134 research outputs found

    Renewable Energy Source

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá popisem a využití obnovitelných zdrojů energie v České republice. Úvodem jsou charakterizované jednotlivé obnovitelné zdroje energie a jejich dnešní využití. V hlavní části práce se podrobněji věnuji větrné energii, zejména technickým popisem větrné elektrárny. Zbývající část práce obsahuje popis malé funkční větrné elektrárny a její ekonomickou analýzu.My bachelor’s thesis deals with description and use of renewable energy resources in the Czech Republic. At the beginning of my thesis I characterize individual renewable energy resources and its today’s use. In the main part of the thesis I focus on wind energy in more details, especially technical description of the wind power plant. In the end of my thesis there is a description of the small workable wind power plant and its economic analysis.

    Condesing Steam Turbine 25 MW

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a výpočtem jednotělesové kondenzační parní turbíny o výkonu 25 MW s odběry páry pro papírenský průmysl. Práce se zaměřuje na výpočet tepelné bilance turbíny se dvěma technologickými odběry a regenerací, která se skládá ze dvou nízkotlakých ohříváků a odplyňováku s napájecí nádrží. Parní turbína je navrhnuta s výstupem dolů do vodou chlazeného kondenzátoru. Vypočítána je průtočná část s délkami oběžných a rozváděcích lopatek. Provedeny jsou základní pevností a dimenzovací výpočty. Na závěr práce je tepelná bilance turbíny dle zadání přepočtena pro 80% a 105% provoz. Součástí práce je výkres s podélným řezem turbínou včetně spojky s převodovkou.Master’s thesis deals with design and calculation of one body condensing steam turbine of 25 MW with samples for paper-making industry. The thesis is focused on calculation of the turbine’s heat balance with two technological samples and regeneration which consists of two low pressure heaters and a deaerator with a power reservoir. The steam turbine is designed with a water cooling condenser with down output. The flow part is calculated with lengths of blades. There are basic strength and proportion calculations. In the end of the thesis the turbine’s heat balance is recalculated to 80% and 105% scheme according to an assignment. Another part of this thesis is a drawing of a longitudinal cut of the turbine including a connector with a gearbox.

    Poremećena sekrecija vimena

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    Osnovna vrijednost sirovog mlijeka čini njegov nepromijenjen prirodni sastav, da potječe iz zdravog vimena i da je što manje izloženo kontaktnoj infekciji. Normativi kvalitete sirovog mlijeka sasvim su dobro poznati, a isto tako i činjenice o nizu propisa i mjera da bi osigurali proizvodnju i preradu zdravog, kvalitetnog mlijeka

    FRAM telescopes and their measurements of aerosol content at the Pierre Auger Observatory and at future sites of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    A FRAM (F/(Ph)otometric Robotic Atmospheric Monitor) telescope is a system of a robotic mount, a large-format CCD camera and a fast telephoto lens that can be used for atmospheric monitoring at any site when information about the atmospheric transparency is required with high spatial or temporal resolution and where continuous use of laser-based methods for this purpose would interfere with other observations. The original FRAM has been operated at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina for more than a decade, while three more FRAMs are foreseen to be used by the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The CTA FRAMs are being deployed ahead of time to characterize the properties of the sites prior to the operation of the CTA telescopes; one FRAM has been running on the planned future CTA site in Chile for a year while two others are expected to become operational before the end of 2018. We report on the hardware and current status of operation and/or deployment of all the FRAM instruments in question as well as on some of the preliminary results of integral aerosol measurements by the FRAMs in Argentina and ChileComment: Proceedings of AtmoHEAD 201

    HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized

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    We present HamleDT 2.0 (HArmonized Multi-LanguagE Dependency Treebank). HamleDT 2.0 is a collection of 30 existing treebanks harmonized into a common annotation style, the Prague Dependencies, and further transformed into Stanford Dependencies, a treebank annotation style that became popular recently. We use the newest basic Universal Stanford Dependencies, without added language-specific subtypes. We describe both of the annotation styles, including adjustments that were necessary to make, and provide details about the conversion process. We also discuss the differences between the two styles, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages, and note the effects of the differences on the conversion. We regard the stanfordization as generally successful, although we admit several shortcomings, especially in the distinction between direct and indirect objects, that have to be addressed in future. We release part of HamleDT 2.0 freely; we are not allowed to redistribute the whole dataset, but we do provide the conversion pipeline

    Fluid inclusions in grossularite porphyroblasts “floating garnet“ in marble from Vápenná, mantle of the Žulová Pluton, Czech Republic

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    Fluid inclusions from large euedral grossularite porphyroblasts enclosed in marble (so called “fl oating garnets”) were studied. Grossularite occurs in the assemblage with wollastonite, vesuvianite, epidote, and other minerals in the contact metasomatic zone of the Variscan granitic Žulová Pluton (Silesian Unit, Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic). “Floating garnets” formed from low-salinity aqueous fluids (1.2–4.7 wt. % NaCl eq.). The growth of crystals occurred in two stages, characterized by different homogenization temperatures (edge of the crystal 181–353 °C, centre of the crystal 321–362 °C) The formation of clathrate in some inclusions is consistent with the presence of methane (0.3–10.0 mol. %) confi rmed by Raman spectrometry. The position of isochores of primary fluid inclusions in P-T space suggest that the composition and density of the fluids are consistent with previously published estimates of P-T conditions for periplutonic metamorphism of the Žulová Pluton.Fluid inclusions from large euedral grossularite porphyroblasts enclosed in marble (so called “floating garnets”) were studied. Grossularite occurs in the assemblage with wollastonite, vesuvianite, epidote, and other minerals in the contact metasomatic zone of the Variscan granitic Žulová Pluton (Silesian Unit, Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic). “Floating garnets” formed from low-salinity aqueous fluids (1.2–4.7 wt. % NaCl eq.). The growth of crystals occurred in two stages, characterized by different homogenization temperatures (edge of the crystal 181–353 °C, centre of the crystal 321–362 °C) The formation of clathrate in some inclusions is consistent with the presence of methane (0.3–10.0 mol. %) confi rmed by Raman spectrometry. The position of isochores of primary fluid inclusions in P-T space suggest that the composition and density of the fluids are consistent with previously published estimates of P-T conditions for periplutonic metamorphism of the Žulová Pluton

    IRESite: the database of experimentally verified IRES structures ()

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    IRESite is an exhaustive, manually annotated non-redundant relational database focused on the IRES elements (Internal Ribosome Entry Site) and containing information not available in the primary public databases. IRES elements were originally found in eukaryotic viruses hijacking initiation of translation of their host. Later on, they were also discovered in 5′-untranslated regions of some eukaryotic mRNA molecules. Currently, IRESite presents up to 92 biologically relevant aspects of every experiment, e.g. the nature of an IRES element, its functionality/defectivity, origin, size, sequence, structure, its relative position with respect to surrounding protein coding regions, positive/negative controls used in the experiment, the reporter genes used to monitor IRES activity, the measured reporter protein yields/activities, and references to original publications as well as cross-references to other databases, and also comments from submitters and our curators. Furthermore, the site presents the known similarities to rRNA sequences as well as RNA–protein interactions. Special care is given to the annotation of promoter-like regions. The annotated data in IRESite are bound to mostly complete, full-length mRNA, and whenever possible, accompanied by original plasmid vector sequences. New data can be submitted through the publicly available web-based interface at and are curated by a team of lab-experienced biologists