70 research outputs found

    Research of information needs and behaviour of geoinformation users

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    The paper discusses information needs and behaviour of geoinformation users. Information behaviour is defined as an action of a user of geoinformation in a given communication situation, whose goal is to satisfy his communication or information need by participation in communication. Analysis of hitherto state of research is carried out concerning the extent of information needs and behaviour of geoinformation users, pursuant to realized and elaborated surveys. As resulted from initial research, the aim of hitherto studies was rather an attempt to assess quality of geoinformation centre,s action or presentation of users, requirements as regards geoportals, but not their actual needs. The essence of the paper is the specificity of information behaviour of users and analysis of their needs based on results of a survey. The survey was realized from January till May 2009. The printed and electronics version of the questionaire was addressed to centres of geodesy and cartography documentation in Poland and other centres which are dealing with geoinormation (and conducted among workers and users of these centres) as well as students of selected universities educating in to the area of geoinformation). The questions concerned among other: sources of needs in the area of geoinformation; frequency and the scope of geoinformation used; schooling offers; access to the geoinformation journals; forms, kinds and aims for using geoinformation sources; extent of satisfaction with the geoinformation obtained; difficulties in seeking and barriers in access to the geoinformation. Two hundred and ninety respondents answered the survey (144 students and 146 workers of administration, national forests and research institutes). For instance, 86% of respondents prefer Internet sources than traditional (printed). Although 71% respondents were satisfied with accessible geoinformation sources, they pointed out to many difficulties in seeking and barriers in access to geoinformation. The main source of needs in the area of geoinformation is educational need, then individual needs (e.g. tourists) and professional needs. There are no essential divergences in valuation of geoinformation importance between students and workers

    Dziedzina geoinformacji w systematyce nauk

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    In connection with the dynamic development of methods and technology concerning geoinformation, an urgent need arises to separate and determine a branch of knowledge focusing around this important type of information. In Poland, next to the concepts geomatics and geoinformatics, a name geoinformation science and technology is also suggested, defined as a scientific-technological discipline dealing with assembling, analyzing, interpreting, popularizing and practical application of geoinformation. In connection with the evolution of a new discipline, a kind of terminological disorder prevails. This article attempts to order the terminology concerning the field of geoinformation, by defining the terms. Moreover, it also tries to determine the position of geoinformation science in the systematics of sciences

    Geoinformation in subject catalogues

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    Every discipline of life, science, technique and education nowadays quickly fills with new information. This is partly caused by broad proliferation of information technology. IT development also results in development of many new fields of science. Geomatics - knowledge and technology field concerning problems of acquiring, assembling, storing, analysis, interpretation, sending and usage of spatial information, that is information referred to the Earth — could be one of the examples. Geomatics is therefore one of the exact sciences, like mathematics, natural science and technique. Terms like geoinformatics, geoinformation and GIS are also connected with geomatics. These terms repeatedly appear in printed and electronic documents and they are subjects of these documents. The aim of this article is to analyse the their occurrence in subject catalogues

    The therapeutic potential of truffle fungi: a patent survey

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    The purpose of this article is to research and retrieve patent information regarding the therapeutic use of truffles. Truffles have a unique value as a foodstuff and impact positively on human health and well-being. They are applied in such industries as the pharmaceutical industry and the cosmetic industry. Patent documentation available in the Espacenet network and the Patentscope service were analyzed by key word and patent specifications were examined to describe state of the art and to identify scientific research trends in therapeutic applications of truffles. Medicinal properties of truffles such as the anticancer or cardiovascular effect, a reduction in blood lipids, immunological resistance and increased energy were identified. Other therapeutic benefits include sedative action, prevention of hormonal imbalances in women, pre-menopause symptom relief, senile urethritis and prostate disorders, sleep disorders and increased absorption of calcium from milk. Truffles can also be used to alleviate symptoms of milk intolerance such as diarrhoea or bloating, to ease rheumatic pains and to treat and prevent further development or recurrence of senile cataract

