88 research outputs found

    Родовата памет в българската култура – традиция и съвременност

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    The topic chosen for the article concerns the aspect of ancestral memory and its function in traditional and modern Bulgarian culture. The aim of the article is to define the role of ancestral memory in the life of contemporary Bulgarian society. The author tries to answer this question by analysing the source material such as ethnographic research focused on the traditional model of family and ancestral memory. To achieve a larger overview of the topic, some well-known literature texts have been taken into account, such as ‘The Gerak Family’ (1911) by Elin Pelin, which shows the process of modernization of the Bulgarian society and the disappearance of the patriarchal family model, and ‘The Iron Oil Lamp’ by Dimitar Talev (1952). These texts form the basis of the research on the modern approach to ancestral memory. To find out what proportion of contemporary Bulgarian society has ancestral memory, the author has been looking at Internet forums and TV programmes. Due to the fact that ancestral memory is a broad concept, the starting point for all sources was traditional family, which is treated as a fortress with exceptionally deep and strong roots. It is a place where people care about and protect moral and spiritual values as well as transmit them to the future generation. The information about the creation of a village or even the history of Bulgaria are often included in these stories. The analysis of the sources shows that ancestral memory is very important for modern Bulgarian citizens and the history and tradition connects them regardless of where they live. The preservation of the memory of ancestors is a kind of spiritual nourishment and this knowledge can be a starting point for the search of identity and self-discovery.Celem artykułu jest określenie roli pamięci rodowej we współczesnym społeczeństwie bułgarskim w kontekście jego kultury. Podstawę źródłową stanowią przede wszystkim badania etnograficzne oraz literatura piękna (Gerakowie Elina Pelina jako tekst „graniczny” dla przemian w modelu rodziny bułgarskiej). Dla uzyskania pełnego obrazu pamięci rodowej zostały również wzięte pod uwagę wypowiedzi Bułgarów o zachowaniu pamięci rodowej, pochodzące z forum internetowego. Za punkt wyjścia przyjęto opowieści związane z powstaniem rodów. Rodzina w kulturze bułgarskiej jest uznawana za twierdzę o wyjątkowo głębokich i silnych podstawach. Zadaniem rodziny jest pielęgnowanie tradycji i systemu wartości oraz przekazywanie ich kolejnym pokoleniom. Z tego względu zachowane przekazy rodowe stanowią najbogatsze źródło wiedzy na temat przodków. W przekazach odnajdujemy także informacje o powstawaniu osad i inne opowieści z historii Bułgarii. Duża liczba informacji znajdujących się w przekazach zdaje się potwierdzać zarówno wieloaspektowość zagadnienia pamięci rodowej, jak i jej ważną funkcję we współczesnej kulturze Bułgarii (o czym świadczą wypowiedzi użytkowników forów internetowych). Pamięć o przodkach jest zatem istotnym źródłem wiedzy w poszukiwaniu źródeł tożsamości współczesnych Bułgarów.Статията е посветена на родовата памет в българската култура и нейната роля и при- съствие в съзнанието на съвременните българи. Текстът разглежда днешното функ- циониране на родовата памет не като определено количество информция, придобита от разкази и изследване на миналото, а като налична и непрекъснато обновяваща се духовна ценност, като тезите се обосновават от изказвания и нагласи, почерпани от български интернет форуми, и от други инициативи в глобалната мрежа. Целта на статията е да се установи каква роля играе днес родовата памет за българите и дали съвременното общество я възприема като важна част на модерната колективна иден- тичност. Представените разностранни присъствия на родовата памет сред днешните българи позволява да се направи заключението, че въпреки пълното отмиране на патриархалния модел и съвременните предизвикателства към семейната институция, родовата памет продължава да бъде възприемана като ключов компонент от идентич- ността на модерния българин. Тя функционира не само като набор от исторически сведения, но и като морален коректив и ангажимент пред съвременните поколения

    Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Cascades in Plant Hormone Signaling

