275 research outputs found

    Best practices in ELL instruction

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    Learning the way: Teaching and learning with and for youth from refugee backgrounds on Prince Edward Island

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    This article presents one component of a qualitative study that explored teaching and learning with and for youth from refugee backgrounds in Prince Edward Island (PEI) intermediate and high schools. Specifically, this article presents data and discussion regarding some of the challenges and professional development needs of teachers working with refugee youth. Findings from this study confirm that improvements are needed in services available to these students such as teacher training, resources, and school inclusive practices. Teachers also expressed the need for ongoing professional development related to areas such as teaching basic reading and working with students who have experienced trauma. Practical implications for policy and practice are discussed in relation to current research literature.Keywords: refugee youth, teaching, teacher training, language acquisition, inclusionCet article présente une composante d'une étude qualitative qui s'est intéressée à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage avec, et pour les jeunes à l'école intermédiaire ou secondaire appartenant à la population de réfugiés directs ou indirects sur l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard (Î.-P.-É.). Plus précisément, cet article présente des données et des discussions qui concernent certains des défis et des besoins au niveau du développement professionnel des enseignants travaillant avec des jeunes réfugiés. Les résultats de cette étude confirment que des améliorations sont nécessaires dans les services offerts à ces étudiants tels que la formation des enseignants, les ressources et les pratiques inclusives scolaires. Les enseignants ont également exprimé la nécessité d'un développement professionnel continu relatif à des domaines tels que l'enseignement des connaissances de base en lecture et le travail avec les élèves ayant subi un traumatisme. Les implications pratiques du point de vue politique et de la mise en pratique sont discutées en lien avec la littérature de recherche actuelle.Mots-clés: les jeunes réfugiés, l'enseignement, la formation des enseignants, l'acquisition du langage, l'inclusio

    Remaining Audible to the Self: Women and Holistic Health

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    As the hallmark of the alternative health movement, holism is examined in terms of its appeal to the bodily concerns of contemporary North American women. Based on qualitative data collected within two health club settings, women's perspectives on holism are explored and linked to the expansion of health awareness referred to as healthism.Etant la marque du mouvement de la sante alternative, le holisme est etudie pour ce qui est de son interet sur les questions sur le corps qu'ont les Nord-americaines contemporaines. Base sur l'etude qualitative des donnees recueillies dans le cadre de deux clubs de mise en sante, la perspective des femmes sur le holisme est exploree et reliee au developpement de la sensibilisation a la sante qu'on appelle le holisme


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    Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1

    The Effects Of Phosphate And Silicate Inhibitors On Surface Roughness And Copper Release In Water Distribution Systems

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    The effects of corrosion inhibitors on water quality and the distribution system were studied. This dissertation investigates the effect of inhibitors on iron surface roughness, copper surface roughness, and copper release. Corrosion inhibitors included blended poly/ortho phosphate, sodium orthophosphate, zinc orthophosphate, and sodium silicate. These inhibitors were added to a blend of surface water, groundwater, and desalinated brackish water. Surface roughness of galvanized iron, unlined cast iron, lined cast iron, and polyvinyl chloride was measured using pipe coupons exposed for three months. Roughness of each pipe coupon was measured with an optical surface profiler before and after exposure to inhibitors. For most materials, inhibitor did not have a significant effect on surface roughness; instead, the most significant factor determining the final surface roughness was the initial surface roughness. Coupons with low initial surface roughness tended to have an increase in surface roughness during exposure, and vice versa, implying that surface roughness tended to regress towards an average or equilibrium value. For unlined cast iron, increased alkalinity and increased temperature tended to correspond with increases in surface roughness. Unlined cast iron coupons receiving phosphate inhibitors were more likely to have a significant change in surface roughness, suggesting that phosphate inhibitors affect stability of iron pipe scales. Similar roughness data collected with new copper coupons showed that elevated orthophosphate, alkalinity, and temperature were all factors associated with increased copper surface roughness. The greatest increases in surface roughness were observed with copper coupons receiving phosphate inhibitors. Smaller increases were observed with copper coupons receiving silicate inhibitor or no inhibitor. With phosphate inhibitors, elevated temperature and alkalinity were associated with larger increases in surface roughness and blue-green copper (II) scales.. Otherwise a compact, dull red copper (I) scale was observed. These data suggest that phosphate inhibitor addition corresponds with changes in surface morphology, and surface composition, including the oxidation state of copper solids. The effects of corrosion inhibitors on copper surface chemistry and cuprosolvency were investigated. Most copper scales had X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy binding energies consistent with a mixture of Cu2O, CuO, Cu(OH)2, and other copper (II) salts. Orthophosphate and silica were detected on copper surfaces exposed to each inhibitor. All phosphate and silicate inhibitors reduced copper release relative to the no inhibitor treatments, keeping total copper below the 1.3 mg/L MCLG for all water quality blends. All three kinds of phosphate inhibitors, when added at 1 mg/L as P, corresponded with a 60% reduction in copper release relative to the no inhibitor control. On average, this percent reduction was consistent across varying water quality conditions in all four phases. Similarly when silicate inhibitor was added at 6 mg/L as SiO2, this corresponded with a 25-40% reduction in copper release relative to the no inhibitor control. Hence, on average, for the given inhibitors and doses, phosphate inhibitors provided more predictable control of copper release across changing water quality conditions. A plot of cupric ion concentration versus orthophosphate concentration showed a decrease in copper release consistent with mechanistic control by either cupric phosphate solubility or a diffusion limiting phosphate film. Thermodynamic models were developed to identify feasible controlling solids. For the no inhibitor treatment, Cu(OH)2 provided the closest prediction of copper release. With phosphate inhibitors both Cu(OH)2 and Cu(PO4)·2H2O models provided plausible predictions. Similarly, with silicate inhibitor, the Cu(OH)2 and CuSiO3·H2O models provided plausible predictions

