29 research outputs found

    Transcriptional analysis of calcium-dependent and calcium-independent signalling pathways induced by oligogalacturonides

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    alpha-1,4-linked oligogalacturonides (OGs) are pectic fragments of plant cell walls that are able to induce defence and developmental responses. To understand plant responses to OGs at the transcriptional level, changes in gene expression were examined using oligonucleotide-based microarrays that cover almost the entire Arabidopsis transcriptome. In suspension-cultured Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Columbia hypocotyl cells, approximately 4% of the total transcriptome exhibited significant change in abundance in response to treatment with OGs for 2 h. Steady-state changes in the abundance of transcripts encoding stress- and disease-related proteins, signalling components, and transcription factors were particularly noteworthy. As in other plant cell types, OGs elicit a rapid, but transient, elevation in cytosolic free Ca(2+). The Ca(2+) transient can be abolished by the protein kinase inhibitor 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole (TBB) and by the Ca(2+) channel inhibitor La(3+), thereby facilitating a distinction between Ca(2+)-dependent and -independent transcriptional responses. Among the 244 transcripts that were up-regulated by OGs, the response of 93 (38%) was selectively sensitive to abolition of the Ca(2+) transient. These OG-up-regulated, Ca(2+)-dependent transcripts included two noteworthy classes, the first comprising genes involved in cell wall modification following pathogen attack, and the second consisting of genes involved in the biosynthesis of jasmonate and C6 volatile compounds. These results support the notion of an important role for cytosolic Ca(2+) signalling in jasmonate biosynthesis following OG perception. Promoter analysis of OG-induced, inhibitor-sensitive and -insensitive genes identified several putative cis-elements that might be involved specifically in Ca(2+)-dependent transcriptional regulation

    The Effect of Silicon on Osmotic and Drought Stress Tolerance in Wheat Landraces

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    Drought stress reduces annual global wheat yields by 20%. Silicon (Si) fertilisation has been proposed to improve plant drought stress tolerance. However, it is currently unknown if and how Si affects different wheat landraces, especially with respect to their innate Si accumulation properties. In this study, significant and consistent differences in Si accumulation between landraces were identified, allowing for the classification of high Si accumulators and low Si accumulators. Landraces from the two accumulation groups were then used to investigate the effect of Si during osmotic and drought stress. Si was found to improve growth marginally in high Si accumulators during osmotic stress. However, no significant effect of Si on growth during drought stress was found. It was further found that osmotic stress decreased Si accumulation for all landraces whereas drought increased it. Overall, these results suggest that the beneficial effect of Si commonly reported in similar studies is not universal and that the application of Si fertiliser as a solution to agricultural drought stress requires detailed understanding of genotype-specific responses to Si

    The cyclic nucleotide cGMP is involved in plant hormone signalling and alters phosphorylation of Arabidopsis thaliana root proteins

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    The cyclic nucleotide cGMP has been shown to play important roles in plant development and responses to abiotic and biotic stress. Yet much controversy remains regarding the exact role of this second messenger. Progress in unravelling cGMP function in plants was hampered by laborious and time-consuming methodology to measure changes in cellular [cGMP] but the development of fluorescence-based reporters has removed this disadvantage. This study used the FlincG cGMP reporter to investigate potential interactions between phytohormone and cGMP signalling and found a rapid and significant effect of the hormones abscisic acid (ABA), auxin (IAA), and jasmonic acid (JA) on cytoplasmic cGMP levels. In contrast, brassinosteroids and cytokinin did not evoke a cGMP signal. The effects of ABA, IAA, and JA were apparent at external concentrations in the nanomolar range with EC50 values of around 1000, 300, and 0.03 nmoles for ABA, IAA, and JA respectively. To examine potential mechanisms for how hormone-induced cGMP signals are propagated, the role of protein phosphorylation was tested. A phosphoproteomics analysis on Arabidopsis thaliana root microsomal proteins in the absence and presence of membrane-permeable cGMP showed 15 proteins that rapidly (within minutes) changed in phosphorylation status. Out of these, nine were previously shown to also alter phosphorylation status in response to plant hormones, pointing to protein phosphorylation as a target for hormone-induced cGMP signalling

    Controlling <i>In Planta</i> Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis and Size for Catalysis