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    Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) modules play key roles in the transduction of environmental and developmental signals through phosphorylation of downstream signaling targets, including other kinases, enzymes, cytoskeletal proteins or transcription factors, in all eukaryotic cells. A typical MAPK cascade consists of at least three sequentially acting serine/threonine kinases, a MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK), a MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK) and finally, the MAP kinase (MAPK) itself, with each phosphorylating, and hence activating, the next kinase in the cascade. Recent advances in our understanding of hormone signaling pathways have led to the discovery of new regulatory systems. In particular, this research has revealed the emerging role of crosstalk between the protein components of various signaling pathways and the involvement of this crosstalk in multiple cellular processes. Here we provide an overview of current models and mechanisms of hormone signaling with a special emphasis on the role of MAPKs in cell signaling networks.One-sentence summary: In this review we highlight the mechanisms of crosstalk between MAPK cascades and plant hormone signaling pathways and summarize recent findings on MAPK regulation and function in various cellular processes

    The polymorphisms of the MMP-1 and the MMP-3 genes and the risk of pelvic organ prolapse

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: To investigate the associations between single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) type 1G/2G at position −1607/−1608 of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 gene and SNP type 5A/6A at position −1612/-1617 of the MMP-3 gene and the development of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in women. METHODS: 133 patients with symptomatic POP were included in the study group. The control group consisted of 132 women with a normal pelvic floor. 1G/2G MMP-1 and 5A/6A MMP-3 SNPs were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragments length polymorphism analysis. RESULTS: When estimated individually none of the investigated SNPs were associated with POP. The combined MMP-1/MMP-3 SNP analysis showed that the following polymorphic pairs were overrepresented in women with POP: 1G/2G −5A/6A, 2G/2G −5A/6A, 2G/2G −5A/5A, 1G/1G −6A/6A, p = 0.005. CONCLUSIONS: The combined effect of −1607/−1608 MMP-1 and −1612/−1617 MMP-3 SNPs may contribute to the development of POP in some women

    Lichen planus: A Systematic Review

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    Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic skin, mucous membrane, and nail disease. Lichen planus is a rare skin condition occurring in less than 1% of the general population, affecting both children and adults. Oral lichen planus (OLP) involvement is much more common. It is an autoimmune disease  caused by T lymphocytes, with epigenetic factors playing a significant role in the development of autoimmune skin diseases. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a group of non-coding RNAs, play a substantial role in regulating the immune response.1 The etiology of lichen planus in not fully understood. It can be triggered by antihypertensive drugs, beta-blockers, infections, viral hepatitis, psychological stress, and others. Cases of lichen planus appearing after recovering from COVID-19 have been reported, as well as a significant increase in cases after COVID-19 vaccination.2–5 Diagnosis is based on clinical presenstation and characteristic histopathological findings. The disease is often self-limiting, accompanied by persistent itching and painful erosions of the mucous membrane, affecting the patient’s quality of life and mental well-being. First-line treatments inculde topical corticosteroids and/or oral corticosteroids. There are reports of new potential treatments, such as biologic drugs (anti-IL12/13, anti-IL17) and Janus kinase inhibitors. Consequently, a dramatic change in lichen planus treatment can be expected in the near future. The majority of patients suffering from lichen planus develop metabolic syndrome which is the cause of other diseases. This article provides a comprehensive overview of current knowledge about lichen planus and its variants

    Does sauna bathing prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or Alzheimer's disease? May adults with cardiovascular disease use a sauna? A systematic review

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    Recently, there has been a surge of interest in sauna bathing and its role in health aspects. However, there are few studies focusing on the association between regular sauntering and the risk of dementia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Considerably better understood are the effects on the cardiovascular system. This study delves into contemporary scientific research on Finnish saunas, exploring their potential correlation with Alzheimer's disease prevention, their impact on vascular health in adults with cardiovascular disorders, and their association with reducing the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Scientific studies published in PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar databases were analyzed, including terms related to Finnish sauna, dementia, COPD and cardiovascular disease. The methodological quality and results of each study were evaluated. Sauna bathing in addition to being a relaxing lifestyle habit, remains a potential additional strategy which can be used in improving cardiovascular function in adults with well-controlled cardiovascular disorders. A limited amount of research has been identified on the correlation between sauna bathing and reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and COPD. The accumulating evidence suggests that frequent sauna bathing may reduce the risk or severity of several vascular and nonvascular conditions including COPD and also moderate to high frequency of sauna bathing was associated with lowered risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Further research is required, especially large-scale cohort studies with repeated measurement on sauna to establish the potential mechanisms linking sauna bathing and either memory diseases or COPD and better understand the relationship between sauntering and cardiovascular health. Upcoming studies may become very promising for the development of sauna bathing as a new non-pharmacological treatment or prevention of various diseases and improvement in the quality of life

    Wartość odżywcza i prozdrowotna wybranych warzyw z rodzaju kapusta (Brassica L.)

