1,390 research outputs found

    City, poverty, hut. Contributions of the poor to the construction of popular housing

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    Este texto desarrolla en diez temas las pråcticas identificadas en el trabajo con comunidades pobres en tugurios de África, Asia y América Latina. Se invita en él a reflexionar sobre el potencial que tienen los pobres para aportar a la construcción de mejores ciudades en nuestros países y a renovar algunas premisas que han fundamentado las políticas convencionales en relación con la pobreza urbana y la precariedad del alojamiento. Entre otras cuestiones, nos preguntamos qué significa para estas comunidades ubicarse en las ciudades y se comparan los conceptos que subyacen a nuestra manera de entender la pobreza, la precariedad y la segregación urbanas con aquellos que estån detrås de las formas en que los pobres localizan y construyen su håbitat. Finalmente se identifican algunos recursos estratégicos que los movimientos populares estån aprendiendo a usar para fortalecer los procesos de mejoramiento del håbitat precario, la articulación de intereses, las ventajas de una información oportuna y el desarrollo de capacidades en materia financiera y tecnológica

    We All Make Mistakes! . Analysing an Error-coded Corpus of Spanish University Students Written English

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    [EN] The present study analyses the errors identified and coded in the written argumentative texts of 304 Spanish university students of English extracted from two corpora one from a technical university context corpus (totalling 950 written compositions) and the other from learners enrolled in the Humanities (totalling 750 written compositions). Considered an important design criterion for computer learner corpora studies, the students levels were measured using the Oxford Quick Placement Test and the scores obtained (0 to 60) were then related to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) levels ranging from A1 to C2. Learners writing in a foreign language not only make errors related to grammar and vocabulary, but also with regard to their competence in the use of syntax, discourse relations and pragmatics among others, and the error coding system has been designed to attempt to address all the possible levels of error with as many sub-categories as required. Within the field of applied linguistics and language teaching/learning, many studies have been carried out over the years designed to address the phenomenon of interlanguage errors made by learners of English (DuskovĂĄ, 1969; Green & Hecht, 1985; Lennon, 1991; Olsen, 1999 among many others). Previously, these studies involved analyzing a small number of texts with a limited number of tags, based on either linguistic taxonomies or surface structure categories of errors (Dulay, Burt, & Krashen 1982). However, in the last three decades, technological advances have been made which have facilitated the analysis of much larger amounts of data using computers for both the development of learner corpora and programs for a more detailed analysis of the learner data. The aim of the present research is two-fold. Firstly, we explore the nature of the errors coded in the corpus i.e. which errors are most frequent, including not only the main categories but also the most delicate levels of errors. Secondly, we address the question of the relationship, if any, of the learners competence levels and the type and frequency of the errors they make. The results show that grammar errors are the most frequent, and that the linguistic competence of the learners has a lower than expected influence on the most frequent types of errors coded in the corpus.We would like to acknowledge the support given for the TREACLE Project from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FFI2009-14436/FILO). The author would also like to express her gratitude to Mick O'Donnell and Susana Murcia for their very useful comments on the first draft of this article.Mac Donald, P. (2016). We All Make Mistakes! . Analysing an Error-coded Corpus of Spanish University Students Written English. Complutense Journal of English Studies. 24:103-129. https://doi.org/10.5209/CJES.53273S1031292

    The ideological transformation of Hezbollah since its involvement in the Syrian Civil War : local perspectives and foreign observations

