270 research outputs found

    Arbuscular mycorrhiza of Deschampsia cespitosa (Poaceae) at different soil depths in highly metal-contaminated site in southern Poland

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    This study presents root colonization of Deschampsia cespitosa growing in the immediate vicinity of a former Pb/Zn smelter by arbuscular mycorhizal fungi (AMF) and dark septated endophytes (DSE) at different soil depths. AMF spores and species distribution in soil profile were also assessed. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and DSE were found in D. cespitosa roots at all investigated soil levels. However, mycorrhizal colonization in topsoil was extremely low with sporadically occurring arbuscules. AM parameters: frequency of mycorrhization of root fragments (F%), intensity of root cortex colonization (M%), intensity of colonization within individual mycorrhizal roots (m%), and arbuscule abundance in the root system (A%) were markedly higher at 20-40, 40-60 cm soil levels and differed in a statistically significant manner from AM parameters from 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers. Mycorrhizal colonization was negatively correlated with bioavailable Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations. The number of AMF spores in topsoil was verlow and increased with soil depth (20-40 and 40-60 cm). At the study area spores of three morphologically distinctive AMF species were found: Archaeospora trappei, Funneliformis mosseae and Scutellospora dipurpurescens. The fourth species Glomus tenue colonized roots of D. cespitosa and was observed in the root cortex at 20-40 and 40-60 soil depth, however, its spores were not found at the site

    Modyfikacja procesu transpiracji a efektywność indukowanej fitoekstrakcji ołowiu i kadmu w wybranych gatunkach roślin

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    The aim of this paper was to determine the relationship between transpiration and the effectiveness of induced phytoextraction of Pb and Cd in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) plants. Fusicoccin (FC) at the concentration of 10–6 M and KCl (25—100 mM), which were sprayed on the shoots of Indian mustard, increased considerably transpiration in plants grown in hydroponic culture, both in basal medium and basal medium supplemented with EDTA, Pb and Cd. Although the total amount of transpired water was significantly greater in the treated plants when compared with control, the dynamics of transpiration varied during the experiment and depended on the composition of hydroponic solution. In Indian mustard plants grown in the basal medium supplemented with EDTA, Pb and Cd and sprayed with FC and KCl on the above ground parts of plants a positive correlation between transpiration and the content of lead and cadmium in the shoots was observed. A significant positive relationship between the translocation of Pb and Cd and their accumulation in shoots was found 20—35 hours after spraying. In the processes of translocation and accumulation the synergistic effect of FC and KCl was observed. The investigation also showed a high positive correlation between the concentration of the KCl sprayed on the above ground parts and the content of Pb and Cd in the shoots of Indian mustard, which does not depend on transpiration. In Indian mustard and sunflower plants grown in metal contaminated soil supplemented with EDTA no correlation between transpiration and the content of Pb and Cd in the shoots was found. The synergistic effect of FC and KCl on accumulation of Pb and Cd in the above ground parts was also not observed. Pot experiments showed that in induced phytoextraction the content of Pb and Cd is regulated by the level of induction of hyperaccumulation in plants and not by transpiration. Investigations on induced phytoextraction of Pb and Cd showed that when the transpiration is modified discrepancies between the results obtained in experiments in hy-droponic cultures and pot experiments can be found. For this reason pot experiments should be the main point of reference in planning field experiments. The spraying of Indian mustard and sunflower plants with glyphopsate and the application of EDTA to the Pb, Cd and Zn contaminated soil resulted in a marked increase in the Pb and Cd content in the shoots and the level of metal accumulation was similar in both investigated plant species. Moreover, it was found that glyphosate significantly increased the membrane permeability and the inductive effect of EDTA. Simultaneous application of EDTA and glyphosate resulted in apoplastic and symplastic transport of PbEDTA and CdEDTA through the endodermis. Transpiration plays a negligible role in this transport. The low membrane permeability caused by the low level of induction of metal hyperaccumulation is mainly connected with apoplastic transport of PbEDTA and CdEDTA. This transport depends on transpiration and can be modified by factors that have an effect on transpiration rate

    Czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyniowego i jego receptory w ścianie żylaków kończyn

