63 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Data Governance and Data-Drive Culture

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    As organizations increase their use of data, among scholars there is growing interest in data governance and data-driven culture, and studies suggest investigating the relationship between these two phenomena would provide a better understanding of data behavior in organizations. Thus, this exploratory research investigates the relationship between data governance and data-driven culture using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results show the relationship between data governance and data-driven culture is strong, and that it is mediated by data quality. Additionally, based on the Resource-Based View of the firm, our results indicate data governance and data- driven culture should be addressed jointly when evaluating their contribution as an organizational resource

    The Influence of Information Stimulus Event on Human Information Behavior

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    People use information systems to seek information. Transformative technologies have increased the number of information sources and amount of time people consume interacting with them. However, life is overloaded with unpredictable and uncontrolled information sources, generating anxiety, stress, and uncertainty. While the Management Information Systems field is concerned with understanding how to increase adoption of information systems that represent formal information sources, transformative technologies are selected by users and used to perform work tasks. Given this scenario, we present a new approach to investigate user behavior in this information context. The objective of this research in progress is to investigate information stimulus event, which influences human information behavior in the context of the large number of information sources. We hope to provide a new model to assist the academic community, practitioners, and society to understand this phenomenon, as well as to improve IS design and help individuals to advance their experience and interaction with IS

    Information Governance Framework: The Defense Manufacturing Case Study

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    While many companies are facing problems with the information explosion, others are ensuring the appropriate value, quality and compliance of their information environment. Information governance is a set of standards, guidelines and accountability controls designed to ensure value, quality and compliance of information. Thus, the aim of this paper is to analyze how value, quality and compliance of information are defined in its information environment. A qualitative research is made, by a case study in a defense manufacturing company. The information governance foundations are explained, through theories from economics of information. Also, a framework was proposed plus three research propositions. In addition, this case study investigates a unified governance framework, which incorporates corporate governance, information technology governance and information governance. Therefore, two propositions were supported and one was partly supported. The main contribution of this paper is to identify and analyze dimensions and elements of information governance

    IT investment management based on Information Technology Portfolio Management (ITPM): a study in Brazilian companies

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    The objective of this research is to analyze some Brazilian companies\u27 use of ITPM technique as an aid to their IT investments management. It was carried out in five case studies in different Brazilian companies from several economic sectors which were using the technique or were in the initial implementation phase. Eight interviews were conducted. The persons interviewed were high-level executives working in the IT department in the studied companies. Different levels of ITPM use was found regarding IT investment management (planning, control and evaluation). It was observed, in the analyzed cases, that ITPM is used most frequently in IT investment planning, which is the process most discussed and used in analyzed companies. The ITPM technique is used more frequently in Company 2 than in the other cases because the organization of the IT area in the company is structured according to ITPM dimensions. The technique has received little attention in IT research and ITPM research is still very limited in the information systems literature, a possible reflection of its academic importance. To highlight its practical use, ITPM has been considered a useful and accessible tool which aid IT executives in better managing and justifying investments in technology


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    More and more industrial and services organizations have invested time, money and their own future in Information Technology (IT). Banks, in particular, have spent billions of dollars in IT, having their products and services basically supported by it. Identifying the IT investments and its impact is a very important point for the bank executives. This study evaluates the strategic effects of IT in Brazilian, American, Argentinean, Uruguayan and Chilean banks as perceived by their executives. The sample included 334 executives and the proposed framework evaluated ten different variables. In order to externally validate the questionnaire, results were analyzed considering, as isolated samples, (a) Brazil, (b) the United States, (c) Argentina, Uruguay and Chile, and, then, (d) as one group merging all data. The results highlight that (1) Competition, Products and Services, and Borrowers (Customers) are the main strategic variables affected by IT; in order to detect similar and distinct perceptions among the different countries’ managers, we observed (3) Argentinean and Uruguayan, American and Uruguayan, and Brazilian and Argentinean executives have a very similar perception of IT impacts on banks; on the other hand, Brazilian and American executives present distinct perception


