83 research outputs found

    Cement remnants removal in implant restorations: A preliminary in vitro study

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    Treball Final de Grau d'Odontologia, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Director: Rui Pedro Barbosa De FigueiredoObjectives: To evaluate the efficacy of stainless steel explorers, waxed dental floss and teflon scalers in removing cement remnants from fixed implant restorations; To evaluate if these instruments produce surface alterations in the abutment surface. Materials and Methods: A preliminary in vitro study, involving 9 identical single-unit implant-supported crowns (upper central incisor), manufactured with CAD/CAM technology, was perfomed. After cementation with a zinc oxide eugenol cement, each crown was randomly allocated into 3 study groups, according to the instrument used to remove the cement remnants (teflon scaler, stainless steel explorer and waxed dental floss). An experienced professional removed the cement remnants. Afterwards, a blinded researcher evaluated the presence of cement using direct visual observation, standardized digital photographs and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images. In the latter analysis (SEM 75x), surface alterations in the abutment surface caused by the employed instruments were also registered. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed. Results: After cementation, cement remnants were observed in all samples. The instrument that eliminated a higher percentage of cement remnants was the stainless steel explorer (59.4%) and the worst, the waxed dental floss (27.6%). The stainless steel explorer produced scratches in 100% of the samples (5 to 10 scratches in each sample). Conclusions: Even though cement debris was observed in all samples, stainless steel explorers and teflon scalers seem to be the most effective instruments in the removal of cement remnants in implant-supported restorations. Since stainless steel explorers scratched the abutment surface, teflon scalers seem to be the best option for this particular indication. Dental floss is not a suitable alternative since it removed less cement than the other 2 instruments, and also left some material debris (small threads) over the abutment. A larger sample is required to confirm the present findings

    Barriers and pitfalls of ISO 9000 Applications in Algerian companies analytical approach

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    إدارة الجودة الشاملة منذ عقد من الزمان وهي نظام مهيكل وذو اهمية بالغة ومفيد لزيادة القدرة التنافسية للشركات، من خلال تحسين العمليات مع التركيز بشكل خاص على العملاء؛ ومن بين جميع المنهجيات، تعد شهادة الأيزو 9000 واحدة من أكثر الأساليب شيوعاً والمعترف بها لفوائد الشركات التي تقرر تنفيذها، وقد أجريت العديد من الدراسات في الأدبيات المختلفة، التي استعرضت بعض الآثار الهامة للمنظمة الدولية للتوحيد القياسي ISO 9000 على أداء الشركات، نظراً للعدد الكبير من الأعمال، هناك حاجة إلى تصنيف التأثيرات الرئيسية لهذا النظام على الأداء الاداري الحقيقي؛ يسمح هذا التحقيق النظري لنظام الايزو بتحديد الأبعاد الرئيسية المؤثرة على أداء الشركات الجزائرية؛ وعلاوة على ذلك، يتم عرض الحواجز والعثرات لنجاح شهادة ISO 9000، وتقديم تفاصيل للتغلب على هذه القضايا. Total quality management is from a decade an important and useful organizational system for increasing companies' competitiveness, by optimizing processes with a particular focus on the customer. Among all the methodologies, ISO 9000 certification is one of the most common and recognized approaches for the benefits of the companies that decide to implement it. Several studies have been conducted in literature, presenting some important impacts of the ISO 9000 on the companies' performances. Due to the vast number of works, a classification of the main impacts of ISO 9000 on the principle business performances is needed. This theoretical investigation allow the authos to identify the main impacting dimensions of ISO 9000 on the performances of the algerian companies. Moreover the barriers and pitfalls for a successful ISO 9000 certification are presented, furnishing details for overcome these issues

    Développement d'un nouveau système pour analyser la biocinématique du genou, application : évaluation de l'orthèse plantaire

