoljici i u ćirilici bili smislene riječi te je postojala mogućnost da se u tekstu takve riječi skrate samo na početno slovo. U članku je razmotrena dokazna građa o alfabetskoj suspenziji u izvorima dostupnim autorici. Zaključeno je da bi bilo korisno utvrditi točniju vremensku i zemljopisnu distribuciju alfabetske suspenzije u glagoljskoj i ćirilskoj tradiciji, jer je na temelju uporabe takvih kratica moguće razlikovati pojedinačne prepisivače i eventualno datirati rukopise, identifi cirati pisarske škole i osvijetliti njihovu djelatnost

    Новгородские антифонные псалтыри: орфографические особенности и текстологическое значение

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    The thirteenth-century Novgorod antiphonal psalters were written for liturgical use by two choirs or readers in alternation; consequently each of them contains an incomplete version of the psalms, and they complement each other only in part. Nevertheless, they are of interest both in relation to the development of Church Slavonic norms of orthography and orthoepy as well as from a textological standpoint. In one of them, the older of the two, the infiltration of dialect pronunciation into the Novgorod variety of Church Slavonic can be detected (a list of the various different examples of cokan′e in this manuscript is provided in the appendix). On the basis of an analysis of the variant readings found in both manuscripts or attested in either of the two sources, it is demonstrated that they belong to Redaction II of the Church Slavonic translation of the psalms, and that they are important witnesses to the dissemination of this redaction among the East Slavs up to the end of the thirteenth century.Новгородские антифонные псалтыри XIII века предназначены для богослужебного исполнения попеременно двумя хорами или чтецами, поэтому каждая из них содержит неполный текст псалмов, и они дополняют друг друга лишь частично. Тем не менее они представляют интерес и в отношении нормирования церковнославянской орфографии и орфоэпии, и с точки зрения текстологии. В одной, более древней, из них прослеживается проникновение диалектного произношения в новгородскую разновидность церковнославянского языка (в приложении дается список разнообразных примеров цоканья в этой рукописи). На основе анализа разночтений, общих для обеих рукописей или засвидетельствованных в одной или другой из них, доказывается их принадлежность ко второй редакции церковнославянского перевода псалмов, а тем самым их ценность для истории распространения этой редакции среди восточных славян до конца XIII века

    Zapažanja o liturgijskom psaltiru u MS Canon. Liturg. 172 (Bodleyanska knjižnica, Oxford)

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    This paper examines presentational and textual peculiarities of the liturgical psalter in the breviary contained in the Glagolitic MS Canon. liturg. 172 in the Bodleian Library. It argues that they demonstrate a heavy reliance on memorization of text, seem to reflect distinctive liturgical practice, and imply that the manuscript was written for a specific user.U tekstu su analizirane strukturne i tekstološke posebnosti psaltira u brevijarskom dijelu glagoljskog rukopisa Canon. liturg. 172 koji se čuva u Bodleyevoj biblioteci. Na osnovi tih posebnosti iznose se dokazi o učestalom korištenju psaltira prilikom učenja teksta napamet i osobnoj liturgijskoj praksi te se ukazuje na mogućnost da je rukopis bio namijenjen specifičnom korisniku

    SNP-based genetic diversity among few-branched-1 (Fbr1) maize lines and its relationship with heterosis, combining ability and grain yield of testcross hybrids

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    Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers are regarded as efficient,compared to other marker types in genetic characterization of maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm because of their vast coverage of the maize genome. The objectives of this study were to (a) genetically fingerprint few-branched-1’ (Fbr1) and normal tasselled CIMMYT elite lines using SNP markers, to assess their relatedness and level of homozygosity and (b) to determine SNP-based genetic distance among these maize lines and to find association of genetic distances with specific combining ability (SCA), mid-parent heterosis (MPH), high-parent heterosis (HPH) and mean grain yield of the hybrids. Twenty-six CIMMYT maize lines (12 with the Fbr1 gene, and 14 normal-tasselled) were genotyped using 1074 SNP marker loci. Fifteen of these lines were used in two separate diallel mating designs: a 9x9 and 6x6 crossing set-up, to make hybrids for yield evaluation. Average residual heterozygosity of SNP loci ranged from 0.2-36.1%, with an average of 8.2%, well above the expected ranges for residual heterozygosity found in maize inbred lines. The polymorphic information content (PIC) for the 1074 SNP loci ranged from 0.015-0.50, with an average of 0.25. Mean genetic distance for all pair wise comparisons of lines was lower (0.30) suggesting a high level of relatedness among lines. A number of elite CIMMYT lines were successfully converted to Fbr1, and were homozygous for the 1074 SNP loci, thus could be used in breeding programmes involving these new tassel mutants. The unweighted paired group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis revealed two discrete clusters for the inbred lines, reflecting heterotic groups used by CIMMYT. In the principal component (PC) analysis, PC1 and PC2 explained 10.87 and 9.08% respectively, of the molecular variance in tassel size for the 1074 SNPs. The results confirmed molecular markers as a powerful complement for use in genetic characterization, in assigning lines into defined heterotic groups and in examining the relationships among inbred lines at deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) level. Marker-based genetic distances were positively correlated with hybrid performance, SCA and heterosis indicating that they could accurately predict hybrid performance in this set of germplasm. Grain yield for the hybrids ranged from 0.49-2.48 kg/plot, with an average of 1.80 kg/plot. Hybrids from closely related parental lines (according to SNP-based genetic distances) had the lowest mean grain yield, lowest SCA effects for grain yield, and had the lowest heterosis values. Thus, SNP-based genetic distance information would be useful for effective selection by avoiding genetically similar lines when selecting parents for breeding programmes that require genetically diverse lines as parents