    Testy poznawcze stosowane w badaniu efektów treningu fizycznego u osób starszych

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    Introduction. Cognitive tests are a valuable, sensitive and useful tool for examining the effectiveness of physical training.Purpose. To show which studies are sensitive in examining cognitive changes induced by physical training. We explored meta-analysis with healthy participants and patients with MCI.Materials and methods. Analysis of meta-analysis in the EBSCO database using keywords: meta-analysis, cognitive tests, physical training, elderly.Results. 4 meta-analysis have 10 researches in common; however, diverse of inclusion and exclusion criteria led to inability in obtaining reliable results.Discussion and conclusion. Some cognitive tests seems to be more sensitive in examining results of physical training. Diversity of research methodology induces much difficulties in comparing of studies.Wstęp. Testy poznawcze są wrażliwym i użytecznym narzędziem w badaniu skuteczności treningu fizycznego.Cel. Sprawdzenie, które testy są wrażliwe na badania zmian poznawczych wywołanych przez trening fizyczny. Przeanalizowaliśmy metaanalizy ze zdrowymi uczestnikami i pacjentami z MCI.Materiał i metody. Analiza metaanaliz w bazie danych EBSCO za pomocą słów kluczowych: metaanaliza, testy poznawcze, ćwiczenia fizyczne, osoby starsze.Wyniki. 4 metaanalizy posiadają 10 wspólnych badań, jednakże zróżnicowanie kryteriów włączenia i wyłą-czenia doprowadziły do niemożności w uzyskaniu wiary-godnych wyników.Dyskusja i wnioski. Niektóre testy poznawcze wydają się być bardziej czułe w badaniu wyników treningu fizycznego. Różnorodność metodologii wywołuje wiele trudności w porównywaniu bada

    Reprezentacja nauki o geoinformacji w wybranych językach informacyjno-wyszukiwawczych

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    Geoinformation science deals with problems related to acquisition, collection, storage, analysis, interpretation, processing, dissemination, transmission, practical application, and use of geoinformation, i.e. the information obtained by means of interpreting spatial data on spatial objects connected with the Earth’s surface. The aim of the dissertation is to propose an update on vocabulary representing the science of geoinformation in selected information retrieval languages applying an original authorial method for updating dictionaries. This method, embedded in the theoretical framework of the science of geoinformation, has been developed to update vocabulary used in different disciplines and areas of expertise because the dynamic development of science, which has been observed for many years now, contributes to coining many new terms which – after being accepted by the user community who employ them – begin to appear in scientific and professional publications. To improve the quality of descriptions in the aforementioned publications in catalogues and bibliographic databases, it is necessary to introduce an effective method for updating the vocabulary used in information retrieval languages and applied to indexing. An analysis of dictionaries of selected information retrieval languages has been carried out to determine whether the existing representation of the area of knowledge in question (the science of geoinformation) is sufficient in relation to the body of knowledge. The research covered selected languages of three types: languages of subject headings – KABA, the language of subject headings; languages of descriptor headings – the GEMET thesaurus; and languages of keywords – the language of SYNABA system. In the dissertation, the proposal of updating dictionaries of information retrieval language in the field of geoinformation has been implemented in three stages: an analysis of the terminology found in the subject literature from the area of knowledge in question in terms of the following: the names of data categories, names of information categories, names of information system categories, and names of the field of knowledge; an analysis of a document presenting both the scope of knowledge within the studied area of knowledge and periodicals published within the area of knowledge, according to the method for updating dictionaries proposed by the author, which constitutes the authorial original method of collecting vocabulary in order to update dictionaries of information retrieval languages; an analysis of interdisciplinary connections in the area of knowledge. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter presents problems referring to terminology and concepts found in the science of geoinformation. The analysis of geoinformation terminology has been carried out taking into account the terms relating to names of the following categories: data, information, information systems, and the names of the field of knowledge. In each of the aforesaid ranges of category names, there occur a multiplicity and ambiguity of terms used in names; therefore, definitions have been created and interdependence between terms has been pointed out. Further, the concept of space has been introduced, the characteristics of geoinformation as a specific category of information have been discussed, the sources of geoinformation, geoinformation systems and geoinformation infrastructure have been characterised, and the thematic structure of geoinformation science has been presented. The prepared characteristics facilitates the understanding of concepts and is useful in the analysis of problems relating to geoinformation science, assessment of its representation in information retrieval languages, and collection of vocabulary in order to update dictionaries of information retrieval languages. The second chapter presents the results of an analysis carried out in order to illustrate the current state of representation of geoinformation science in the selected information retrieval languages. In order to assess the state of representation, a comparison has been made of terms appearing in the existing representation with the expressions from Zasobu wiedzy w zakresie nauki o geoinformacji (The Body of Knowledge in the Field of Geoinformation Science), as well as with the terms related to such category names as: data, information, information systems, and the names of the area of knowledge. Moreover, the characteristics of the information retrieval languages selected for the study has been carried out and the information retrieval language has been presented as a tool for the organization of information and knowledge. The third chapter presents the results of vocabulary collection process carried out for the purpose of updating dictionaries of information retrieval languages. The authorial original method of gathering vocabulary, proposed in the dissertation, has been described and its assessment has been made by comparison with other methods of compiling vocabulary. The chapter also sets out rules for selecting Polish and foreign periodicals (from the field of geoinformation) for research. One of the stages in the proposed method, i.e. the bibliometric analysis of the vocabulary, has allowed to present proposals for vocabulary update in the dictionaries of information retrieval language in the field of geoinformation science. Additionally, the bibliometric analysis of interdisciplinary connections in the field of geoinformation science has been carried out. The fourth chapter describes the issue of updating dictionaries of information retrieval languages and proposes an update on the representation of geoinformation science in the selected information retrieval language. Identified based on the analysis of terminology in the scope of names of data categories, information categories, categories of information systems and field of knowledge, the analysis of the document presenting both the scope of knowledge within the studied area of knowledge and published periodicals, and the analysis of interdisciplinary connections, the proposed vocabulary has been compared with the existing state of representation, thus allowing to obtain the final proposal of lexical units for inclusion into the dictionaries of selected information retrieval languages. As an illustration of the proposed method of updating the vocabulary, a list of vocabulary and dictionary articles has been proposed for the selected information retrieval languages and a proposal for a dictionary of language controlled keywords has been designed

