38,540 research outputs found

    High Fidelity Tape Transfer Printing Based On Chemically Induced Adhesive Strength Modulation

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    Transfer printing, a two-step process (i.e. picking up and printing) for heterogeneous integration, has been widely exploited for the fabrication of functional electronics system. To ensure a reliable process, strong adhesion for picking up and weak or no adhesion for printing are required. However, it is challenging to meet the requirements of switchable stamp adhesion. Here we introduce a simple, high fidelity process, namely tape transfer printing(TTP), enabled by chemically induced dramatic modulation in tape adhesive strength. We describe the working mechanism of the adhesion modulation that governs this process and demonstrate the method by high fidelity tape transfer printing several types of materials and devices, including Si pellets arrays, photodetector arrays, and electromyography (EMG) sensors, from their preparation substrates to various alien substrates. High fidelity tape transfer printing of components onto curvilinear surfaces is also illustrated

    Relaxation of the Dynamical Gluino Phase and Unambiguous Electric Dipole Moments

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    We propose a new axionic solution of the strong CP problem with a Peccei-Quinn mechanism using the gluino rather than quarks. The spontaneous breaking of this new global U(1) at 10^{11} GeV also generates the supersymmetry breaking scale of 1 TeV (solving the so-called \mu problem at the same time) and results in the MSSM (Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model) with R parity conservation. In this framework, electric dipole moments become calculable without ambiguity.Comment: Typos corrected and a footnote added, 10 p

    Fermions tunnelling from the charged dilatonic black holes

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    Kerner and Mann's recent work shows that, for an uncharged and non-rotating black hole, its Hawking temperature can be exactly derived by fermions tunnelling from its horizons. In this paper, our main work is to improve the analysis to deal with charged fermion tunnelling from the general dilatonic black holes, specifically including the charged, spherically symmetric dilatonic black hole, the rotating Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion (EMDA) black hole and the rotating Kaluza-Klein (KK) black hole. As a result, the correct Hawking temperatures are well recovered by charged fermions tunnelling from these black holes.Comment: 16 pages, revised version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    An Alternative Interpretation of Statistical Mechanics

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    In this paper I propose an interpretation of classical statistical mechanics that centers on taking seriously the idea that probability measures represent complete states of statistical mechanical systems. I show how this leads naturally to the idea that the stochasticity of statistical mechanics is associated directly with the observables of the theory rather than with the microstates (as traditional accounts would have it). The usual assumption that microstates are representationally significant in the theory is therefore dispensable, a consequence which suggests interesting possibilities for developing non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and investigating inter-theoretic answers to the foundational questions of statistical mechanics

    The Supercooling of a Nematic Liquid Crystal

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    We investigate the supercooling of a nematic liquid crystal using fluctuating non-linear hydrodynamic equations. The Martin-Siggia-Rose formalism is used to calculate renormalized transport coefficients to one-loop order. Similar theories for isotropic liquids have shown substantial increases of the viscosities as the liquid is supercooled or compressed due to feedback from the density fluctuations which are freezing. We find similar results here for the longitudinal and various shear viscosities of the nematic. However, the two viscosities associated with the nematic director motion do not grow in any dramatic way; i.e.\ there is no apparent freezing of the director modes within this hydrodynamic formalism. Instead a glassy state of the nematic may arise from a ``random anisotropy" coupling of the director to the frozen density.Comment: Late

    Engineered 2D Ising interactions on a trapped-ion quantum simulator with hundreds of spins

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    The presence of long-range quantum spin correlations underlies a variety of physical phenomena in condensed matter systems, potentially including high-temperature superconductivity. However, many properties of exotic strongly correlated spin systems (e.g., spin liquids) have proved difficult to study, in part because calculations involving N-body entanglement become intractable for as few as N~30 particles. Feynman divined that a quantum simulator - a special-purpose "analog" processor built using quantum particles (qubits) - would be inherently adept at such problems. In the context of quantum magnetism, a number of experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. However, simulations of quantum magnetism allowing controlled, tunable interactions between spins localized on 2D and 3D lattices of more than a few 10's of qubits have yet to be demonstrated, owing in part to the technical challenge of realizing large-scale qubit arrays. Here we demonstrate a variable-range Ising-type spin-spin interaction J_ij on a naturally occurring 2D triangular crystal lattice of hundreds of spin-1/2 particles (9Be+ ions stored in a Penning trap), a computationally relevant scale more than an order of magnitude larger than existing experiments. We show that a spin-dependent optical dipole force can produce an antiferromagnetic interaction J_ij ~ 1/d_ij^a, where a is tunable over 0<a<3; d_ij is the distance between spin pairs. These power-laws correspond physically to infinite-range (a=0), Coulomb-like (a=1), monopole-dipole (a=2) and dipole-dipole (a=3) couplings. Experimentally, we demonstrate excellent agreement with theory for 0.05<a<1.4. This demonstration coupled with the high spin-count, excellent quantum control and low technical complexity of the Penning trap brings within reach simulation of interesting and otherwise computationally intractable problems in quantum magnetism.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; article plus Supplementary Material

    Precise determination of stellar parameters of the ZZ Ceti and DAZ white dwarf GD 133 through asteroseismology

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    An increasing number of white dwarf stars show atmospheric chemical composition polluted by heavy elements accreted from debris disk material. The existence of such debris disks strongly suggests the presence of one or more planet(s) whose gravitational interaction with rocky planetesimals is responsible for their disruption by tidal effect. The ZZ Ceti pulsator and polluted DAZ white dwarf GD 133 is a good candidate for searching for such a potential planet. We started in 2011 a photometric follow-up of its pulsations. As a result of this work in progress, we used the data gathered from 2011 to 2015 to make an asteroseismological analysis of GD 133, providing the star parameters from a best fit model with MM/M⊙M_{\odot} = 0.630 ±\pm 0.002, TeffT_{\rm eff} = 12400 K ±\pm 70 K, log(MHe/MM_{\rm He}/M) = -2.00 ±\pm 0.02, log(MH/MM_{\rm H}/M) = -4.50 ±\pm 0.02 and determining a rotation period of ≈\approx 7 days.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRA