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    Gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) are used as catalysts for a diverse range of industrial applications. Currently, Au-NPs are synthesized chemically, but studies have shown that plants fed Au deposit, this element naturally as NPs within their tissues. The resulting plant material can be used to make biomass-derived catalysts. In vitro studies have shown that the addition of specific, short (∼10 amino acid) peptide/s to solutions can be used to control the NP size and shape, factors that can be used to optimize catalysts for different processes. Introducing these peptides into the model plant species, Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), allows us to regulate the diameter of nanoparticles within the plant itself, consequently influencing the catalytic performance in the resulting pyrolyzed biomass. Furthermore, we show that overexpressing the copper and gold COPPER TRANSPORTER 2 (COPT2) in Arabidopsi sincreases the uptake of these metals. Adding value to the Au-rich biomass offers the potential to make plant-based remediation and stabilization of mine wastes financially feasible. Thus, this study represents a significant step toward engineering plants for the sustainable recovery of finite and valuable elements from our environment

    Development of a phenotyping protocol for combined drought and salinity stress at seedling stage in rice

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    Introduction: The case of combined drought and salinity stress is increasingly becoming a constraint to rice production, especially in coastal areas and river deltas where low rainfall not only reduces soil moisture levels but also reduces the flow of river water, resulting in intrusion of saline sea-water. A standardized screening method is needed in order to systematically evaluate rice cultivars under combined drought+salinity at the same time because sequential stress of salinity followed by drought or vice-versa is not similar to simultaneous stress effects. Therefore, we aimed to develop a screening protocol for combined drought+salinity stress applied to soil-grown plants at seedling stage. Methods: The study system used 30-L soil-filled boxes, which allowed a comparison of plant growth under control conditions, individual drought and salinity stress, as well as combined drought+salinity. A set of salinity tolerant and drought tolerant cultivars were tested, together with several popular but salinity and drought-susceptible varieties that are grown in regions prone to combined drought+salinity. A range of treatments were tested including different timings of the drought and salinity application, and different severities of stress, in order to determine the most effective that resulted in visible distinction among cultivars. The challenges related to determining a protocol with repeatable seedling stage stress treatment effects while achieving a uniform plant stand are described here. Results: The optimized protocol simultaneously applied both stresses by planting into saline soil at 75% of field capacity which was then allowed to undergo progressive drydown. Meanwhile, physiological characterization revealed that chlorophyll fluorescence at seedling stage correlated well with grain yield when drought stress was applied to vegetative stage only. Discussion: The drought+salinity protocol developed here can be used for screening rice breeding populations as part of a pipeline to develop new rice varieties with improved adaptation to combined stresses

    Primary nutrient sensors in plants

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    Nutrients are scarce and valuable resources, so plants developed sophisticated mechanisms to optimize nutrient use efficiency. A crucial part of this is monitoring external and internal nutrient levels to adjust processes such as uptake, redistribution, and cellular compartmentation. Measurement of nutrient levels is carried out by primary sensors that typically involve either transceptors or transcription factors. Primary sensors are only now starting to be identified in plants for some nutrients. In particular, for nitrate, there is detailed insight concerning how the external nitrate status is sensed by members of the nitrate transporter 1 (NRT1) family. Potential sensors for other macronutrients such as potassium and sodium have also been identified recently, whereas for micronutrients such as zinc and iron, transcription factor type sensors have been reported. This review provides an overview that interprets and evaluates our current understanding of how plants sense macro and micronutrients in the rhizosphere and root symplast

    Arabidopsis thaliana NIP7;1 is involved in tissue arsenic distribution and tolerance in response to arsenate

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    The Arabidopsis aquaglyceroporin NIP7;1 is involved in uptake and tolerance to the trivalent arsenic species arsenite. Here, we show that NIP7;1 is also involved in the response to pentavalent arsenate. Loss of function of NIP7;1 improved tolerance to arsenate and reduced arsenic levels in both the phloem and xylem, resulting in altered arsenic distribution between tissues. There was no clear correlation between growth and shoot arsenic concentration. This is the first report detailing the involvement of a NIP transporter in response to arsenate. The data suggest that these proteins are relevant targets for breeding and engineering arsenic tolerance in crops