138 research outputs found

    Attainability of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria: Current Challenges and Future Prospects

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    Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) serve as one of the pro-poor policies aiming at containing the menaceof poverty and hunger, diseases and ignorance, gender disparity and environmental filth. As a time-boundprogramme, it is now less than one year to the expiration of the MDGs. A cursory look of the progress of theprogram around the world shows that while some countries in the Asia have recorded superb progress; sub-Saharan African countries have rather recorded abysmal progress. In view of this, this study sets out to examinethe progress of MDGs in Nigeria so as to uncover the challenges and future prospects of the programme. Adescriptive statistic approach has been employed to scientifically examine the situation using five last goals. Theresults reveal, in the light of current trend, that goal 5 may be met before the deadline i.e. 2015. The resultshowever, suggest that it is highly unlikely for Nigeria to meet the remaining four goals examined. Such factorsas poor funding, high unemployment, inadequate skilled manpower and infrastructural decay are majorlyresponsible for the poor performance. Hence, the recommendations have been offered by the author: that thereshould be efficient and effective funding mechanism so as to checkmate corruption in the process. Also, valuere-orientation system should be formulated through awareness campaign just to garner people’s support andparticipation for the success of the programme.Keywords: MDGs, Time-bound, Descriptive statistics and awarenes

    Copper (I) oxide (Cu2) based solar cells - a review

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    Copper (I) oxide (Cu2O) is a potential material for the fabrication of low cost solar cells for terrestrial application. A detailed survey on the previous work so far carried out on Cu2O based solar cells has been presented. The aspects discussed include the fabrication of Schottky (metal/semiconductor) barrier Cu2O solar cells, where different low work function metals are used to form the Schottky barrier solar cells. The problems associated with the Cu2O Schottky barrier solar cells and efforts made at improving the performance of these solar cells are highlighted. Discussions on heterojunction solar cells with Cu2O have also been presented. Various transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) used in forming the heterojunction cells are mentioned, and successes and failures of using them highlighted. The technological developments of these cells are still in their infancy and the performance remains very poor. The root causes of this poor performance are analyzed and possible areas for future research in the field are outlined. Keyword: Copper (I) oxide, Solar cells, Solar cells, Schottky barrier sola cell

    Foreign Direct Investment - Growth Nexus: The Case of Nigeria

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    The quest by developing countries for increased FDI stems from the assumption that FDI leads to economic benefits within the host country. The study examined the paradigm ‘FDI led growth’ using dataset for Nigeria obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria span between 1970 and 2014. Modern econometric tools of Vector error correction model and Granger Wald test were employed. The econometric analysis reveals that there is steady long run relationship between FDI and output in Nigeria. Additionally, the causality result indicates that there is unidirectional causality between trade openness and per capita income, running from trade openness to per capita income proxy for economic growth. On the other hand, there is absence of short-run causality between FDI and economic growth in Nigeria. The policy implication is that FDI can be considered as an engine of growth and development. In the case of Nigeria, FDI can be used as a tool for structuring the economy and achieving inclusive growth. This can be done by attracting more FDI through creating conducive business environment, development of infrastructures and strengthening security especially in north-eastern part of the country

    Electroless deposition and electrical characterization of N- Cu2O layer

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    This work describes the preparation of n-Cu2O layer by the electroless methods of boiling and immersion of copper plates in 0.001M  CuSO4Electron Microscopy (SEM) have been used to characterize the oxide films deposited. XRD studies show, for the first time, that cuprous oxide (Cu2O) and cupric oxide (CuO) were deposited by the two methods. The dissolution of the oxide layer for boiling above the 60 minutes time was found to be due to the turbulent nature of the boiling solution. There was no dissolution of the oxide layer in the case of the immersion method. The thickness of the films deposited for 60 minutes boiling andthat obtained by the immersion method at the solution pH of 9.83 are approximately 4.8 ìm and 3.8ìm, respectively. The resistivities of the oxide layers were found to be 75.64 Ùcm and 61.32 Ùcm, respectively. Annealing of the sample for 60 minutes by boiling, changes the mixed oxides(Cu2O-CuO) into the single phase Cu2O.Keywords: n-Cu2O deposition, boiling and immersion methods

    Socio-Demographic Determinants of Poverty in Nigeria and its Gender Differentials

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    Poverty reduction is one of the greatest challenges facing international community and it is an invaluable requirement for sustainable development. This study was conducted to empirically examine the influence of socioeconomic as well as demographic variables on households’ vulnerability to social exclusion or deprivation with more emphasis on gender inequality. The study employed binary probit regression analysis of poverty as well as Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition to examine factors responsible for inequality with respect to socio-economic fortunes among Nigerian households. Evidence from the study revealed that socio-demographic variables as well as labor characteristics are strong determinants of poverty in the country, and the findings confirmed to the theoretical propositions on causes of poverty. However, empirical results from the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition show that female headed households are more disadvantaged in terms of socioeconomic deprivation than the male headed households. The study concluded by presenting concluding remarks and policy implications for policymakers toward poverty reduction in Nigeria

    Diffusion and use of information about Ebola salt water therapy by students in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria during 2014 Ebola epidemic in Nigeria