    Battered Wives and Medical Service: An Exploratory Study of Wife Assault Victims' Experiences in Nova Scotia Health Delivery Settings

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    This essay examines the experiences of forty-eight wife assault victims within medical settings. Various qualitative features of the doctor-patient encounter were explored by using a closed-ended questionnaire. The survey data revealed that the physician's knowledge of the spousal abuse impacted little on the provision of physical examinations and the rate at which psychoactive drugs were prescribed. This paper postulates that discomfort with the subject of wife abuse, the frequency with which psychoactive drugs were dispensed, and some physicians' failure to inform patients of the side-effects of psychoactive drugs, impact negatively on the quality of care abused women received.Notre étude porte sur les expériences de quarante-huit femmes mariées, toutes victimes d’une agression. Notre lieu de recherche était les cabinets des médecins responsables des soins médicaux. Notre démarche consistait à examiner, grâce à un questionnaire à questions ouvertes, certains des aspects qualitatifs du rapport entre le médecin et sa cliente. Notre sondage a démontré que la connaissance des circonstances influençait très peu le médecin quant à l’offre d’une consultation médicale et à la prescription de drogues psycho-actives. Nous soutenons que la qualité des soins que les femmes battues reçoivent est inversement affectée par le malaise des médecins à l'égard des femmes battues, la fréquence avec laquelle ces drogues sont prescrites, et le fait que les médecins ne préviennent pas toujours leurs clientes des effets indésirables de ces drogues

    La réceptivité aux technologies des étudiants en médecine et le rapport entre cette réceptivité et leurs intérêts envers certaines spécialités

