21 research outputs found

    Proposal of Communication strategy for AVANZO a.s.

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou jedné z nejdůležitějších částí marketingu - komunikační strategií firmy. Podává ucelený soubor informací o nástrojích marketingové komunikace pro zefektivnění podnikání firem, včetně konkrétního návrhu pro společnost AVANZO a.s.Master's thesis deals with questions one of the most important part of the marketing - communication strategy of the company. It provides compact information collection about the instruments of the marketing communication for getting effective business, including specific proposal for the company AVANZO a.s.

    Description of European cities in artistic works by Julius Zeyer

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    Julius Zeyer autobiograficky zobrazuje ve svých dílech evropské metropole. Své dojmy promítá do vnímání hlavní postavy. Jeho popisy jsou ovlivněny cestami, jež podnikl. Autor se snaží ve svých prózách vystihnout dobovou atmosféru, zobrazuje města tak, jak je spatřil při svých pobytech v dané lokalitě. Avšak jak je reálný v Římě a Petrohradu, tak je subjektivní v Paříži, kterou líčí jako město fantazijní. Zeyer se snaží čtenáři předložit ucelený obraz místa, upozorňuje hlavně na výtvarné umění a architekturu. Popisy jsou velmi detailní a často mohou nahrazovat turistický plánek. Spisovatelovy cesty po Evropě nikdy nebyly jednoduché, přesto řadu dalších osobností svými sugestivně líčenými dojmy z cest podnítil k návštěvě evropských měst.Julius Zeyer depicts European cities in his autobiographical work. He projects his impressions into perception of the main character. His descriptions are influenced by the journeys, which he undertook. The author attempts to capture the historical atmosphere in his novels, he shows the cities in the same way as he could see during his stay in the region. Although he is realistic about Rome and St Petersburg, he is subjective about Paris, which is depicted to be the city of fancy. Zeyer is trying to present a comprehensive picture of the place focusing mainly on art and architecture. Descriptions are very detailed and can often replace a tourist map. Author's trips to Europe were never easy, however many other personalities were inspired to see European cities by his vivid impressions from his journeys.Katedra českého jazyka a katedra české literaturyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Development of compartmentalizes antibacterial systems based on immobilized alliinase

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    Multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria are one of the most significant threats to modern society. Antibiotics, in the past so effective against broad spectra of infections, are nowadays omnipresent and their widespread availability, misuse and gradual accumulation over time in the environment is the main reason behind the sudden increase of bacterial resistance. However, it has been shown that some natural antibacterial systems are designed in such a way that effectively prevents the development of bacterial resistance. One of the most known examples of such natural self-defence system is garlic plant, where highly potent but unstable compound allicin is formed enzymatically from inactive precursor (alliin) only when and where the inner cellular structure is compromised (e.g. soil pathogens, rodents). A very short half-time of allicin is the key to garlic’s success: bacteria do not have the necessary time to develop effective countermeasures, and therefore allicin remains ever-lasting natural bactericide for thousands of years compared to relatively stable antibiotics. In this study, we propose to employ encapsulation techniques (ionic cross-linking, spray drying) to develop polymer carrier where purified and stabilized enzyme (alliinase) and substrate (alliin) are physically separated in two different types of carriers. Additionally, we want to demonstrate the possibility to control the overall rate of enzymatic reaction and allicin generation via the cross-linking ratio (amount of cross-linker per polymer). Finally, the antibacterial effect of prepared carriers will be tested against common bacterial strains using the disc diffusion method and non-contact form of produced allicin in a volatil

    Assessment of silt from sand and gravel processing as a suitable sub-soil material in land restoration: A glasshouse study

