15 research outputs found
Review of the Models of Fake Response Determinants in Personality Questionnaires in Job Selection
Lažiranjem odgovora na upitnicima ličnosti nazivamo tendenciju namjernog davanja netočnih odgovora kako bi se povećala vjerojatnost postizanja željenoga cilja, konkretno dobivanja posla. Ovo ponašanje u selekcijskoj situaciji nije lako otkriti ni izmjeriti, stoga je teorijski i praktično važno utvrditi o kojim to sve čimbenicima ovisi hoće li i u kojem stupnju kandidati lažirati svoje odgovore. Pokušavajući odgovoriti na to pitanje, u zadnjem desetljeću nekoliko je skupina autora sistematiziralo moguće čimbenike i predložilo modele koji specificiraju ključne odrednice lažiranja odgovora i njihove međusobne odnose. Zbog kratkoga vremena u kojem su nastali, modeli se uglavnom nisu referirali jedan na drugi, pa razni autori često iste odrednice nazivaju različitim imenom, kao i različite odrednice istim imenom, dok u oskudnim empirijskim istraživanjima rabe različite operacionalizacije istoga konstrukta. Stoga je cilj ovog rada dati sustavni pregled i kritički osvrt na sve relevantne modele lažiranja odgovora. Rad završava zaključkom pregleda modela lažiranja odgovora u kojem se ističu sličnosti i razlike između modela lažiranja odgovora, na čemu se temelje smjernice za buduća istraživanja odrednica lažiranja odgovora u selekcijskom kontekstu.Faking behavior on personality questionnaires can be defined as a respondent’s tendency to consciously give incorrect answers in order to increase chances for obtaining their goal, e.g. getting the job. Given the fact that it is a behavior which is neither easily detected nor measured, from both theoretical and practical perspectives, it is important to identify the factors which determine whether applicants will fake their responses, and to what extent. In attempts to answer this question, in the last decade several groups of authors have systemized possible factors and suggested the models which specify key determinants of faking behavior and their mutual relationships. Since the models have been developed in a short period of time, they mostly do not refer to each other. Consequently, various authors often use different labels for the same determinants, as well as the same labels for different determinants, while in scarce empirical studies they measure the same constructs variously. Hence, the goal of this overview is to systematically present and critically review all relevant models of faking. The overview is concluded by emphasizing the similarities and differences between the models, which can serve as the basis for future research on faking determinants in a selection context
Historical Overview of Conceptualizations of Socially Desirable Responding in Personality Questionnaires
S obzirom na to da ljudi mogu iskrivljavati odgovore na
upitnicima ličnosti, a istraživanja pokazuju da to često i čine,
socijalno poželjno odgovaranje bitan je praktički, ali već i
desetljećima aktualni istraživački, problem. Istraživači se
uglavnom slažu da socijalno poželjno odgovaranje možemo
opisati kao tendenciju davanja pretjerano pozitivnih opisa
vlastitih osobina usklađenih s društvenim normama i
standardima, no pitanje o kojem se debata vodi još od
polovice 20. stoljeća jest je li ono pogreška mjerenja koja
ugrožava valjanost upitnika ličnosti ili je odraz individualnih
razlika u ličnosti. Kako bi se razumjeli rezultati dosadašnjih
istraživanja, nužno je poznavati pristup u okviru kojega su
stvorene pojedine konceptualizacije socijalno poželjnog
odgovaranja, odnosno konstruirani pojedini mjerni
instrumenti. U literaturi, međutim, nedostaje sustavni pregled
koji sadrži i temeljit prikaz svih konceptualizacija. Stoga je cilj
ovoga rada pregled postupnih promjena u konceptualizaciji i
načinu proučavanja socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja koje su
imale ključnu ulogu u oblikovanju suvremenih modela
socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja. Rad završava zaključkom
pregleda dosadašnjih istraživanja, smjernicama za provedbu
budućih istraživanja te praktičnim implikacijama.Given the fact that people can distort their responses in
personality questionnaires, and research shows that they
usually do, socially desirable responding represents an
important practical research issue that has been present for
decades. Researchers generally agree that socially desirable
responding can be described as a tendency of giving overly
positive descriptions of one\u27s own traits which are adjusted
with social norms and standards. However, there is the
debate, which has been going on since the mid-20th century,
on whether it is a measurement error which contaminates the
validity of personality questionnaires or the individual
differences in personality. In order to understand the results
of previous researches, it is necessary to know the approach
within which researchers created a particular conceptualization
and particular instruments for measuring socially
desirable responding. However, the literature lacks a
systematic review which includes a comprehensive overview
of all the conceptualizations. Hence, this review aims to
examine gradual changes in the definition and methodology
of research on socially desirable responding, which played a
key role in forming contemporary models of socially
desirable responding. The review ends with a conclusion of
the overview of previous research, guidelines for future
research and practical implications
Psychological background underlying the quality of Croatian students’ roommate relationship
This study was created as a framework for the website idealni-cimer.hr, an internet interface that uses psychology-grounded instruments to help students find their suitable roommate within half an hour, making the roommate search quick and effective. The results of American research could potentially lead us to wrong conclusions when searching for an ideal roommate of a Croatian student, since findings seem to be culturally specific. A pilot study
and the analyses of focus groups done on 120 Croatian students, suggested that personality is not the only predictor of satisfaction with the roommate relationship. Attitudes towards neatness and the life habits while in a shared apartment also proved to be important. Based on these findings, we designed and assembled a questionnaire and examined its diagnostic validity on a sample of 80 students who were living with a roommate at the time of the study. Analysis that included data of over 300 users of the idealni-cimer.hr interface suggested that the key determinants of roommate relationship satisfaction are attitudes towards neatness, several personality dimensions (conscientiousness, self-discipline, cooperation, extroversion, and neuroticism) and specific life habits (behavior concerning common living space, behavior concerning relationship to roommate, and bringing over guests in the common living space)
When Employers Betray: A Study of Psychological Contract Breach Among Croatian Employees
In this paper we report the results of a study exploring psychological contract breach (PCB) in a heterogeneous sample of Croatian employees (N=363). In addition to reporting PCB, the participants informed us about their basic demographic characteristics, job attitudes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) and reported three aspects of their job performance (in-role performance, organizational citizenship behavior, counterproductive work behavior). Our analyses showed that PCB experience depended on participants’ characteristics, and, more importantly, was negatively related to job attitudes and job performance. Thus, the detrimental effect of PCB reported in the organizational behavior literature was replicated among Croatian employees
Psychological background underlying the quality of Croatian students’ roommate relationship
This study was created as a framework for the website idealni-cimer.hr, an internet interface that uses psychology-grounded instruments to help students find their suitable roommate within half an hour, making the roommate search quick and effective. The results of American research could potentially lead us to wrong conclusions when searching for an ideal roommate of a Croatian student, since findings seem to be culturally specific. A pilot study
and the analyses of focus groups done on 120 Croatian students, suggested that personality is not the only predictor of satisfaction with the roommate relationship. Attitudes towards neatness and the life habits while in a shared apartment also proved to be important. Based on these findings, we designed and assembled a questionnaire and examined its diagnostic validity on a sample of 80 students who were living with a roommate at the time of the study. Analysis that included data of over 300 users of the idealni-cimer.hr interface suggested that the key determinants of roommate relationship satisfaction are attitudes towards neatness, several personality dimensions (conscientiousness, self-discipline, cooperation, extroversion, and neuroticism) and specific life habits (behavior concerning common living space, behavior concerning relationship to roommate, and bringing over guests in the common living space)