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    The paper characterises selected vegetable species of the Brassica genus: white headed cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata f. alba), savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. sabauda L.), napa cabbage ((Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis), broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica), kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. sabellica L.), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis), kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L.), Brussels sprout (Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera). It describes their medicinal properties and economic importance, as well as presents their value as a resource for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Brassicas arecharacterised by high vitamin and mineral content and have various medicinal properties. They also have a high nutritional value, high antioxidative activity and health benefits. From the point of view of nutrition, brassicas are perceived as valuable in cancer prevention. It is noteworthy that kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L.) is characterised by significant nutritional and health benefits, yet it is not popular in Poland.Scharakteryzowano wybrane gatunki warzyw należące do rodzaju Brassica: kapusta głowiasta biała (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata f. alba), kapusta włoska (Brassica oleracea L. var. sabauda L.), kapusta pekińska (Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis), brokuł(Brassica oleracea L. var. italica), jarmuż (Brassica oleracea L. var. sabellica L.), kalafior (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.), kalarepa (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.), kapusta brukselska (Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera). Opisano prozdrowotne właściwościlecznicze, znaczenie gospodarcze, a także przedstawiono znaczenie ich jako surowca dla przemysłu spożywczego i farmaceutycznego. Warzywa kapustne charakteryzują się wysoką zawartością witamin i minerałów, zawierają wiele cennych właściwości leczniczych. Posiadają wysoką wartość odżywczą, dużą aktywność przeciwutleniajacą, a także wykazują działanie prozdrowotne. Z żywieniowego punktu widzenia warzywa należące do rodziny kapustowatych są postrzegane jako produkty o dużym znaczeniu w profilaktyce nowotworowej. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje jarmuż (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala), który charakteryzuje się wysokimi walorami odżywczymi i prozdrowotnymi, a jednocześnie jest warzywem mało popularnym w Polsce

    Clinical Characteristics, Treatment, and Short-Term Outcome in Patients with Heart Failure and Cancer.

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    (1) Our study aimed to look at the clinical characteristics, treatment and short-term outcomes of patients hospitalized due to heart failure with coexisting cancer. (2) Methods: Seventy one cancer (Ca) patients and a randomly selected 70 patients without Ca, hospitalized due to heart failure exacerbation in the same time period constituted the study group (Ca patient group) and controls (non-Ca group), respectively. Data on clinical characteristics were collected retrospectively for both groups. (3) Results: Cancer patients presented with a less advanced NYHA class, had more frequent HFpEF, a higher peak troponin T level, and smaller left atrium size, as compared with controls. The in-hospital deaths of Ca patients were associated with: a higher New York Heart Association (NYHA) class, lower HgB level, worse renal function, higher K and AST levels, presence of diabetes mellitus, and HFpEF. By multivariate logistic regression analysis, impaired renal function was the only independent predictor of in-hospital death in Ca patients (OR-1.15; CI 1.05; 1.27); p = 0.017). The following covariates entered the regression: NYHA class, HgB, GFR, K+, AST, diabetes mellitus t.2, and HFpEF. (4) Conclusions: The clinical picture and the course of heart failure in patients with and without cancer are different

    Does sauna bathing prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or Alzheimer's disease? May adults with cardiovascular disease use a sauna? A systematic review