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    Background: Technology readiness (TR) is a construct which characterizes an individual’s propensity to utilize new technology. Despite increased technology use in healthcare, limited data exists on medical student TR and the relation of TR with specialty interest. This study assesses the TR of 2nd year medical students and its association with specialty interest. Methods: Respondents completed a survey assessing their most preferred specialty, specialty interests, and technology readiness using a 5-point Likert scale. Using Chi-square analysis, we examined the relation between demographics, TR, and specialty interest. Results: This study obtained a 45.7% (n = 53/116) response rate demonstrating that 79.2% (n = 42/53) of students were “technology ready.” Male students were more likely to be technology ready (95.2%, n = 20/21, vs 68.8%, n = 22/32, p = 0.02) when compared to female students. Technology ready students were associated with being more interested in “Technology-Focused” specialties compared to students who were not technology ready (88.5%, n = 23/26 vs 70.4%, n = 19/27, p = 0.104). Conclusions: As a cohort, most medical students were technology ready. It is inconclusive if technology ready students are more likely to be interested in technology-focused specialties due to the limited sample size of this study, although with an increased sample size, an improved understanding on technology readiness and its potential impact on student specialty interest may be obtained. Furthermore, knowledge of TR may aid in developing targeted technology-based education programs and in improving remedial approaches for students who are less comfortable with new technology.Contexte : La rĂ©ceptivitĂ© aux technologies (RT) renvoie Ă  la tendance qu’a un individu Ă  utiliser une nouvelle technologie. MalgrĂ© l’utilisation accrue des technologies dans le domaine des soins de santĂ©, il existe peu de donnĂ©es sur la RT des Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine et sur la relation entre cette rĂ©ceptivitĂ© et leur intĂ©rĂŞt envers les diverses spĂ©cialitĂ©s. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude Ă©value la RT des Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine de 2e annĂ©e et le rapport entre celle-ci et leur intĂ©rĂŞt envers certaines spĂ©cialitĂ©s. MĂ©thodes : Les rĂ©pondants au sondage ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©s sur leur spĂ©cialitĂ© prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e, sur leurs intĂ©rĂŞts envers les diverses spĂ©cialitĂ©s et sur leur rĂ©ceptivitĂ© aux technologies. Leurs rĂ©ponses ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’une Ă©chelle de Likert Ă  5 points. En utilisant l’analyse du Chi carrĂ©, nous avons examinĂ© la relation entre la dĂ©mographie, la RT et les intĂ©rĂŞts de spĂ©cialitĂ©. RĂ©sultats : Cette Ă©tude a obtenu un taux de rĂ©ponse de 45,7 % (n = 53/116), montrant que 79,2 % (n = 42/53) des Ă©tudiants sont prĂŞts pour l’utilisation des technologies. Cette tendance est davantage prĂ©sente chez les Ă©tudiants de sexe masculin (95,2 %, n = 20/21, comparĂ© Ă  68,8 %, n = 22/32, p = 0,02 pour les Ă©tudiantes). Les Ă©tudiants qui sont rĂ©ceptifs aux technologies ont plus tendance que leurs homologues qui le sont moins Ă  s’intĂ©resser aux spĂ©cialitĂ©s « axĂ©es sur la technologie Â» (88,5 %, n = 23/26, comparĂ© Ă  70,4 %, n = 19/27, p = 0,104). Conclusions : La plupart des Ă©tudiants de la cohorte Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă©taient rĂ©ceptifs aux technologies. En raison de la taille limitĂ©e de l’échantillon de l’étude, on ne peut pas conclure que les Ă©tudiants qui sont rĂ©ceptifs aux technologies sont plus susceptibles de s’intĂ©resser aux spĂ©cialitĂ©s axĂ©es sur la technologie. Des recherches fondĂ©es sur un Ă©chantillon Ă©largi nous aideraient Ă  mieux comprendre la rĂ©ceptivitĂ© aux technologies et son impact potentiel sur les intĂ©rĂŞts des Ă©tudiants envers les diverses spĂ©cialitĂ©s. De surcroĂ®t, ces connaissances peuvent contribuer Ă  l’élaboration de programmes d’enseignement axĂ©s sur la technologie et de mesures d’aide au profit des Ă©tudiants qui sont moins Ă  l’aise avec les nouvelles technologies

    The Impact of Previous Cardiology Electives on Canadian Medical Student Interest and Understanding of Cardiology

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    Background: Most Canadian medical schools do not have mandatory cardiology rotations. Early exposure to clinical cardiology aids career navigation, but clerkship selectives are chosen during pre-clerkship. This study investigates whether prior elective experiences affect medical student interest as well as understanding of cardiology before clerkship selections. Methods: A literature search was conducted using Google Scholar, Embase and PubMed to create an evidence-based cross-sectional survey. The anonymous questionnaire was administered to 53 second-year medical students at a Canadian medical school via Opinio, an online survey platform. Students were assessed on their interest and understanding of cardiology practice using a 5-point Likert Scale. Descriptive statistics and Chi-Square analysis were applied to assess the relationship between previous elective experience, medical student interest, and understanding of career-related factors pertaining to cardiology. Results: Overall, 26 (49.1%) students reported cardiology interest, while it was a preferred specialty for 9 (17.0%). Medical students reported low understanding of community practice (n=20, 37.7%), duration of patient relationships (n=14, 26.4%), spectrum of disorders (n=13, 24.5%), and in-patient care (n=11, 20.8%) associated with cardiology practice. Students with prior cardiology electives had increased understanding of in-patient care (?2 = 4.688, Cramer’s V = 0.297, p = 0.030 and were more likely to select cardiology as a top specialty choice (?2 = 7.983, Cramer’s V = 0.388, p = 0.005). Conclusions: Pre-clerkship medical students have a low understanding of cardiology practice. Increasing pre-clerkship exposure to cardiology may help students determine their interest in the specialty before clerkship selectives are chosen