Development of a counterproductive work behavior questionnaire for student population
Cilj istraživanja bio je konstruirati upitnik nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja koji mjeri organizacijsku i interpersonalnu devijantnost, a sadržajno je prilagođen studentskoj populaciji. Dvije komparabilne skupine studenata ispunjavale su upitnik s preliminarnim skupom čestica koje su se odnosile na priznanja različitih nepoželjnih ponašanja u svakodnevnom životu, te radnom i akademskom kontekstu. Jedna skupina studenata (N = 184) ispunjavala je upitnik neanonimno, a druga skupina studenata (N = 183) anonimno. Na temelju preliminarne primjene na neanonimnom uzorku, sadržajnom i psihometrijskom analizom, konstruiran je upitnik nepoželjnog
organizacijskog ponašanja sa skalama organizacijske (k = 9) i interpersonalne (k = 9) devijantnosti. Provedene eksploratorne i konfirmatorne faktorske analize potvrdile su konstruktnu valjanost upitnika, a multigrupnom konfirmatornom faktorskom analizom potvrđena je invarijantnost strukture upitnika u anonimnoj i neanonimnoj situaciji primjene. Takvi rezultati upućuju na zaključak da novokonstruirane skale organizacijske i interpersonalne devijantnosti omogućuju mjerenje nepoželjnog organizacijskog
ponašanja na studentskom uzorku bez obzira na to radi li se o anonimnim ili neanonimnim uvjetima primjene upitnika.The aim of this study was to develop a counterproductive work behavior questionnaire that measures organizational and interpersonal deviance and that is adjusted for content to the student population. Two comparable groups of students filled in a
questionnaire with a preliminary set of items that referred to confessions of various counterproductive behaviors in everyday life, in work and the academic context. One group of students (N = 184) filled in the questionnaire non-anonymously, while the other group of students (N = 183) completed it anonymously. Based on preliminary
application on the non-anonymous sample, using content and psychometric analysis, counterproductive work behavior questionnaire with organizational (k = 9) and interpersonal
(k = 9) deviance scales was constructed. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the construct validity of the questionnaire and multigroup confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the invariance of questionnaire structure in anonymous and non-anonymous application settings. These results lead to the conclusion
that newly constructed scales of organizational and interpersonal deviance allow the measurement of counterproductive work behavior on the student sample, in both anonymous and non-anonymous application settings
Testing the basic assumptions of the entrepreneurial orientation model on Croatian entrepreneurs
U posljednje se vrijeme u psihologijskoj literaturi može primijetiti sve veći interes za istraživanje poduzetništva. Malobrojna psihologijska istraživanja poduzetništva u Hrvatskoj dominantno su usmjerena na određivanje osobina poduzetnika, dok su istraživanja karakteristika organizacijske kulture i drugih organizacijskih procesa njihovih
poduzeća u potpunosti zanemarena. Jedan od takvih konstrukata je poduzetnička orijentacija – fenomen koji se odnosi na procese i aktivnosti formiranja novih poslova, a uključuje pet osnovnih komponenti: inovativnost, proaktivnost, sklonost riziku, autonomiju
i kompetitivnu agresivnost. S obzirom na to da postoje nalazi da je ona pod značajnim utjecajem okoline, valja provjeriti hoće li se ova struktura poduzetničke orijentacije replicirati i na uzorku hrvatskih poduzetnika. Stoga je svrha ovog istraživanja bila na uzorku hrvatskih poduzetnika provjeriti postavke 5-faktorskog modela
poduzetničke orijentacije. Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza provedena na podacima prikupljenima u 252 mala i srednja hrvatska poduzeća potvrdila je pretpostavljenu multidimenzionalnu strukturu modela poduzetničke orijentacije. Dobiveni rezultati mogu poslužiti kao polazište za kreiranje intervencija s ciljem povećanja uspješnosti