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    Annually, sand and gravel processing generates approximately 20 million tonnes of non-commercial by-product as fine silt particles (<63 μm) which constitutes approximately 20% of quarry production in the UK. This study is significant as it investigated the use of quarry silt as a sub-soil medium to partially substitute soil-forming materials whilst facilitating successful post-restoration crop establishment. In a glasshouse pot experiment, top-soil and sub-soil layering was simulated, generating an artificial sub-soil medium by mixing two quarry non-commercial by-products, i.e. silt and overburden. These were blended in three ratios (100:0, 70:30, 50:50). Pots were packed to two bulk densities (1.3 and 1.5 g cm-3) and sown with three cover crops used in the early restoration process namely winter rye (Secale cereale), white mustard (Sinapis alba) and a grassland seed mixture (Lolium perenne, Phleum pratense, Poa pratensis, Festuca rubra). Three weeks into growth, the first signs of nitrogen (N) deficiency were observed in mustard plants, with phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) deficiencies observed at 35 days. Rye exhibited minor N deficiency symptoms four weeks into growth, whilst the grassland mixture showed no deficiency symptoms. The 70:30 silt:overburden sub-soil blend resulted in significantly higher Root Mass Densities of grassland seed mixture and rye in the sub-soil layer as compared with the other blends. The innovation in this work is the detailed physical, chemical and biological characterisation of silt:overburden blends and effects on root development of plants commonly used in early restoration to bio-engineer soil structural improvements

    Best management practices to alleviate deep-seated compaction in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) interrows (UK)

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    Field operations associated with UK asparagus production (re-ridging and intensive foot and vehicular trafficking of the wheelings) can result in severe deep-seated compaction in interrows, impacting on crop health and productivity. In this project, we investigate the long-term efficacy of a range of Best Management Practices (BMPs) targeted at preventing or remediating soil compaction in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) interrows as compared to Conventional practice. BMPs included (1) companion crops - Rye (Sereale cecale L.), Mustard (Sinapis alba L.), (2) interrow surface mulch applications (straw mulch and PAS 100 compost in combination with shallow soil disturbance (SSD)), (3) modifications of the conventional tillage practice (re-ridging (R) or not ridging (NR) and applying SSD or not applying SSD) and (4) a zero-tillage option. In general, companion cropping had no effect on soil compaction or water infiltration rates as compared to the Conventional practice. Application and incorporation of straw mulch or PAS 100 compost however significantly reduced soil compaction of the interrows to >0.45 m beyond the working depth of the subsoiler (0.25 m). Composts and mulches in combination with SSD significantly reduce deep-seated compaction of the interrows within 3 years of annual application. Further, Conventional practice equivalent treatment (Bare soil No-SSD R) was associated with significantly higher PR values as compared to the zero-tillage (Bare soil No-SSD NR). These findings show that the extremely high levels of deep-seated compaction in interrows, associated with re-ridging, foot and vehicular traffic can be alleviated using surface mulches in combination with SSD

    Impacts of long-term application of best management practices on yields and root carbohydrate content in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) (UK)

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    Yield physiology of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) is strongly influenced by biotic factors such as crown and root rot caused by Fusarium spp. and by abiotic conditions such as precipitation or temperatures, duration of each harvest, and field management practices. Asparagus yields are linked to the availability of soluble carbohydrates (CHO) in the storage root system which is considered a key factor in asparagus productivity. The aim of this study was to quantify the impacts of the long-term application of a range of potential Best Management Practices (BMPs) on yield and storage root carbohydrate content in green asparagus in a long-term field trial. The trial was established in 2016 with the asparagus ‘Gijnlim’ variety. Commercial yields were collected in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Root carbohydrate content was determined in 2019 and 2020. BMPs included (1) companion crops - Rye (Secale cereale L.), Mustard (Sinapis alba L.), (2) interrow surface mulch applications of either straw mulch or PAS 100 compost (Publicly available specification) in combination with shallow soil disturbance (SSD), (3) the conventional practice and modifications of the conventional tillage practice by applying SSD or not applying SSD and (4) a zero-tillage option. Annual re-ridging (R) and not ridging (NR) were applied to BMP options 1–3. SSD had no significant impact on asparagus yields while annual re-ridging negatively affected total yields of treatments with bare soil interrows, which were managed without SSD. Conventional practice was associated with a 22% yield reduction and ∼€4250 ha−1 annual loss in potential revenue as compared to the Zero-tillage treatment. Companion cropping with mustard did not have a significant impact on asparagus yields. Rye without annual re-ridging was however associated with yield reductions of > 20% as compared to the Conventional practice. PAS 100 Compost applied in asparagus interrows (at 25 t ha−1 per year) in combination with SSD without annual re-ridging resulted in improvements to yields of 20%, 10% and 34% in 2018, 2019 and 2020, respectively, as compared to the Conventional practice. No correlation was observed between storage root soluble carbohydrate content and asparagus yields. The results of this study confirmed that asparagus yield, and thus total farm income can be significantly improved through implementation of several of the BMPs investigated.Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (Project FV450a and FV450b