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    Recently, there has been a surge of interest in sauna bathing and its role in health aspects. However, there are few studies focusing on the association between regular sauntering and the risk of dementia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Considerably better understood are the effects on the cardiovascular system. This study delves into contemporary scientific research on Finnish saunas, exploring their potential correlation with Alzheimer's disease prevention, their impact on vascular health in adults with cardiovascular disorders, and their association with reducing the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Scientific studies published in PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar databases were analyzed, including terms related to Finnish sauna, dementia, COPD and cardiovascular disease. The methodological quality and results of each study were evaluated. Sauna bathing in addition to being a relaxing lifestyle habit, remains a potential additional strategy which can be used in improving cardiovascular function in adults with well-controlled cardiovascular disorders. A limited amount of research has been identified on the correlation between sauna bathing and reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and COPD. The accumulating evidence suggests that frequent sauna bathing may reduce the risk or severity of several vascular and nonvascular conditions including COPD and also moderate to high frequency of sauna bathing was associated with lowered risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Further research is required, especially large-scale cohort studies with repeated measurement on sauna to establish the potential mechanisms linking sauna bathing and either memory diseases or COPD and better understand the relationship between sauntering and cardiovascular health. Upcoming studies may become very promising for the development of sauna bathing as a new non-pharmacological treatment or prevention of various diseases and improvement in the quality of life

    Evaluation of the oral cavity state and Candida occurence in generally healthy Polish and foreign dental students

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    Aim of the study. This study aimed at comparing the oral cavity condition and Candida prevalence in generally healthy Polish and foreign dentistry students and evaluating the relationship between Candida occurrence and the oral cavity condition. Material and methods. 79 dentistry students with no systemic diseases, aged 20–25 (mean 23.5), were examined in the present study. Two groups of examined subjects were specified: 43 Polish students (group I) and 36 foreign students (group II). Group II has been divided into subgroups: IIa – students from Taiwan and IIb – students from Europe and USA. Occurence of oral mucosa lesions, periodontal treatment needs (CPITN), caries prevalence (DMFT) and oral hygiene (OHIs) were investigated. Evaluation of Candida occurrence on the oral mucosa was included in the study. Results. Comparison of the oral cavity condition in Polish and foreign students showed no significant difference, with the exception of the number of teeth with active caries, that was significantly higher in foreign students (D 1,2) than in Polish students (D 0.4). Mean indices rates in the group I were: CPITN 0.9; PUWz 8.7; OHI-s 0.4 in the group II 1.0; 7.0; 0,5, respectively. The most commonly observed oral mucosa lesions, in both groups, were white coated tongue and buccal white line. Candida was found in 38,0% of the subjects, its prevalence was similar in both groups (I – 34.9%, II – 41.7%). No correlation between Candida occurence and oral cavity state was detected. Higher frequency of active caries in Candida carriers was the exception

    The application of ranibizumab in therapy of diabetic macular edema – own observations

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    Cukrzyca stanowi poważny problem zdrowotny. Na schorzenie to choruje ok. 226 milionów ludzi na świecie. Na każdym etapie rozwoju retinopatii może się rozwinąć cukrzycowy obrzęk plamki (DME, diabetes macular edema), który stanowi główną przyczynę utraty widzenia. Patofizjologia DME jest wieloczynnikowa i złożona; wiąże się m.in. z niedotlenieniem siatkówki i zwiększoną ekspresją czynnika VEGF. Od wielu lat rutynowe leczenie stanowiła laserowa fotokoagulacja siatkówki. W wielu przypadkach jest to leczenie niewystarczające. W 2011 r. do leczenia DME zarejestrowano ranibizumab. Skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo stosowania ranibizumabu – zarówno w monoterapii, jak i w połączeniu z innymi metodami leczenia – potwierdzono w licznych badaniach klinicznych. Nieleczony przewlekły obrzęk cukrzycowy plamki prowadzi do nieodwracalnego pogorszenia widzenia.Diabetes is a serious health problem which affects c. 226 million people all over the world. Diabetic macular edema (DME) is the main cause of vision loss and may develop at any stage of progressing retinopathy. The complex nature of pathophysiology of DME is connected, among other factors, with retinal hypoxia and the increased activity of the VEGF factor. The laser photocoagulation has been the routine treatment of the retina for many years however in numerous cases it is insufficient. In 2011 the use of ranibizumab was registered in Poland. The effectiveness and safety of the application of ranibizumab have been proved in numerous clinical tests both in monotherapy and combined with other methods of treatment. Untreated chronic diabetes macular edema results in irreversible deterioration of vision