43 research outputs found
Peran Badan Pertanahan Nasional Dalam Mengoptimalisasi Penyelesaian Konflik Lahan Desa Maroangin Kecamatan Maiwa Kabupaten Enrekang
This study purposed to find out how the position and the National Land Agency of Enrekang Regency work together with the local government of Enrekang Regency in optimizing conflict resolution. This study used qualitative methods carried out by collecting data through library research, field research in the form of observations, in-depth interviews and document research. The results of this study showed that the role of the Enrekang Regency National Land Agency had been proceeding, it could be seen from the regulator's point of view actually arranging to find out the clarity of the conflict that occurred between PT. PN XIV and the community of Maroangin Village, Maiwa sub-district, aspects of the dynamics of the government both sub-districts and village mobilized participation to maintain the dynamics of regional conflict if the meeting did not get a meeting point. This was a step taken by the government, the facilitator aspect facilitated the government from the sub-district to get and discuss the problems together that were the basis of the conflict. and as an actor so that this problem had not been resolved until now but this land conflict was lingering until now.
Kinerja Dinas Pengendalian Penduduk Dan Keluarga Berencana Di Kabupaten Bone
The aim of this study was to determine the Performance of the Population and Family Planning Control Office in Bone Regency. This study used qualitative with descriptive research type. The number of informants in this study was 5 people. Data collection techniques used document review, observation and interviews. Then data interview results were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results of this study showed that the Performance of the Population and Family Planning Control Office in Bone Regency had not run optimally in carrying out its programs in the community due to the P2KB's could not reach certain areas by informer , such as lonely village and the presence of programs did not run well like the PUP (Marriage Age Maturity) program. The inhibiting factor were some areas that could not be reached aside from that, workers did not yet maximally carry out their duties and the community itself . Also many families did not understand and knew the programs implemented by the P2KB
Program Penyediaan Air Minum Dan Sanitasi Di Kecamatan Tomoni Kabupaten Luwu Timur
This study aimed to determine the evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation programs in Tomoni Subdistrict, East Luwu Regency. This study used a descriptive qualitative research which tried to describe the environmental objective situation in the Timoni sub-district with its research informants as many as six (6) people. Data collection technique used observations, interviews, with a number of informants including sub-district staff, staff of the Public Works Office (PU), staff from the Health Office, water supply company staff, Tomoni sub-district village officials, and the community. The technique of checking the validity of the data used triangulation or method. Data analysis technique used interactive analysis. The results of this study showed that an evaluation of the water supply and sanitation program in Tomoni Subdistrict, East Luwu Regency had been effective, this was evidenced by the implementation of the Pamsimas program in most villages and sub-districts in the Timoni sub-district. But in the implementation there were certainly some obstacles or inhibiting factors: community awareness in maintaining facilities or tools that had been provided by the government, such as; toilets, water pipes, pipelines, water meters and others
The teaching materials used at MTs Muhammadiyah Pubian are only in the form of books and blackboards which make students less understand of the material. The aim of this research is to produce a product in the form of a module based on CTL along with valid and practical teaching aids. This study used the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The subjects of this study were class VIII students of SMP Negeri 3 Metro. The research instruments used included material validation questionnaires, design and language validation questionnaires, and student response questionnaires. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the product met the very valid and practical criteria. The average percentage of the validity test is 84% fulfilling very valid criteria. Furthermore, the results of the product practicality test obtained an average percentage of 79% and met the practical criteria. These results indicate that the developed module can be used in learning.Bahan ajar yang digunakan di MTs Muhammadiyah Pubian hanya berupa buku dan papan tulis saja yang membuat siswa kurang memahami materi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk berupa modul berbasis Contextual Teaching And Learning(CTL) disertai alat peraga yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE yaitu Analisis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Metro. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan antara lain adalah angket validasi materi, angket validasi desain dan bahasa, dan angket respon peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa produk telah memenuhi kriteria sangat valid dan praktis. Rata-rata persentase uji kevalidan sebesar 84% memenuhu kriteria sangat valid. Selanjutnya, hasil dari uji kepraktisan produk diperoleh rata-rata persentase sebesar 79% dan memenuhi kriteria praktis. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa modul yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran
Ciri pendidikan formal yang dianut saat ini antara lain adalah pendidikan merupakan proses yang berkesinambungan dan senantiasa berinteraksi dengan lingkungan (Zamroni, 2000). Hal ini tidak terlepas dari peran ke tiga unsur yaitu dosen sebagai pengajar, sistem pembelajaran sebagai proses dan mahasiswa sebagai peserta didik. Terjadinya kegagalan pendidikan tidak terlepas dari ketiga unsur tersebut, selain itu juga kualitas pengajar, metode pengajaran yang tidak tepat dan peserta didik yang tidak dapat mencapai prestasi yang baik. Oleh karena itu seorang dosen perlu untuk mengetahui gaya belajar mahasiswa. Kegiatan belajar yang berbentuk kuliah atau ceramah mungkin ada mahasiswa yang kurang menarik dan mereka lebih senang terlibat dalam interaksi intelektual antar mahasiswa seperti diskusi kelompok, latihan pemecahan masalah, observasi dan penggunaan multimedia dalam pengajaran.
