1,259 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary Study of Cerebral Aging in Non-Human Primates

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    Secondary minerals of soil systems and aluminium concentration in river waters of Galicia

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    [Resumen] A partir del análisis de la composición de los r10s de Galicia en otoño, (per10do de máXima concentración) se discute la existencia de una fase mineral que controle la concentración de Al soluble. Tras desechar la influencia de sulfatos o fosfatos de Al se concluye que este efecto lo realizan compuestos de tipo microgibbsita. La interpretación de los resultados, mediante diagramas de equilibrio, permite concluir que en los sistemas de edafogénesis y alteración de Galicia hay dos etapas de desarrollo. Una, incipiente, con gibbisita como mineral más estable y presencia de formas de bajo grado de orden que explican la frecuencia con que se presentan las propiedades ándicas en suelos sobre diferentes materiales y la abundancia de halloysita. Otra, de mayor evoluci6n, con caolinita como único mineral estable, desaparición del carácter ándico y presencia de propi'edades fe" álicas. Estas conclusiones están de acuerdo con la mineralogía y propiedades de los suelos y alteraciones de Galicia. Desde el punto de vista ambiental, se concluye que en los ríos de Galicia (al menos en los de mayor caudal) la concentración de Al no parece presentar problemas para los peces y otros organismos acuáticos ni se encuentra en niveles que puedan hacerla nociva para el consumo humano. Tampoco hay efectos reconocibles de la influencia de aportes acidificantes de lluvias ácidas ni de los procedentes de aguas de mina ácidas.[Abstract] Analysis of the composition of rivers in Galicia in the period of greatest concentration (autumn) is used to discuss the existence of a mineral phase which controls the concentration of soluble Al. Having dismissed the influence of Al sulphates or phosphates, this role is deduced to be occupied by a microgibbsite. The interpretation of the results, using equilibrium diagrams, is that in the systems of edaphogenesis and alteration of Galicia there are two s~eps of development. One is incipient, with gibbsite as the most stable mineral; this presence of forms of a low degree of order explain both the frequency with which andic properties are observed in soils on various materials and the abundance of haHoysite. The second is more evolved, with kaolinite as the only stable mineral; the andic character disappears and ferralic properties emerge. These conclusions are in keeping with the mineralogy and properties of the soils and alterations of Galicia. Considering the environmental impact in the rivers of Galicia panicularly those of greater flow), the concentration of Al is not damaging to fish or other aquatic organisms, nor do these levels make the water noxious for human consumption. no effects can be attributed to the influence of acidfying inputs from acid rainfaH, or those from acid mine waters

    Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski-like solutions in metric-affine gravity

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    We consider a (non--Riemannian) metric--affine gravity theory, in particular its nonmetricity--torsion sector ``isomorphic'' to the Einstein--Maxwell theory. We map certain Einstein--Maxwell electrovacuum solutions to it, namely the Pleba\'nski--Demia\'nski class of Petrov type D metrics.Comment: 12 pages of a LaTeX-fil

    Volume elements of spacetime and a quartet of scalar fields

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    Starting with a `bare' 4-dimensional differential manifold as a model of spacetime, we discuss the options one has for defining a volume element which can be used for physical theories. We show that one has to prescribe a scalar density \sigma. Whereas conventionally \sqrt{|\det g_{ij}|} is used for that purpose, with g_{ij} as the components of the metric, we point out other possibilities, namely \sigma as a `dilaton' field or as a derived quantity from either a linear connection or a quartet of scalar fields, as suggested by Guendelman and Kaganovich.Comment: 7 pages RevTEX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Empleo de materiales secundarios como materia prima de nuevos tipos de cementos

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    The present paper is a comparative study of some characteristics of new belite cements obtained from two kind of wastes, which were used as secondary raw materials: fly ash (FA), of low CaO content, from coal combustion, and ash from incineration of municipal solid waste (MSWIA). Cements were synthesised in a range of temperature between 700°C and 900°C from MSWIA and FA, which were previously activated by hydrothermal treatment at 200°C The evolution of cemented phases with the heating temperature was followed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results were compared with those obtained from heating the starting FA and MSWIA without the previous hydrothermal treatment. The degree of hydration was quantitatively evaluated by the combined water content, determined from thermogravimetric analyses, during a period of 28 days or 200 days from mixing depending of hydration kinetics of each cement.Este trabajo es un estudio comparativo de algunas de las características de nuevos cementos belíticos, obtenidos a partir de dos tipos de residuos, como materia prima secundaria: cenizas volantes (CV) de bajo contenido en cal, procedentes de la combustión del carbón y cenizas procedentes de la incineración de residuos sólidos urbanos (CIRSU). Los cementos fueron sintetizados en un rango de temperaturas comprendido entre 700°C y 900°C después de un tratamiento hidrotermal de la CV y CIRSU a 200°C La evolución de las fases cementicias, con la temperatura de calentamiento, fue estudiada por difracción de rayos X (DRX). Los resultados fueron comparados con aquellos obtenidos, directamente, por calentamiento de los residuos, sin un tratamiento hidrotermal previo de los mismos. El grado de hidratación fue cuantitativamente evaluado, por medio del análisis termogravimétrico, a partir del agua combinada de los cementos hidratados durante un período de 28 días o 200 días, dependiendo de la cinética de hidratación de cada cemento

