16 research outputs found

    Spike firing and IPSPs in layer V pyramidal neurons during beta oscillations in rat primary motor cortex (M1) in vitro

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    Beta frequency oscillations (10-35 Hz) in motor regions of cerebral cortex play an important role in stabilising and suppressing unwanted movements, and become intensified during the pathological akinesia of Parkinson's Disease. We have used a cortical slice preparation of rat brain, combined with concurrent intracellular and field recordings from the primary motor cortex (M1), to explore the cellular basis of the persistent beta frequency (27-30 Hz) oscillations manifest in local field potentials (LFP) in layers II and V of M1 produced by continuous perfusion of kainic acid (100 nM) and carbachol (5 µM). Spontaneous depolarizing GABA-ergic IPSPs in layer V cells, intracellularly dialyzed with KCl and IEM1460 (to block glutamatergic EPSCs), were recorded at -80 mV. IPSPs showed a highly significant (P< 0.01) beta frequency component, which was highly significantly coherent with both the Layer II and V LFP oscillation (which were in antiphase to each other). Both IPSPs and the LFP beta oscillations were abolished by the GABAA antagonist bicuculline. Layer V cells at rest fired spontaneous action potentials at sub-beta frequencies (mean of 7.1+1.2 Hz; n = 27) which were phase-locked to the layer V LFP beta oscillation, preceding the peak of the LFP beta oscillation by some 20 ms. We propose that M1 beta oscillations, in common with other oscillations in other brain regions, can arise from synchronous hyperpolarization of pyramidal cells driven by synaptic inputs from a GABA-ergic interneuronal network (or networks) entrained by recurrent excitation derived from pyramidal cells. This mechanism plays an important role in both the physiology and pathophysiology of control of voluntary movement generation

    Astrocytic modulation of cortical oscillations

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    Brain waves are rhythmic voltage oscillations emerging from the synchronization of individual neurons into a neuronal network. These oscillations range from slow to fast fluctuations, and are classified by power and frequency band, with different frequency bands being associated with specific behaviours. It has been postulated that at least ten distinct mechanisms are required to cover the frequency range of neural oscillations, however the mechanisms that gear the transition between distinct oscillatory frequencies are unknown. In this study, we have used electrophysiological recordings to explore the involvement of astrocytic K+ clearance processes in modulating neural oscillations at both network and cellular levels. Our results indicate that impairment of astrocytic K+ clearance capabilities, either through blockade of K+ uptake or astrocytic connectivity, enhance network excitability and form high power network oscillations over a wide range of frequencies. At the cellular level, local increases in extracellular K+ results in modulation of the oscillatory behaviour of individual neurons, which underlies the network behaviour. Since astrocytes are central for maintaining K+ homeostasis, our study suggests that modulation of their inherent capabilities to clear K+ from the extracellular milieu is a potential mechanism to optimise neural resonance behaviour and thus tune neural oscillations

    Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisone for initial treatment of multiple myeloma.

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    BACKGROUND: The standard treatment for patients with multiple myeloma who are not candidates for high-dose therapy is melphalan and prednisone. This phase 3 study compared the use of melphalan and prednisone with or without bortezomib in previously untreated patients with multiple myeloma who were ineligible for high-dose therapy. ETHODS: We randomly assigned 682 patients to receive nine 6-week cycles of melphalan (at a dose of 9 mg per square meter of body-surface area) and prednisone (at a dose of 60 mg per square meter) on days 1 to 4, either alone or with bortezomib (at a dose of 1.3 mg per square meter) on days 1, 4, 8, 11, 22, 25, 29, and 32 during cycles 1 to 4 and on days 1, 8, 22, and 29 during cycles 5 to 9. The primary end point was the time to disease progression. RESULTS: The time to progression among patients receiving bortezomib plus melphalan-prednisone (bortezomib group) was 24.0 months, as compared with 16.6 months among those receiving melphalan-prednisone alone (control group) (hazard ratio for the bortezomib group, 0.48; P<0.001). The proportions of patients with a partial response or better were 71% in the bortezomib group and 35% in the control group; complete-response rates were 30% and 4%, respectively (P<0.001). The median duration of the response was 19.9 months in the bortezomib group and 13.1 months in the control group. The hazard ratio for overall survival was 0.61 for the bortezomib group (P=0.008). Adverse events were consistent with established profiles of toxic events associated with bortezomib and melphalan-prednisone. Grade 3 events occurred in a higher proportion of patients in the bortezomib group than in the control group (53% vs. 44%, P=0.02), but there were no significant differences in grade 4 events (28% and 27%, respectively) or treatment-related deaths (1% and 2%). CONCLUSIONS: Bortezomib plus melphalan-prednisone was superior to melphalan-prednisone alone in patients with newly diagnosed myeloma who were ineligible for high-dose therapy. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00111319.

    Intracellular oligomeric amyloid-beta rapidly regulates GluA1 subunit of AMPA receptor in the hippocampus

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    The acute neurotoxicity of oligomeric forms of amyloid-beta 1-42 (Abeta) is implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, how these oligomers might first impair neuronal function at the onset of pathology is poorly understood. Here we have examined the underlying toxic effects caused by an increase in levels of intracellular Abeta, an event that could be important during the early stages of the disease. We show that oligomerised Abeta induces a rapid enhancement of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission (EPSCA) when applied intracellularly. This effect is dependent on postsynaptic Ca(2+) and PKA. Knockdown of GluA1, but not GluA2, prevents the effect, as does expression of a S845-phosphomutant of GluA1. Significantly, an inhibitor of Ca(2+)-permeable AMPARs (CP-AMPARs), IEM 1460, reverses the increase in the amplitude of EPSCA. These results suggest that a primary neuronal response to intracellular Abeta oligomers is the rapid synaptic insertion of CP-AMPARs

    A Role for Calcium-Permeable AMPA Receptors in Synaptic Plasticity and Learning

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    A central concept in the field of learning and memory is that NMDARs are essential for synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Surprisingly then, multiple studies have found that behavioral experience can reduce or eliminate the contribution of these receptors to learning. The cellular mechanisms that mediate learning in the absence of NMDAR activation are currently unknown. To address this issue, we examined the contribution of Ca[superscript 2+]-permeable AMPARs to learning and plasticity in the hippocampus. Mutant mice were engineered with a conditional genetic deletion of GluR2 in the CA1 region of the hippocampus (GluR2-cKO mice). Electrophysiology experiments in these animals revealed a novel form of long-term potentiation (LTP) that was independent of NMDARs and mediated by GluR2-lacking Ca2+-permeable AMPARs. Behavioral analyses found that GluR2-cKO mice were impaired on multiple hippocampus-dependent learning tasks that required NMDAR activation. This suggests that AMPAR-mediated LTP interferes with NMDAR-dependent plasticity. In contrast, NMDAR-independent learning was normal in knockout mice and required the activation of Ca[superscript 2+]-permeable AMPARs. These results suggest that GluR2-lacking AMPARs play a functional and previously unidentified role in learning; they appear to mediate changes in synaptic strength that occur after plasticity has been established by NMDARs.National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) (Grant number 188819)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (grant P50-MH58880)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant number 0543651)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (grant number MH609197)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (MH62122