Beban mata kuliah Fisiologi Veteriner adalah 3 SKS. Mata kuliah Fisiologi Veteriner menuntut kemampuan mahasiswa untuk memahami dengan baik mekanisme dan proses alat dan sistem serta interaksi antar sistem tubuh dalam upaya mencapai keseimbangan yang dinamis (fisiologis). Pemahaman fisiologis tubuh tersebut sangat diperlukan nantinya bagi seorang dokter hewan dalam upaya menegakkan diagnosis suatu penyakit. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu metode pembelajaran yang memperhatikan student learning style dan pemakaian multimedia untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam memahami mata kuliah fisiologi veteriner secara tepat.
Hasil pembelajaran dengan metode student learning style yang dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan multimedia ternyata memberikan dampak positip pada nilai akhir mahasiswa. Hasil kuisener student learning style dengan VARK catalyst menunjukkan bahwa metode belajar mahasiswa dengan cara visual 19%, aural 26%, read/write 28% dan kinesthetic 27%.
Nilai rata-rata kelas mata kuliah Fisiologi Veteriner 64,30 dengan SD 10,33 sehingga perhitungan nilai akhir menggunakan PAP (penilaian acuan patokan). Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa jumlah mahasiswa yang memperoleh nilai A (8,7%), AB (23%), B (25%), BC (21,6%), C (8,1%), D (10,1%) dan E (3,4%).
Berdasarkan hasil tersebut di atas menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran dengan memperhatikan metode belajar mahasiswa yang dikombinasikan dengan cara penyampaian materi kuliah melalui suatu gambar, tabel, diagram alir ataupun grafik yang dapat bergerak akan mempermudah mahasiswa dalam menyerap materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen. Penyampaian materi kuliah dengan metode tersebut ternyata membuat mahasiswa tidak mudah bosan dalam mendengarkan kuliah sehingga ada peningkatan daya konsentrasi. Hal ini karena metode belejar mahasiswa 45% secara visual dan aural
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berat molekul dan selanjutnya asam amino protein fosfatase SHP-1 pada ayam pedaging yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan akibat meningkatnya growth hormone (GH).Penelitian ini menggunakan ayam pedaging Lohman (MB 202 P) dari PT. Multibreeder Indonesia Tbk berjenis kelamin jantan sebanyak 10 ekor. Pada umur 21 hari ayam dipotong untuk diambil sampelnya berupa jaringan untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan berat molekul dengan metode SOS-PAGE (sodium dudecyl sulphat polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses), kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Western Blot. HasH pemeriksaan protein jaringan hepar dengan dot blot menunjukkan bahwa pada jaringan tersebut positif terdapat protein SHP1. Adanya protein SHP1 pada jaringan hepar kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan SOS-PAGE menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pita protein antara marker 55 dengan 84 kOa dengan berat molekul 68 kOa. Pita protein tersebut diduga protein SHP1 karena berat molekul SHP1 68 kOa. Untuk membuktikan pita protein yang terbentuk antara marker 55 dengan 84 kOa adalah protein SHP1 maka dilakukan pemeriksaan Western blot dengan menggunakan mouse monoclonal antibody SHP1· Hasil Western blot menunjukkan canNa terbentuk pita protein yang berarti bahwa ada reaksi antara antigen protein SHP1 dengan antibodi protein SHP1, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa protein SHP1 terdapat pada jaringan hepar dengan berat moleku 68 kOa