    Cognitive tests used in examining effects of physical training in elderly people

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    Introduction. Cognitive tests are a valuable, sensitive and useful tool for examining the effectiveness of physical training. Purpose. To show which studies are sensitive in examining cognitive changes induced by physical training. We explored meta-analysis with healthy participants and patients with MCI. Materials and methods. Analysis of meta-analysis in the EBSCO database using keywords: meta-analysis, cognitive tests, physical training, elderly. Results. 4 meta-analysis have 10 researches in common; however, diverse of inclusion and exclusion criteria led to inability in obtaining reliable results. Discussion and conclusion. Some cognitive tests seems to be more sensitive in examining results of physical training. Diversity of research methodology induces much difficulties in comparing of studies.Wstęp. Testy poznawcze są wrażliwym i użytecznym narzędziem w badaniu skuteczności treningu fizycznego. Cel. Sprawdzenie, które testy są wrażliwe na badania zmian poznawczych wywołanych przez trening fizyczny. Przeanalizowaliśmy metaanalizy ze zdrowymi uczestnikami i pacjentami z MCI. Materiał i metody. Analiza metaanaliz w bazie danych EBSCO za pomocą słów kluczowych: metaanaliza, testy poznawcze, ćwiczenia fizyczne, osoby starsze. Wyniki. 4 metaanalizy posiadają 10 wspólnych badań, jednakże zróżnicowanie kryteriów włączenia i wyłą-czenia doprowadziły do niemożności w uzyskaniu wiary-godnych wyników. Dyskusja i wnioski. Niektóre testy poznawcze wydają się być bardziej czułe w badaniu wyników treningu fizycznego. Różnorodność metodologii wywołuje wiele trudności w porównywaniu bada

    Low fasting glucose is associated with enhanced thrombin generation and unfavorable fibrin clot properties in type 2 diabetic patients with high cardiovascular risk

