57,474 research outputs found

    Levinson's theorem for the Schr\"{o}dinger equation in two dimensions

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    Levinson's theorem for the Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a cylindrically symmetric potential in two dimensions is re-established by the Sturm-Liouville theorem. The critical case, where the Schr\"{o}dinger equation has a finite zero-energy solution, is analyzed in detail. It is shown that, in comparison with Levinson's theorem in non-critical case, the half bound state for PP wave, in which the wave function for the zero-energy solution does not decay fast enough at infinity to be square integrable, will cause the phase shift of PP wave at zero energy to increase an additional π\pi.Comment: Latex 11 pages, no figure and accepted by P.R.A (in August); Email: [email protected], [email protected]

    PopIII signatures in the spectra of PopII/I GRBs

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    We investigate signatures of population III (PopIII) stars in the metal-enriched environment of GRBs originating from population II-I (PopII/I) stars by using abundance ratios derived from numerical simulations that follow stellar evolution and chemical enrichment. We find that at z>10z>10 more than 1010% of PopII/I GRBs explode in a medium previously enriched by PopIII stars (we refer to them as GRBII\rightarrowIII). Although the formation of GRBII\rightarrowIII is more frequent than that of pristine PopIII GRBs (GRBIIIs), we find that the expected GRBII\rightarrowIII observed rate is comparable to that of GRBIIIs, due to the usually larger luminosities of these latter. GRBII\rightarrowIII events take place preferentially in small proto-galaxies with stellar masses M104.5107M\rm M_\star \sim 10^{4.5} - 10^7\,\rm M_\odot, star formation rates SFR103101M/yr\rm SFR \sim 10^{-3}-10^{-1}\,\rm M_\odot/yr and metallicities Z104102ZZ \sim 10^{-4}-10^{-2}\,\rm Z_\odot. On the other hand, galaxies with Z<102.8ZZ < 10^{-2.8}\,\rm Z_\odot are dominated by metal enrichment from PopIII stars and should preferentially host GRBII\rightarrowIII. Hence, measured GRB metal content below this limit could represent a strong evidence of enrichment by pristine stellar populations. We discuss how to discriminate PopIII metal enrichment on the basis of various abundance ratios observable in the spectra of GRBs' afterglows. By employing such analysis, we conclude that the currently known candidates at redshift z6z\simeq 6 -- i.e. GRB 050904 \cite[][]{2006Natur.440..184K} and GRB 130606A \cite[][]{2013arXiv1312.5631C} -- are likely not originated in environments pre-enriched by PopIII stars.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; MNRAS accepte

    Constraining the PopIII IMF with high-z GRBs

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    We study the possibility to detect and distinguish signatures of enrichment from PopIII stars in observations of PopII GRBs (GRBIIs) at high redshift by using numerical N-body/hydrodynamical simulations including atomic and molecular cooling, star formation and metal spreading from stellar populations with different initial mass functions (IMFs), yields and lifetimes. PopIII and PopII star formation regimes are followed simultaneously and both a top-heavy and a Salpeter-like IMF for pristine PopIII star formation are adopted. We find that the fraction of GRBIIs hosted in a medium previously enriched by PopIII stars (PopIII-dominated) is model independent. Typical abundance ratios, such as [Si/O] vs [C/O] and [Fe/C] vs [Si/C], can help to disentangle enrichment from massive and intermediate PopIII stars, while low-mass first stars are degenerate with regular PopII generations. The properties of galaxies hosting PopIII-dominated GRBIIs are not very sensitive to the particular assumption on the mass of the first stars.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Influences of magnetic coupling process on the spectrum of a disk covered by the corona

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    Recently, much attention has been paid to the magnetic coupling (MC) process, which is supported by very high emissivity indexes observed in Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15 and GBHC XTE J1650-500. But the rotational energy transferred from a black hole is simply assumed to be radiated away from the surrounding accretion disk in black-body spectrum, which is obviously not consistent with the observed hard power-law X-ray spectra. We intend to introduce corona into the MC model to make it more compatible with the observations. We describe the model and the procedure of a simplified Monte Carlo simulation, compare the output spectra in the cases with and without the MC effects, and discuss the influences of three parameters involved in the MC process on the output spectra. It is shown that the MC process augments radiation fluxes in the UV or X-ray band. The emergent spectrum is affected by the BH spin and magnetic field strength at the BH horizon, while it is almost unaffected by the radial profile of the magnetic field at the disk. Introducing corona into the MC model will improve the fitting of the output spectra from AGNs and GBHCs.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&