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    Journals are the most important vehicles for sharing research results. Some countries (such as Brazil, Chile and Portugal) are underrepresented in terms of originating papers published in top Information Systems journals. This theoretical paper aims to provide a roadmap signposting the key elements for a paper to meet the criteria for publication in the top Information Systems journals. Ten dimensions for critically reviewing Information Systems papers were identified in the literature. Considering the importance of having a paper published in a top journal, for both the author and for the institution to which he is affiliated, this paper might be used by researchers wishing to submit papers to top journals, as well as by editors and reviewers who might benefit by reflecting on the standards adopted in peer review systems

    Implications of the Sociotechnical Factors to Knowledge Creation and Sharing in the Context of Enterprise Mobility

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    Knowledge is an asset that supports organization\u27s skills, differentiating working groups, business units, and individuals. In addition, knowledge is considered the main agent for development and innovation. However, to benefit from this asset, organizations and their workers need to be able to identify and exploit, in time, the knowledge required for their strategies and operations. Considering this scenario and observing the estimated growth of 4% per year of mobile workers in Latin America, the present study aims to analyze how socio-technical factors influence the creation and sharing of knowledge in the context of Enterprise Mobility, a context where the work is carried out geographically distant from other actors and also from physical work spaces. Among the results stand out the implications and the challenges of these factors to knowledge creation and knowledge sharing. These results could be better exploited in future researches and potentiate a better orientation to organizations that are in Enterprise Mobility context. El conocimiento es un activo que apoya las habilidades de la organización, diferenciando grupos de trabajo, unidades de negocio e individuos. Además, el conocimiento se considera el principal agente de desarrollo e innovación. Sin embargo, para beneficiarse de este activo, las organizaciones y sus trabajadores deben ser capaces de identificar y explotar, a tiempo, los conocimientos necesarios para sus estrategias y operaciones. Considerando este escenario y observando el crecimiento estimado del 4% anual de los trabajadores móviles en América Latina, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar cómo los factores socio-técnicos influyen en la creación e intercambio de conocimiento en el contexto de la Movilidad Empresarial, un contexto donde el trabajo se lleva a cabo geográficamente alejado de otros actores y también de los espacios físicos de trabajo. Entre los resultados se destacan las implicaciones y los desafíos de estos factores para la creación y el intercambio de conocimientos. Estos resultados podrían aprovecharse mejor en futuras investigaciones y potenciar una mejor orientación a las organizaciones que se encuentran en el contexto de la Movilidad Empresarial. O conhecimento que as organizações acumulam ao longo do tempo constitui um recurso que suporta as competências, diferenciando indivíduos, grupos de trabalho, unidades organizacionais e de negócio. O conhecimento também é considerado o principal agente para o desenvolvimento e inovação. Contudo, para que as empresas possam fazer um melhor uso deste conhecimento é necessário que as mesmas possuam capacidade de identificar, em tempo, o escopo e a localização dos conhecimentos requeridos para a formulação e a operacionalização de suas estratégias. Considerando este cenário e observando a estimativa de crescimento de 4% ao ano de trabalhadores móveis na América Latina, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar de que forma os fatores sociotécnicos influem na criação e compartilhamento do conhecimento em um contexto de Mobilidade Empresarial, contexto onde o trabalho é realizado geograficamente distante de outros atores e também de espaços físicos de trabalho. Entre os resultados destacam-se as implicações destes fatores e os desafios para a criação e o compartilhamento do conhecimento neste contexto. Estes resultados podem ser melhor explorados em pesquisas futuras e potencializam uma melhor orientação para as organizações que se encontram neste contexto de mobilidade

    IT Business Value Model for Information Intensive Organizations

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    Many studies have highlighted the capacity Information Technology (IT) has for generating value for organizations. Investments in IT made by organizations have increased each year. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to analyze the IT Business Value for Information Intensive Organizations (IIO - e.g. banks, insurance companies and securities brokers). The research method consisted of a survey that used and combined the models from Weill and Broadbent (1998) and Gregor, Martin, Fernandez, Stern and Vitale (2006). Data was gathered using an adapted instrument containing 5 dimensions (Strategic, Informational, Transactional, Transformational and Infra-structure) with 27 items. The instrument was refined by employing statistical techniques such as Exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial Analysis through Structural Equations (first and second order Model Measurement). The final model is composed of four factors related to IT Business Value: Strategic, Informational, Transactional and Transformational, arranged in 15 items. The dimension Infra-structure was excluded during the model refinement process because it was discovered during interviews that managers were unable to perceive it as a distinct dimension of IT Business Value