Sistem Informasi Pembuatan Kartu Tanda Anggota Nahdatul Ulama Online Menggunakan Metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Abstrak: Pengurus Cabang Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Kabupaten Cirebon adalah lembaga yang berada pada naungan organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia yaitu Nahdlatul Ulama. PCNU Kabupaten Cirebon merupakan lembaga yang mengurusi semua hal tentang Nahdlatul Ulama di Kabupaten Cirebon, seperti tentang keilmuan, pendidikan, serta tentang keanggotaan. Dalam hal keanggotan, Nahdlatul Ulama mengharuskan semua anggota mempunyai Kartu Tanda Anggota Nahdlatul Ulama (Kartanu). Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi Kartnu pada saat ini bukan hanya digunakan untuk tanda identitas saja selain itu juga dapat digunakan untuk pembayaran digital seperti layaknya ATM. Pelayanan pembuatan Kartanu PCNU Kabupaten Cirebon masih menggunakan formulir kertas yang ditulis tangan, Sehingga permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada pembuatan kartanu yaitu sering terjadi kerusakan formulir, penumpukan data, kehilangan data, dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Terkait hal itu penulis merancang sistem pelayanan administrasi yang mampu menjadi solusi dari permasalahan diatas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) dengan model pendekatan Waterfall. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan mengoptimalkan pelayanan pembuatan Kartanu untuk kemudahan anggota dalam membuat Kartanu yang bisa diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun.
Kata kunci : Anggota, Kartu, Nahdatul Ulama, Online, Website
Abstract : The Branch Management of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Cirebon Regency is an institution that is under the auspices of the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, namely Nahdlatul Ulama. PCNU Cirebon Regency is an institution that handles all matters concerning Nahdlatul Ulama in Cirebon Regency, such as science, education, and membership. In terms of membership, Nahdlatul Ulama requires all members to have a Nahdlatul Ulama Member Card (Kartanu). Along with the development of current Kartnu technology, it is not only used for identification, but can also be used for digital payments such as ATMs. PCNU Kartanu Cirebon Regency manufacturing services still use handwritten forms, so the problems that often occur in card making are frequent form breakdowns, data accumulation, data loss, and time consuming. In connection with this, the authors designed an administrative service system that can be a solution to the problems above. The method used in this research is the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method with the Waterfall approach model. The purpose of this research is to improve the quality and optimize the service of making cards for the convenience of members making cards that can be accessed anywhere and anytime.
Keywords: Card, Nahdatul Ulama, Online, Website, Membe
Effect of cdp-choline to reduce the amount of necrosis fibrouse astrocyte in cerebral medula of white rats (rattus novergicus) exposed by methylmercury
The aim of this research was to find out the amount of necrotic fibrous astrocyte that exposed by methylmercury (II) chloride in 30 days, then treated by CDP Choline in 14 days. Before treatment is given,the white rats randomly divided into 5 groups, and every treatment consist of 5 repetitions. All groups weregiven treatment per oral with sonde. P0 as control were given 0.5 ml aquades in 30 days, P1 were given methylmercury(II)chloride 0,02 mg/kg/bw in 30 days, P2 were methylmercury (II) chloride 0,04 mg/kg/bw 30 days, P3 were given methylmercury (II) chloride 0,02 mg/kg/bw in 30 days, then treated by CDP-Choline100mg/kg/bw in 14 days, P4 were given methylmercury(II)chloride 0,04 mg/kg/bw in 30 days, then treated by CDP-Choline 100mg/kg/bw in 14 days. The data was analyzed by ANOVA and to analyze the meandifferences among treatments tested by Duncan's multiple range (Duncan's Multiple Range Test). Results that the amount of necrosis fibrous astrocyte had a significant differences between P0, P1, P3 with P2 and P4.The amount of necrotic fibrous astrocyte in P1 is higher than P3, as well as withthe P2group, that showedthehighest amount of necrotic fibrousastrocytes, when compared with P2, was seen reduction in the amount of necrotic fibrous astrocytes. The conclusion from this study is CDP-choline 100 mg/kg/bw can decrease the amount of necrotic fibrous astrocytes that have been exposed to methylmercury(II) chloride at a dose of 0.02 and 0.04 mg/kg/bw