2,892 research outputs found

    The topology of connections between rat prefrontal and temporal cortices

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    Understanding the structural organization of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is an important step toward determining its functional organization. Here we investigated the organization of PFC using different neuronal tracers. We injected retrograde (Fluoro-Gold, 100 nl) and anterograde [Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) or Fluoro-Ruby, 100 nl] tracers into sites within PFC subdivisions (prelimbic, ventral orbital, ventrolateral orbital, dorsolateral orbital) along a coronal axis within PFC. At each injection site one injection was made of the anterograde tracer and one injection was made of the retrograde tracer. The projection locations of retrogradely labeled neurons and anterogradely labeled axon terminals were then analyzed in the temporal cortex: area Te, entorhinal and perirhinal cortex. We found evidence for an ordering of both the anterograde (anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and medial-lateral axes: p < 0.001) and retrograde (anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and medial-lateral axes: p < 0.001) connections of PFC. We observed that anterograde and retrograde labeling in ipsilateral temporal cortex (i.e., PFC inputs and outputs) often occurred reciprocally (i.e., the same brain region, such as area 35d in perirhinal cortex, contained anterograde and retrograde labeling). However, often the same specific columnar temporal cortex regions contained only either labeling of retrograde or anterograde tracer, indicating that PFC inputs and outputs are frequently non-matched

    Inadequacies of micronutrient intake in normal weight and overweight young adults aged 18-25 years: a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: This study aims to assess adequacy in micronutrient intake in comparison with reference nutrient intakes (RNI) and to identify differences in intakes between normal weight and overweight individuals. Study design: A sample of 542 university students (18e25 years), normal weight (N ¼ 369) and overweight (N ¼ 173), was included in a cross-sectional study. Methods: A three-day diet diary was used to assess energy and nutrient intake. BMI and waist circumference were measured. Results: Mean dietary vitamin D intake was lower than RNI in both men (4.44 mg) and women (5.04 mg). Mean intakes of calcium (597.44 mg), iron (8.62 mg) and folate (171.29 mg) were also lower than recommendations in women. Weight status (normal weight versus overweight) was significantly associated with micronutrient intake, and a trend towards a decrease in vitamin and mineral intake with increasing weight was noted. Conclusions: Results suggest the need to increase the intake of some micronutrients to meet the RNI, to ensure optimal health. This study provides a helpful tool to reinforce recommendations and potential health promotion and intervention strategies in university settings and could influence manufacturers involved in new food product development targeted to this young population

    The Genetics of Inherited Cholestatic Disorders in Neonates and Infants: Evolving Challenges

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    Many inherited conditions cause cholestasis in the neonate or infant. Next-generation sequencing methods can facilitate a prompt diagnosis in some of these cases; application of these methods in patients with liver diseases of unknown cause has also uncovered novel gene-disease associations and improved our understanding of physiological bile secretion and flow. By helping to define the molecular basis of certain cholestatic disorders, these methods have also identified new targets for therapy as well patient subgroups more likely to benefit from specific therapies. At the same time, sequencing methods have presented new diagnostic challenges, such as the interpretation of single heterozygous genetic variants. This article discusses those challenges in the context of neonatal and infantile cholestasis, focusing on difficulties in predicting variant pathogenicity, the possibility of other causal variants not identified by the genetic screen used, and phenotypic variability among patients with variants in the same genes. A prospective, observational study performed between 2010–2013, which sequenced six important genes (ATP8B1, ABCB11, ABCB4, NPC1, NPC2 and SLC25A13) in an international cohort of 222 patients with infantile liver disease, is given as an example of potential benefits and challenges that clinicians could face having received a complex genetic result. Further studies including large cohorts of patients with paediatric liver disease are needed to clarify the spectrum of phenotypes associated with, as well as appropriate clinical response to, single heterozygous variants in cholestasis-associated genes

    Carbon nanotubes in TiO2 nanofiber photoelectrodes for high-performance perovskite solar cells

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    1D semiconducting oxides are unique structures that have been widely used for photovoltaic (PV) devices due to their capability to provide a direct pathway for charge transport. In addition, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have played multifunctional roles in a range of PV cells because of their fascinating properties. Herein, the influence of CNTs on the PV performance of 1D titanium dioxide nanofiber (TiO2 NF) photoelectrode perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is systematically explored. Among the different types of CNTs, single‐walled CNTs (SWCNTs) incorporated in the TiO2 NF photoelectrode PSCs show a significant enhancement (≈40%) in the power conversion efficiency (PCE) as compared to control cells. SWCNTs incorporated in TiO2 NFs provide a fast electron transfer within the photoelectrode, resulting in an increase in the short‐circuit current (J sc) value. On the basis of our theoretical calculations, the improved open‐circuit voltage (V oc) of the cells can be attributed to a shift in energy level of the photoelectrodes after the introduction of SWCNTs. Furthermore, it is found that the incorporation of SWCNTs into TiO2 NFs reduces the hysteresis effect and improves the stability of the PSC devices. In this study, the best performing PSC device constructed with SWCNT structures achieves a PCE of 14.03%

    Negative and positive selection of antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes affected by the α3 domain of MHC I molecules