poslovanja hrvatskih malih i srednjih poduzeća.A growing interest for the field of entrepreneurship can be noticed in recent psychology literature. A few psychological studies of entrepreneurship in Croatia are predominantly focused on the characteristics of entrepreneurs, while the characteristics
of organizational culture and other organizational processes remained completely ignored. One of these constructs is entrepreneurial orientation - a phenomenon that refers to the processes and activities of new businesses formation which includes five components: innovation, proactiveness, risk-taking, autonomy and competitive aggressiveness. Since many studies show that it is significantly influenced by the firm’s external environment, it should be verified whether the structure of entrepreneurial orientation will be replicated on a sample of Croatian entrepreneurs. Therefore, the purpose
of this paper is to test the assumptions of the 5-factor entrepreneurial orientation model on a sample of Croatian entrepreneurs. Confirmatory factor analysis conducted on data collected for 252 small and medium sized enterprises in Croatia confirmed the hypothesized multidimensional structure of the entrepreneurial orientation model. The obtained results can provide a basis for interventions aiming to raise the performance of Croatian small and medium sized enterprises
Tehnostres: uvod u pojam i grupne razlike na uzorku hrvatskih zaposlenika
Cilj istraživanja bio je predstaviti fenomen tehnostresa kod hrvatskih zaposlenika, pri čemu se tehnostres odnosi na “negativno psihološko stanje povezano s trenutnim korištenjem ili prijetnjom korištenja informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologija u budućnosti“. On-line upitnik, sastavljen od
Ljestvice tehnostresa (Ragu-Nathan i sur., 2008) i upitnika općih podataka, ispunilo je 259 hrvatskih zaposlenika regrutiranih metodom snježne grude. Rezultati su pokazali da statistički značajno više razine tehnostresa prijavljuju žene, stariji i niže obrazovani sudionici, u odnosu na muškarce, mlađe i
više obrazovane. Niže razine tehnostresa prijavljuju sudionici koji pohađaju digitalne edukacije unutar radnog vremena te ne rade više od 40 sati tjedno, niti rade u sektoru informatičkih tehnologija. Nalazi ovog pionirskog istraživanja mogli bi potaknuti raspravu o tehnostresu u hrvatskoj znanstvenoj
zajednici te osvijestiti organizacije o mogućim zaštitnim i rizičnim faktorima u prevenciji tehnostresa
High Status Groups and Social Solidarity: Socio-Psychological Determinants of Support for Social Equality among the Highly-Educated
Cilj rada bio je ispitati doprinos socijalno-psiholoških varijabli u objašnjenju podrške socijalnoj jednakosti kod pojedinaca visokog socijalnog statusa. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku visokoobrazovanih građana Hrvatske (N=332). Rezultati su potvrdili postavljene hipoteze. Percipiranje veće nestabilnosti vlastitog socijalnog statusa, veće društvene nejednakosti i veće mogućnosti utjecaja na društvene promjene, kao i više egalitarne vrijednosti predviđaju veću podršku socijalnoj jednakosti. Povezanost nestabilnosti statusa i podrške jednakosti djelomično je posredovana percepcijom veće nejednakosti u društvu. Doživljaj materijalne ugroženosti doprinosi podršci jednakosti izravno, motivom za osiguranjem vlastite budućnosti, i neizravno, jer osvještava pojedinca da i drugi imaju slične potrebe. Rezultati daju uvid u nedovoljno istražene odrednice društvene solidarnosti kod grupa visokog statusa i pružaju smjernice za povećanje svijesti građana o važnosti programa socijalne podrške.The aim of the study was to predict support for social equality among individuals of high social status based on socio-psychological variables. The study was conducted on a sample of highly-educated Croatian citizens (N=332). The results confirmed the predicted hypotheses. Perception of higher social status instability, greater social inequality, larger potential for making social changes, and higher egalitarian values predict stronger support for social equality. Relation between status instability and equality support is partially mediated by perception of greater social inequality. Perception of material threat contributes to support for social equality both directly, by enhancing a motivation for ensuring own future, and indirectly, by evoking a perception that others have similar needs. The results provide an insight to unexplored determinants of social solidarity among high status groups and give some guidelines how to draw citizens’ attention to the importance of social support programs