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    Les articulations des membres inférieurs et la marche humaine -- Revue des méthodes analytiques de la description des mouvements du genou : angles d'Euler et axe flottant -- Développement et validation d'un outil de mesure in-vivo de la biocinématique de l'articulation tibio-fémorale. Application : évaluation de l'orthèse plantaire -- Résultats des validations de geni-git et de l'évaluation de la marche et des effets de l'orthèse plantaire sur la biocinématique de l'articulation tibio-fémorale. Application : évaluation de l'orthèse plantaire sur la biocinématique tibio-fémorale

    Regeneration of periodontal bone defects with dental pulp stem cells grafting : systematic review

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    The main objective is to evaluate the way to graft the dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) in periodontal defects that best regenerate periodontal tissues. Numerous procedures have been done to promote periodontal regeneration. Bone grafts show good gains clinically and radiographically but histologically seem to have minimal osteoinductive capacity. Another option that exceeds conventional surgery in reducing probing depth and increasing insertion is guided tissue regeneration and tissue engineering that could be an alternative approach to help in the regeneration of living functional bone and peri-dental structures. A search was carried out in Cochrane, PubMed-MEDLINE and Scopus databases with keywords: ?dental pulp stem cells?, ?periodontal regeneration?, ?guided tissue regeneration, periodontal?, ?tissue regeneration?, ?periodontal bone defects?, ?periodontal tissue engineering? and ?periodontal defect?. Inclusion criteria were articles in English, maximum 10 years old, in which DPSC were used to regenerate a periodontal defect. Exclusion criteria were studies not published in English, case reports, case series, literature reviews, and studies in which periodontal defect was caused by dental extraction. Out of the 185 articles identified, 101 after excluding duplicates, of which 94 were discarded when reading the title and abstract. 7 articles were obtained for the full text reading: a case report and a case series were eliminated. The systematic review is performed with 5 animal testing studies in vivo. The DPSC sheets regenerate a greater amount of bone than the injection. If HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) is added, the maximum bone volume regenerated (69.3 ± 3.9 mm3; p<0.01) is achieved. Similar results were obtained in all carriers tested except in the controls. The periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSC) formed more new bone, compared to DPSC (p<0.001). The presence of new cementum and periodontal ligament induced by CMLPs, was detected histologically but DPSC cannot achieve it alone. Cementum or PDL regeneration does not depend only on DPSC but on other unknown factors. PDLSC has better periodontal regeneration than DPSC. DPSC significantly favours the regeneration of periodontal bone tissue but has few advantages over other grafts. It is necessary to study which growth factors or matrices can enhance their capacity for periodontal regeneration

    Efficacy of botulinum toxin in the treatment of bruxism: Systematic review

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    Background: Currently it has been shown that botulinum toxin is effective for a wide variety of medical conditions, and can be applied for therapeutic purposes as cosmetic. In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the use of this drug substance to control the muscular overactivity of bruxism. The objective of this study was the use of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) than traditional methods, by conducting a systematic review of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published in the health sciences literature. Material and Methods: An electronic search was made in the databases of the PubMed, Cochrane Library and Scopus data between March and October 2017, ECA, which will analyze the effect of botulinum toxin in the treatment of bruxism. We included studies of bruxist patients older than 18 years where BTX-A tests were performed on the masseter and / or temporal muscles and the control systems were injections of placebo (saline) or the use of traditional methods for the treatment of bruxism. such as occlusal splints, other medications or cognitivebehavioral therapy. Results: Of the 68 studies identified, 4 RCTs that fit our inclusion criteria were selected. These studies show that BTX-A injections can reduce the frequency of bruxism episodes, decrease pain levels and maximum occlusal force generated by this pathology, offer superior efficacy in the treatment of bruxism compared to control groups who were treated with placebo or with traditional methods for the treatment of bruxism. Conclusion: Infiltrations with BTX-A are a safe and effective treatment for patients with bruxism, so its use is justified in daily clinical practice, especially in patients diagnosed with severe bruxism

    Asymptotic expansions for Laguerre-like orthogonal polynomials

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    AbstractAsymptotic expansion for the Laguerre polynomials and for their associated functions is extended to the case of a weight function which is the product of the Laguerre weight function by a polynomial, nonnegative on the interval [0,∞[