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    THE α1 and α2 domains of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules function in the binding and presentation of foreign peptides to the T-cell antigen receptor and control both negative and positive selection of the T-cell repertoire. Although the α3 domain of class I is not involved in peptide binding, it does interact with the T-cell accessory molecule, CDS. CDS is important in the selection of T cells as anti-CDS antibody injected into perinatal mice interfers with this process. We previously used a hybrid class I molecule with the α1/α2 domains from L^d and the α3 domain from Q7^b and showed that this molecule binds an L^d-restricted peptide but does not interact with CD8-dependent cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Expression of this molecule in transgenic mice fails to negatively select a subpopulation of anti-L^d cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In addition, positive selection of virus-specific L^d-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes does not occur. We conclude that besides the α1/α2 domains of class I, the α3 domain plays an important part in both positive and negative selection of antigen-specific cells

    Environmental behaviour of iron and steel slags in coastal settings

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024. Iron and steel slags have a long history of both disposal and beneficial use in the coastal zone. Despite the large volumes of slag deposited, comprehensive assessments of potential risks associated with metal(loid) leaching from iron and steel by-products are rare for coastal systems. This study provides a national-scale overview of the 14 known slag deposits in the coastal environment of Great Britain (those within 100 m of the mean high-water mark), comprising geochemical characterisation and leaching test data (using both low and high ionic strength waters) to assess potential leaching risks. The seaward facing length of slag deposits totalled at least 76 km, and are predominantly composed of blast furnace (iron-making) slags from the early to mid-20th Century. Some of these form tidal barriers and formal coastal defence structures, but larger deposits are associated with historical coastal disposal in many former areas of iron and steel production, notably the Cumbrian coast of England. Slag deposits are dominated by melilite phases (e.g. gehlenite), with evidence of secondary mineral formation (e.g. gypsum, calcite) indicative of weathering. Leaching tests typically show lower element (e.g. Ba, V, Cr, Fe) release under seawater leaching scenarios compared to deionised water, largely ascribable to the pH buffering provided by the former. Only Mn and Mo showed elevated leaching concentrations in seawater treatments, though at modest levels (&lt;3 mg/L and 0.01 mg/L, respectively). No significant leaching of potentially ecotoxic elements such as Cr and V (mean leachate concentrations &lt;0.006 mg/L for both) were apparent in seawater, which micro-X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (μXANES) analysis show are both present in slags in low valence (and low toxicity) forms. Although there may be physical hazards posed by extensive erosion of deposits in high-energy coastlines, the data suggest seawater leaching of coastal iron and steel slags in the UK is likely to pose minimal environmental risk

    Insulators and imprinting from flies to mammals

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    The nuclear factor CTCF has been shown to be necessary for the maintenance of genetic imprinting at the mammalian H19/Igf2 locus. MacDonald and colleagues now report in BMC Biology that the mechanisms responsible for maintaining the imprinted state in Drosophila may be evolutionarily conserved and that CTCF may also play a critical role in this process

    Eurasian Arctic greening reveals teleconnections and the potential for novel ecosystems

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    Arctic warming has been linked to observed increases in tundra shrub cover and growth in recent decades on the basis of significant relationships between deciduous shrub growth/biomass and temperature. These vegetation trends have been linked to Arctic sea ice decline and thus to the sea ice/albedo feedback known as Arctic amplification. However, the interactions between climate, sea ice and tundra vegetation remain poorly understood. Here we reveal a 50- year growth response over a >100,000 km2 area to a rise in summer temperature for alder (Alnus) and willow (Salix), the most abundant shrub genera respectively at and north of the continental treeline. We demonstrate that whereas plant productivity is related to sea ice in late spring, the growing season peak responds to persistent synoptic-scale air masses over West Siberia associated with Fennoscandian weather systems through the Rossby wave train. Substrate is important for biomass accumulation, yet a strong correlation between growth and temperature encompasses all observed soil types. Vegetation is especially responsive to temperature in early summer. These results have significant implications for modelling present and future Low Arctic vegetation responses to climate change, and emphasize the potential for structurally novel ecosystems to emerge fromwithin the tundra zone.Vertaisarviointia edeltävä käsikirjoitu

    Multicolour correlative imaging using phosphor probes

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    Correlative light and electron microscopy exploits the advantages of optical methods, such as multicolour probes and their use in hydrated live biological samples, to locate functional units, which are then correlated with structural details that can be revealed by the superior resolution of electron microscopes. One difficulty is locating the area imaged by the electron beam in the much larger optical field of view. Multifunctional probes that can be imaged in both modalities and thus register the two images are required. Phosphor materials give cathodoluminescence (CL) optical emissions under electron excitation. Lanthanum phosphate containing thulium or terbium or europium emits narrow bands in the blue, green and red regions of the CL spectrum; they may be synthesised with very uniform-sized crystals in the 10- to 50-nm range. Such crystals can be imaged by CL in the electron microscope, at resolutions limited by the particle size, and with colour discrimination to identify different probes. These materials also give emissions in the optical microscope, by multiphoton excitation. They have been deposited on the surface of glioblastoma cells and imaged by CL. Gadolinium oxysulphide doped with terbium emits green photons by either ultraviolet or electron excitation. Sixty-nanometre crystals of this phosphor have been imaged in the atmospheric scanning electron microscope (JEOL ClairScope). This probe and microscope combination allow correlative imaging in hydrated samples. Phosphor probes should prove to be very useful in correlative light and electron microscopy, as fiducial markers to assist in image registration, and in high/super resolution imaging studies