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    This study is aimed at determining the diffusion and use of Ebola salt water therapy information by students in Ahmadu Bello  University (ABU) Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria. Using qualitative case study approach, the researcher adopted Electronic  Word-of-Mouth communication (eWOM) model as a guide. The researcher used 58 electronic narratives from Short Messaging Services (SMS), Twitter, and Facebook used in the diffusion of Ebola salt water therapy information by the ABU students during the 2014 Ebola epidemic and conducted one-on-one interviews with 19 participants that have discussed in social media, received the call, or massage on and practiced Ebola salt water therapy. The study found that the information about Ebola salt water therapy diffused among ABU students through electronic and  interpersonal means of communication by their close relations and opinion leaders, also the students used the information because of fear and the repeated number of calls and messages they received. The research recommended that the University Health Services Unit of ABU should have official online social platform for diffusion and discussion of health related matters where  professionals will respond and attend to students’ questions and complaints

    Heavy Metals Source Apportionment and Human Health Risk Assessment of Contaminated Soils of Zamfara State, Nigeria

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    Progressive illegal artisanal mining activities threaten public health without functional law enforcement on pollution control and proper management practices. This is not an exception of Zamfara State, Nigeria, where a large portion of the populace participates in artisanal mining. The study was conducted to assess the level of health risk associated with heavy metals contaminated soils of Zamfara state, Nigeria. Soil samples were collected from five mining locations (Abare, Bagega, Dareta, Sunke, and Tungar Kudaku) and Anka-town (control site) with no record of mining activities. In each place, bulked soil samples were collected from three sites (mining site, processing site, and village), and the concentration of six heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn, and Ni) in all the samples were analyzed. The result of the principal component analysis and correlation analysis revealed that Pb, Zn, Cr, and Ni originated from the same source, i.e., anthropogenic/mining activities. While Fe and Cd originated from the geogenic processes because of their high abundance in the soil of the study area, as Anka-town (control site) also recorded high concentrations of Fe and Cd. Health risk assessments were carried out in two groups of population (adult and children) through three exposure pathways (i.e., ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation). The results showed that ingestion dominated dermal contact and inhalation pathways, and Fe is the riskiest metal while Cd and Ni have the lowest risk of exposure for daily intakes. The non-cancer hazard quotient (HQ) values were all recorded below 1. For the total hazard index (THI), all the adult's exposure pathways were negligible, while for children, only Bagega has ingestion of heavy metals exceeding one (1.10), indicating that non-cancer health risks for children exist. The other four mining locations, Abare, Sunke, Tunga, and Dareta, have values approaching one (i.e., 0.71, 0.60, 0.50, and 0.74, respectively). While for Anka town, which is the control site, it has a value far less than one (0.16). These indicate that all the study locations have the potential for children's health risk through ingesting food produced from contaminated soils. Therefore, there is an urgent need to apply remediation measures immediately to combat complications raised due to heavy metal contaminations

    Studies of some risk factors for re-introduction and spread of highly-pathogenic avian influenza in two states of Nigeria

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) occurred in Nigeria about seven years ago affecting a wide range of avian species and human. HPAI being a major emerging zoonosis and a devastating disease of birds occupies the topmost position in the World Organisation for Animal Health list A poultry diseases . It requires emergency responses to speedily detect and control outbreaks, avoid spread and prevent  future reoccurrence. Risk assessment links disease ecology with farmer's attitudes and practices in the agent-host environment relationship. As an example, a qualitative risk assessment was conducted on poultry farmer-risk practices for the introduction and spread of HPAI in two north eastern States of Nigeria. High risk based poultry management and marketing procedures, inadequate poultry housing were areas of major concern in these states. Future high risk of AI reintroduction and spread still existed, early detection enabling prompt implementation of control strategies where given undue attention. Recent global advances in AI control strategies could only be of value with early outbreak detection. Farmers must change attitudes towards adapting biosecurity measures, improvement in early detection skills would assist preparedness in the efforts to rapidly detect and act against future HPAI outbreak in Nigeria. Key words: Risk factors, avian influenza, spread, Nigeri

    Compaction Behaviour of Lateritic Soils Stabilized with Blends of Groundnut Shell Ash and Metakaolin

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    The study investigates the potential of groundnut shell ash (GSA) - Metakaolin (MK) blend for stabilization of lateritic soil, with a view to improving the properties of lateritic soils for road construction. In flexible pavements lateritic soil are used as materials for sub-grade and sub-base construction. In some cases lateritic soils pose serious challenges when encountered as road construction materials due to the presence of clay. The soil was classified as A-2-6(0) and CL according to the American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials (AASHTO) and Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Classifications. Chemical analysis revealed that the soil is lateritic soil due to the Silica - sesquioxide ratio which falls within the ranged 1.33 to 2.00 as defined by Bell (1993). The soil was stabilized with increment of 2-10% GSA and 5-25%MK by weight of the dry soil. The laboratory tests were carried out using three energy levels such as British Standard light (BSL), British Standard heavy (BSH) and West African Standard (WAS). California bearing ratio (CBR), Unconfined Compressive strength (UCS), and Compaction test were also carried out. The result obtained showed a decrease in plasticity index (PI), Liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), and water absorption. There was an increase in Maximum dry density (MDD) with increase in GSA and MK contents in the mix proportions used. There was also improvement in the CBR which resulted to an optimum of 36%, 154% and 81% using BSL, BSH and WAS compactive effort respectively; which met the acceptable requirement for sub-grade, sub-base and base course of highly trafficked roads in Nigeria. The UCS values at 7 days cured of 402, 731 and 530kN/m2 fell short of 1710kN/m2 and 1034.25kN/m2 evaluated in the criteria recommended by TRRL road Note: 31 and Nigerian General Specification for Road and Bridges. The durability of specimen met 80% resistant to loss in strength. Keywords: Metakaolin, Subgrade, Sesquioxide, California bearing ratio, Unconfined compressive strengt