    Incidence of mandibular osteoradionecrosis (MORN) after intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) versus 3D conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT): A systematic review

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    Background: Analyze the incidence of MORN after head and neck radiotherapy by two novel irradiation techniques. 3DCRT and IMRT and compare the success rates of distinct authors. Material and Methods: An electronic search in Pubmed (MEDLINE), Ovid. Google Scholar and Cochrane Library (Wiley). databases was conducted with the key words Radiotherapy, Conformal[Mesh] OR Radiotherapy. Intensity-Modulated[Mesh]) AND Osteoradionecrosis[Mesh] for all databases. The inclusion criteria randomized controlled trials (RCT), as well as prospective and retrospective cohort studies published in English; MORN patients treated with 3D-CRT y IMRT. Results: 27 articles were selected from 194 initially found. 14 articles out of 27 were excluded and finally included 8 publications were included in the systematic review that were ranked according to their level of scientific evidence using the SORT criteria. Conclusions: When both RT techniques were compared; IMRT revealed a lower risk incidence of MORN development and enhanced dose constraint than 3D-CRT (less than 10%). this improvement could translate into less complications post RT treatment


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    Two impact apparatuses simulating projectile and baton blows were used to evaluate the blunt impact attenuation performance of shin guards used in Crowd Management Interventions (CMI). These guards are strapped to the lower leg similarly to the baseball and hockey counterparts. Transmitted forces were measured through the use of piezoelectric force transducers and an accelerometer. Force attenuation factors as high as 81% were obtained when compared to impacts generated directly on a human shin surrogate. The results of an injury analysis based 001 bone fracture thresholds confirm the importance of wearing protective equipment in CMI. Large deviations were observed when comparing the results from the two threat simulators, baseball bat impacts yielding higher transmitted force than ball impacts for the same energy level. This indicates that the impact energy alone is not sufficient to fully describe the impact profile. When testing protective equipment, it is important to select impact generators that appropriately replicate the type of threats that the equipment must protect against

    An Intelligent Decision Support Ensemble Voting Model for Coronary Artery Disease Prediction in Smart Healthcare Monitoring Environments

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most common cardiac diseases worldwide and causes disability and economic burden. It is the world's leading and most serious cause of mortality, with approximately 80% of deaths reported in low- and middle-income countries. The preferred and most precise diagnostic tool for CAD is angiography, but it is invasive, expensive, and technically demanding. However, the research community is increasingly interested in the computer-aided diagnosis of CAD via the utilization of machine learning (ML) methods. The purpose of this work is to present an e-diagnosis tool based on ML algorithms that can be used in a smart healthcare monitoring system. We applied the most accurate machine learning methods that have shown superior results in the literature to different medical datasets such as RandomForest, XGboost, MLP, J48, AdaBoost, NaiveBayes, LogitBoost, KNN. Every single classifier can be efficient on a different dataset. Thus, an ensemble model using majority voting was designed to take advantage of the well-performed single classifiers, Ensemble learning aims to combine the forecasts of multiple individual classifiers to achieve higher performance than individual classifiers in terms of precision, specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy; furthermore, we have benchmarked our proposed model with the most efficient and well-known ensemble models, such as Bagging, Stacking methods based on the cross-validation technique, The experimental results confirm that the ensemble majority voting approach based on the top 3 classifiers: MultilayerPerceptron, RandomForest, and AdaBoost, achieves the highest accuracy of 88,12% and outperforms all other classifiers. This study demonstrates that the majority voting ensemble approach proposed above is the most accurate machine learning classification approach for the prediction and detection of coronary artery disease.Comment: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 202


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    Th effect of inertia was Investigated by impacting a Hybrid II mannequin in constrained and unconstrained configurations with a baseball bat swung at an angular velocity representative of a typical blow. The forces induced by the blow from a bat to the chest of the mannequin were found to be equivalent for both configurations. An analytical model of blunt Impact used to validate the findings and provide insight into the physical phenomenon, suggests that the effect of inertia only becomes prevalent when the mass of the impactor is substantial as compared to that of the mannequin