37 research outputs found

    Critical analysis of the Code of Medical Ethics

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    The wording of this article raises fundamental doubts. Since the physician should also strive of obtain the consent of a minor, the question arises as to who else they should obtain it from? Or in fact who, in the case of a minor, should agree to the provision of healthcare. The main part of this article is a critical analysis of articles of the Polish Code of Medical Ethics

    Microbiological characterization of psychro-mezo-thermophilic endospore-producing Bacillus species isolated from industrial probiotics particles

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    Probiotics are either bacteria which naturally and steadily reside in the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT), such as certain Lactobacillus sp., or are bimodal, i.e. capable of proliferation both in GIT, as well as in the external environment, these include certain Bacillus sp. In this report we characterize a mixture of Bacillus species present in widely used commercial preparations, present in lyophilized particles. Four endospore-producing species were detected through MALDI TOF mass spectrometry and microbiological analyses: Bacillus mojavensis, Bacillus vallismortis, Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus subtilis. They exhibit an exceptionally wide range of growth temperature: from 20°C to 58oC, thus they are environmentally multi-modal and cover areas occupied both by psychrophiles, mesophiles and thermophiles. Thus, they are exceedingly adaptive to different environments and able to proliferate in highly diverse niches, including the human GIT. Considering that all of the four characterized species have similar characteristics, including endospore production and growth in a wide range of pH, which allows them to survive in transiently low pH during GIT passage, as well as their widespread occurrence in the environment, it is very likely that they have evolved along with mammals as their natural, transient or permanent, GIT inhabitants, though they are not limited to this niche. Acknowledgments: the project was supported GRUPA INCO S.A., ul. Wspolna 25, 00-519 Warsaw, Poland, NCBiR grant no POIG.01.04.00-02-181/13 and by University of Gdansk task funds no. DS 530-8645-D509-15

    Construction of bionanoparticles with the use of a recombinant DNA vector-enzymatic system, containing artificial poliepitopic proteins, for the delivery of new generation vaccines

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    DNA/RNA amplification technologies, such as the Polymerase Chain Reaction have revolutionized modern biology, medical diagnostics and forensic analyses, among others. A number of alternative nucleic acids amplification methods have been developed, tailored to specific applications. Here we present a refined version of a DNA fragment amplification technology, which enables the construction of ordered concatemers in a head-to-tail-orientation. A very high number of DNA segments, at least 500 copies, can be consecutively linked. Other key features include: (i) the application of a dedicated vector-enzymatic system, including selected subtype IIS restriction endonucleases, which has been designed to automatically generate long Open Reading Frames and (ii) an amplification-expression vector with a built-in strong transcription promoter along with optimal translation initiation signals, which allow for a high level of expression of the constructed artificial poliepitopic protein. This highly advanced technology makes it possible to obtain ordered polymers of monomeric, synthetic or natural, DNA far beyond the capabilities of current chemical synthesis methods. The constructed poliepitopic proteins are further used for construction of several types of nanoparticles, including inclusion bodies and bacteriophages, containing multiple genetic fusion with poliepitopic proteins.The technology offers significant advances in a number of scientific, industrial and medical applications, including new vaccines and tissue pro-regenerative methods. The technology is protected by an international patent application and is available for licensing. Acknowledgments: project was supported by National Center for Research and Development, Warsaw, Poland, grant no STRATEGMED1/235077/9/NCBR/2014 and POIG.01.04.00-22-140/12; Jagiellonian Center for Innovation, Krakow, Poland; SATUS VC, Warsaw, Poland and BioVentures Institute Ltd, Poznan, Poland

    Evaluation of DNA variants associated with androgenetic alopecia and their potential to predict male pattern baldness

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    Androgenetic alopecia, known in men as male pattern baldness (MPB), is a very conspicuous condition that is particularly frequent among European men and thus contributes markedly to variation in physical appearance traits amongst Europeans. Recent studies have revealed multiple genes and polymorphisms to be associated with susceptibility to MPB. In this study, 50 candidate SNPs for androgenetic alopecia were analyzed in order to verify their potential to predict MPB. Significant associations were confirmed for 29 SNPs from chromosomes X, 1, 5, 7, 18 and 20. A simple 5-SNP prediction model and an extended 20-SNP model were developed based on a discovery panel of 305 males from various European populations fitting one of two distinct phenotype categories. The first category consisted of men below 50 years of age with significant baldness and the second; men aged 50 years or older lacking baldness. The simple model comprised the five best predictors: rs5919324 near AR, rs1998076 in the 20p11 region, rs929626 in EBF1, rs12565727 in TARDBP and rs756853 in HDAC9. The extended prediction model added 15 SNPs from five genomic regions that improved overall prevalence-adjusted predictive accuracy measured by area under the receiver characteristic operating curve (AUC). Both models were evaluated for predictive accuracy using a test set of 300 males reflecting the general European population. Applying a 65% probability threshold, high prediction sensitivity of 87.1% but low specificity of 42.4% was obtained in men aged <50 years. In men aged ≥50, prediction sensitivity was slightly lower at 67.7% while specificity reached 90%. Overall, the AUC=0.761 calculated for men at or above 50 years of age indicates these SNPs offer considerable potential for the application of genetic tests to predict MPB patterns, adding a highly informative predictive system to the emerging field of forensic analysis of externally visible characteristics

    Argumentacja w edukacji: postulaty badań edukacyjnych w polskiej szkole argumentacji

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    Uwzględniając dotychczasową działalność Polskiej Szkoły Argumentacji, w szczególności jej działalność edukacyjną wyeksponowaną podczas XV konferencji ArgDiaP, sformułowaliśmy postulaty dotyczące dalszej działalności edukacyjnej Szkoły. Ich realizacja w ciągu najbliższych lat mogłaby stanowić grunt dla długoterminowych celów edukacyjnych, takich jak (1) opracowanie spójnego programu nauczania sztuki argumentowania i krytycznego myślenia w szkołach podstawowych i średnich oraz (2) zaprojektowanie ogólnopolskich standardów i ram nauczania przedmiotów powiązanych z argumentacją i krytycznym myśleniem na poziomie studiów uniwersyteckich

    Microbiological Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sewage Sludge Sanitization with Solar Drying Technology

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    The aim of study was to estimate the sanitization effectiveness of the sludge solar drying process carried out on technical scale in Poland based on the inactivation of bacteria and parasite eggs. Sewage sludge samples inoculated with Escherichia coli, Salmonella Senftenberg W775 and enterococci and perlon bags containing Ascaris suum eggs were placed inside the carriers fixed in the dried sludge pile and on the shovels and frame of the sludge turner. The number of reisolated microorganisms was determined with MPN method and the percentage of invasive A. suum eggs—with the microscope counting. On the basis of regression equations, the theoretical survivability and elimination rate of bacteria and parasite eggs were calculated. Experiment showed low hygienization efficiency of solar drying method. The theoretical survival time was 46–104 days in summer and 90–98 days in winter for S. Senftenberg W775 and, respectively 42–55 and 71–148 days for E. coli, depending on the carriers location. Enterococci were able to survive for 52–168 days in summer and in winter its number increased. The decrease in the percentage of invasive A. suum eggs was almost not observed. Results indicated that solar drying is a technology, which does not guarantee biosafety of product