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    Objective To investigate the effect of low blood glucose on thrombin generation and fibrin clot properties in type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Methods In 165 patients with T2DM and high cardiovascular risk, we measured ex vivo plasma fibrin clot permeation [Ks], turbidity and efficiency of fibrinolysis including clot lysis time [t50%], together with thrombin generation and platelet activation markers in relation to fasting blood glucose. Results As compared to patients in medium (4.5-6.0 mmol/l, n = 52) and higher (>6.0 mmol/l, n = 75) glucose group, subjects with low glycemia (<4.5 mmol/l, n = 38) had lower Ks by 11% (p < 0.001) and 8% (p = 0.01), respectively, prolonged t50% by 10% (p < 0.001) and 7% (p = 0.016), respectively, and higher peak thrombin generation by 21% and 16%, respectively (p < 0.001 for both). There were no significant differences in Ks and t50% between patients in medium and higher glucose group. In the whole group, a J-shape relationship was observed between glycemia and the following factors: peak thrombin generation, Ks and t50%. Only in patients with HbA1c < 6.0% (42 mmol/mol) (n = 26) fasting glucose positively correlated with Ks (r = 0.53, P = 0.006) and inversely with t50% (r = −0.46, P = 0.02). By multiple regression analysis, after adjustment for age, fibrinogen, HbA1c, insulin treatment and T2DM duration, fasting glycemia was the independent predictor of Ks (F = 6.6, df = 2, P = 0.002), t50% (F = 8.0, df = 2, P < 0.001) and peak thrombin generation (F = 13.5, df = 2, P < 0.0001). Conclusions In T2DM patients fasting glycemia <4.5 mmol/l is associated with enhanced thrombin formation and formation of denser fibrin clots displaying lower lysability, especially when strict glycemia control was achieved (HbA1c<6.0%)

    Postignuća u znanosti o moru tijekom hrvatsko-poljske GIS suradnje (1994-2013)

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    The paper presents a range of research carried out for the marine sciences using the GIS applications, which are documented scientific achievements of twenty years of Croatian-Polish cooperation in the field of geographic information systems. The resultant body of work includes, inter alia, scientific publications that are the effect of twenty international conferences organized in the framework of said cooperation efforts. The study included articles published in 1994 to 2013. An analysis of selected articles was done in accordance with the accepted range of topics in order to categorize and define the research extent. Among the distinguished six subject categories most of the articles were concerned with: marine policy strategy, marine engineering, marine biology, marine physics and some of them in marine fisheries and marine chemistry.Rad daje pregled obavljenih istraživanja u području znanosti o moru upotrebom GIS alata, nastalih tijekom 20-godišnje Hrvatsko-Poljske suradnje u području primjene zemljopisnih informacijskih sustava. Rezultirajući opus uključuje, između ostalog, znanstvene radove koji su izloženi na dvadeset međunarodnih skupova organiziranih u okviru gore spomenute suradnje. Ovdje je datpregled radova objavljenih u razdoblju od 1994. do 2013. godine. Odabrani radovi su klasificirani po prihvaćenim tematskim područjima, u sklopu kojih su kategorizirani i analizirani po temama. Većina se radova u sklopu šest prihvaćenih tematskih područja bavila: strategijom zaštite mora, pomorstvom, biologijom, fizikom i kemijom mora te ribarstvenom problematikom

    The therapeutic potential of truffle fungi: a patent survey

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    The purpose of this article is to research and retrieve patent information regarding the therapeutic use of truffles. Truffles have a unique value as a foodstuff and impact positively on human health and well-being. They are applied in such industries as the pharmaceutical industry and the cosmetic industry. Patent documentation available in the Espacenet network and the Patentscope service were analyzed by key word and patent specifications were examined to describe state of the art and to identify scientific research trends in therapeutic applications of truffles. Medicinal properties of truffles such as the anticancer or cardiovascular effect, a reduction in blood lipids, immunological resistance and increased energy were identified. Other therapeutic benefits include sedative action, prevention of hormonal imbalances in women, pre-menopause symptom relief, senile urethritis and prostate disorders, sleep disorders and increased absorption of calcium from milk. Truffles can also be used to alleviate symptoms of milk intolerance such as diarrhoea or bloating, to ease rheumatic pains and to treat and prevent further development or recurrence of senile cataract