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    Le Hezbollah a Ă©tĂ©, et est toujours, une organisation sectaire impliquĂ©e dans un systĂšme politique oĂč il est contraint de s’y imposer pour avoir un poids politique fort vis-Ă -vis d’autres acteurs sectaires en place. Lorsque le conflit avec IsraĂ«l, un ennemi clairement reconnaissable selon des critĂšres nationaux, linguistiques, ethniques et religieux, s’est intensifiĂ© contre la nation libanaise, le Hezbollah s’est auto-prĂ©tendu ĂȘtre le protecteur de la nation libanaise. La guerre civile syrienne est un conflit principalement entre Arabes et embourbĂ© par le sectarisme, a une fois de plus donnĂ© au Hezbollah un ennemi clairement dĂ©fini. Cependant, contrairement Ă  IsraĂ«l, les ennemis du Hezbollah sont dĂ©sormais des Arabes sunnites, qui constituent Ă©galement une importante minoritĂ© au Liban. Le conflit syrien a amenĂ© le Hezbollah Ă  modifier radicalement sa politique Ă©trangĂšre et sa stratĂ©gie militaire pour faire face aux menaces Ă©mergentes dans son voisinage. Comment le Hezbollah a-t-il changĂ© idĂ©ologiquement Ă  la suite de la guerre civile syrienne ? La thĂ©orie de la sĂ©curisation prĂ©dit que les Ă©lites utiliseront un petit problĂšme de sĂ©curitĂ© et le feront apparaĂźtre comme une menace importante pour la sĂ©curitĂ© d’une sociĂ©tĂ© afin de concentrer les ressources et de gagner la confiance de la population. L’auteur suppose que le Hezbollah a permis de sĂ©curiser le pays face Ă  la menace posĂ©e par l’État islamique, comme il l’a fait avec IsraĂ«l, transformant ainsi son idĂ©ologie pour ĂȘtre encore plus nationaliste qu’avant la guerre civile syrienne. Afin de tester cette thĂ©orie, un travail de terrain a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© au Liban afin de dĂ©terminer si le Hezbollah insistait sur son rĂŽle dans la protection de la nation libanaise contre la menace de l’État islamique. Les conclusions de l’étude qualitative suggĂšrent que, alors que le secrĂ©taire gĂ©nĂ©ral du Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, dĂ©fendait le rĂŽle du Hezbollah dans la protection de la communautĂ© imaginĂ©e libanaise contre la menace de l’État islamique, l’implication du Hezbollah en Syrie impliquait qu’il adhĂšre plus Ă  une idĂ©ologie nationaliste sectaire, comparĂ©e Ă  ce qu’il l’avait fait contre IsraĂ«l avant. De plus, le discours physique du Hezbollah continue de susciter le symbolisme islamiste universaliste.Since its creation, Hezbollah has been a sectarian organization in a political system where it has been compelled to compete for power against other sectarian actors. However, at times when conflict with Israel escalated, an enemy that was clearly distinguishable via national, linguistic, ethnic, and religious criteria, Hezbollah often claimed to be the protector of the Lebanese nation. The Syrian Civil War, a conflict mainly between Arabs that is mired by sectarianism, has once again given Hezbollah a clearly defined enemy. However, unlike Israel, Hezbollah’s enemies are now Sunni Arabs, which is also a large minority within Lebanon. The Syrian conflict caused Hezbollah to dramatically alter its foreign policy and military strategy to confront such emerging threats within its neighbourhood. How has Hezbollah ideologically changed as a result of the Syrian Civil War? Securitization theory predicts that elites will use a small security issue and make it appear as a large security threat to a society in order to concentrate resources and gain the trust of the population. From being a sectarian actor in Lebanese politics, the author hypothesises that Hezbollah securitized the threat posed by the Islamic State to the Lebanese nation, as it has done with Israel, thus transforming its ideology to be even more nationalist than prior to the Syrian Civil War. In order to test this theory, fieldwork was conducted in Lebanon to observe if Hezbollah emphasized its role in protecting the Lebanese nation against the threat of the Islamic State. Findings from the qualitative study suggest that while Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah advocates Hezbollah’s role in protecting the Lebanese imagined community from the threat of the Islamic State, Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria has meant that it engages in a more sectarianized nationalist ideology than it previously did with Israel. Furthermore, Hezbollah’s physical discourse continues to elicit universalist Islamic symbolism

    In Situ Localization of Proline in Oral Bacteria and on Lingual Epithelium

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66958/2/10.1177_00220345740530010801.pd