    The Relativistic Levinson Theorem in Two Dimensions

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    In the light of the generalized Sturm-Liouville theorem, the Levinson theorem for the Dirac equation in two dimensions is established as a relation between the total number njn_{j} of the bound states and the sum of the phase shifts ηj(±M)\eta_{j}(\pm M) of the scattering states with the angular momentum jj: ηj(M)+ηj(M)                                   ˜                                                          \eta_{j}(M)+\eta_{j}(-M)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ={(nj+1)πwhen a half bound state occurs at E=M  and  j=3/2 or 1/2(nj+1)πwhen a half bound state occurs at E=M  and  j=1/2 or 3/2njπ the rest cases.~~~=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} (n_{j}+1)\pi &{\rm when~a~half~bound~state~occurs~at}~E=M ~~{\rm and}~~ j=3/2~{\rm or}~-1/2\\ (n_{j}+1)\pi &{\rm when~a~half~bound~state~occurs~at}~E=-M~~{\rm and}~~ j=1/2~{\rm or}~-3/2\\ n_{j}\pi~&{\rm the~rest~cases} . \end{array} \right. \noindent The critical case, where the Dirac equation has a finite zero-momentum solution, is analyzed in detail. A zero-momentum solution is called a half bound state if its wave function is finite but does not decay fast enough at infinity to be square integrable.Comment: Latex 14 pages, no figure, submitted to Phys.Rev.A; Email: [email protected], [email protected]

    The structural, mechanical, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of t-X3_{3}As4_{4} (X == Si, Ge and Sn) by first-principles calculations

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    The structural, mechanical, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of the t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} (X == Si, Ge and Sn) with tetragonal structure have been investigated by first principles calculations. Our calculated results show that these compounds are mechanically and dynamically stable. By the study of elastic anisotropy, it is found that the anisotropic of the t-Sn3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} is stronger than that of t-Si3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} and t-Ge3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}}. The band structures and density of states show that the t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} (Si, Ge and Sn) are semiconductors with narrow band gaps. Based on the analyses of electron density difference, in t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} As atoms get electrons, X atoms lose electrons. The calculated static dielectric constants, ε1(0)\varepsilon_{1} (0), are 15.5, 20.0 and 15.1 eV for t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} (X == Si, Ge and Sn), respectively. The Dulong-Petit limit of t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} is about 10 J mol1^{\mathrm{-1}}K1^{\mathrm{-1}}. The thermodynamic stability successively decreases from t-Si3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} to t-Ge3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} to t-Sn3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}}.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    Broadband RCS Reduction of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Bandstop Frequency Selective Surface

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    In this article, a simple and effective approach is presented to reduce the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of microstrip patch antenna in ultra broad frequency band. This approach substitutes a metallic ground plane of a conventional patch antenna with a hybrid ground consisting of bandstop Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) cells with partial metallic plane. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach, the influence of different ground planes on antenna’s performance is investigated. Thus, a patch antenna with miniaturized FSS cells is proposed. The results suggest that this antenna shows 3dB RCS reduction almost in the whole out-of operating band within 1-20GHz for wide incident angles when compared to conventional antenna, while its radiation characteristics are sustained simultaneously. The reasonable agreement between the measured and the simulated results verifies the efficiency of the proposed approach. Moreover, this approach doesn’t alter the lightweight, low-profile, easy conformal and easy manufacturing nature of the original antenna and can be extended to obtain low-RCS antennas with metallic planes in broadband that are quite suitable for the applications which are sensitive to the variation of frequencies

    New U(1) Gauge Symmetry of Quarks and Leptons

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    Instead of anchoring the seesaw mechanism with the conventional heavy right-handed neutrino singlet, a small Majorana neutrino mass may be obtained just as well with the addition of a heavy triplet of leptons per family to the minimal standard model of particle interactions. The resulting model is shown to have the remarkable property of accommodating a new U(1) symmetry which is anomaly-free and may thus be gauged. There are many possible phenomenological consequences of this proposal which may be already relevant in explaining one or two recent potential experimental discrepancies.Comment: minor word changes, to appear in MPL

    Frost increases internal potassium requirements for alleviation of sterility and grain yield of wheat

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    Low potassium (K) in topsoils and subsoils is common in the grains belt of West Australia (Weaver and Wong 2011). Frost is increasing in frequency and severity during the spring coinciding with the young microspore stage of pollen development, and is manifest as severe grain yield loss from frost-induced sterility. Our aim was to determine whether K increased wheat crop tolerance to frost during early pollen development and whether this was related to internal K concentrations