21,115 research outputs found

    Improved chlorate candle provides concentrated oxygen source

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    Improved chlorate candle is used as a solid, portable source of oxygen in emergency situations. It contains sodium chlorate, iron, barium peroxide, and glass mixed in powdered form. The oxygen evolves from the decomposition of the sodium chlorate when an ignition pellet is electrically initiated

    Comparative study of heat rejection systems for portable life support equipment Final report

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    Comparsion of heat rejection systems for portable life support equipment for earth orbital or lunar surface EV

    Program schemes with deep pushdown storage.

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    Inspired by recent work of Meduna on deep pushdown automata, we consider the computational power of a class of basic program schemes, TeX, based around assignments, while-loops and non- deterministic guessing but with access to a deep pushdown stack which, apart from having the usual push and pop instructions, also has deep-push instructions which allow elements to be pushed to stack locations deep within the stack. We syntactically define sub-classes of TeX by restricting the occurrences of pops, pushes and deep-pushes and capture the complexity classes NP and PSPACE. Furthermore, we show that all problems accepted by program schemes of TeX are in EXPTIME

    Open timelike curves violate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

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    Toy models for quantum evolution in the presence of closed timelike curves (CTCs) have gained attention in the recent literature due to the strange effects they predict. The circuits that give rise to these effects appear quite abstract and contrived, as they require non-trivial interactions between the future and past which lead to infinitely recursive equations. We consider the special case in which there is no interaction inside the CTC, referred to as an open timelike curve (OTC), for which the only local effect is to increase the time elapsed by a clock carried by the system. Remarkably, circuits with access to OTCs are shown to violate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, allowing perfect state discrimination and perfect cloning of coherent states. The model is extended to wave-packets and smoothly recovers standard quantum mechanics in an appropriate physical limit. The analogy with general relativistic time-dilation suggests that OTCs provide a novel alternative to existing proposals for the behaviour of quantum systems under gravity

    Science Education for Citizenship and a Sustainable Future

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    In this article Jerry Wellington argues very strongly in favour of the role of science in citizenship education. He emphasizes the need for knowledge, skills and action and suggests areas and ways in which pupils can be engaged in the struggle for a sustainable future where interdependence and interconnectedness mesh well with notions of equity and justice

    Black Holes with a Generalized Gravitational Action

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    Microscopic black holes are sensitive to higher dimension operators in the gravitational action. We compute the influence of these operators on the Schwarzschild solution using perturbation theory. All (time reversal invariant) operators of dimension six are included (dimension four operators don't alter the Schwarzschild solution). Corrections to the relation between the Hawking temperature and the black hole mass are found. The entropy is calculated using the Gibbons-Hawking prescription for the Euclidean path integral and using naive thermodynamic reasoning. These two methods agree, however, the entropy is not equal to 1/4 the area of the horizon.Comment: plain tex(uses phyzzx.tex), 8 pages, CALT-68-185

    Epitaxial Ferromagnetic Nanoislands of Cubic GdN in Hexagonal GaN

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    Periodic structures of GdN particles encapsulated in a single crystalline GaN matrix were prepared by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. High resolution X-ray diffractometery shows that GdN islands, with rock salt structure are epitaxially oriented to the wurtzite GaN matrix. Scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with in-situ reflection high energy electron diffraction allows for the study of island formation dynamics, which occurs after 1.2 monolayers of GdN coverage. Magnetometry reveals two ferromagnetic phases, one due to GdN particles with Curie temperature of 70K and a second, anomalous room temperature phase.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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