    Identification, functional characterization and developmental regulation of sesquiterpene synthases from sunflower capitate glandular trichomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sesquiterpene lactones are characteristic metabolites of Asteraceae (or Compositae) which often display potent bioactivities and are sequestered in specialized organs such as laticifers, resin ducts, and trichomes. For characterization of sunflower sesquiterpene synthases we employed a simple method to isolate pure trichomes from anther appendages which facilitated the identification of these genes and investigation of their enzymatic functions and expression patterns during trichome development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Glandular trichomes of sunflower (<it>Helianthus annuus </it>L.) were isolated, and their RNA was extracted to investigate the initial steps of sesquiterpene lactone biosynthesis. Reverse transcription-PCR experiments led to the identification of three sesquiterpene synthases. By combination of <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>characterization of sesquiterpene synthase gene products in <it>Escherichia coli </it>and <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>, respectively, two enzymes were identified as germacrene A synthases, the key enzymes of sesquiterpene lactone biosynthesis. Due to the very low <it>in vitro </it>activity, the third enzyme was expressed <it>in vivo </it>in yeast as a thioredoxin-fusion protein for functional characterization. In <it>in vivo </it>assays, it was identified as a multiproduct enzyme with the volatile sesquiterpene hydrocarbon δ-cadinene as one of the two main products with α-muuorlene, β-caryophyllene, α-humulene and α-copaene as minor products. The second main compound remained unidentified. For expression studies, glandular trichomes from the anther appendages of sunflower florets were isolated in particular developmental stages from the pre- to the post-secretory phase. All three sesquiterpene synthases were solely upregulated during the biosynthetically active stages of the trichomes. Expression in different aerial plant parts coincided with occurrence and maturity of trichomes. Young roots with root hairs showed expression of the sesquiterpene synthase genes as well.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study functionally identified sesquiterpene synthase genes predominantly expressed in sunflower trichomes. Evidence for the transcriptional regulation of sesquiterpene synthase genes in trichome cells suggest a potential use for these specialized cells for the identification of further genes involved in the biosynthesis, transport, and regulation of sesquiterpene lactones.</p

    Reactivity of substituted 4-Pyridones in normal and inverse demand Diels-Alder cycloaddition

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    The synthesis of the decahydroquinoline ring system has been explored extensively due to its appearance within many biologically active natural alkaloids. New compounds containing such a moiety are being discovered on an ongoing basis. The present work has sought to develop an alternative synthetic pathway to this system through the use of Diels-Alder [4 + 2] cycloaddition chemistry. The initial focus of this research was on the development of an activated dienophile derived from 4-pyridone. Two such compounds were eventually synthesized, N-tosyl-3- formyl-5,6-dihydropyridin-4-one, and N-t-butoxycarbonyl-3-formyl-5,6-dihydropyridin- 4-one. The reactivity of these compounds with several different dienes was then investigated in an effort to obtain the desired decahydroquinoline cycloadduct. Under inverse electron demand Diels-Alder conditions, the synthesized compounds reacted with ethyl vinyl ether to consistently produce pyran containing bicyclic adducts under mild conditions. The products contained a mixture of isomers in varying ratio relative to the nitrogen substituent present. Non-activated dienes did not react with the dienophiles under normal demand conditions even with the addition of lewis acid catalysts. However, cycloadducts were formed through reaction with the highly activated diene 1-dimethylamino-3-tertbutyldimethylsiloxy- 1,3-butadiene. The products did not resemble the target decahydroquinoline system but instead appeared to be the result of reaction with the formyl group substituent, acting as a heterodienophile, to yield a dihydropyranone ring bridged to C-3 of the original pyridone derived dienophile
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