    Designing for disaster resilience in Puerto Rico

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    Being hit by both Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria in September 2017, Puerto Rico was left devastated economically, psychologically, and infrastructurally. After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico entered into what would become the longest blackout in US history, and the second longest blackout in global history. Forty-eight per cent of the island was left without access to clean water and the death toll has risen to over 1000 people. The lack of federal support and Puerto Rico’s depleted economy has become a dire human rights issue. Federal relief efforts were delayed, disorganized and underfunded. Many people did not know where or how to access support even when it was available. It is clear that there is an urgent need for Puerto Ricans to have the resources to be able to help themselves at the community level. This design problem has been the guiding force behind this thesis project. This proposal is a redesign of Escuela Dr. Pedro Goyco, a vacant elementary school located in the Santurce district of San Juan, Puerto Rico, that is centered around disaster resilience and renewable energy. The project has a dual program of being both a center for hurricane relief and a community space. After a natural disaster, people often gather in public spaces such as community centers, schools, and sports stadiums for their basics needs, although these places aren’t normally designed for these dire situations. The rate of natural disasters occurring is increasing every year and we need to accept this harsh reality and design solutions to address it. Escuela Dr. Pedro Goyco is one of 300,000 vacant buildings on the island, and its central location provides the opportunity for it to become an area of refuge during a hurricane. The site is located in the Parque neighborhood and is part of the most densely populated area in San Juan. Being waterside and primarily low income, the area is highly vulnerable to hurricanes and its aftermath. After a hurricane, the site would be able to function as a shelter, provide clean water, electricity, cooking, and workspaces for those whose lives have been disrupted. With a landscape designed to resist flooding and a roof that gathers renewable energy, the project follows a cohesive vision of resilience and sustainability. This architectural intervention will not only address issues of damage, but also fits into the broader issue of departing from colonial attitudes on the island. Although there is a sharp political divide between being pro-state and pro-independence, Puerto Ricans are unified by their incredible generosity and resourcefulness. This thesis aims to empower Puerto Ricans to be able to support themselves in the aftermath of a hurricane, and highlight their defining qualities and sustain independence


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    For over a decade and recently as a means to overcome the crippling effects of the credit crunch and its recessionary effects on European economies, EU institutions have initiated an expansive innovation policy centered on the development and support of entrepreneurs and emerging growth ventures. Private investment in the form of venture capital (VC) is necessary to support this policy in that the VC market provides a unique and essential link between finance and innovation. Tax incentives, tax treatment, and legal (tax) certainty are of paramount importance in both attracting entrepreneurs as well as driving the financial commitments of reputable VC funds. The high level of risk that an entrepreneurial “idea”, emerging growth venture, or start-up will never be commercialized demands both tax incentives for risk-taking as well as confidence that an investor’s exit from a VC investment will not be subjected to unfavorable tax treatment. Thus, in that cross-border investment is often considered necessary for VC funds to achieve required economies of scale in the EU, the creation of a robust VC industry demands that the risk of double taxation in cross-border investments is eliminated. At the EU-level, this risk can be immediately addressed only through the collective will(s) of the Member States as manifested in secondary legislation. Otherwise, in light of the ECJ’s 2006 decision in Kerckhaert, the middling VC industry of the EU appears certain to confront the Member States’ unreliable coordination of their overlapping, autonomous taxing jurisdictions under a continuing shadow of double taxation uncertainty

    Creative Dance in Elementary Schools: A Theoretical and Practical Justification

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    This article presents a theoretical and practical justification for the inclusion of creative dance in the elementary school curriculum, using findings of a study in which I examined the effects of six creative-dance workshops on elementary school teachers’ attitudes to and practices of creative dance. The study found that teachers’ attitudes and practices changed as a result of the workshops and that children enjoy and benefit from creative-dance activities. Teachers’ reflections on their experiences show that creative dance has a vital role in the elementary school curriculum and illustrate the close relationship between theoretical and practical aspects of creative dance. Cet article prĂ©sente une justification thĂ©orique et pratique de l’intĂ©gration au programme du primaire de l’expression corporelle, justification faisant appel aux conclusions d’une Ă©tude dans laquelle l’auteur se penche sur les effets de six ateliers d’expression corporelle sur les attitudes des enseignants au primaire Ă  l’égard de l’expression corporelle et sur les pratiques de ceux-ci en la matiĂšre. L’étude rĂ©vĂšle que les attitudes et les pratiques des enseignants changent Ă  la suite de ces ateliers et que les enfants prennent plaisir Ă  ces activitĂ©s et en tirent parti. Les rĂ©flexions des enseignants sur leurs expĂ©riences indiquent que l’ex- pression corporelle a un rĂŽle clĂ© Ă  jouer au primaire et illustrent les rapports Ă©troits qui peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©tablis entre les aspects thĂ©oriques et pratiques de l’expression corporelle.

    Sons Of Liberty: A Tale Of One Family\u27s Intersection With History

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    Among the more prominent family names in American history are Adams, Lee, and Roosevelt. Aside from the notice given to 19th century expansionist president James K. Polk, the surname Polk has failed to receive comparable historical attention. Historian William R. Polk is out to end this oversight in...