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    Background. Disturbances in the regulation of vessel wall homeostasis are a potential factor initiating varicose vein development. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) may play a hypothetic role in this process. The aim of the study was to evaluate mRNA expression and protein content of VEGF-A and its receptors (VEGF R1, VEGF R2) in varicose veins and varicose veins complicated by thrombophlebitis. Material and methods. Walls of varicose veins and varicose veins complicated by thrombophlebitis were the studied material. Walls of normal saphenous veins, which were harvested from patients with chronic limb ischaemia undergoing infrainguinal by-pass grafting, were the control material. The RT-PCR method was employed to assess mRNA expression of VEGF-A and its receptors, whereas the ELISA method was used to evaluate contents of VEGF-A and its receptors. Results. VEGF-A and VEGF R2 mRNA expression is increased, whereas VEGF R1 mRNA expression is unchanged in the wall of varicose veins in comparison with the wall of normal ones. VEGF-A and VEGF R1 mRNA expression is increased in the wall of varicose veins complicated by thrombophlebitis in comparison with walls of normal and varicose veins. VEGF R2 mRNA expression is also increased in the wall of varicose veins complicated by thrombophlebitis in comparison with control veins, but it is comparable to that in the wall of varicose veins. Changes in mRNA expression are correlated with appropriate changes in protein contents of VEGF-A, VEGF R1, and VEGF R2. Conclusions. The demonstrated changes in mRNA expression, as well as in the contents of VEGF-A, VEGF R1, and VEGF R2, in the wall of varicose veins may be accepted as one of the reasons for the clinical symptoms of the disease and can predispose to its progression. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 2: 141–149Wstęp. Zaburzenia regulacji homeostazy ściany naczyniowej są potencjalnym czynnikiem inicjującym rozwój żylaków kończyn. Hipotetyczną rolę w tym procesie może odgrywać czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyniowego A (VEGF-A). Celem pracy była ocena ekspresji mRNA i zawartości VEGF-A oraz jego receptorów (VEGF R1, VEGF R2) w ścianie żylaków niepowikłanych i żylaków powikłanych zakrzepowym zapaleniem. Materiał i metody. Materiałem badanym były ściany żylaków niepowikłanych i żylaków w stanie zakrzepowego zapalenia. Materiałem kontrolnym były ściany prawidłowych żył odpiszczelowych, pobrane od chorych na przewlekłe niedokrwienie kończyn, u których wykonano zabieg pomostowania udowo-podkolanowego. Na podstawie metody reakcji polimerazy łańcuchowej w połączeniu z odwrotną transkrypcją (RT-PCR) oceniono ekspresję mRNA VEGF-A i jego receptorów, natomiast wykorzystując metodę ELISA, zbadano zawartość VEGF-A i jego receptorów. Wyniki. W ścianie żylaków w porównaniu ze ścianą żył prawidłowych ekspresja VEGF-A mRNA oraz VEGF R2 mRNA jest większa, podczas gdy ekspresja VEGF R1 mRNA nie ulega istotnym zmianom. W ścianie żylaków powikłanych zakrzepowym zapaleniem ekspresja VEGF-A mRNA i VEGF R1 mRNA jest większa w porównaniu ze ścianą żył prawidłowych i ścianą żylaków niepowikłanych. Natomiast ekspresja VEGF R2 mRNA jest również większa niż w ścianie żył prawidłowych, ale porównywalna z ekspresją w ścianie żylaków niepowikłanych. Zmianom w ekspresji mRNA odpowiadają zmiany w zawartości białka VEGF-A, VEGF R1 i VEGF R2 w ścianie żylnej. Wnioski. Wykazane zmiany w ekspresji mRNA i zawartości VEGF-A, VEGF R1 i VEGF R2 w ścianie żylaków kończyn mogą być jedną z przyczyn objawów klinicznych choroby oraz predysponować do jej postępu. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 2: 141–14

    Stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju pozytonowej emisyjnej tomografii w Polsce

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    Primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma : metabolic and anatomical features in 18FDG-PET/CT and response to therapy

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    Aim of the study : Determining the role of PET/CT imaging in the evaluation of treatment efficacy in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL). Material and methods : Retrospective analysis of seven PMBCL patients, treated at the University Hospital in Krakow, with interim PET/CT after the third course of chemo-immunotherapy. The analysis was based on the calculation of exact tumour volume and metabolic activity, compared with initial values (directly after diagnosis). Results: Patients (five females, two males, average age 26.2 years, range 18–40 years), in clinical stage IIBX at diagnosis, were treated with eight cycles of R-CHOP-14 regimen, with radiotherapy consolidation (7/7) and central nervous system prophylaxis (6/7). The observed decrease in tumour volume between the initial staging and the interim PET ranged 72–89%. The mean ∆SUV max reduction between initial (when available) and interim PET was 87% (range 84–89%). In 3/7 cases in the interim PET/CT, the uptake of the tumour was higher than the liver (Deauville Criteria score 4–5), and in 4/7 it was lower than the liver but higher than mediastinal blood pool structures (score 3 according to Deauville Criteria). After a median follow-up of 58 months – OS and EFS is 100%. Conclusions: The excellent clinical outcome in the study group corresponds with very good metabolic and volumetric response in the interim PET. The ∆SUV max seems to be easier in implementation and has a more significant impact than other measurements