    A DNA-barcode biodiversity standard analysis method (DNA-BSAM) reveals a large variance in the effect of a range of biological, chemical and physical soil management interventions at different sites, but location is one of the most important aspects determining the nature of agricultural soil microbiology

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    There are significant knowledge gaps in our understanding of how to sustainably manage agricultural soils to preserve soil biodiversity. Here we evaluate and quantify the effects of agricultural management and location on soil microbiology using nine field trials that have consistently applied different soil management practices in the United Kingdom using DNA barcode sequence data. We tested the basic hypothesis that various agricultural management interventions have a significant and greater effect on soil bacterial and fungal diversity than geographic location. The analyses of soil microbial DNA sequence data to date has lacked standardisation which prevents meaningful comparisons across sites and studies. Therefore, to analyse these data and crucially compare and quantify the size of any effects on soil bacterial and fungal biodiversity between sites, we developed and employed a post-sequencing DNA-barcode biodiversity standard analysis method (DNA-BSAM). The DNA-BSAM comprises a series of standardised bioinformatic steps for processing sequences but more importantly defines a standardised set of ecological indices and statistical tests. Use of the DNA-BSAM reveals the hypothesis was not strongly supported, and this was primarily because: 1) there was a large variance in the effects of various management interventions at different sites, and 2) that location had an equivalent or greater effect size than most management interventions for most metrics. Some dispersed sites imposed the same organic amendments interventions but showed different responses, and this combined with observations of strong differences in soil microbiomes by location tentatively suggests that any effect of management may be contingent on location. This means it could be unreliable to extrapolate the findings of individual trials to others. The widespread use of a standard approach will allow meaningful cross-comparisons between soil microbiome studies and thus a substantial evidence-base of the effects of land-use on soil microbiology to accumulate and inform soil management decisions.Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB); British Beet Research Organisation (BBRO

    Description of European cities in artistic works by Julius Zeyer

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    Julius Zeyer depicts European cities in his autobiographical work. He projects his impressions into perception of the main character. His descriptions are influenced by the journeys, which he undertook. The author attempts to capture the historical atmosphere in his novels, he shows the cities in the same way as he could see during his stay in the region. Although he is realistic about Rome and St Petersburg, he is subjective about Paris, which is depicted to be the city of fancy. Zeyer is trying to present a comprehensive picture of the place focusing mainly on art and architecture. Descriptions are very detailed and can often replace a tourist map. Author's trips to Europe were never easy, however many other personalities were inspired to see European cities by his vivid impressions from his journeys

    Risk Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Project

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    Téma diplomové práce se zaměřuje na analýzu rizik podnikatelského projektu. Jedná se o společnost Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. a její projekt Kemi. Práce se skládá ze vzájemně se prolínající teoretické a praktické části. Teoretická část vysvětluje důležité pojmy pro řízení rizik, analýzu podniku a popisuje jednotlivé plány projektu. Praktická část obsahuje základní informace o společnosti Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o., podrobnější popis samotného projektu Kemi, řízení rizik ve společnosti i na zmíněném projektu a navržení nápravných opatření. Projekt Kemi je vymezen pomocí logického rámce, zainteresovaných stran, časového harmonogramu a rozpočtu. Pro řízení rizik ve společnosti i na projektu Kemi jsou na konci této práce navržena nápravná opatření a další vhodné metody řízení rizik.ObhájenoThe topis of this thesis focuses on the risk analysis of a business project. The company in question is Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. and its project is named Kemi. The thesis consists of intertwining theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part explains important concepts for risk management, business analysis and gives a description of individual project plans. The practical part includes basic information about Kemi project Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. company, a more detailed description of the Kemi project itself, risk management in the company and the mentioned project, and a proposal of corrective measures. The Kemi project is defined by using a logical framework, involved parties, timeline and a budget. Proposed corrective actions and other apporpriate risk management methods for risk management of the company and Kemi project are presented at the end of this thesis