    Recubrimientos no cristalinos en rocas graníticas de Galicia: propiedades e hipótesis sobre su origen

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    [Resumen] La caracterización de nuevos recubrimientos de bajo grado de orden en macizos graníticos de Galicia y el estudio de algunas propiedades de éstos y de otros previamente descritos, confirma la hipótesis de la existencia de una serie continua de materiales cuya composición varía entre la de fosfatos de aluminio (variscita, evansita),aluminosilicatos poco ordenados (alofanos geológicos, haloisita) e hidróxidos de aluminio (gel de alúmina hidratado,gibbsita). Del análisis de sus características y de algunas de sus propiedades como superficie específica, reacción frente a los ani ones fluoruro y fosfato, solubilidad en diferentes extractantes, punto cero de carga,etc., se establecen y discuten diversas hipótesis sobre su origen. Se discuten además relaciones de equilibrio o en el sistema Si02-A1203-P20~,confrontándolas con los datos de aguas de escorrentla y solución del suelo.[Abstract] The characterization of low order coatings that appear on granitic rocks of Galicia and the study of some of their properties confirm the existence of a continuous series between Al-phosphates (variscite,evan site),aluminium silicates (allophane,halloysite) ano Al-hydroxides (criptogibbsite,gibbsite).Several hypothe sis about their origin are discussed on the basis OT properties like specific surface, reaction with fluoride and phosphate, pze, solubility in different extracttants, etc . Finally, the theoretical equilibrium relations in the system A1203-Si02-P205 are confronted with the composition of dralnage waters and soil solutio

    Composite absorbing potentials

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    The multiple scattering interferences due to the addition of several contiguous potential units are used to construct composite absorbing potentials that absorb at an arbitrary set of incident momenta or for a broad momentum interval.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, 2 postscript figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Semen quality of rasa aragonesa rams carrying the fecxr allele of the BMP15 gene

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    The FecXR mutation is a variant of the ovine gene BMP15 in the Rasa Aragonesa breed. Information on the physiological importance of carrying the FecX polymorphism in rams is limited. The aim of this study was to compare semen quality, testicle characteristics, and fertility rate of rams that carry the FecXR allele. Rams (n = 15) were either FecXR allele carriers (n = 10) or non-carriers, wild type (++) (n = 5). FecXR rams exhibited higher mass motility (p < 0.05), proportion of rapid sperm (p < 0.05), and a lower proportion of slow sperm (p < 0.0001) than did ++ rams. The presence of the FecXR allele was not associated with mean scrotal circumference or testicular length and diameter, although season had a significant (p < 0.05) effect on these traits. Genotype (p < 0.05) and season (p < 0.01) had a significant effect on mean fertility rate, FecXR rams had a higher proportion of pregnant ewes than did ++ rams (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the FecXR allele produced high-quality semen throughout the year, and corresponded with an improvement in some sperm parameters, particularly, mass motility and the proportion of rapid sperm

    Elaboration of Essential Oil From the Oregano for Medicinal Use Sheet

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    The extraction and industrialization of the oregano oil in Ecuador can represent an important source of work, from the harvest to the transformation of the raw material into finished product. The oregano is a plant known from many years back and has always been used for medicinal purposes and is currently being used in many fields such as perfumery, gastronomy, toiletries; But its main use is in medicine. The work proposes a methodology that allows extracting the essential oil of the plant for different medical uses such as: anti - inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant and antibiotic, being of social benefit representing an economic impact in its industrializatio

    N = 3 chiral supergravity compatible with the reality condition and higher N chiral Lagrangian density

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    We obtain N = 3 chiral supergravity (SUGRA) compatible with the reality condition by applying the prescription of constructing the chiral Lagrangian density from the usual SUGRA. The N=3N = 3 chiral Lagrangian density in first-order form, which leads to the Ashtekar's canonical formulation, is determined so that it reproduces the second-order Lagrangian density of the usual SUGRA especially by adding appropriate four-fermion contact terms. We show that the four-fermion contact terms added in the first-order chiral Lagrangian density are the non-minimal terms required from the invariance under first-order supersymmetry transformations. We also discuss the case of higher N theories, especially for N = 4 and N = 8.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, some more discussions and new references added, some typos corrected, accepted for publication in Physical Review