    Arbuscular mycorrhiza of Deschampsia cespitosa (Poaceae) at different soil depths in highly metal-contaminated site in southern Poland

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    This study presents root colonization of Deschampsia cespitosa growing in the immediate vicinity of a former Pb/Zn smelter by arbuscular mycorhizal fungi (AMF) and dark septated endophytes (DSE) at different soil depths. AMF spores and species distribution in soil profile were also assessed. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and DSE were found in D. cespitosa roots at all investigated soil levels. However, mycorrhizal colonization in topsoil was extremely low with sporadically occurring arbuscules. AM parameters: frequency of mycorrhization of root fragments (F%), intensity of root cortex colonization (M%), intensity of colonization within individual mycorrhizal roots (m%), and arbuscule abundance in the root system (A%) were markedly higher at 20–40, 40–60 cm soil levels and differed in a statistically significant manner from AM parameters from 0–10 and 10–20 cm layers. Mycorrhizal colonization was negatively correlated with bioavailable Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations. The number of AMF spores in topsoil was very low and increased with soil depth (20–40 and 40–60 cm). At the study area spores of three morphologically distinctive AMF species were found: Archaeospora trappei, Funneliformis mosseae and Scutellospora dipurpurescens. The fourth species Glomus tenue colonized roots of D. cespitosa and was observed in the root cortex at 20–40 and 40–60 soil depth, however, its spores were not found at the site

    Patient with hepatorenal syndrome — nursing care in liver transplantation

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    Zespół wątrobowo-nerkowy (HRS) występuje u 5–15% chorych z objawami zaawansowanej niewydolności wątroby. Patofizjologiczną cechą jest ostry skurcz naczyń nerkowych. Wyróżnia się dwa typy HRS: typ I przebiega z szybką progresją czynności nerek i niekorzystnym rokowaniem, typ II rozwija się wolniej i cechuje go lepsze rokowanie. Leczenie HRS jest mało skuteczne z uwagi na brak możliwości leczenia przyczynowego. Leczeniem z wyboru jest przeszczepienie wątroby (LTx). U większości chorych po udanej transplantacji obserwuje się powrót normalizacji funkcji nerek. Pielęgniarka jako członek zespołu interdyscyplinarnego przygotowuje biorcę do zabiegu oraz sprawuje opiekę w okresie pooperacyjnym. Biorcy wątroby obciążeni HRS wymagają opieki wielospecjalistycznej (nefrologicznej, chirurgicznej, transplantacyjnej, anestezjologicznej).Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) occurs in 5–15% of patients with symptoms of advanced liver failure. Pathophysiological feature is the sharp contraction of renal vessels. There are two types of HRS. Type I occurs with rapid progression of renal function and poor prognosis, type II develops slowly and is characterized by a better prognosis. HRS treatment is ineffective due to the lack of causal treatment. The treatment of choice is liver transplantation (LTx). The majority of patients after a successful transplant is a return normalization of kidney function. The nurse as a member of an interdisciplinary team prepares the recipient for surgery and exercise care in the postoperative period. Liver transplant recipients with HRS require multidisciplinary care (nephrology, surgery, transplantation, anesthesia)

    Biominerals and waxes of Calamagrostis epigejos and Phragmites australis leaves from post-industrial habitats

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    Vascular plants are able to conduct biomineralization processes and collect synthesized compounds in their internal tissues or to deposit them on their epidermal surfaces. This mechanism protects the plant from fluctuations of nutrient levels caused by different levels of supply and demand for them. The biominerals reflect both the metabolic characteristics of a vascular plant species and the environmental conditions of the plant habitat. The SEM/EDX method was used to examine the surface and cross-sections of the Calamagrostis epigejos and Phragmites australis leaves from post-industrial habitats (coal and zinc spoil heaps). The results from this study have showed the presence of mineral objects on the surfaces of leaves of both grass species. The calcium oxalate crystals, amorphous calcium carbonate spheres, and different silica forms were also found in the inner tissues. The high variety of mineral forms in the individual plants of both species was shown. The waxes observed on the leaves of the studied plants might be the initializing factor for the crystalline forms and structures that are present. For the first time, wide range of crystal forms is presented for C. epigejos. The leaf samples of P. australis from the post-industrial areas showed an increased amount of mineral forms with the presence of sulfur